e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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Based on 1205 reviews
October 28, 2022

Joined: Feb 28, 2020

Posts: 7

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40 (Online)

A solid course for GMAT prep.


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I decided to purchase the e-GMAT Online focused course a few days before new year's day and I have to say that I am more than happy with my decision. I don't think I would have been able to reach the score of 730 without their support, especially in the verbal section in which I improved from a V31 in my first mock to a V40 in my last attempt.

Although the course material, in my humble opinion, is sufficient enough for one to reach a score of 700+, the personalized support provided by the e-GMAT experts is what helps you push your score to a 720+.

The expert assigned in my case, Rashmi, always came up with an in-depth analysis of my performance on the scholaranium platform and precisely pinpointed my weaknesses. I was also given a follow-up about what improvement steps were to be followed and how to go about them, which really helped. Also, just to let you know, their arsenal of improvement steps never runs out :)

Hope this brief review helps you to choose your perfect course. Good luck!

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November 08, 2022

Dear Shubhamvats7,

Congratulations on 730! This is your mentor, Rashmi here.

What a way to herald in Diwali – the festival of lights and celebrations – made all the grander by a 9-point verbal improvement from V21 (59th%ile) to V40 (90th%ile)

I remember how determined you were to improve your score from V31. To do that you set about building your foundation and improving your ability across all the weak areas. Your dedication finally paid off.

The efforts that you put in helped you improve to a 90th% ile in verbal. You can see from the image below how the strong foundation that you built in CR (88% in practice quiz scores) helped you get to improve your hard accuracy to 80% - 90th%+ ability:

Image Link -

Shubham, you have proven that with consistent, dedicated and diligent efforts nothing is impossible. Thank for the Diwali Dhamaka.

Wishing you all the very best for your management journey and all your future endeavours.


Rashmi Vaidya

October 23, 2022

Joined: Oct 23, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

Verbal increase: +11 points


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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When I decided to pursue an MBA, I started to prepare for GMAT exam. I am a quant guy, so an area of my focus was the verbal part (especially taking into account that I am a non-native speaker). As I am self-disciplined person, I was preparing solely myself. Having done several mock tests from the official website I in most cases ended up with 700+ score. That made me feel that I am ready to take the real one.
I took my first shot in November 2021 and I found out that the real verbal part was much more difficult than I saw at the mock tests. I got 630 (Q49, V27).
I took a rest in GMAT and started to prepare to IELTS. After successfully passing my IELTS exam, I came back to GMAT in couple of months and bought an E-GMAT course to increase my verbal score.
I really would like to thank the E-GMAT team for that course because before, in verbal part, I was mostly relying on my intuition, I was not paying much attention to the meaning, especially in Sentence Correction section, where meaning of sentence has much more weight than grammatical structure (nevertheless, it also should be correct). Scholaranium helped me to identify my weak spots and to work on them.
Finally, after couple of months I have passed my exam and got 700 (Q48, V38). Due to some logistical problems (I was only able to take the test in another country) I have decided that I am going to apply to BS with this score.
So, if you are a non-native speaker and you are struggling with the verbal part I recommend to participate in E-GMAT course. Good luck for everyone!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 30, 2022

Dear VMN,

Congratulations on your score of 700! A 11-point improvement in Verbal from 44th percentile to 84th percentile (V27 to V38) is in no ways a small feat to achieve.

The fact that you are a non-native speaker made this journey more challenging, but it is because of your hard work and dedication that you aced the exam! I can attest that only a few non-native speakers who took the GMAT can claim to have scored 84th percentile in Verbal.

You were always determined to improve your score in Verbal. Earlier, you were relying mostly on your intuition while marking the answers, which you afterwards realised is not the best approach. You started following a more structured approach and you went a step ahead in identifying your weaker areas and then working on them. The below image reflects your phenomenal stats in Scholaranium –

Image Link -

It was only a matter of time before you could replicate your success in the mocks in the actual exam.

Image Link -

I am sure that whatever you will do in future, you will face it with the same diligence and I wish you all the very best for the next steps ahead.



