May 31, 2024

Joined: May 15, 2024

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Rachel is the "edge" that led to my success and got me into HBS!

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I would not have had the success that I did with my MBA applications, had I not worked with Gatehouse Admissions and namely, Rachel Nelson. As an Indian-American male who graduated from Vanderbilt University with a 3.55 GPA as an undergraduate Chemical Engineer with a 770 GMAT score, I believed that I had a chance to get into an M7 Full-Time MBA Program, but I had some concerns. I’m not a strong writer, I knew I needed help managing the concurrent admissions deadlines, and I came from a non-traditional industry (I work in pharmaceuticals manufacturing). When I did introductory calls with many consultant firms, they all spent the time “selling” me on how much they would help me, while Gatehouse Admissions (where I met with Hollis Kline) went ahead and showed me. The intro call itself felt like a working session, and after hiring Gatehouse I was paired with Rachel Nelson. She is timely, honest, encouraging, and darn good at what she does! She turned my “pharma jargon” into translatable achievements while helping me identify and develop the themes of my essays. Her reviews are incredibly thorough, and she sent me back her reviews early multiple times, allowing me to have extra time to ensure my applications were strong. Her interview prep is targeted and effective, but also not too repetitive. When my work wasn’t good enough, she told me so in a manner that helped me improve. I found that the stronger writing skills I developed through her showed in my job too! If she felt that I could do even better, she pushed me for another draft, and I know that this “final push” led to me receiving admission at HBS, Tuck, Kellogg, and Booth, while also currently being waitlisted at Sloan despite applying it in the highly competitive Round 2. When I was waitlisted at Booth and HBS, Rachel actively helped me get off them by reviewing additional recommender letters and application updates. I truly believe that pairing with Gatehouse Admissions and Rachel Nelson was the “edge” that allowed me to experience such a successful application process in the incoming MBA Class of 2026’s competitive landscape!

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