e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $199
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e-GMAT Online Intensive
 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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Most Reviewed e-GMAT Instructors

Payal Tandon
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Rajat Sadana
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Krishna Chaitanya
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Shraddha Jaiswal
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May 03, 2013

Joined: Jun 11, 2012

Posts: 12

Kudos: 217

Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I am thrilled to report that I scored 740 (Q48, V42). I am your average Joe (Jolie) and I believe that, if I can score 700+, then most people can.

At the beginning, the exam seemed to be very difficult. I scored a sore 530 on my first mock – Kaplan free test. The worst part was I scored a mere 23 on verbal. I used to think that with my convent education and a degree in economics, verbal would be my strength but the test told me otherwise. At this time, all I could hope for was to get close to 700. 740 seemed out of question.

Preparation - books and materials
I started off my preparation with the MGMAT books. I read the Number properties, Equations & Inequalities and word translations for quant and the SC, CR & RC books for Verbal. On Verbal, the SC book was quite good but I found the CR and RC books to be average. 2 months into my prep, I was already hitting 630s on the MGMAT exams.

At this time, I decided that I needed a prep course to boost my verbal. After considering Vertias, MGMAT and Kaplan, I decided on e-GMAT’s live course because of its focus on verbal. This course took my preparation to the next level. The SC concepts that I learned through MGMAT were crystal clear after going through this course. Two other things helped me a lot on SC. Firstly the fact that the course is very heavy on application. There are these application files that don’t teach you anything but to apply what you have learned. Secondly, they have this OG solutions video course that is awesome. The downside is that such solutions are only available for SC and not for CR.

The CR course when combined with live sessions is really good too. It helped me weave through the logic of arguments and provided me an approach for most CR questions types. My accuracy just shot up. I would definitely recommend this course if you need help on verbal. This course played a major role in improving my verbal from 30 to 42.

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May 03, 2013

Joined: Nov 21, 2011

Posts: 16

Kudos: 25

Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I gave my GMAT an year back and scored a decent 750 (Q50, V41). This course helped me improve from V32 to V41. I had read multiple books (Kaplan and MGMAT series) but could not push my mock scores beyond V32 - 60 percentile, clearly not acceptable. Desperate for improvement I looked for help. I found two companies that fit my budget – GMATPill and e-GMAT. After asking people around, I went for e-GMAT (thanks to Vinnik for recommendation). They teach SC using logic, something that came very intuitively to me. I knew most of the rules but was not aware of the logic behind those. Once you understand those, applying them became a lot easier. This helped me improve. SC became fun.

In CR, the Prethinking approach helped a lot in improving accuracy for more difficult questions.

Overall, the course gave me much more structured approach towards my prep. Overall, the course provided me with a lot more clarity. Check it out if you need help on Verbal.

Much easier and more effective than reading a book, I would recommend this course to those looking for serious improvement on verbal.

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April 30, 2013

Joined: Feb 19, 2012

Posts: 5

Kudos: 12

Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I gave my GMAT in November 2012 and scored a poor 630(Q 48 V 27). I considered myself pretty good with English grammer but GMAT verbal seemed to be an eye opener. All these years of staying away from college and doing a 9-5 job had made me rusty. I figured out that although there was no lack of effort on my part, i need to get the real feel of the GMAT and need to practice high quality questions akin to the GMAT questions.

Thats when I read about E-gmat on GMATclub. i tried a few live sessions on e-gmat sc and thought it was worth a try.

So I purchased the e-gmat SC, CR , RC +Grockit course.. This course is a decent bargain. I attended a few live sessions and found them pretty useful.I ended up making a few friends during these live sessions and it helped to discuss stuff with them during the course of the study.

The SC concepts and quiz are excellent.It is a very structured approach to learning SC from the basics. At times i found it to be too much in detail - but i guess its very good for a non native speaker.
The SC solution videos to the GMAT verbal review 2 SC questions helped a lot as well.

