Deepak Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 5 reviews
March 30, 2021

Joined: Apr 21, 2020

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V39 (Online)

Best value, Best price, Best analytics


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I got 710 (V39, Q47) on my GMAT after studying with E-GMAT for about 3 months. Here is a detailed review:

- VALUE/PRICE: A Brazilian friend of mine told me that E-GMAT had a great solution with a fair price and after reviewing other players in the market, I got to the same conclusion and signed up for it. I suggest taking both Verbal/Quant courses in a bundle because that will be enough for you to crack the GMAT and it has a good price.
- VERBAL: This is their main strength. There is a lot of content out there teaching you the WHAT (the concepts), but the thing about GMAT is that you must master the HOW to solve the questions. That's exactly the E-GMAT's value proposition and once you master the methods for SC, RC, CR it's impossible for you to forget. The concepts are well taught too, but the methods are the best part of it.
- QUANT: There is a detailed explanation of all the concepts throughout the course and they are mixed with diagnostic and quizzes, making sure one fully understands it. One suggestion I'd like to make is that I feel the Verbal course is superior to Quant because of its focus on the methods. Even though there are methods in Quant, there are just too many of them compared to Verbal.
- ANALYTICS: It doesn't matter if you study 8 hours in a day if you don't get the results you need, so you need to be smart about it. The best way for that is using data to understand what you don't know yet. E-GMAT does exactly that. Their practice questions (Scholaranium) is fantastic and it will allow you not to fool yourself and focus on what you need to. You will see your scores per VERBAL/QUANT accordingly to each topic requested on the GMAT.

If you are Brazilian, don't go for the local solutions. E-GMAT is great, it has an amazing price for what it offers and it will help you in your journey.

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November 08, 2020

Joined: Oct 09, 2018

Posts: 2

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q48 V35

680 to 720 in 2 months using e-GMAT course and OG


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I gave my first GMAT attempt in July 2019, with little preparation, and got a 680 score. When I decided to re-attempt in 2020, I realized I had many conceptual gaps and lacked any understanding of test-taking strategies. In the few mocks I gave before starting preparation, I would always fall short of time and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. I, thus, decided to take the e-GMAT online course for GMAT preparation. I opted for the 2 months course (had to e-mail them for the same) and got it for $199.
The e-GMAT course is very comprehensive, in terms of concepts (verbal and quant), strategies (difficulty-wise and time-management) and practice. I started with Verbal, as that was my weak area, and went through all the concept videos and practice and application files. This is very important. Doing these will greatly cover any conceptual gaps you have in your Verbal section and will help you develop a process to tackle different types of questions.
The biggest boost in my preparation came with the e-GMAT mentorship program. I was contacted by Deepak to sign-up for this program, for no extra charge. I had a call with him where we discussed my GMAT target score, plan and timelines, and he identified various places where I was lacking in my prep. For example, I had no strategy to manage time during the test and was not practicing enough to increase speed and apply concepts and the process. He sent me weekly targets, with daily schedule, to complete my preparation and practice, following which my prep speed increased. Also, we had a weekly/bi-weekly call to update my progress.
After I was done with concept videos (and simultaneous practice) for both Verbal and Quant, I had around 15 days to go for the exam, during which I had to practice very efficiently through mocks. I still was lacking in managing time and questions of various difficulty levels. Deepak made a time-table for me to take mocks, review them and practice questions. I used:
1. GMATclub Quant CATs for Quant
2. e-GMAT Scholaranium for Verbal
3. OG (Online) for both

For Mocks, I used:
1. Official Mocks (1 to 4)
2. e-GMAT Sigma-X Mocks 2 & 3

Both these give a very accurate simulation of the real exam and provide the closest estimate of your ability.
After each Sigma mock, Deepak would analyze each section, focusing on difficulty level, timing and accuracy, question-wise and section-wise. This helped me in setting a strategy that worked for me and helped me perform most effectively. Having a one-o-one mentor helped me a lot as I could route all my questions and doubts to Deepak and since he knew my weak and strong areas, he could guide me accordingly.

