Menlo Coaching Admissions Consulting Reviews

At Menlo Coaching, we offer a comprehensive, personalized MBA admissions coaching program to a select group of global applicants to top MBA programs.  We help you tell your story, so that an admissions committee will see you, not just a pile of test scores and work experience.  We enjoy helping applicants of all kinds: domestic and international, from industries like private equity, banking, consulting, tech, healthcare, military, and more.  Some clients want to accelerate a successful career; others see the MBA as their last chance to pivot or catch up with their peers.  Find out more at
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Most Reviewed Menlo Coaching Consultants

Alice van Harten
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Rebecca Heath Anderson
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David White
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Yaron Dahan
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Leslie Monstavicius
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November 20, 2021

Joined: Apr 16, 2018

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The VERY best mentor and application experience


Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Alice van Harten

I’m really grateful to work with Alice and the rest of Menlo Coaching team for my R1 application this year. Like a lot of people who have been through this process, I felt really overwhelmed at the beginning, facing a tight schedule to prepare the GMAT while having a quite busy job. Alice not only helped me to figure out the timeline that perfectly fit but also offered tremendous guidance of how to relax and be focus. She has been such an insightful and effective mentor along the way!

As we were drafting the essays, it was beyond my expectations of how responsive and patient Alice was to whatever questions or worries I had. Her expertise and dedication in crafting compelling essays are incredible and so effective. Rounds after rounds of editing has improved my essays to an entirely new level. And she’s always willing to even give it a final little push. As she said, she wanted it to be as perfect as possible. And most importantly, I can tell that Alice truly cares about my story and she can always help me to discover the deeper side of it. This is just invaluable as I’ve learned more about myself during the past few months and felt more confident facing the upcoming challenges.

Alice has been a professional coach, an inspiring mentor and a great friend! She’s is the top in the business and someone you can truly count on during your MBA application. I can’t recommend Alice and Menlo Coaching team more strongly and it’s going to be great journey working with Alice!

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May 21, 2021

Joined: May 30, 2020

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Pascal Stands Out Among The Rest!

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Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Pascal Michels

If you are on the market for an MBA consultant, look no further than Pascal of Menlo Coaching. I spent weeks interviewing various MBA consultants and could not be happier that I decided to work with Pascal. From my experience, the three key differentiators between Menlo Coaching and other consultants are the following: (i) personalization of the consulting process, (ii) time invested, and (iii) complementary resources.
First, Pascal recognizes that every MBA applicant is different. As a female from a "non-traditional" sales background, Pascal encouraged me to lean into the parts of my life that make me unique. Throughout the application process he so adeptly helped me create a narrative that highlighted these differences. Pascal ensures that the admissions committees are presented with a 360 degree view of you as a person, not just you as an applicant. Pascal spends the requisite time (and then some) understanding his clients so that he can help you present your best, most holistic self in your applications.
Second, and most importantly, Pascal cares. He demonstrates this by investing as much time and energy as is necessary to help you present your best possible self to the adcoms. There were countless times I sent Pascal panic emails asking him to hop on a call to discuss a component of an application or to review one last essay or email. He was there to assist no matter the time or situation.
Lastly, outside of the one-on-one time that is spent with your consultant, Menlo offers group applicant sessions, coaching from external communication coaches, and mock interview prep with Menlo consultants. During the group sessions I was able to ask questions to other Menlo applicants and receive valuable feedback on my essays and resume.
To help applicants prepare for interviews, Menlo facilitates one-on-one sessions with professional communication coaches and provides mock interview prep with Menlo interview consultants. If you are someone that struggles with interviews I would 10/10 recommend Menlo for these resources alone.
Candidly, I underestimated how arduous the MBA application process would be for me. If it weren't for Pascal and his constant encouragement I'm not sure I would have been able to hit those submit buttons! Now I have acceptances from Columbia and Kellogg and am sitting on the Stanford waitlist (fingers crossed!). I cannot recommend Pascal and Menlo Coaching enough.

