February 12, 2014

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I retained consultant Adam Grossman for hourly services through mbaMission. I initially went with the hourly service option because the full service option at over $3,000 was above my budget, but thanks to Adam's great help, I am very confident that I made a good decision. When I reached out to Adam for assistance, I had already reached out to my recommenders and received my letters of recommendation, I had already taken the GMAT, and I had already selected the school I was going to apply to (I only applied to and got into Chicago Booth's Evening MBA program), so I primarily needed help on my essays, my resume, and the application itself. Adam did a fantastic job in each one of these areas. I had a 690 GMAT score when I reached out to Adam, which is above the mean for the Chicago Booth Evening MBA program, but my GPA was below the mean for the school, due to a bad semester. For my application, it was critical for me to be able to be direct and yet try to spin this in a positive way, and Adam did a tremendous job on both counts. He also helped me really maximize the story behind my work history in my application, as my work history is where I have really excelled, and I was able to communicate experiences at work that showed that I didn't allow myself to be defined by a bad semester in college. Not only that, but Adam was extremely efficient with regard to the hourly services, and he always kept me up to date on the amount of time we had used. I ended up using a significant number of hours, but still ended up spending less than I would have for the full service option, in large part because Adam did such a great job of efficiently using our time. I would definitely recommend Adam from mbaMission, as I couldn't have gotten into my school of choice without him. Highly recommended.

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