Would definitely recommend the e-GMAT course and the Mentorship program to anyone struggling with GMAT preparation.

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November 02, 2020

Joined: Aug 31, 2019

Posts: 15

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40 (Online)

660-720( Q48-49 and V33-40)


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I scored 660 on my 1st attempt after preparing religiously for around 4 months.
I scored very less on Verbal so I knew I had to change my strategy for Verbal. After reading reviews about EGMAT course, I decided to go with it.
I started my course in Jan but till April I only completed the SC module but then I was approached by egmat for its Mentorship
Program and that was a game changer.

I worked with Deepak and he did set daily tasks for me to complete. This strategy actually did wonders for me as now I was not alone in the journey and I was able to complete the course in next 3 months.
Deepak not only helped me to complete the course on time but also guided me how to approach the next stage that is mocks.

While I was giving mocks, Deepak not only told me my weak areas but also taught me a lot of tricks for the exam for example - how much time should I give for a question and what is the right time to skip a question and concentrate on the next,
which is very important to score good on the exam.

All in all I am thankful to EGMAT for its amazing modules and Scholaranium but I am more thankful to deepak for keeping a check on me, like a elder brother, motivating me, setting me on the right path and what not.
I can say I could have scored 720 without EGMAT because I can get the similar course somewhere else but without Deepak I could not have accomplished 720.

Thank you so much Deepak for your help.

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November 10, 2020

Hey @vishwajeetarora

Thanks for the kind words. It was your consistency which made you achieve your goal in a short span of time. It was great interacting with you.

All the best for your applications.


July 22, 2020

Joined: Jun 02, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V39

The best thing to happen to my GMAT prep!


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I would like to start by thanking my mentor Deepak for guiding and supporting me throughout my prep journey with e-GMAT. I do not think that my score of 710 would have been possible without his mentorship.

I started my GMAT prep in Feb 2020 with an aim to take the GMAT by end of April 2020; I figured that a time frame of almost 3 months should be good enough to get a top score. Having been a good student all my life, I really thought that this was an achievable target.

I began my prep by solving all 4 books from Kaplan – including GMAT 800 which is supposed to be a book on advanced-level questions. I found the questions from all books to be quite easy and cruised through all the books in less than a month. Once I had solved all the questions in all the books, I took a Kaplan mock test in which I scored 690. In the following days, I took another couple of mocks and scored 670 and 680. I was not even breaching the 700 mark and needed to change my preparation strategy. But at this point, I realized that I was all out of prep material and would need to buy a new course. By a stroke of luck I came across an e-GMAT webinar, which led me to purchase the entire course.

About 5 days after I started studying from the e-GMAT course I received an email from Deepak asking if I would like to enroll under the mentorship program. Seeing no downside to having a dedicated mentor, I gladly agreed.

Deepak gave me a day-by-day planning of the tasks that I would have to do, every week. These activities could be learning concepts, taking cementing quizzes or taking practice quizzes. In case I encountered any problems, or felt like I needed additional practice of a particular topic, I would shoot an email to Deepak and he would quickly re-work my study plan. It was amazing to have this kind of personal attention for an exam which is mostly self-prep.

While following Deepak’s study plan, I encountered some problems. For my critical reasoning prep, I wasn’t scoring well in quizzes even after spending enough time on the concept files. I wasn’t even able to pre-think, a skill that is quite important to be able to crack the CR section of the GMAT. So I notified Deepak of the issue and immediately he re-worked my study plan to give me more practice for CR.

Another issue was that I felt very fatigued with the prep and Deepak, being the excellent mentor that he is, gave me a confidence boost by reassuring me that I was actually doing well. This may seem trivial but trust me such boosts go a long way.

