November 08, 2020

Joined: Oct 09, 2018

Posts: 2

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q48 V35

680 to 720 in 2 months using e-GMAT course and OG


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I gave my first GMAT attempt in July 2019, with little preparation, and got a 680 score. When I decided to re-attempt in 2020, I realized I had many conceptual gaps and lacked any understanding of test-taking strategies. In the few mocks I gave before starting preparation, I would always fall short of time and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. I, thus, decided to take the e-GMAT online course for GMAT preparation. I opted for the 2 months course (had to e-mail them for the same) and got it for $199.
The e-GMAT course is very comprehensive, in terms of concepts (verbal and quant), strategies (difficulty-wise and time-management) and practice. I started with Verbal, as that was my weak area, and went through all the concept videos and practice and application files. This is very important. Doing these will greatly cover any conceptual gaps you have in your Verbal section and will help you develop a process to tackle different types of questions.
The biggest boost in my preparation came with the e-GMAT mentorship program. I was contacted by Deepak to sign-up for this program, for no extra charge. I had a call with him where we discussed my GMAT target score, plan and timelines, and he identified various places where I was lacking in my prep. For example, I had no strategy to manage time during the test and was not practicing enough to increase speed and apply concepts and the process. He sent me weekly targets, with daily schedule, to complete my preparation and practice, following which my prep speed increased. Also, we had a weekly/bi-weekly call to update my progress.
After I was done with concept videos (and simultaneous practice) for both Verbal and Quant, I had around 15 days to go for the exam, during which I had to practice very efficiently through mocks. I still was lacking in managing time and questions of various difficulty levels. Deepak made a time-table for me to take mocks, review them and practice questions. I used:
1. GMATclub Quant CATs for Quant
2. e-GMAT Scholaranium for Verbal
3. OG (Online) for both

For Mocks, I used:
1. Official Mocks (1 to 4)
2. e-GMAT Sigma-X Mocks 2 & 3

Both these give a very accurate simulation of the real exam and provide the closest estimate of your ability.
After each Sigma mock, Deepak would analyze each section, focusing on difficulty level, timing and accuracy, question-wise and section-wise. This helped me in setting a strategy that worked for me and helped me perform most effectively. Having a one-o-one mentor helped me a lot as I could route all my questions and doubts to Deepak and since he knew my weak and strong areas, he could guide me accordingly.

Would definitely recommend the e-GMAT course and the Mentorship program to anyone struggling with GMAT preparation.

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