May 21, 2021

Joined: May 30, 2020

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Pascal Stands Out Among The Rest!

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Product Menlo Coaching

Consultant Pascal Michels

If you are on the market for an MBA consultant, look no further than Pascal of Menlo Coaching. I spent weeks interviewing various MBA consultants and could not be happier that I decided to work with Pascal. From my experience, the three key differentiators between Menlo Coaching and other consultants are the following: (i) personalization of the consulting process, (ii) time invested, and (iii) complementary resources.
First, Pascal recognizes that every MBA applicant is different. As a female from a "non-traditional" sales background, Pascal encouraged me to lean into the parts of my life that make me unique. Throughout the application process he so adeptly helped me create a narrative that highlighted these differences. Pascal ensures that the admissions committees are presented with a 360 degree view of you as a person, not just you as an applicant. Pascal spends the requisite time (and then some) understanding his clients so that he can help you present your best, most holistic self in your applications.
Second, and most importantly, Pascal cares. He demonstrates this by investing as much time and energy as is necessary to help you present your best possible self to the adcoms. There were countless times I sent Pascal panic emails asking him to hop on a call to discuss a component of an application or to review one last essay or email. He was there to assist no matter the time or situation.
Lastly, outside of the one-on-one time that is spent with your consultant, Menlo offers group applicant sessions, coaching from external communication coaches, and mock interview prep with Menlo consultants. During the group sessions I was able to ask questions to other Menlo applicants and receive valuable feedback on my essays and resume.
To help applicants prepare for interviews, Menlo facilitates one-on-one sessions with professional communication coaches and provides mock interview prep with Menlo interview consultants. If you are someone that struggles with interviews I would 10/10 recommend Menlo for these resources alone.
Candidly, I underestimated how arduous the MBA application process would be for me. If it weren't for Pascal and his constant encouragement I'm not sure I would have been able to hit those submit buttons! Now I have acceptances from Columbia and Kellogg and am sitting on the Stanford waitlist (fingers crossed!). I cannot recommend Pascal and Menlo Coaching enough.

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