Deepak also conducted fortnightly strategy huddles in which he would discuss topics pertinent to taking the GMAT. These huddles not only helped me improve my approach to taking the test (for example, better time management), but also helped me interact with members of my cohort, most of whom were in the same boat as I.

I took Deepak’s guidance from April to June 2020 and I was able to take the GMAT within 10 days of my target date.

Test day experience

On the test day, I was mostly confident of my capabilities. I had put in the work so there was no reason to worry. Moreover, I was extremely well-rested and had two 700 or higher scores from my mock tests.

Coming into the test, I had taken 2 mocks from e-GMAT, scoring 750 and 700 respectively. I just chalked off the lower score to disturbances while I was taking the test. In hindsight, I should have taken another test to be sure of my prep level.

My test center was terrible. It was very dirty. There was a carpet which was full of dust. The bathroom was a short walk away from the test room and was also dirty. The air conditioner was not able to cool the room. The test administrator entered the test room a couple of times to try and get the air conditioner to work better, resulting in disturbance while taking the test. The keyboards were not convenient for typing and many times more than one key got pressed when I was writing my essay. The keyboards were also below a certain height - resulting in typing inconvenience. There was a lot of lag in the system as well - after selecting a choice, I would have to wait a few seconds for the radio button to reflect my choice. Finally, there were monkeys right outside the center's main door. This was an extremely poor testing experience for me.

I scored 710 in the exam. Q49, V39, IR 8, AWA 6. I’m mostly happy with the score, but feel like I could’ve scored better in a decent test center.

To conclude, I would like to say that GMAT prep is a marathon and not a sprint. So, please keep enough time for your prep, and even time to re-take the test if necessary. You may do everything right but the wrong test center may also ruin your score. If possible, check out the test center beforehand. Focus on the test-taking strategies rather than trying to get every question right. Sometimes, skipping questions is better for your score than sticking with them. Invest in good prep material. If possible, reach out to your friends who might have taken the GMAT and ask about their experiences with different prep materials.

Shout out to Deepak for being an amazing mentor and friend.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 03, 2020

Joined: Jan 24, 2018

Posts: 19

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41 (Online)

E-GMAT Mentorship --->> Highly Recommended!


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I’d like to start by thanking my instructor, Deepak Bansal, and E-GMAT for assisting me with achieving my GMAT target score and bringing me one step closer to my dream school.

I joined E-GMAT mentorship program after a long year of studying for the GMAT exam. Initially, I aimed to send my application in 2019, but because I failed to achieve an acceptable GMAT score I pushed my application to 2020. When I started, I was all over the place – I purchased books of 3-4 different companies and mixed them all up. I did not have a firm strategy and my biggest weakness was consistency. After about 8 months of ups and downs, I decided to try enrolling E-GMAT course, which, in a hindsight, was a game-changer for me.

Soon after signing up for the E-GMAT course, I happened to speak with Deepak Bansal, an aspiring instructor of E-GMAT, who analyzed my situation and gave me some insightful advice. I realized how inefficient I was with my study plan. Soon thereafter, along with several students from all over the world, I joined E-GMAT Mentorship programs under Deepak’s supervision.

Even though I’m a young professional who works 5 days a week, Deepak assisted me with committing and studying on a daily basis. Some of my biggest challenges were:
*Consistency – to study on a regular basis without pauses
*Organizing – to have a game plan in terms of what to study every day
*Feedback – to understand what do I do right and what do I have to improve
Deepak assisted me with each of those challenges by providing me with a study plan and a time schedule that fits my lifestyle. This schedule was updated from one week to another based on my achievements.

On test day I felt I was very prepared. I was confident in my skills and I knew I can achieve a high score. Eventually, I successfully scored 710 (Q50 / V46), which is 70 points higher than the first official score I received and more than 100 points higher than the first several mocks I took. This is a huge achievement for me and I feel that Deepak and E-GMAT have a significant role in my journey.

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