Gatehouse Admissions Consulting Reviews

Gatehouse Admissions partners closely with business school applicants targeting the most competitive MBA programs. Through establishing deep partnerships, providing unrelenting support, and infusing expertise into each step of the application process, Gatehouse Admissions helps its clients put their best foot forward in their business school applications. Gatehouse Admissions provides both Full Support services and A La Carte services, including mock interview sessions and hourly services.
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Liza Weale
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July 14, 2021

Joined: Oct 10, 2020

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Liza is a true partner throughout the process

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Background: Male, strong professional record primarily in IB and PE, GMAT: 690.
Results: Accepted to Booth and Wharton (attending Wharton Class of 2023).
Details: Liza was absolutely instrumental throughout my process. As a self-admitted procrastinator, Liza made sure that I was staying on pace and made herself flexible when deadlines were approaching. While beginning my journey, my story was a difficult one to synthesize as I temporarily left finance to help launch a non-profit. Liza helped me intertwine my professional story and personal story to achieve a very compelling narrative. She guided me through the interview process making sure I was ready to answer any question presented to me. She worked tirelessly with me throughout the process and ensured I didn't give up hope when something didn't go my way. Ultimately, she exceeded my expectations and allowed me to present myself in the best possible manner to schools. Between her leadership, cheerleading, coaching, and remaining as a trusted partner, I felt that we were a team throughout the process. I can confidently say I would not have had a chance to achieve the results without her guidance. Hiring Liza is the best move you can make in what will be a long and difficult journey and with her at your side, you will be giving yourself the best chance possible.

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July 12, 2021

Joined: Jul 12, 2021

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Liza is the best!!! (HBS Admit)

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I worked with Liza for over a year – through essay editing, applications, and interview prep – before being accepted to HBS. I have a IB + PE background, 730 GMAT, and attended a non-ivy undergraduate university. I don’t think I would have been admitted to business school if it weren’t for Liza. She is an incredible individual who helped inspire, support and guide me through the application process, and I would recommend her to everyone.

My journey through the application process had it all. First, I had no idea what I wanted to write about, or even remotely had an idea of my ‘story.’ I also was feeling the pressure of a Round 1 vs. Round 2 application, as I didn’t have my GMAT completed. Finally, I was questioning my own career path, which didn’t make my application process any easier. Liza stood by me through it all, always willing to jump on the phone to offer support, listen to how these extraneous problems would impact my business school applications, and guide me on the next steps to take.

I knew that I wanted someone that could help me transform my ideas (once they were developed) into an articulate, well-crafted, and concise piece of writing, and Liza did exactly that. I had spent much of the past few years reading, with very little ‘essay-style’ writing, and so I was nervous about how my essays would come together. Liza was a phenomenal help here, helping me turn what I could best classify as ‘word vomit’ into an essay that I was truly proud of.

Liza was able to help me craft my story and essays in such a seamless way because she truly spent the time to understand it. From our first call when we reviewed my ‘experience inventory,’ she asked me thoughtful and deep questions – often ones I hadn’t been asked before – that allowed us both to learn more about my motivations, decisions, and aspirations. She understood my story on a level that I’m not sure anyone else ever truly has and as a result, she helped me reveal details that – together with her exceptional writing ability – made my essays really stand out.

When it came time for interview preparation, Liza went above and beyond. Though we were only scheduled for an hour, we spent nearly two running through interview questions and honing my responses. Simply put, she puts an incredible amount of time and dedication into each of her clients.

If you’re thinking about whether you should hire a consultant, or which consultant you should hire, I can say with conviction -- the answer is Liza. I’ve spoken with over ten friends that have used consultants through the application process over the past two years, and from what I’ve gathered, none provided the experience that I had working with Liza (two of these friends also used her and agree!). Because of her, I will be attending HBS. Stop reading reviews, and reach out to Liza!

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June 07, 2021

Joined: Aug 12, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V44 (Online)

The Project Manager and Cheerleader You Didn't Know You Needed


If you're reading this and considering hiring Liza Weale for a full-service package, stop what you're doing and put down your deposit now! Every extra day that you have with her will make a difference and my only regret is not starting my work with her sooner.

Background: Female, ivy undergrad, investing/entrepreneurship
Result: Wharton, GSB and HBS (reapplied)

I went to Liza after hearing her praises from Associates at my PE firm. After working with her on a package basis, all had gotten into HBS, their top choice school. I wasn't set on getting an MBA until a couple of months before the Round 1 deadline and knew I was in for a rough few weeks between taking (and re-taking) standardized tests and putting together applications. The GSB was my top choice school but I also planned to apply to HBS and Wharton.

