Rachel R Nelson Reviews

Company: Gatehouse

Rachel’s time sitting on the other side of the MBA admissions table — as an alumna interviewer for UPenn Wharton — ultimately prompted her to begin coaching. Interviewing business school candidates revealed to Rachel how increasingly complex the application process was becoming. As a former rower for Harvard’s Radcliffe Crew, Rachel has always loved teamwork and understands how crucial it can be in one’s success. With that in mind, she pivoted away from evaluating business school aspirants to supporting them in their pursuit. She loves exploring her clients’ motivations and goals, guiding them on which stories to showcase and how, and calling on her own experiences to help them increase their odds however she can. With a liberal arts degree in government from Harvard College and an MBA from Wharton, Rachel relies on both her EQ and her IQ to be a formidable partner for MBA candidates targeting the very best schools. Rachel divides her time between Boston and the Cotswolds in England, while working with business school applicants all over the world. Before becoming an admissions coach, Rachel built a career focused on strategy and marketing in financial services.

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 18 reviews
June 27, 2024

Joined: May 17, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V44

Total game changer in my MBA application! Rachel is the best!


I had an amazing experience working with Rachel throughout the MBA application process, and I could not recommend her, or Gatehouse Admissions, enough.

For context on my background, I am a white female with a 3.8 GPA from a top liberal arts undergraduate college, 750 GMAT, and 4 years work experience in Private Equity. I was accepted to HBS and waitlisted at GSB.

I was introduced to Gatehouse by a friend and colleague who had amazing things to say about the team. I was matched with Rachel Nelson and was immediately sold after our introductory call – even in our first call Rachel understood my background, provided thoughtful advice on ways to boost my resume ahead of applications (e.g., additional extra-curriculars), and shared perspectives on the application processes across the schools I was considering (even ones I was officially hiring her for).

Our first step of the process was to fill out an "Experience Inventory" which was a very thorough (10+ pg) word document detailing my background from childhood, through academics, extra curriculars, work experience, and personal/professional goals. This was an amazing exercise both for Rachel to get caught up to speed on my background, and for me to clearly outline all of my experiences and identify common threads which could help craft a powerful story in my essays. During our next session Rachel came with a list of themes she'd noticed and potential areas for me to focus on in my essays – her brainstorming style was perfect in providing helpful suggestions, while always keeping me in the driver's seat of creation and the direction my essays would take. In the essay drafting stages her reviews are incredibly thorough and she was always transparent with timing commitments which made it easy to work together. She was a perfectionist in the best way possible, making sure we were using the word count to its fullest and never losing sight of how my essays, resume, and short answers all wove together into a comprehensive application.

Her interview prep thoughtfully started with "general interview" preparation and then offered advice and materials targeted to specific schools - this structure demonstrating her expertise and experience working with the different school's admissions styles. Her feedback was pointed and specific, which gave me very focused areas to work on.

Rachel was an amazing thought partner throughout the entire process, and overall, just a great person – I could not recommend her enough!

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May 31, 2024

Joined: May 15, 2024

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Rachel is the "edge" that led to my success and got me into HBS!

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I would not have had the success that I did with my MBA applications, had I not worked with Gatehouse Admissions and namely, Rachel Nelson. As an Indian-American male who graduated from Vanderbilt University with a 3.55 GPA as an undergraduate Chemical Engineer with a 770 GMAT score, I believed that I had a chance to get into an M7 Full-Time MBA Program, but I had some concerns. I’m not a strong writer, I knew I needed help managing the concurrent admissions deadlines, and I came from a non-traditional industry (I work in pharmaceuticals manufacturing). When I did introductory calls with many consultant firms, they all spent the time “selling” me on how much they would help me, while Gatehouse Admissions (where I met with Hollis Kline) went ahead and showed me. The intro call itself felt like a working session, and after hiring Gatehouse I was paired with Rachel Nelson. She is timely, honest, encouraging, and darn good at what she does! She turned my “pharma jargon” into translatable achievements while helping me identify and develop the themes of my essays. Her reviews are incredibly thorough, and she sent me back her reviews early multiple times, allowing me to have extra time to ensure my applications were strong. Her interview prep is targeted and effective, but also not too repetitive. When my work wasn’t good enough, she told me so in a manner that helped me improve. I found that the stronger writing skills I developed through her showed in my job too! If she felt that I could do even better, she pushed me for another draft, and I know that this “final push” led to me receiving admission at HBS, Tuck, Kellogg, and Booth, while also currently being waitlisted at Sloan despite applying it in the highly competitive Round 2. When I was waitlisted at Booth and HBS, Rachel actively helped me get off them by reviewing additional recommender letters and application updates. I truly believe that pairing with Gatehouse Admissions and Rachel Nelson was the “edge” that allowed me to experience such a successful application process in the incoming MBA Class of 2026’s competitive landscape!