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May 20, 2021

Joined: Mar 29, 2020

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I worked with Rebecca Anderson throughout my MBA application process, and I could not be happier. She made a process that is long and full of self-doubt, one that was exciting and hopeful. I cannot stress how grateful I am to have had her by my side. With Rebecca’s guidance, I was able to secure admission to Booth (attending), Kellogg, Columbia, Fuqua, Tuck, and Stern with ~580K in scholarship funds! This was surprising because I had an average background (tier 2-3 consulting, top 50 school, interested in consulting/banking) relative to the MBA applicant pool. Rebecca helped me stand out by supporting me in understanding and telling my story. I'm confident that this is what helped me secure the acceptances I did and I don't think this cycle would have been successful without her and the broader Menlo team. Looking back, a few things stood out to me about Rebecca and Menlo.

Rebecca-Specific Feedback

Intake: When I was “shopping around” for an MBA admissions consultant, I came across numerous consultants who asked 15-20 questions in rapid-fire style and wanted to make my profile fit into those they previously found success with. Rebecca is the first admissions consultant I met who (1) listened with warmth and (2) provided me with honesty. Rebecca listened to me talk about my background (personal + professional), what I wanted out of the application process and an MBA, and what I was nervous about. She asked probing questions and her ability to “read the person” and be comfortable with silence gave me the space I needed to be vulnerable and brainstorm out loud (versus pivoting to the next question for the sake of time). When I asked other consultants if I should “beef up” my extracurriculars, they encouraged me to add a few more things to my plate at the last minute. Rebecca, however, told me that my efforts were better spent on the GMAT and digging into why I chose the career/extracurriculars I did and how they connect to my personality traits (especially because starting new activities 5-6 months before application deadlines could seem insincere). Rebecca’s willingness to listen, prioritize, and not force-fit her clients into rigid boxes made me confident that she’d want the best for me and help me draw my story out in the most convincing and authentic way possible (which she did!).

Pre-Application Preparation: When I began this process with Menlo, I was working 80-90 hours/week and was extremely overwhelmed, but wanted to get my MBA ASAP. Rebecca recognized this and broke up tasks into bite-sized pieces so that I could get through school research and networking on time. At multiple points, I was still afraid of having to push my application cycle back by a year. Whenever this happened, Rebecca took the time to schedule a call with me to work through my anxiousness, encourage me to keep my 'eyes on the prize", and prioritize "must-have" versus "nice to have" activities so that I could be as efficient as possible with my time. Rebecca also adapted to my schedule – she made herself extremely available and provided comments/guidance as fast as possible so that I could have more flexibility with timelines. Even before essays were released, she put immense effort into making sure that I could hit the ground running. Additionally, Rebecca brought in other members of the Menlo team (i.e., David) to get their perspective on how to best position me. By the end of this "preliminary" process, I felt very comfortable with where I was headed and my trust in Rebecca became incredibly strong. 

Personal Story / Essay Writing: 

When I first started with this process, I wasn’t sure if and how personal events impacted my professional and personal interests and overall outlook on life. I also didn’t know if the experiences I had were worth sharing in an admissions essay. During this process, Rebecca not only functioned as my admissions consultant but also as my “therapist”. She talked to me about the events that had happened in my life with warmth and without an iota of judgment, and she helped me connect those events to the professional and personal decisions I later made. To this day, I have never shared as much about these situations as I did with Rebecca. She created a safe, trusting environment in which I could brainstorm with her to understand myself and the impacts of what I had experienced better. By the end of the process, I had a lot more clarity on who I was as a person and what I care about. I became more comfortable and confident in myself - something that I think will serve me well as I start school in the fall. 

From a timeline perspective, I had a month off between jobs while writing essays. Rebecca had the foresight to know that my next job would be busy / that I might need time to re-take the GMAT, so she encouraged me to complete all my essays that month while studying for the GMAT. Although this was a bit of a mad dash, Rebecca made it manageable. She set up daily, 15-minute touch-points with me for 4 weeks straight to align on priorities for the day and ensure that everything was getting done in a timely fashion. She also made sure to provide comments/edits overnight (including weekends) to make sure that I used my time off well. The time difference was also great - it enabled me to work on edits in my evening and receive edits from her in the morning (via email and Zoom call). 

