May 20, 2021

Joined: Mar 29, 2020

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I worked with Rebecca Anderson throughout my MBA application process, and I could not be happier. She made a process that is long and full of self-doubt, one that was exciting and hopeful. I cannot stress how grateful I am to have had her by my side. With Rebecca’s guidance, I was able to secure admission to Booth (attending), Kellogg, Columbia, Fuqua, Tuck, and Stern with ~580K in scholarship funds! This was surprising because I had an average background (tier 2-3 consulting, top 50 school, interested in consulting/banking) relative to the MBA applicant pool. Rebecca helped me stand out by supporting me in understanding and telling my story. I'm confident that this is what helped me secure the acceptances I did and I don't think this cycle would have been successful without her and the broader Menlo team. Looking back, a few things stood out to me about Rebecca and Menlo.

Rebecca-Specific Feedback

Intake: When I was “shopping around” for an MBA admissions consultant, I came across numerous consultants who asked 15-20 questions in rapid-fire style and wanted to make my profile fit into those they previously found success with. Rebecca is the first admissions consultant I met who (1) listened with warmth and (2) provided me with honesty. Rebecca listened to me talk about my background (personal + professional), what I wanted out of the application process and an MBA, and what I was nervous about. She asked probing questions and her ability to “read the person” and be comfortable with silence gave me the space I needed to be vulnerable and brainstorm out loud (versus pivoting to the next question for the sake of time). When I asked other consultants if I should “beef up” my extracurriculars, they encouraged me to add a few more things to my plate at the last minute. Rebecca, however, told me that my efforts were better spent on the GMAT and digging into why I chose the career/extracurriculars I did and how they connect to my personality traits (especially because starting new activities 5-6 months before application deadlines could seem insincere). Rebecca’s willingness to listen, prioritize, and not force-fit her clients into rigid boxes made me confident that she’d want the best for me and help me draw my story out in the most convincing and authentic way possible (which she did!).

Pre-Application Preparation: When I began this process with Menlo, I was working 80-90 hours/week and was extremely overwhelmed, but wanted to get my MBA ASAP. Rebecca recognized this and broke up tasks into bite-sized pieces so that I could get through school research and networking on time. At multiple points, I was still afraid of having to push my application cycle back by a year. Whenever this happened, Rebecca took the time to schedule a call with me to work through my anxiousness, encourage me to keep my 'eyes on the prize", and prioritize "must-have" versus "nice to have" activities so that I could be as efficient as possible with my time. Rebecca also adapted to my schedule – she made herself extremely available and provided comments/guidance as fast as possible so that I could have more flexibility with timelines. Even before essays were released, she put immense effort into making sure that I could hit the ground running. Additionally, Rebecca brought in other members of the Menlo team (i.e., David) to get their perspective on how to best position me. By the end of this "preliminary" process, I felt very comfortable with where I was headed and my trust in Rebecca became incredibly strong. 

Personal Story / Essay Writing: 

When I first started with this process, I wasn’t sure if and how personal events impacted my professional and personal interests and overall outlook on life. I also didn’t know if the experiences I had were worth sharing in an admissions essay. During this process, Rebecca not only functioned as my admissions consultant but also as my “therapist”. She talked to me about the events that had happened in my life with warmth and without an iota of judgment, and she helped me connect those events to the professional and personal decisions I later made. To this day, I have never shared as much about these situations as I did with Rebecca. She created a safe, trusting environment in which I could brainstorm with her to understand myself and the impacts of what I had experienced better. By the end of the process, I had a lot more clarity on who I was as a person and what I care about. I became more comfortable and confident in myself - something that I think will serve me well as I start school in the fall. 

From a timeline perspective, I had a month off between jobs while writing essays. Rebecca had the foresight to know that my next job would be busy / that I might need time to re-take the GMAT, so she encouraged me to complete all my essays that month while studying for the GMAT. Although this was a bit of a mad dash, Rebecca made it manageable. She set up daily, 15-minute touch-points with me for 4 weeks straight to align on priorities for the day and ensure that everything was getting done in a timely fashion. She also made sure to provide comments/edits overnight (including weekends) to make sure that I used my time off well. The time difference was also great - it enabled me to work on edits in my evening and receive edits from her in the morning (via email and Zoom call). 

I'd also like to add that I am not a big fan of writing / not very good at it. Rebecca did an amazing job of helping me make my thoughts more cohesive, coherent, and concise. My writing at work has also improved as a result! Overall, Rebecca’s background in journalism, listening skills, and ability to ask the right questions at the right time is what ultimately enabled me to get into my dream school with a large scholarship. 

Additionally, I did have to move my applications from R1 to R2 to allow time to retake the GMAT. Even when this happened, Rebecca provided ample feedback in updating my resume/essays to account for my latest professional experiences (and even if this might have been logistically challenging for her, she still made sure that she had my back). 

GMAT Retake: The GMAT was a long process for me and I ended up having to push my applications from R1 to R2 to buy time to increase my score. Throughout the process, Rebecca provided me with references to tutors, ample encouragement, and honesty (she made it clear that increasing my GMAT score is what would make the difference at my dream schools….even if it was a painful process in the short-run). She never sugar-coated things, but she also made sure that she provided me with the moral support I needed to do my best. When I was re-taking the GMAT, I had also just switched jobs and was working 70-80 hours/week. Having her support during this time was invaluable in driving to the result.

Menlo-Specific Feedback

Menlo provides a “surround sound” experience that is worth every penny. I came into the process knowing nothing and Menlo helped me come up to speed rapidly and supported me throughout the way. The team is extremely detail-oriented (e.g., welcome packets, interview notecards, the thorough organization in Basecamp) and brings in additional team members, as needed (e.g., Obinna for mock interview prep, Fearless Communicators training, Chris the in-house Menlo GMAT coach (also the best tutor I’ve worked with!)). What I loved about Menlo is the (1) “humanized” approach and (2) their support for others. Menlo never tried to cut corners with me or fit me into a box. They wanted me to do my best and provided the resources necessary for me to do so (including connecting me with a few previous Menlo clients). Additionally, Menlo knows when they need to bring in experts, outside of the "core" team (e.g., interview prep, Fearless Communicators). They never compromise on quality!

Hiring Rebecca and Menlo was one of the best decisions I’ve made and I highly doubt I’d be matriculating at Booth with >50% scholarship without them. The dedication Rebecca shows to her clients is astounding and she is a phenomenal person to boot! I felt like I was in good hands the entire time, and gained a friend in the process. Although Menlo was more expensive than some other consultants, I knew the application process would be grueling. The option to work without time limits made a huge difference in my case. I highly recommend you join the Menlo ecosystem – they will have your back and this is a one-stop-shop for MBA success!

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