Working with Liza was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stressful period. She was clear with her policies upfront and became both the project manager and cheerleader I didn't even know I needed. No question was too small (i.e. do I need to explain this career transition?) or too big (i.e. which version of this essay do you think best captures my narrative?). I was especially impressed by the way she tactfully gave feedback to my recommenders - including one who's probably never been on the receiving end of a "markup" before. With a 163 GRE (V/M), strong extracurriculars, and a unique career background, I got into Wharton but was ultimately dinged at the GSB and HBS. Liza was there to celebrate and commiserate, alike.

I decided to defer attending business school because of COVID and wanted to take another shot at the GSB. With more time, I knew I could improve my stats and essays. Liza reviewed my materials and offered specific, actionable feedback. I had consultations with a few others in this time hoping to find a new perspective or someone with a lower rate, but no one came close to Liza's thoughtfulness and tailored advice for the GSB (and HBS). Liza was clearly invested in my success and gave difficult feedback while it felt at times that others were just going through the motions. And thank goodness she did - she saved me from sounding fake, which can definitely happen when you're itching to finish. With a 750 GMAT, another year of work experience, and fresh essays, I got into the GSB and ultimately HBS (off the WL). I have Liza to wholeheartedly thank!

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June 05, 2021

Joined: Mar 01, 2015

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Phenomenal Consultant, Pleasure To Work With

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My background: - BSc (Medical Sciences), 3.5 GPA - 5 years working in tech/business - GMAT: 730 Liza has a deep understanding of what b schools are looking for, and she puts in the time and energy to understand your story and craft a narrative that fits you and your target schools. She has fine-tuned a system to take you from 0 to a well-crafted set of applications. I'll be going to Berkeley Haas for their FTMBA program this fall, and I am confident it wouldn't have been possible without Liza's help. If you want to be confident you put your best foot forward with the right consultant, look no further.

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May 07, 2021

Joined: Jun 03, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V38

Liza is fantastic, hire her! (HBS Admit)


Background: Caucasian male with biomedical engineering and electrical engineering undergraduate degrees, also a master’s in engineering from a Top 10 graduate engineering program. 3.8 GPA and 700 GMAT. Work experience: 6 years working at a Fortune 500 tech company, mostly in very technical engineering roles. Applied to MIT (Sloan) and Harvard (HBS). Accepted to Harvard, round 2 admit. Liza was fantastic! For most of the MBA application process I did not hire any consultants, mostly because I didn’t think I had a chance of getting in. However, when I got an interview invitation from HBS, I hired Liza for interview prep help. At first, I was set on hiring someone who either was an HBS graduate or someone who had experience working in HBS admissions. However, after reading the amazing reviews Liza had, I decided to go with her, even though she did not go to HBS nor worked in HBS admissions. After working with her, this became irrelevant. Liza was also willing to have a free consultation / chat on the phone with me to discuss first, which other consultants weren't willing to do considering I only needed interview prep help. From the first time I chatted with her to decision day, Liza was amazing throughout the whole process. She was so knowledgeable and helpful about the HBS interview in particular. Not only did she provide very useful guidance on how to prepare for our mock interview, but our mock interview together was so similar to my actual HBS interview it was insane. No, it wasn’t exactly the same question for question, but the types of questions Liza asked me and the flow of the interview were pretty much identical. I’d even estimate that about half of the questions asked in my actual HBS interview, Liza asked me in my mock interview. Because of Liza, I will be attending HBS in the fall! This speaks to the amount of hard work and dedication she puts in to help prepare her clients for interviews, especially HBS, by reading every single word of your whole application and the essays. On top of this, Liza was always available and willing to answer any last-minute questions I had, and throughout the whole process would check up on me and cheer me on. If you’re trying to figure out who you should hire for an MBA consultant, especially for a mock interview for HBS (or really any other school), stop looking. Hire Liza!

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May 03, 2021

Joined: Jul 10, 2018

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Self-reported Score:
760 Q49 V45

A Trusted Ally for A Demanding Process


Background: Caucasian Male, 30, 8 years work experience in Media / Entertainment, GMAT: 760, Communications degree from a top 20 Undergrad (3.63 GPA)

Result: Admitted to Kellogg MMM ($), Yale SOM, NYU ($$$$)

I had the pleasure to work with April during the 20-21 admissions cycle and can say without hesitation that she is the reason I am attending business school in six weeks. From start to finish, she and the entire Gatehouse team were supportive, insightful, and (most importantly for me) extremely organized allies that elevated my application beyond what I could have ever done on my own.

