mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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July 21, 2016

Joined: Jul 21, 2016

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41

Angela Guido: Mindreader


It seems like every single time I hit a wall in the application process - is my resume format okay? are my bullet points impressive enough? do my goals make sense? how do I even begin tackling these essays? - there was an mbaMission webinar session that gave real, non-cliche, productive advice. They were reading my mind. Not only did Angela expertly address the toughest questions but she also provided clear tools and methods for thinking through all of them. I walked away with a clear strategy and increased confidence. I highly recommend checking out the MBA bootcamp, including the Resume Protocol below. Thanks Angela!

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July 20, 2016

Joined: Apr 01, 2016

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Kept me on my toes!


As a marketing and branding nerd, I've always been fairly well in tune with how I've conveyed my personal brand. My resume has always been up to date, LinkedIn on point, and I've worked on creating value for others through my strong network. Or so I thought...

After an hour long consultation with Angela on my resume, I realized just how much work I had ahead of me. Even in that short time, Angela was able to challenge my thinking and get me to see the benefits of truly starting to break down my resume and build it back up -- and as someone who is fairly headstrong, this is not an easy feat. She gave strategic advice on how to frame the resume and supported that feedback with some great tactics on how to ensure each bullet on the resume tells a story. I certainly saw the light by the end of the conversation!

Not only was this one-on-one advice incredibly helpful (my resume is in a MUCH better place), she has some ridiculously helpful documents to assist in the MBA process. The Explore Your Experiences document is something that has guided my entire MBA process and has even helped me realize area for personal + professional growth before even entering an MBA program. This document was a great thought starter, and I'm definitely referencing daily as I craft my essays now.

Finally - her essay advice was some of the most valuable guidance that I've received throughout the application process. She provides incredible guidance on how to ensure the essay conveys another facet of what makes a candidate a little more unique or interesting. Of the blogs, forums, webinars, I've seen so far - Angela's was far and away the most strategic, relevant, and insightful.

I honestly can't say enough about the support and guidance Angela has provided. She has an incredible knack for being able to challenge your thinking & assumptions, in the best way possible! I'm a huge fan and certainly grateful for the opportunity to learn from her!

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July 20, 2016

Joined: Jul 20, 2016

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
630 Q41 V35

Incredibly Helpful


The advice I have gotten from Angela has been really monumental. I think the thing that different from other coaches is that her BS attitude that is not all snarky and uptight like other programs or coaches I have experienced.

The thing I appreciate most is that she really does help you present the best version of yourself. For me, I went into this "wanting help getting in" but really got the help I needed to actually know myself and my goals well enough to be ready for business school, so this really went beyond the application process for me.. Yes, it is about getting in, but that is almost a side impact of really truly knowing who you are, what you want to do, and how to convey that well, and Angela is really the best person to help you do that.

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July 20, 2016

Joined: May 17, 2012

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Here's someone who truly wants you to succeed


Through the Forte MBA Launch program, I worked with Angela through a series of workshops - self-awareness, storytelling, MBA resume protocol, career game plan, and essay writing tips.

All her workshops have been very insightful and helpful. Time and time you will hear again that the MBA process is quite rewarding as you get to learn more about yourself. However, introspection is not easy. Angela made this challenge easier to tackle with her self-awareness workshop. If you use this effectively, it really will set the stage for our application process (post GMAT).

I walked away from each session with digestible and actionable information. I knew what steps I needed to take to use her advice. I found this as key because it's not easy transform all the advice into next steps, but Angela did a great job.

Before I engaged with Angela, I was set on my GMAT. One of my only worries has been essay writing (or storytelling as she'll tell you) and these workshops have given me a great tool kit to rely on.

The Boot Camp is a great way to kick start your application process and Angela's passion to truly help you will only enhance your journey.

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July 20, 2016

Joined: Jul 20, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q44 V41

mbaMission was a complete game changer for me


I attended these sessions through the Forte Foundation and found Angela's feedback and insight to be invaluable for the admissions process. She was honest and straightforward about perceptions and preparing your best possible application, while still managing to be encouraging.

Angela's exercises in reflection are not easy (notably: Exploring Your Experiences!) but they truly prepared me to think about the "hows", "whats ", and "whys" of getting a b-school education. The exercises have helped me not only to prepare my essays but to be more deliberate in my current role, seeking projects that will aid me in my goals.

I would recommend this program without reservation to anyone looking to maximize their odds of admissions OR for anyone who is unsure of their goals and their attainability.

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July 16, 2016

Joined: Dec 15, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41

MBA application service review - Jessica Shklar


In summer 2015, I decided to hire MBA Mission’s Jessica Shklar to work with me to apply for top business schools in the U.S. Jessica really lived up to her reputation – she turned out to be the most professional, insightful & empowering coach I could imagine to guide me through the hectic application process.

In previous year, all the top schools I applied for dinged me. I was very insecure about my chances as an older Asian male who has never lived outside Asia. MBA Mission has a well-established process to make sure the consultants gain a holistic understanding of each applicant. On top of the process, Jessica is insightful – I felt that she immediately understood me, my stories & the vision I had to become the best possible version of myself. I started the application process only one month before the R2 deadline, but Jessica gave up her personal time to make sure I could meet all the deadlines. Some of my friends read the essays Jessica worked with me to develop - they were moved to tears.

In the end, I got offers from 4 very good business schools. Out of the offers, I decided to go to Austin with one year deferral.

