Adam Grossman Reviews

Company: mbaMission

4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 14 reviews
April 08, 2015

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I worked with Adam Grossman on the entire application process for five schools. He provided great guidance throughout every step of the process - from school selection to interview prep.

Working with Adam significantly improved my applications. Through brainstorming sessions he helped my identify which of my experiences would be most interesting to Admissions Committee members. For example, I had a number of different personal experiences that I thought could be interesting to discuss in an essay, but Adam gave me direction on which exact experiences conveyed the attributes of a successful MBA candidate. Additionally, he helped me frame my narrative in a way that highlighted my strengths while still conveying why I needed an MBA. He also did a great job editing my essays.

Working with Adam took a lot of the stress out of the process. He is very knowledgeable and was very responsive to every question I had. Applicants will have a million different questions while applying to MBA programs, and it is extremely helpful to have someone you can speak with who can effectively answer any question you might have.

The only downside to working with mbadmissions is the price tag, but I feel that it was a great investment. I would recommend Adam and mbamission highly.

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March 10, 2015

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I came into the admissions process with a solid GMAT score in the 700's but a low GPA well below 3.0. Not only that but I had no idea of where I wanted to go. Adam Grossman took the time to find out about my past, my personality, and literally coached me through making career goals. Not only did I figure out where I wanted to apply, but he helped me get a much tighter grasp on what my goals were after graduation. He helped me choose a nice mix of safe schools and ones that were not so safe given my marks but were certainly attainable (as I found out). He was very honest about what was out of my reach and where I should not waste my time. Next, Adam helped me write some absolutely brilliant applications, I can say this because they landed me interviews with schools who had average entrance GPA scores at least .9 above my own. With interviews, I felt very confident going in as we had worked out all the possible conversation topics.
I would certainly recommend mbaMission if their other consultants are as helpful as Adam. He was available to answer any quick questions I had at the drop of a hat (not a joke even on Christmas and New Years), and would return essay edits within 48 hrs. He clearly loves his job and gets results.

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March 10, 2015

Joined: Feb 28, 2015

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Before choosing a consulting company, I had a few free sessions with various MBA Application consultants. Given the price, I wanted to make sure I felt comfortable, and confident my consultant would help me put forth my best application. Before speaking with Adam I spoke to a woman from a different company who told me it was "impossible" to get into my first choice school -Stern- because of a below average GMAT score. I was very discouraged, but went forward anyway. During my first conversation with Adam, he told me Stern was not out of reach, but I would have to work hard on my essays and get the best recommendations possible. Adam took the time to get to know me, and get to understand my history and my goals for the future. He showed me ways to emphasize my strengths throughout my application and show that despite my score I can handle a top MBA program. He helped me to clearly define my goals and experiences in a way that let my personality shine through in my essays. Most importantly, he gave me the confidence to believe that getting into Stern was within my reach. I would highly recommend Adam and MBAMission to anyone looking for an MBA consultant.

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February 24, 2015

Joined: Feb 24, 2015

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I applied to HBS and the Stanford GSB with the support of Adam Grossman from mbaMission. I started using his services after completing GMAT but before starting on any brainstorming for essays.

After providing a useful brainstorming template, Adam helped me think carefully through my application strategy and gave me the confidence to truly bring out my individuality in my application.

We then moved on to essays, where he was extremely helpful. He is a professional writer and thus provided expert input on each iteration of my essays, all the while showing great integrity by making sure that the essays remained my own. Similarly, he helped me with some of the short answers, where there is a premium on being concise. He always helped me get the message across in as few words as possible (important for me because I tend to be long-winded).

Adam replied within 24 hours for almost all queries, and was very helpful throughout the process.

I strongly recommend Adam to you if you want to attend business school.

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February 03, 2015

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MBAmission has an extremely solid process for start-to-finish MBA application completion. Beginning with their brainstorming document they helped me create an idea of what was and was not important to include in my essays. The fact they have been through the process provided them an amazing advantage and unprecedented insight into how I could best succeed with each school I applied to.

I did have some concerns however int that over time there were instances that I often had to wait extensively for revisions, and had to remind my consultant about these important deadlines that were due. Overall, however, my consultant was attentive and strongly concerned that I put forth my best application at the schools which would be right for me. Without my consultant I would not have been able to address the key points that needed to be addressed to convey my candidacy for each school. While this seems like a simple process, little things such as connecting dots from every 6 months of my career is something that MBAmission helped me achieve.

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December 20, 2014

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I am very happy I hired mbaMission and I’m very happy that Adam Grossman was assigned to me.

mbaMission provides a comprehensive package for applying to schools. They help you brainstorm possible essay topics, write your essays, edit your essays, and they give advice and recommendations throughout the process. I would have been lost without Adam because there are so many ambiguous items that need to be addressed with each application and he had a great amount of experience and knowledge about each school and application.

mbaMission has a thorough method for preparing applicants. It also has a clear protocol for communication which facilitated efficient communication between me and Adam, especially close to deadlines.

I can say only positive things about Adam and about mbaMission.

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October 07, 2014

Joined: Apr 06, 2014

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Self-reported Score:
650 Q42 V37

my profile.

