Gatehouse Admissions Consulting Reviews

Gatehouse Admissions partners closely with business school applicants targeting the most competitive MBA programs. Through establishing deep partnerships, providing unrelenting support, and infusing expertise into each step of the application process, Gatehouse Admissions helps its clients put their best foot forward in their business school applications. Gatehouse Admissions provides both Full Support services and A La Carte services, including mock interview sessions and hourly services.
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Gatehouse Admissions Consulting Reviews

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Liza Weale
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May 17, 2015

Posts: 40

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:
740 Q51 V39

Thank you mbaMission!


I rarely write reviews but after working together with Liza Weale from mbaMission for more than 6 months, it was such a pleasant experience that I can't help but feel obligated to write one.

A little background about myself: I have a hybrid (IT & Management mix) consulting background in an okay consulting firm (obviously not MBB). My undergraduate was just okay - decent GPA from a public school but also a community college transfer student. Furthermore, I had limited extracurricular and leadership activities. Thankfully, at least I had an average GMAT for M7 schools. As you can see, I'm pretty much an average Joe professional and doesn't exactly exude "pedigree".

After a few years of working, I wanted to apply for MBA to move to a top consulting firm but I wasn't sure whether I could make it to the top schools. I had a free consultation with Liza out of curiosity and told her my background and goals. I asked her whether I could make it to M7 schools, knowing she'd probably tell me to aim lower but to my surprise, she actually said I had a fighting chance!

Liza was incredibly helpful in identifying my strengths and weaknesses during the initial call, which gave me assurance that she knows what she's doing. I decided to get the 4 school packages, which was a bit pricy, but I knew that if got into just one out of those four, I'd easily multiply my investment!

Since I was applying to four top schools, the application process itself was incredibly challenging and stressful, but Liza was very helpful in setting up timelines and milestones to organize and help alleviate the stress and burden. Furthermore, she was really flexible in rescheduling calls or modifying milestones to accommodate for times when work was crushing me. I also greatly appreciated her encouragement and direct constructive criticisms during the busiest periods - I knew that she really cares about her clients and wants us to be successful!

To me, Liza's greatest strength was her ability to identify strengths in my background (that I wasn't even aware of!) and make sure that they are reflected well in my essays. There were several occasions when I wasn't sure what to write about and she helped me brainstorm to come up with these brilliant ideas! A note of caution though: she will decimate and revamp your essay, which was for the good of course, but sometimes it was a bit frustrating since I spent hours working on it!

Even though I somewhat expected it, when the rejections started rolling in, I started to panic. I was incredibly stressed and nervous that all this hard work and money would go down the drain. Thankfully, Liza helped me calm down and keep focus. When I finally got that elusive interview, she immediately helped me prep and gave me incredible tips to make sure that I was ready for it. I made sure to follow her advice and hoped for the best.

Long story short, I was accepted to one of the top schools with my average Joe background and I definitely attribute my success to Liza's help!

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April 18, 2015

Joined: Nov 25, 2013

Posts: 39

Kudos: 12

Self-reported Score:
660 Q47 V34

Highly recommend Liza


Liza was an extremely helpful consultant who helped me tremendously through every step of the b-school app process. From the very beginning, she played an instrumental role guiding me towards schools best-suited for my career objectives and personal interests.

I cannot imagine crafting my story without her help. My background was non-traditional, but as I'm sure as every applicant can attest to, it's difficult to summarize your accomplishments and goals in a concise, thoughtful manner.

She reviewed each draft (of which there were probably too many) and provided excellent insight that really helped me strategically frame my background to position me as a strong candidate.

Her feedback, returned very quickly, and obvious compassion she exhibits to her clients makes the b-school process a little less daunting. She went above and beyond and continues to answer my most mundane questions post-acceptance, despite my running out of paid hours.

Liza truly cares about each of her clients, and I highly recommend her for anyone considering a consultant.

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January 22, 2015

Posts: 44

Kudos: 27

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V35

I first spoke to Jessica Shklar (30-min free evaluation call) and fell in love with her and MBAmission. The moment I hung up I knew I won't choose any other company (I had already spoken with 5-6 other consultants and no one came even close). A few days later, I was bummed to discover that Jessica was already fully booked for R1 (we were still in May!) and forwarded me to Liza Weale as she thought she would be a good fit for me. And GOD I was lucky! Liza was AMAZING throughout the whole process.