For context, I came into this year’s application process relatively late – leaving only two months to prepare six applications (including HBS) after focusing my summer on attaining my target GMAT score. Knowing that I needed someone I could hit the ground running with, I spoke with five different admissions consultants hoping to find the right fit. April immediately stood out. On just our first call, it became evident that April is at once deeply empathetic and practical. In 15 minutes, she was pulling stories out of me that I hadn’t thought about or told in years – specifically probing on areas in both my professional and personal lives that became invaluable building blocks to the narrative I crafted for my applications.

This blend of empathy and practicality would become a running theme throughout our engagement. With a tight timeline and a demanding day job, every day counted. In response, April expertly walked the thin line between being emotionally supportive while keeping me accountable to the almost constant work required to brainstorm, draft, redraft, and polish the 15+ essays I set out to submit. At every step along the way, April was a reliable and thoughtful partner and, even when we were working on multiple different essays, she never once returned a draft late or without constructive feedback that took into account the “whole picture” of my application. To track and grasp the widely disparate elements of my applications and still be able to build cohesive narratives that surfaced the best parts of my story (all while I’m sure doing the same for other clients) was truly remarkable.

All that said, April’s greatest contribution to my admissions process came late in the game. After being admitted to Kellogg MMM (my #1 choice that April had actually brought to my attention during school selection), I was torn between that program and a full ride at NYU. With April’s guidance, I was able to leverage my scholarship at NYU, make a compelling case to Kellogg’s adcoms, and ultimately received a meaningful amount of money at Kellogg - sealing my decision and enabling me to go to a school I had absolutely fallen in love with.

This process can be many things - demanding, frustrating, challenging, and enlightening all at once. Having a consultant like April makes a world of difference. I couldn’t imagine being in the position I am today without her and I wholeheartedly recommend April to anyone looking for a trusted ally in their journey towards business school.

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April 26, 2021

Joined: Apr 26, 2021

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April Is A True Partner


Background: Male, six years of finance experience, 332 GRE, 3.5X GPA from a T20 undergrad, pursuing media/entertainment.
Result: Accepted to four T20s with $$

April is fantastic - she helped me whip up eight applications (three paid, the rest leveraging the material we worked on together) in less than 45 days before R2 application deadlines. It was a herculean task, but April rose to the challenge - at once career coach, admissions dean, crisis manager, and spiritual leader in addition to her normal roles of editor, narrative crafter, mock interviewer, scholarship negotiator, and so much more.

At the most fundamental level, she helped me crystallize what I wanted to get from my MBA, explained some of the key distinctions between the schools I was targeting, and devised a strategy that maximized my ability to reuse the materials we worked on together to cover as much ground as possible on the applications I worked on privately. From there, we began identifying the stories and accomplishments I needed to highlight - I was feeling particularly daunted by the application process and uninspired by my achievements at that point, so we worked tirelessly on framing them properly in my resume and essays, focusing always on the specific actions I took and explaining in detail how the results were meaningful. This was difficult and uncomfortable for me, but April always provided concrete examples of how it should be done and was never shy about letting me know the quality of my work, good or bad.

At the same time, she helped me construct a credible story, reframing what I had initially considered a hodgepodge of unrelated jobs, a year-long unemployment gap, and limited extracurriculars into a carefully-curated career plan in which an MBA was the obvious next step, and then helped me sell it confidently in a three minute package to the seven schools I interviewed with. During our interview prep, we discussed the questions I would most likely receive (which were 90% spot on), and how I should answer them. She has a keen eye; for example, she noticed I was often unconsciously downplaying my accomplishments to build rapport and avoid seeming arrogant, so we worked together to frame them in a more positive light.

Beyond that, April was incredibly professional, patiently answering my questions, never missing a deadline, and checking in constantly to make sure I was staying on track. She was eminently knowledgeable about the MBA process, and I found that many of the skills and frameworks she taught, like self-reflection via the STARR method, or how to sell yourself in a negotiation, have helped put my upcoming journey into perspective. I came into the MBA application season with a lot of unanswered questions about my career, and under April’s guidance and partnership, I came away with four great opportunities and answers to those questions, and I can’t recommend her enough!

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April 23, 2021

Joined: Apr 23, 2021

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Liza was a gem - pleasure working with her!