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April 21, 2024

Joined: May 24, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q44 V37

Highly Recommend! Rachel Is A Miracle Worker!


Background: White female, 3.8 GPA at top liberal arts college (Williams/Amherst), strong extracurricular activities, 4 years of work experience at start-up, 660 GMAT.

Results: Accepted to Kellogg (+ received an interview invite at Wharton and was admitted to several other T15 schools with scholarship!).

I began seriously considering business school last spring but procrastinated on starting the application process until October because I wasn’t sure how to approach it. I was very set on attending school in the fall of 2024; however, being not the greatest standardized test taker, I was unable to improve my score in time for round two applications.

Knowing that my score was well below average for the caliber of schools I hoped to attend, I knew I’d need a consultant who could elevate other aspects of my application and provide much-needed guidance. Rachel did just that and more! She helped me convey my personality and experiences authentically in my essays and successfully navigate the challenges posed by a low test score. Plus, working with Rachel, I gained more from the application process than offers of admission — I developed a new skill set that I know will be invaluable in business school and beyond, including honing my career goals, improving my writing skills, and effectively preparing for behavioral interviews.

Above all else, Rachel is a genuinely great person to work with! She gave me the confidence to push forward with my applications, even in the moments when I felt discouraged. After I submitted my applications, she continued to support me, regularly checking in and wishing me luck ahead of decision dates. I can’t recommend Rachel enough to anyone navigating the business school process, whether you’re seeking direction from square one, or aiming to refine an already strong application. Her expertise, honesty, and support can enhance any application. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner through the process and wouldn’t change a thing!

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April 16, 2024

Joined: Jan 22, 2023

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She Is The Best There Is!

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Background: In-state undergrad, 2 years of banking, 3 years of private equity. 750 GMAT. MBA being sponsored through my current fund

Result: Admitted to HBS; GBS; Wharton (with $55k per year scholarship). Chose HBS

Rachel is the best there is. I come from a very overrepresented background of MBA applicants and did my undergrad at my generic middle-of-the-pack state school. On paper, my resume looks very similar to many folks with my background, but Rachel was critical in helping me tell a compelling story that gave schools a deep understanding of who I am and allowed me to stand out in the ways I hoped. She guided me through all parts of each application and every single line (down to the 100 character entries on the online apps after you’ve uploaded all your essays) was thoughtfully crafted. Rachel got an incredible sense of me as a person over this process and then helped me think about the mosaic I wanted to build out with each aspect of my application (i.e. let Recommender A cover X, so you can use real estate in your essay to elaborate on Y). Most critically, she was able to see throughlines in my experiences that allowed me to have connected themes and narratives guide my essays. She had my back every step of the way and wasn’t afraid to tell me when to pick it up (either in my quality of drafting documents or in the pace of turning them to meet my target deadlines). She is a wonderful thought partner and an especially kind and caring person. I tremendously enjoyed working with her and couldn’t recommend her enough.

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April 10, 2024

Joined: Apr 10, 2024

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Rachel is the Best! Highly Recommend!

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Background: Ivy undergrad, Consulting > Buyside, 760 GMAT, re-applicant (previously applied for 2+2)

Result: Admitted to HBS and Wharton

As a quant-oriented person, I was nervous about essay writing. Rachel guided me through the entire writing process and rounds of revisions. She helped tell my story in a way that highlighted my accomplishments, created a coherent narrative across my personal / professional life, and didn’t feel forced. For both schools, she coached me on what the adcoms are looking for – I didn’t realize how different my essays needed to be!

When I was given a “Further Consideration” decision at HBS, Rachel helped steer me through the process. She gave me the direct feedback that I needed to put together the best overall package possible. This ultimately resulted in being accepted to both schools that Rachel helped me with (my top 2 choices)!

I cannot recommend Rachel enough - I would tell anyone applying to business school to look no further!

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April 01, 2024

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Highly Recommend Working with Rachel

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Background: 2 years of Banking, 2 years of PE, 710 GMAT, Claremont McKenna undergrad with 3.6 GPA.

When signing up for a consultant, I did not know what to expect exactly. Rachel made the process incredibly easy and smooth for me. First thing Rachel did was truly get to know me. She took the time and effort to figure out my story to understand how we can make the best application possible. Rachel did not tell me to just do xyz, she really worked with me so I understood why we were doing what we were doing. This allowed me to tell the story that worked for me and my application.