I worked with Liza on a 3-school package. At first, my plan was to apply to 4 schools, but I then added 3 additional schools (which I had put aside for R2) when I found out there was a lot of overlap with what I already had prepared with Liza. YES, you can apply to 7 schools in 1 round (although you REALLY need to put a huge effort) and YES, you might be able to share between apps when you have 3 complete applications and some spare time).

Long story short, Liza did an incredible job of preparing me during the next 5 months from writing a summary about myself to deciding what school to matriculate at. No matter what I say about Liza, it won’t be anything compared to what she had to offer. But I’ll try. Liza was ALWAYS there to help, she is understanding, supportive (whenever I felt down), she never makes you feel rushed, she gives you all the time you need, she never broke the 2-day turnaround deadline and she truly puts her ALL to help you. She genuinely LOVES helping others! Just after I finished the first 2-hour call with her (after she had ONLY read the summary about me), she already saw things in me that I couldn’t see myself. I literally hung up the phone with her and told my wife “Sh*t, I should’ve recorded that!).

Now, during the whole process, Liza won’t stop amazing you! Whether in choosing your target schools, drafting your essays, polishing and re-re-polishing your Resume, giving crucial advice to your recommenders, Liza was immensely helpful. I had a 700 GMAT and a GPA that’s on the average of most of the top 20 schools. But thanks to Liza, with such strong apps, I felt I had boosted my chances by at least 70%. I was admitted to 4 schools (my top choice included and with $), waitlisted in 1 and denied in 2 (both were long shots by far).

So, whatever your case, trust me, it’s worth the investment. Go for it! Go for MBAmission! And if you could, go for Liza Weale!!

I just have one last advice. While selecting your schools, your consultant will do his/her best to make you pick the right choice(s). However, always go back and do your homework, dissect the program, learn as much as you can about the community, the city, etc. before deciding on where to apply. In my case, Liza felt that I would be a good fit at a certain school, I started working on the app but after it was too late, I discovered I made the wrong choice. This is not to say that it was Liza’s fault. Only I am to blame for the decision. So, take some time to choose the programs you want to apply to, and don’t think this time is a waste, it’s totally worth it (even if it took a month!). That’s why you need to start as early as possible. So, STOP READING MORE REVIEWS, STOP WASTING PRECIOUS TIME, go ahead and start this great journey with MBAmission.

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January 12, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
660 Q34 V33

Liza Weale is a MBA LIFE SAVER!


I can't say enough great things about mbaMission and Liza Weale. mbaMission not only helped me get into the school of my dreams but it also helped my husband to be get into the school of his dreams as well.

Liza is just simple amazing. When you are speaking with her, she is completely focused on you and your goals. She is extremely responsive via email whenever you have any questions - which is a big deal for me. She is also adaptive and customizable in her approach. For example, she had given me some advice about how to take one of my essays. I decided to go against it and do something completely different and she was not only supportive but still extremely helpful.

To me, this whole process of writing your applications is extremely vulnerable so you want someone who is invested as much as you are and cares about you. Liza is exactly that.

Even when I got into schools, you would think that they would be done the process but Liza was just excited for me as I was for myself about getting in. She is even helping me look into writing programs because I want to improve my writing before I attend school.

Overall, I don't say I enjoy the process of writing MBA application but Liza made it manageable and made it so much easier.

Her greatest strength is her ability to coach you through the process.

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January 29, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

I worked with Liza from MBA Mission on 3 schools, and although I don't have a reference to compare my experience against, I do think that I couldn't have come up with such spot-on essays without Liza's help.

The process, I felt, was a very very involved one. There were many many iterations for every essay, and I'm talking 11 on an average and sometimes even 15 or 16. Liza worked with me very closely on them.

To sum up the process, we'd talk a bit about all the essays before we started to tackle writing them. We'd go through every question, and Liza would ask me questions (a lot of them) that really helped me search my life for relevant stuff that we could use. Liza would then tell me what she thinks about it – whether it's good enough or not, and why. She'd force me to seach harder and harder if she thought the story wasn't strong enough until I came up with something really strong.

Then, once we are settled on stories to write, the iteration begins. I'd come up with crap, and Liza would fix it. That would go on for 10-15 iterations until I had something awesome in hand. Liza was super-friendly, super-patient, and super-supportive through all the rejects – that actually helped a lot!

To sum it up, I'd recommend Liza very strongly. You can definitely count on her to bring out the best in you and then write it in a very compelling fashion.

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