-investment consultant for five years - I serve billionaire families
-undergrad - 3.8 GPA at loyola university - double majored in econ and finance
-GMAT score #1: 570
-GMAT score #2: 650
- I am a big bro for big brother big sister
- i had good letters of recommendation from my boss and two well respected clients

i hired adam from mbamission, because i knew i had to craft a unique story. my demographic is a dime a dozen, so i needed to stand out.

i hired adam to help me with my kellogg essays. the process was what i expected. i did all of the work, but asked the right questions, which forced me to improve my work. once we were almost done he helped me word smith.

i was admitted to kellogg and booth, though adam only helped with the kellogg essays.

i enjoyed the process. i learned a lot about myself and how to craft a story and ask smart questions (adam, did a great job at this).

yes, it was stressful, but i would be worried if it wasn't.

i would possibly recommend the service. it depends on the applicant and if they can afford to shell out $4k.

if you have any questions. please feel free to contact me.

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March 26, 2014

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Consultant: Adam Grossman (mbaMission)

Personal Profile:
Undergraduate School: Brown
Undergraduate GPA: 3.3
GMAT: 670
Work Experience: 4+ years

Package purchased: 4 School Start-To-Finish

Schools Applied to and Results:
Duke Fuqua: Admitted
UVA Darden: Rejected
Northwestern Kellogg: Admitted
UCLA Anderson: TBD

Adam was absolutely invaluable in taking the mass of raw material and disorganized thoughts and ideas and helping me turn them into a clear and concise vision to present to admissions committees. From the start, Adam was a partner in the process from start to finish. He helped me finalize a list of target schools based on my interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

I identified Kellogg as my first choice and we went after that first. We customized each essay for each school taking into account each school’s individual characteristics. Adam had great perspective on how to uniquely position myself for each school. He was very responsive to questions and helped provide excellent edits. I never lost my voice throughout the essay writing process and he helped me with every single detailed question I had. Adam was always there to support and always had good answers.

He was a no nonsense guy which is incredibly important in the process. His feedback was always direct and constructive. We worked efficiently and productively together improving both my abilities and our output after each meeting.

I would highly recommend Adam and mbaMission. As a result of our work together, I got into my top choice school even with below-average GMATs.

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February 12, 2014

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I retained consultant Adam Grossman for hourly services through mbaMission. I initially went with the hourly service option because the full service option at over $3,000 was above my budget, but thanks to Adam's great help, I am very confident that I made a good decision. When I reached out to Adam for assistance, I had already reached out to my recommenders and received my letters of recommendation, I had already taken the GMAT, and I had already selected the school I was going to apply to (I only applied to and got into Chicago Booth's Evening MBA program), so I primarily needed help on my essays, my resume, and the application itself. Adam did a fantastic job in each one of these areas. I had a 690 GMAT score when I reached out to Adam, which is above the mean for the Chicago Booth Evening MBA program, but my GPA was below the mean for the school, due to a bad semester. For my application, it was critical for me to be able to be direct and yet try to spin this in a positive way, and Adam did a tremendous job on both counts. He also helped me really maximize the story behind my work history in my application, as my work history is where I have really excelled, and I was able to communicate experiences at work that showed that I didn't allow myself to be defined by a bad semester in college. Not only that, but Adam was extremely efficient with regard to the hourly services, and he always kept me up to date on the amount of time we had used. I ended up using a significant number of hours, but still ended up spending less than I would have for the full service option, in large part because Adam did such a great job of efficiently using our time. I would definitely recommend Adam from mbaMission, as I couldn't have gotten into my school of choice without him. Highly recommended.

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December 19, 2013

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I have spent the last two years working with Adam Grossman at mbaMission. Due in very large part to his extraordinary insight and talent, I was admitted to the top-10 b-school of my dreams.

The key factors that made my experience with Adam not only successful, but also enjoyable, are as follows.
1. Right from the start, Adam did an amazing job of candidly assessing my strengths and weaknesses, gaining a feel for my personality, and identifying the schools that were the best fit for me.
2. Since I was in the middle of a significant career transition, Adam helped me to develop a sound long-tem application strategy that significantly strengthened my candidacy.
3. Before my target school's application was available, Adam took the time to walk me through the entire application process, develop a timeline, and discuss how I could make the most of his support. I began the process with a very clear understanding not only of the steps involved, but also of the general message that I wanted to convey to the AdCom and how Adam could assist with that.
4. Once the application was posted, Adam got me started on essay brainstorming immediately. Because he had taken the time to get to know me, Adam was able to identify essay topics that I hadn't thought of and that weren't covered in depth in my resume. We outlined topics in a way that was consistent with my overall message.
5. Over a three-month period, Adam enthusiastically reviewed more than 30 of my essay drafts and provided significant opportunities for improvement with each revision. Because he had been so candid throughout the process, I believed him when he said that my essays were ready. As it turns out, he was right.
6. The interview prep was phenomenal. Adam's insight went a very long way toward easing my anxiety and helping me to craft answers that showed introspection, thoughtfulness, and fit with my target school.

Whether your application is due in two weeks or in two years, Adam will get to know you, candidly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and provide you with all the direction you need to prepare for applying to your target school. I could not recommend him more highly.

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