April 15, 2013

Joined: Apr 15, 2013

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Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

“I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 730 (Q48, V44). I took e-GMAT’s Verbal Live course and e-gmat was a big contributor to this significant increase in my verbal score. Your SC live sessions helped me a lot. Like most others, I was one of the rebellious ones who had doubts about the approach e-GMAT suggested. I was concerned that the approach will take lot of time but once I got used to the 3 step method, I could complete the answers in less than 2 mines - as you have been saying all along.

I also need to mention about the RC tutorials. The detailed analysis of all the answer choices, including the wrong answer choice patterns was a GREAT help.

I have tired both VERITAS and Manhattan course, the two most expensive and supposedly the best courses available but didn’t the score I expected. Ultimately, help came from the lesser known courses such as yours and Grockit. One thing is for sure, e-gmat's RC course is one of the best we have in the market at the moment. Thanks e-GMAT. Especially Payal. You are truely amazing. It really shows that you want us to do well”

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