I'd also like to add that I am not a big fan of writing / not very good at it. Rebecca did an amazing job of helping me make my thoughts more cohesive, coherent, and concise. My writing at work has also improved as a result! Overall, Rebecca’s background in journalism, listening skills, and ability to ask the right questions at the right time is what ultimately enabled me to get into my dream school with a large scholarship. 

Additionally, I did have to move my applications from R1 to R2 to allow time to retake the GMAT. Even when this happened, Rebecca provided ample feedback in updating my resume/essays to account for my latest professional experiences (and even if this might have been logistically challenging for her, she still made sure that she had my back). 

GMAT Retake: The GMAT was a long process for me and I ended up having to push my applications from R1 to R2 to buy time to increase my score. Throughout the process, Rebecca provided me with references to tutors, ample encouragement, and honesty (she made it clear that increasing my GMAT score is what would make the difference at my dream schools….even if it was a painful process in the short-run). She never sugar-coated things, but she also made sure that she provided me with the moral support I needed to do my best. When I was re-taking the GMAT, I had also just switched jobs and was working 70-80 hours/week. Having her support during this time was invaluable in driving to the result.

Menlo-Specific Feedback

Menlo provides a “surround sound” experience that is worth every penny. I came into the process knowing nothing and Menlo helped me come up to speed rapidly and supported me throughout the way. The team is extremely detail-oriented (e.g., welcome packets, interview notecards, the thorough organization in Basecamp) and brings in additional team members, as needed (e.g., Obinna for mock interview prep, Fearless Communicators training, Chris the in-house Menlo GMAT coach (also the best tutor I’ve worked with!)). What I loved about Menlo is the (1) “humanized” approach and (2) their support for others. Menlo never tried to cut corners with me or fit me into a box. They wanted me to do my best and provided the resources necessary for me to do so (including connecting me with a few previous Menlo clients). Additionally, Menlo knows when they need to bring in experts, outside of the "core" team (e.g., interview prep, Fearless Communicators). They never compromise on quality!

Hiring Rebecca and Menlo was one of the best decisions I’ve made and I highly doubt I’d be matriculating at Booth with >50% scholarship without them. The dedication Rebecca shows to her clients is astounding and she is a phenomenal person to boot! I felt like I was in good hands the entire time, and gained a friend in the process. Although Menlo was more expensive than some other consultants, I knew the application process would be grueling. The option to work without time limits made a huge difference in my case. I highly recommend you join the Menlo ecosystem – they will have your back and this is a one-stop-shop for MBA success!

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May 13, 2021

Joined: Mar 02, 2020

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Self-reported Score:
770 Q49 V46

Round Two Application: Seven Acceptances + $400k In Scholarships

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When I started my consulting search, I anticipated applying to nine schools in round two and was attracted to Menlo’s all-inclusive package. Rebecca and the entire Menlo team did not disappoint and now that I’m on the other end of my application cycle, I have no regrets working with them! In particular, Rebecca was incredibly professional yet personable and helped me assemble the best applications I feel possible.

Rebecca helped me in a number of ways: pushing me to improve my GMAT, aiding me in developing my personal story, managing timelines across various application items, and interfacing with my recommenders. Starting in the summer before my application cycle, I was scoring in the low-to-mid 700’s and Rebecca continued to push me to retake the exam and even recommended GMAT tutors until I got my score up to 770. Had it not been for Rebecca, I might’ve given up and settled for my previous score instead of pushing for my very best.

At the early stages of preparing my essays, we combed through my personal story and discussed introspectively about my experiences. While I was reticent to discuss sensitive subjects from my childhood and past, I felt like Rebecca was genuinely invested in my outcomes and was tactful in her handling of such issues. Also, since I chose to apply to MBA programs without my employer’s knowledge, I was dreading having to ask co-workers and work with them on my recommendation letters in secrecy. However, Rebecca made the process seamless in helping answer my recommenders’ questions and time-management across so many schools.

