July 03, 2020

Joined: Jan 24, 2018

Posts: 19

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41 (Online)

E-GMAT Mentorship --->> Highly Recommended!


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Deepak

Location Online

I’d like to start by thanking my instructor, Deepak Bansal, and E-GMAT for assisting me with achieving my GMAT target score and bringing me one step closer to my dream school.

I joined E-GMAT mentorship program after a long year of studying for the GMAT exam. Initially, I aimed to send my application in 2019, but because I failed to achieve an acceptable GMAT score I pushed my application to 2020. When I started, I was all over the place – I purchased books of 3-4 different companies and mixed them all up. I did not have a firm strategy and my biggest weakness was consistency. After about 8 months of ups and downs, I decided to try enrolling E-GMAT course, which, in a hindsight, was a game-changer for me.

Soon after signing up for the E-GMAT course, I happened to speak with Deepak Bansal, an aspiring instructor of E-GMAT, who analyzed my situation and gave me some insightful advice. I realized how inefficient I was with my study plan. Soon thereafter, along with several students from all over the world, I joined E-GMAT Mentorship programs under Deepak’s supervision.

Even though I’m a young professional who works 5 days a week, Deepak assisted me with committing and studying on a daily basis. Some of my biggest challenges were:
*Consistency – to study on a regular basis without pauses
*Organizing – to have a game plan in terms of what to study every day
*Feedback – to understand what do I do right and what do I have to improve
Deepak assisted me with each of those challenges by providing me with a study plan and a time schedule that fits my lifestyle. This schedule was updated from one week to another based on my achievements.

On test day I felt I was very prepared. I was confident in my skills and I knew I can achieve a high score. Eventually, I successfully scored 710 (Q50 / V46), which is 70 points higher than the first official score I received and more than 100 points higher than the first several mocks I took. This is a huge achievement for me and I feel that Deepak and E-GMAT have a significant role in my journey.

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