October 19, 2022

Joined: Jun 10, 2021

Posts: 9

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

620 to 730!! All thanks to e-GMAT


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Hello Reader,
This is my review of e-GMAT. Spoiler alert, this is a positive review ( I know there are already too many positive reviews for e-GMAT, but what to say, they are efficient and effective ). I decided to prepare using e-GMAT after watching a couple of e-GMAT SC videos on YouTube. I took their first mock, which is free, and scored 710. I got excited thinking that I could score really well on the actual test if I prepared well, so I enrolled with e-GMAT for 2 months starting June 22, 2022. I skipped master comprehension and directly went to the SC section. It is really well planned and delivered, with pre and post-quizzes in most sections of every module. The meaning-based approach used by them is amazing. It really makes life easier while attempting SC questions. After completing the SC section, I attempted another mock and scored 650. I was shocked, but nevertheless, I kept on going. I completed half of the CR section and around 10% of the RC section. My scores in the rest of the 3 mocks were 730, 680, and 720. I constantly kept getting better in quant (48, 49, 50, 50, 51). However, my verbal score varied like a cosine curve ( 39, 30, 39, 32, 37 ). I couldn’t understand the reason behind it, so I ignored it. After my subscription ended, I started practising from GMAT club as I wasn’t confident in my verbal ability. I solved around 200 SC questions on GMAT club ( getting most of them wrong but never trying to address the core reason ). I thought that after giving 6 mocks ( 5 e-GMAT, 1 official: 680 ), and practising so many questions, I should be able to handle the actual test easily. I booked the test for September 3rd. A lot of things happened that day, but even if they didn't, I would’ve still scored nowhere near my target (740). I ended up getting 620 (Q49, V26). Disappointed and tired, I couldn’t think of the next step.
The next day, I emailed e-GMAT and asked for help. Rashmi replied after analysing my ESR. She asked me to extend the course and work with her to bridge the conceptual gaps, especially in verbal. Last time I took a lot of things for granted, didn't complete either the CR or the RC section and didn’t do any cementing at all. This time I tried to follow her instruction to the point. I saw considerable improvement across every verbal section. I finally started using the meaning-based approach for SC and pre-thinking for CR questions. Eliminating the wrong options in SC became much easier, and my timing also improved significantly. I scored 720 (Q50, V37) and 740 (Q50, V38) in official mocks 3 and 4 respectively. All of this was possible because Rashmi showed confidence in me right from the beginning of my preparation for the second attempt, gave great feedback and suggestions, and helped me understand all my shortcomings and conceptual gaps. She has been a great mentor and helped me throughout my preparation for the second attempt.
I attempted the GMAT again on October 19th and scored a 730 (Q50, V38).
PS: I hate reading and have read no more than 2 books in my lifetime. Whatever English grammar I know is through daily conversations, Netflix, and Amazon Prime :p . So if I can get V38 then anyone can.
There are certain things that I liked about the course and the eGMAT experience:
(a) It is a well-structured course with quality material.
(b) The verbal section was really helpful in improving my verbal score through the application of the meaning-based approach in SC and the pre-thinking approach in CR.
(c) For SC and CR this is one of the best courses that are available.
(d) Questions on Scholaranium are of great help after learning concepts and applications. For verbal, the variety of questions helps cover most of the patterns observed in the actual test. For quant, the questions on scholaranium are actually tougher than the questions in official mocks or the actual exam, but that helps to get your concepts cemented.
(e) The support team answers all the queries quite quickly (within 12–18 hours), which really helps to move on, and motivates you to ask questions freely on the forum.
(f) Mentorship support during the preparation helped me with a structured approach to preparation as opposed to the haphazard way in which I was doing it
(g) For mocks, I feel that nothing can compare to the official mocks in setting a benchmark for the expected score. Nevertheless, e-GMAT has done a great job of making the mocks as authentic as possible.

Things to learn from my experience :
• Follow a structured approach.
• A meaning-based approach to SC is the only way to GMAT SC.
• Focus more on incorrect questions, spending sufficient time on understanding why you got that question wrong, rather than solving 300 questions. Solve 100 but know the reason behind accepting or rejecting an answer choice.
• Even if you’re decent at quant practice a few questions daily to keep your mind sharp.
• GMAT is not CAT, so do not focus on giving a lot of mocks, rather give 3-4 but analyze them in a detailed manner. ( Trust me, this works )
• Join e-GMAT if you want all of the above in one place.
• If you’re an Indian student, then do not forget to take your passport with you to the exam center.

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October 28, 2022

Dear AkshayIITR,

Congratulations on reaching the top 4%ile of GMAT test takers with a score of 730! A 110-point improvement overall, with a 12-point improvement in Verbal from 41st percentile to 84th percentile (V26 to V38) are commendable feats to achieve.

I was as elated as you were when I received the below email about your exam results.

Image Link -

Coincidently, the day you contacted us after your first attempt was Teacher’s Day. As mentors, we were aware right away that you had the potential to get your desired score if we could just harness it in a more structured manner.

To begin with, I am so happy that how beautifully you followed the given study plan as shown below.

Image Link -

You rightly mentioned that students should focus on quality rather than quantity. Solving more questions or giving more mocks will not help as much as analysing every quiz attempt strategically will do.

Please find below the image reflecting a glimpse of how you used to review your quiz attempt even if you scored a 100% in that quiz. This practice is very important for all GMAT aspirants. Regardless of whether a student received a score of 0% or 100%, he or she should strategically evaluate all the solutions to determine what errors were made and whether the answers that were accurate were obtained by using the proper strategies.