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Background: Male, British-Hong Kong dual citizen, 26 y/o; Commercial Manager at a Tech Company in Hong Kong; Undergrad in Public Policy at an Ivy League School

Accepted: London Business School MBA 2023

I was introduced to Liza through a colleague, who also worked with her. I reached out to Liza after I got an interview invite at LBS. We kicked off with a 30-minute consultation, followed by a 60-minute interview prep, supplemented with 3 interview-prep videos.

Ways Liza added value:

(1) Bringing my story/narrative to life: Liza gave me 2 important pointers to bolster my narrative during the interview. Firstly, she urged me to dig deeper into my post-MBA career goals, and really identify the steps I’d take to get there. Taking into consideration my current and past experience, as well as what I hope to gain from LBS, we worked on painting a much clearer picture about my trajectory. Secondly, she pushed me to own up to my weaknesses. I applied with an average quant score. Additionally, I came from a liberal arts/policy education, and my professional experience was sales/client relationship driven. These weaknesses were brought up during my interview, and I was prepared to address these concerns confidently, while highlighting other unique skills I could bring to the table.

(2) Infectious energy: working with Liza was an absolute pleasure - not an overstatement! From the first minute on Zoom, Liza welcomed me with a reassuring smile. She was invested in my stories, and responded to my questions warmly. Moreover, she followed up at different stages - before and after the interview and decision release respectively. Her style inspired me to bring an upbeat energy into the interview. The application process was tough in many ways - Liza added so much light. If anything, she assumed the role of a supportive mentor more so than a pure admissions consultant.

Overall, Liza’s USP is her warmth and energy, rooted in practical advice. I highly recommend Liza.

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February 27, 2021

Joined: Nov 04, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Liza is phenomenal and will get the best out of you!


Background: male, career in finance (IB + PE) and couple years of operating experience at a startup; older than the average MBA candidate.

Result: accepted to three M7s.

Like many here, Liza came highly recommended from a friend and as an older MBA candidate, I wanted to work with the best as this application cycle was likely the last window for me based on my age. In what turned out to be a year no one will ever forget with a dramatic change in the MBA admissions landscape, I can confidently say that Liza came through.

Essays / broader application: in tying together a less traditional path, Liza’s provided instrumental feedback on how to present my narrative across my application. This started with the pre-application work and the genuine interest she took in understanding my journey to date and where I hoped to end up. Once we got to the essays, it was incredible how much she was able to recall and use it to push me to add depth and greater meaning to my responses, all while making sure each and every word counted.

Letters of recommendation: one of my recommenders was not as familiar with this process. In discussing why I thought he would be a good recommender and the projects we worked on, she provided specific tips to help coax the best out of him, while staying true to the theme I was presenting.

Interviews: I was 3 for 3 in terms of being accepted to the schools I interviewed with. I credit this to Liza as she knows the high bar that interviewers expect and ensures you are ready by doing some serious and comprehensive interview prep. You can be confident that no matter what curve ball your interviewer throws at you, you will have a thoughtful response ready. Also, for schools that require an additional essay / video, Liza makes sure it is in top form and presents another side of you that the admissions committee has not yet seen in your application.

It has been a pleasure working with Liza. She is a phenomenal coach who will get the best out of you and you can rest easy knowing that you will be submitting your best application to these very selective institutions. Good luck!

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February 16, 2021

Joined: May 04, 2020

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Super Helpful, Thoughtful, and Supportive

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Background: Male, Private Equity/Investment Banking background, CS degree from liberal arts school, 326 GRE. Results: Accepted at HBS, waitlisted at Haas. Rejected: Stanford, Wharton, MIT. In what was a challenging and dynamic year, Liza was a steady and helpful guiding presence on my application journey. We started working together in March, right before the world shut down and all testing times were delayed. Liza was right there to reassure me and reduce my application anxiety while she herself was launching a business during a pandemic - talk about a leader! Liza was instrumental in helping me develop a strong story and compelling narrative in my essays and interviews. Liza's creativity and compassion are what differentiates her. She knows how to weave what may seem like disparate parts of your life into a full picture for schools. We worked collaboratively on one essay for over two months - whittling down a 2000-word, jumbled group of stories to a concise 800-word essay that put my passions on display. During the interview process, Liza was incredibly helpful. Her practice interviews felt like the real thing and she asked challenging questions that made me feel confident and ready for my interviews. I would highly recommend her for anyone who is serious about applying to the best schools!

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