When working with Rachel, you realize how much work your application really needs if you want to make it the best application possible. The MBA process is incredibly competitive, so it is important to put yourself in the best position possible to succeed. I truly think that Rachel did that, and she truly got me to a place where I felt like I had the best application possible and also felt prepared for my interviews.

You will only get what you put into it, and Rachel really made me feel that I got all that i put into the process. Truly would not have done it any other way.

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January 06, 2024

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Highly Recommend! Incredibly Supportive throughout the Entire Process!

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Background: White male of Latin American descent. Worked for PE/HF/VC for two years and Investment Banking prior to that. Non-target undergraduate with above average GPA. Recently admitted to HBS!

It initially took me a while to appreciate the value of an MBA. I was skeptical and spent a long-time soliciting feedback and different points of view to ensure this was the right next step in my career. After coming to the realization, I was slightly behind in my application process and timeline for round 1.

Rachel was incredibly helpful from day-1 distilling each of the key components of a well-rounded application. As someone with a type-A personality, Rachel did a great job creating structure to each component of the application process and pushing timelines to hold me accountable throughout. While busy with work, this demystified the application process and allowed me to dual-track applications with GMAT test preparation in a short timeline.

Rachel was also a great thought partner as I evaluated the course of my applications. Rachel helped me prioritize applications and shared valuable perspective on how to structure my submissions (round 1 vs. 2) based on the strengths and weaknesses of my application relative to each school's focal areas.

Most importantly - Rachel clearly wanted what was best for me and always gave honest feedback. I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with her, and don't believe I would have achieved the same outcome without her support. Highly recommend you put your faith in her as well!

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June 15, 2023

Joined: Feb 27, 2023

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Even in Round 3, Rachel Delivers!

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Rachel was excellent! My situation was quite unique, I had a very limited timeframe to apply and it was for Round 3. Nevertheless Rachel was action focused and didn’t take her foot off of the accelerator. The entire way she was there to support me, I was impressed by her ability to help me tell my story so concisely. I was also quite impressed with Rachel after applications were done, she continued to check in to see how I was doing and offered her help.

Some background on me, I am in the Automotive industry, had a 3.95 GPA from my undergrad in engineering but am not the strongest standardized test taker. Even so, with Rachel’s help I was able to gain admittance into Ross and Sloan. I am beyond thrilled with the results!

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June 12, 2023

Joined: Feb 15, 2023

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Rachel Helped Me Through Round 3!


Rachel was instrumental in getting me through a tough Round 3 Application Process. Due to late notice of receiving sponsorship (mid-January), I only had a few months to complete school research, GRE/GMAT prep and tests, essays, resume update, and recommender prep. Her method of understanding your unique background in order to help you shape your application and story is unbeatable. The MBA application process is hard, and it 100% helps to have an unbiased and unfiltered reader give you their feedback and help you iterate on your applications. I was ultimately admitted to Ross and Kellogg, and Rachel without a doubt helped me refine my first draft applications.

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May 16, 2023

Joined: May 16, 2023

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Self-reported Score:
740 Q48 V44


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I’ve planned to get an MBA since I graduated from undergrad in 2015. With good grades/extracurriculars at an Ivy, 740 GMAT score, and 5 years of total WE across banking & VC (some spent internationally), I felt confident in my candidacy and the applications I prepared for the 2020 admissions cycle. PS – additional background: straight white male, 29 years old.

What I didn’t realize until I was outright rejected from H/S/W in 2020 [no consultation help] and then again by Wharton/CBS in 2022 [used a 3rd party essay revision service], was that a “good” application is not enough. The application has to be exceptional, meaning all aspects of who you are and what you have done shine through in the clearest, most compelling light.

In 2023, I decided to go all out, in what I decided would be my last attempt at applying to FT MBA programs. With Rachel [end-to-end application consultant], not only did I get interviews at every school I applied (Wharton included), I was accepted with scholarship to CBS, Yale, NYU, Tuck, and Darden!!

I echo all comments in other reviews that touch on Rachel’s work style, particularly her earnestness, patience, and reliability. And of course, her expert knowledge of what makes for a good app. Rachel draws the most out of you at both a high-level (key stories and concepts to draw from) and low-level (editing for concision and clarity).

If you want to give yourself the best shot of getting into your dream school, do not wait for your 3rd try to work with Rachel like I did, do it on your 1st. And start working with her soon, because MBA applications are a hefty burden that requires brain, time, and emotional expenditure that’s best spread out over a 3+ month time horizon. The peace of mind, results, and stakes make working with Rachel one of the best investments you’ll ever make.

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