The SC live sessions were good and helped me understand the intricate details in SC. But i feel time management is a problem as the sessions stretch way beyond the scheduled time.

The best part of SC was i could post any doubts that crept in my mind on e-gmat forum. Shraddha and Payal ensured that they responded to all my questions and cleared even the silliest of doubts. Shraddha you were my savior!!

I found the CR live sessions hosted by Rajat very useful. Rajat has excellent clarity and the idea of pre thinking in CR really helps in improving accuracy on CR. However i felt the CR concepts and quiz were too much in detail and i found it boring to go through them at times. The CR section was covered in too much detail and it tweaked further.May be other users would beg to differ with me.

In my humble opinion, i didn't find much use of the RC concepts.

I figured out that the only way to be good at RC is to practice a lot of RC questions and figure out my own strategy.

There are few typos and errors with both SC and CR questions and the software does let you down once in a while :(

After finishing all the e-gmat, concepts , quiz and live sessions i gave myself 3 weeks to revise Verbal and Quant. I gave a few prep tests and scored around 700-730.

I tried a few questions from Grockit as well just to test myself every now and then. I think it did help me to access my problem areas.

I gave my GMAT on 15 April and got a decent 720(Q 49 V 40).

Unfortunately on the test day I was down with fever and couldn't give it my best shot.
It was a big improvement from my previous score of 630 (Q 48 V 27).
I would thank e-gmat for helping me achieve a verbal score improvement from 27 to 40.
I would really like to also thank Rajat, Payal and Archana for helping me out in every way possible.
Wouldn't have been possible without you all!

I understand that E-gmat has a few minor shortcomings as mentioned before, but in my humble opinion E-gmat is still the BEST GMAT VERBAL course available!!!

PS: I can be a little picky at times and hard on people. The minor shortcomings i mentioned shouldn't be treated as criticism but can be used to make e-gmat even better for all the aspiring students in near future.

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April 23, 2013

Joined: Mar 28, 2013

Posts: 3

Kudos: 22

Self-reported Score:
750 Q51 V39

Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 750 (Q51, V39) after scoring 640 in the first mock test. I took e-GMAT’s Verbal Online course. The e-GMAT course, especially the SC section was extremely helpful to move my score a notch higher. I found their SC content to be very specific, precise and applicable. Their material is very specific as it provides a clear set of tools and strategy to attack an SC problem of any level. Evidently, my consistency in SC section improved drastically, and more importantly I became much more confident with this section, which helped me further refine my strategy.

Also, one of the founders of e-GMAT, Rajat Sadana was very helpful in guiding me through my GMAT preparation, especially when my exam date was closing by. I really liked having someone much more experienced guide me by specifically looking at my previous CAT performances and helping me design an optimum strategy for the actual exam.

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April 20, 2013

Joined: Feb 18, 2013

Posts: 8

Kudos: 30

Self-reported Score:
750 Q49 V44

Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I tried the e-GMAT course after having (or at least tried to) go through books.

e-GMAT courses - As a working professional, I found that the online resources are much better. I never thought I would say this, even after sitting in front of a computer for the better part of the day however they are much more tolerable on weekdays and one can easily spend 90 minutes on them. The egmat courses are really nice. Their SC meaning based approach does a much better job of tackling SC than MGMAT does. You retain much more as well. Prethinking and Bold Face in CR is very good too. For RC, this is the first real course that taught something. Overall, the live sessions compliment the leanings in the course very well.

In addition, I also looked at economist GMAT and Grockit. The both have a number of practice questions. Although the explanations in Economist GMAT were better, Grockit was free for me and complemented the e-GMAT course well.

One of the downside of online resources is that they don't work well on Tablets. Hence, you cant take them outside.

The best thing that I liked about this course is focus on fundamentals. It did not teach me tricks. After going through the course, I was able to solve most official questions easily. Moreover, I was confident of my answers in GMAT Prep question pack 1 - something which I was not after going through the MGMAT books.