While it seemed unrealistic to apply to so many schools, we were able to finish all my applications on time and I am thrilled with the results. Out of the nine schools I applied to, I was interviewed at eight and accepted into seven including the following schools: HBS, Wharton, Booth, Haas, Columbia, Yale SOM & Duke Fuqua. Combined across those schools, I was offered $400,000 in merit scholarships, which I don’t think I would’ve received otherwise.

I am incredibly grateful for Rebecca’s help and guidance in the process. I would unquestionably recommend her to other prospective applicants!

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May 10, 2021

Joined: May 10, 2021

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Great Consultant! Happy I went with Rebecca and Menlo Coaching!

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I am so happy to have had Rebecca by my side throughout the MBA application as she was my MBA rock. I selected Menlo Coaching for their expertise and insight but I didn't realize how important the emotional support would be during this process. The MBA process makes you question your sanity sometimes. It was so nice to have a cool, calm, level-headed person like Rebecca by my side to keep me grounded. The MBA process is a very intimate process and it requires you to dig deep so you want someone you can trust. Rebecca is approachable, warm and I never felt judged. By nature, I am not a writer and do not particularly like it. Rebecca did a great job of helping to edit and shape my essays into a cohesive story that highlighted my strengths. The benefit of Menlo Coaching's consulting package is there is no limit on the amount of coaching you can receive. We worked on my essays and MBA resume until it was in a state where we were both happy with it and I never once needed to worry about counting hours.

Menlo Coaching provides a top-notch white-glove experience. Every step and detail in the process has been thoughtfully planned out. I enjoyed the welcome package I received at the beginning (comic + interview flashcards) and all the different modules in basecamp with videos and attachments. Different specialists were pulled in at different stages of the application process to help but Rebecca was there the entire time for a seamless experience. In the beginning, David, Rebecca, and I all talked about my school selection together. Later on, I worked with Fearless Communicators on my interviewing skills (body language and presence) while Obinna helped me with interview answers (content).

I applied to a mix of part-time and full-time programs and was admitted to 3 of my 5 schools, including my top choice program Chicago Booth. I was able to negotiate a scholarship at Booth with Rebecca's help which I ended up accepting.

Hiring Rebecca and Menlo Coaching was a great decision and I know I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did without them.

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May 04, 2021

Joined: Feb 17, 2017

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10/10 Best Consultant There Is


Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Alice van Harten

I first reached out Alice early on in the application process through her Early Birds Program (1-2 years before applying). She was instrumental in helping me use my time effectively leading up to the application process which included guiding me towards which classes to take and which career moves made the most sense for me in order to bolster my profile but also position me best to reach my post-MBA goals. During the application process Alice was extremely responsive and professional while also making the experience extremely personalized and tailored based on my goals. She was always available to answer questions across various aspects of the application process including reviewing my resume, school trips, mock interviews, and essay reviews, and she is extremely knowledgeable about every aspect of the process. She was never too busy and always responded within 24 hours. Without her guidance I never would have been able to have been accepted to 2 top 5 programs and I would recommend her to anyone who is applying to business school.

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May 04, 2021

Joined: May 24, 2020

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Best Decision, Highly Recommend Rebecca!!

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I am so glad I decided to work with Rebecca and the Menlo Coaching team for Round 2 admissions, they were phenomenal! They made the process so enjoyable and removed all of my stress. As someone who didn't know anyone who had gone through the MBA admissions process before, it was helpful to have an admissions consultant to walk me through it. And Rebecca had such an amazing eye for everything I needed. From finding a GMAT tutor, to providing information about writing styles and helping edit essays, to just knowing how to reply to an email from an interviewer - Rebecca helped me through every step in the process, with unlimited support and calls as I needed.

