July 25, 2016

Joined: Aug 10, 2015

Posts: 32

Kudos: 2

Self-reported Score:
690 Q48 V35
700 Q44 V41
710 Q48 V40


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My Background:
- Born in Central Asia, but got my undergrad in the US.
- 3.9 GPA in college
- Worked in public accounting and finance
- 4+ years of work experience

Experience working with Angela:
My biggest concern with my school selection was my GMAT score as I scored in the 730-740 range in my GMATPrep practice exams, but only got a 690 on my first actual exam. Angela encouraged me to retake the exam for the 2nd time, and my score improved to 700, which was still nowhere near the range of my practice exams. Then again, Angela encouraged me to retake the exam for the 3rd time, and my score improved to 710. Due to my school selection, Angela encouraged me to retake the GMAT exam the 4th and 5th time since there was time before my deadlines. She wanted to help me make sure I put my best application forward. Furthermore, Angela believes that retaking the GMAT generally does not hurt, but instead shows perseverance.

My overall experience with Angela was great. Angela was always prepared and knew every single detail in my personal story. She also seemed to be very personally vested in my success – this by far was the most important aspect of our relationship! Angela sincerely believed in me and my story, and because of that she was able to help me frame the challenges I faced in my life in the most inspiring terms/ways in my essays. Furthermore, Angela not only encouraged me to do my best but also pushed me a little more yet again, resulting in a very polished final product with which I was extremely happy.

As a result, we put together my application in record time (you wouldn’t even believe how fast!!) Once I received an interview invite, I was again pressed for time with my schedule, and Angela was so nice as to accommodate to my schedule and carve out some of her time over the weekend to conduct my mock interview. In the end, thanks to Angela’s help and guidance, I was admitted to my dream school – Berkley Haas! It wouldn’t have been possible without Angela. I am forever indebted to her, and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND her to anyone applying to business schools!

Thank you, Angela!

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