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April 19, 2013

Joined: May 31, 2012

Posts: 9

Kudos: 13

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Hi Everybody,

I had signed up for the egmat course after giving my GMAT for the 1st time. The course was indeed good. Firstly,it is economical and secondly audio visual learning is an effective method of learning the concepts. I would say that there was not many new things I learnt, but the clarity of concepts learnt improved greatly. The efficacy in spotting errors improved. When I say this, let me tell you the best course which fits in here is Sentence Correction. They have loads of questions to apply and reinforce the concept in your mind.

As regards Critical reasoning,they use the pre thinking approach. Truly speaking, I dont follow this approach and have my own way of solving CR problems. They dont have a separate UGE for RC which is leaves you with less questions top practice with.

Then finally comes the RC part. Here too E GMAT does a good job of segregating the question types. But again there is no UGE here so less practice questions.

All in all,I would say that you can complement your study material with E GMAT. You will surely not repent. Moreover it is a verbal focussed course unlike other test prep companies which focus more on quant.

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April 16, 2013

Joined: Sep 18, 2012

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

When I started my preparation ,I was looking at different courses specifically for Verbal.
I found the e-Gmat course which is one of the good investment I have done for the preparation.
So far, I have used only SC course. Sentence correction course provides a an excellent approach to tackle the SC questions and the Instructor Shraddha is a fantastic.

Online SC course complemented with live sessions is THE BEST course. Breaking the sentences into smaller and logic groups sounds initially hard but it greatly helps in understanding the meaning and accuracy. I hope e-Gmat other courses will also be as good as SC. I am excited to start my RC sessions in coming weeks.

Anyone who is having a bit of trouble in understanding long and complex SC problems then go for e-Gmat course...!

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April 15, 2013

Joined: Apr 15, 2013

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Kudos: 0

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

“I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 730 (Q48, V44). I took e-GMAT’s Verbal Live course and e-gmat was a big contributor to this significant increase in my verbal score. Your SC live sessions helped me a lot. Like most others, I was one of the rebellious ones who had doubts about the approach e-GMAT suggested. I was concerned that the approach will take lot of time but once I got used to the 3 step method, I could complete the answers in less than 2 mines - as you have been saying all along.

I also need to mention about the RC tutorials. The detailed analysis of all the answer choices, including the wrong answer choice patterns was a GREAT help.

I have tired both VERITAS and Manhattan course, the two most expensive and supposedly the best courses available but didn’t the score I expected. Ultimately, help came from the lesser known courses such as yours and Grockit. One thing is for sure, e-gmat's RC course is one of the best we have in the market at the moment. Thanks e-GMAT. Especially Payal. You are truely amazing. It really shows that you want us to do well”

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April 15, 2013

Joined: Nov 19, 2012

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Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Hello friends, I gave my GMAT in Nov & got a dismal 500 (Q43, V-18) & after that I enrolled in E-GMAT V- online course. On April'4th, my score was 630 (Q-48, V-29). I would mention categorically that this significant jump in Verbal was only due to E-GMAT.

Take for instance- SC--> Verb ing modifier uses..(or) how common errors could be created using "Like".
RC - diff types of Qtns,
CR- how to pre-think for each type of Qtn & more important was how to identify which answer choice is with in the scope & how it impacts the conclusion.

You name it & they have it for each element of Verbal for GMAT. This course is simply amazing.

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April 14, 2013

Joined: Feb 17, 2013

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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e-gmat SC course is an excellent resource for any GMAT taker. It really breaks down the SC concepts into nice logical way so that one can really start applying the concepts right away. The best part is the way the course creators have logically grouped the most tested concepts in the course. Also, the examples and the quiz in the course nicely compliment to the concepts provided in the course.

For me personally, the course has increased my confidence level in tackling the SC questions. I have been scoring high in all my GMAT prep tests particularly SC. I highly recommend this course for any non-native speaker.

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