One of my favorite parts about working with Rebecca was that she was able to listen to my story to help me put together my interests and passions to figure out potential career goals, and then was able to help find "Menlo alumni" to talk to about those positions/functions. She listened to every word I said and helped tremendously to help me shape my story, and know what portions to pull out that would be most interesting to the Admissions Committee. Additionally, the entire Menlo team was so well structured. I was able to work with an individual twice who was knowledge specifically in interview prep, an acting company to help my on-camera presence, to working directly with my recommenders to ensure they had help with the process as well.

Not only was she incredibly professional, but she was a genuinely kind person who really cares about you, your success, and your career progression, and that really shows with the amount of support and guidance she provides. I knew I wanted to work with Menlo as they were top of the line and helped start-to-finish with the process, but Rebecca was truly the cherry on top who made the usually grueling application a really enjoyable experience. I cannot recommend Rebecca and the Menlo team highly enough - they are an absolute joy, create an amazing ecosystem, and are rooting for your success from Day 1. It is absolutely worth the investment, and you won't be sorry with your choice to work with Rebecca at Menlo Coaching!

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April 19, 2021

Joined: Apr 19, 2021

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A gem amongst consultants

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Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Alice van Harten

Coming from a non-traditional background, applying for an MBA was a daunting experience and I was looking for a very personalised college counsellor who would really support me through the process. Alice over delivered on my expectation. Over the last year, she has been a huge support and I’m not sure if I would have managed without Alice’s guidance. I was lucky to get accepted into Europe’s 3 top MBA programs. Alice is really personal, taking on her applicants as personal projects. She was never too busy for me, and always giving guidance especially when I was wavering on whether to even do an MBA! I could email her evenings and weekends and she always responded. She gave me strong prep before my interviews, worked thoroughly on my resume with me and helped me shape my personal story so that I would be a strong candidate for my schools. I couldn’t recommend anyone more highly qualified or supportive than Alice to get you through your MBA process. You will not be disappointed if you chose Alice or Menlo Coaching to guide you through the application journey.

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April 06, 2021

Joined: Jun 13, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

Great consultant, really nice person to work with!


Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Alice van Harten

Alice and the team at Menlo Coaching were extremely helpful during my entire application process. As she mentions in her bio, she really does try to tell the story in the most compelling way possible rather than the typical cookie-cutter approach. I come from an over-represented applicant pool and Alice really helped me differentiate myself in my application. I received offers from two top 10 programs(Haas and Tuck) and have been waitlisted at a few others.
The aspect I liked most about working with Alice was that she was always available to answer any question I had, ranging from application-form related queries to potential interview questions. She is a perfectionist and does not settle for any less, but she is extremely supportive and will always ensure you feel motivated during the process. Working with both Alice and Leslie ensured that I would get edits within 24-48 hours(max). The Menlo coaching team really works together to optimize your outcome(she would run my goals essays by David when we wanted a second opinion). Ava always helped ensure I was on-track with respect to timelines and Obinna's mock interview was really helpful as well.
While Menlo's fees are a bit expensive, you have the flexibility to apply to as many schools as you like to increase your spread. I definitely recommend them if you're looking at the top B-Schools but ensure you contact Alice early as her slots fill up super fast!

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March 25, 2021

Joined: Mar 26, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q48 V42

Best of the best!!


Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant David White

David was instrumental in my successfully receiving an offer to my first-choice top MBA program, and he exceeded my expectations in every sense of the word. My MBA application process was longer than expected, taking place over several years due to a diagnosis of bipolar, which caused me to postpone applications until I received treatment and felt ready to apply. David and the Menlo team were very supportive and understanding about the unexpected pause in the process, and helped me complete very thorough applications to four top schools.

David went above and beyond every step of the way, making sure I had strong career goals and well-written essays, and was very prompt with his feedback; after submitting an essay draft in the evening, I would wake up the next morning to find feedback already in my inbox! I felt very prepared for my interviews based on his input and feedback. I would highly recommend David and the Menlo team to anyone looking for the best in the business.

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