From no offer to 4 offers – Jessica really made a difference for me and to me, she is much more than a consultant – she is more like a well-trusted mentor that any young professional would be lucky to have.

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July 11, 2016

Joined: Sep 29, 2015

Posts: 30

Kudos: 13

Highly Recommend to work with Angela Guido!

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I worked with Angela for MBA applications in R1&R2 2015. In R1 I chose Haas and Stanford. Those two schools are known for "hard to get interview schools", but I got both interview from them. Stanford is my dream school. It cannot work without Angela's help!
1. Choose school: Angela is not like other consultant that will say school A would be a stretch for you I will recommend you B, C... Angela never does that, she always say let's try that.
2. Essay and Resume: Angela is so patience to answer every question I had. I'm so impressed that she can remember every detailed aspect I mentioned to her so she would remind me to use those details when I wrote my essay. Angela cares my success not the service fee. When I started my R2 application, she offered me the help to read my essays for different schools without charging me additional fee. She also did a regular check to see whether she can help.
3. Interview: Angela provided great mock interview. With the recorded mock interview and the resources for specific schools I can practice a lot.
4. Waitlist experience: I was unfortunately on two schools WL , but Angela remained optimistic and helped me navigate the waitlist process. Finally I got in both waitlist and got another offer.

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Angela and I will go to Sloan this fall. Highly recommend Angela Guido if you need a MBA consultant or a friend to talk about your career goals.

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July 09, 2016

Joined: Oct 16, 2015

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Self-reported Score:
700 Q48 V36

MBA Consultant Review - Angela Guido (AKA the rockstar)

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Two years ago I started thinking about applying to business school and it seems like a very far away dream. I met Angela through a workshop she gave for the Forte MBA Launch, and I was amazed by her positive energy and ability to make something very complex like storytelling seem so simple. I decided to have her as my MBA Admissions Consultant through mbaMission.

The business school application process is long and exhausting at times, but with Angela it became a lot easier. She (and mbaMission) gave me a lot of material to go through to help guide my decision on which business school I should apply to, and what a good GMAT score looked like for my profile. I ended up not getting a stelar GMAT score, but because of my overall story Angela made me feel confident that my application was strong enough as it was.

The best part about working with Angela was her ability to highlight the best pieces of my story in a way that I myself couldn't. Sometimes we accomplish something and we don't realize how big of an accomplishment it is until someone from the outside reinforces it, and that's exactly what Angela did. She helped me see my story with a different eye, and with that I was able to create a solid business school application that truly represented the best version of myself. I would not have been able to do so without Angela.

Before working with Angela, I had incredible fear about the interview process. I wasn't sure that what I had to say was enough. Angela and I had a few mock interview sessions in which she gave me great feedback and most of all made me feel confident enough to walk on interviews and not feel nervous at all. I was so confident on my story, and I knew so much about it that in the end I wasn't worried about doing well on the interview or not. I just wanted to be my best self, be true to my values, and let the process do what it's supposed to do.

With Angela's help, I was accepted at Booth, MIT Sloan, and Kellogg. Kellogg had always been my first choice, and I was lucky enough to also receive a Fellowship from them.

If you are considering Angela as a consultant for you, it's a no-brainer: DO IT and you won't regret!

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July 06, 2016

Joined: Oct 06, 2015

Posts: 4

Kudos: 22

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q48 V46

Recommendation for Katy Lewis


Katy was a godsend in my application process—I’ve said as much many times, to myself and others, over the course of the past year. I have no doubt that my final results would have been starkly different without Katy’s start-to-finish guidance and involvement.

Before starting my applications, I had a prosaic view of the path they would take: write essays, take GMATs, hope for interviews and acceptance letters. Within the first half hour of speaking with Katy, I realized that my applications would be, needed to be, more personal. We started with a “deep dive” into my psyche. Katy wanted to know everything about my professional aspirations, and get to know me as a person, so that we could construct my “story”.

My “story” came a long way from our first phone call. Katy identified unique strengths in my profile, which business schools would love to add to their incoming class—strengths I might have otherwise glanced over. She also illuminated how to buff up weaker portions of my background. By the time we had finished with dozens of essay drafts, my final submission was entirely different—and so much stronger—than anything I could have come up with on my own.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of having Katy as an advisor—aside from being accepted into several top-choice schools—was that she encouraged me to think beyond the application, and towards my future aspirations. Even though she had clearly worked with many, many individuals before me, her guidance was never generic. Unquestionably, she helped me to solidify my long-term professional goals, by pushing me to hone my natural skillsets, and consider how I intend to apply those strengths—as I enter business school, and beyond.

It was a welcome pleasure to have Katy advise me in this process, and I recommend her service to anyone considering, or in the midst of, the MBA application process.

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July 01, 2016

Joined: Jul 01, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q44 V45

Amazing, personable experience


Jessica was awesome, and I definitely recommend her to anyone looking for guidance in the MBA application process. She was extremely personable in her approach and took the time to get to know you at a deeper level (and she has an amazing memory so everything you say, she'll remember and remind you later later). During our sessions, she wasn't afraid to be honest or push back when an idea wasn't working out, but never excluded any possibility! She's also a pretty fast talker so your sessions will definitely be productive and efficient. The focus of our work together ranged from (in order of time spent) essays, brainstorming, application, resume, interview prep,

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