July 14, 2021

Joined: Oct 10, 2020

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Liza is a true partner throughout the process

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Background: Male, strong professional record primarily in IB and PE, GMAT: 690.
Results: Accepted to Booth and Wharton (attending Wharton Class of 2023).
Details: Liza was absolutely instrumental throughout my process. As a self-admitted procrastinator, Liza made sure that I was staying on pace and made herself flexible when deadlines were approaching. While beginning my journey, my story was a difficult one to synthesize as I temporarily left finance to help launch a non-profit. Liza helped me intertwine my professional story and personal story to achieve a very compelling narrative. She guided me through the interview process making sure I was ready to answer any question presented to me. She worked tirelessly with me throughout the process and ensured I didn't give up hope when something didn't go my way. Ultimately, she exceeded my expectations and allowed me to present myself in the best possible manner to schools. Between her leadership, cheerleading, coaching, and remaining as a trusted partner, I felt that we were a team throughout the process. I can confidently say I would not have had a chance to achieve the results without her guidance. Hiring Liza is the best move you can make in what will be a long and difficult journey and with her at your side, you will be giving yourself the best chance possible.

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