April 15, 2013

Joined: Nov 19, 2012

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Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Hello friends, I gave my GMAT in Nov & got a dismal 500 (Q43, V-18) & after that I enrolled in E-GMAT V- online course. On April'4th, my score was 630 (Q-48, V-29). I would mention categorically that this significant jump in Verbal was only due to E-GMAT.

Take for instance- SC--> Verb ing modifier uses..(or) how common errors could be created using "Like".
RC - diff types of Qtns,
CR- how to pre-think for each type of Qtn & more important was how to identify which answer choice is with in the scope & how it impacts the conclusion.

You name it & they have it for each element of Verbal for GMAT. This course is simply amazing.

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