December 19, 2013

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I have spent the last two years working with Adam Grossman at mbaMission. Due in very large part to his extraordinary insight and talent, I was admitted to the top-10 b-school of my dreams.

The key factors that made my experience with Adam not only successful, but also enjoyable, are as follows.
1. Right from the start, Adam did an amazing job of candidly assessing my strengths and weaknesses, gaining a feel for my personality, and identifying the schools that were the best fit for me.
2. Since I was in the middle of a significant career transition, Adam helped me to develop a sound long-tem application strategy that significantly strengthened my candidacy.
3. Before my target school's application was available, Adam took the time to walk me through the entire application process, develop a timeline, and discuss how I could make the most of his support. I began the process with a very clear understanding not only of the steps involved, but also of the general message that I wanted to convey to the AdCom and how Adam could assist with that.
4. Once the application was posted, Adam got me started on essay brainstorming immediately. Because he had taken the time to get to know me, Adam was able to identify essay topics that I hadn't thought of and that weren't covered in depth in my resume. We outlined topics in a way that was consistent with my overall message.
5. Over a three-month period, Adam enthusiastically reviewed more than 30 of my essay drafts and provided significant opportunities for improvement with each revision. Because he had been so candid throughout the process, I believed him when he said that my essays were ready. As it turns out, he was right.
6. The interview prep was phenomenal. Adam's insight went a very long way toward easing my anxiety and helping me to craft answers that showed introspection, thoughtfulness, and fit with my target school.

Whether your application is due in two weeks or in two years, Adam will get to know you, candidly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and provide you with all the direction you need to prepare for applying to your target school. I could not recommend him more highly.

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