Image Link -

It was because of your dedication that you could improve your Verbal score from 41st percentile to 84th percentile (V26 to V38).

It was a sheer pleasure that we could be a part of your journey and I wish you all the very best for your next steps!



October 11, 2022

Joined: Sep 12, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V36

190 points improvement (520 to 710) ! Thanks to e-GMAT.


Improvement 190 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My background and my score before purchasing e-GMAT course-
I am non-native English speaker and I did my primary and secondary education in my mother tongue – Marathi. So, I was not much accurate with English grammar, lengthy sentences and big passages. I come from engineering background. Before starting my GMAT preparation, I took a mock to see what my starting score is. I searched on Google for a mock test. Coincidently, I gave e-GMAT sigma-X mock. My score was 520 (Q44 V19). So, there was long way to my target score of 700+. By the way, e-GMAT gives excellent analysis of all sigma-X test result.

Why I chose e-GMAT-
As verbal was my weak area, I was looking for course that shows its effectiveness on verbal. When I analyzed all courses available on Gmatclub, e-GMAT was one that captured my attention the most. After going through free trial, I found the course worth to put my efforts into.

My experience with e-GMAT-
Master comprehension module - At start of verbal section, there is master comprehension module. It taught me some techniques that helped me understand and recollect maximum information from I read. In my view, e-GMAT verbal course is great for non-native speakers.
SC module- 3 step process that SC course suggests is excellent way to solve the SC question. Sentence structure breakdown, meaning-based approach, and asking probe question were the keys to my improvement in SC.
CR and RC module- By following e-GMAT Pre-thinking approach for CR, You understand the argument so thoroughly that choice elimination becomes a lot easier. RC became my very strong area after following the e-GMAT process of getting immersed in the passage.
Cementing process- cementing process of e-GMAT basically made me so much familiar with concept and process of solving both quant and verbal questions that I did not forget what I studied as time passed. Queries that I posted on forum were answered very logically. I was really impressed with analysis that e-GMAT SMEs provided.
Finally, strategy experts did excellent analysis of my mock tests and gave me action plan to improve my weak areas. All plans given were impressive and because of those plans I started scoring 700 on the sigma-X mocks. These plans filled the gaps in my concepts and solving process. After this, I went through official guides, Official advanced question bank and gmatclub quizzes. On the official prep mocks as well, I started scoring 680 to 730. Finally, on test day(6th October 2022) I scored 710 (Q50 V36).

My suggestions to someone who is purchasing the course-
I think it’s the best course. So, you can start your preparation with high energy after this choice. 6 process skills that taught in quant might seem too much in the beginning, but if you follow them, they really contribute to your accuracy. I suggest following process steps very carefully. Initially they might seem time consuming, but after some practice they turn out to be time savers. I suggest taking help of SMEs and strategy experts whenever you are stuck. If you are already very good at quant, then, in my view, you don't need to go through all lessons and quizzes.

All the best for your preparations!

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October 13, 2022

Hi Jadhavsameer41,

Congratulations on the massive 190 point improvement!! Improvement on this scale is rare, and the fact that you were able to achieve such a vast improvement while being a non-native speaker with a history of Marathi-medium education is truly astounding.

What I find truly wonderful is how you zeroed in almost immediately on the skills that you would need to improve from a V19- that comprehension and reading were the cornerstones you needed to establish. You put in the work to master this core skill and the fruits of this labour can be seen in how well you performed on the course modules as well.

Look at this snapshot to see Jadhavsameer’s incredible course stats -

Image Link -

Once you set these foundations in place, you moved to gain mastery through the cementing process, taking curated quizzes and ensuring that you were clear and thorough with all the concepts and processes. Where there were gaps, you used Scholaranium to fill them in and imrpove more.

Look at this image to see how Jadhavsameer improved their SC ability through cementing-

Image Link -

I also love how you used every asset we have to offer to the maximum extent, such as SME support over forums and mentor support over mails.

Spending the time to build foundations, achieve mastery and become test ready really paid off with a 710 on test day. I am sure that with your grit and tenacity, whatever you decide to pursue next will undoubtedly be a success!

It was a pleasure working with you Sameer and I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours.



October 18, 2022

Congratulations @Jadhavsameer41

Tremendous effort!

All the best for the next steps!

October 19, 2022

Hi @Jadhavsameer41
Congratulations on your score, in how much time were you able to move from 520-710.
Also,did u achieve this feat alongside work?

October 20, 2022

Hi Ver23,
I started studying for Gmat around august 2021. My first GMAT attempt was in july 2022(score 620) and 2nd attemp was in oct. 2022(710). In total I studied for around a Year and 2 months while working full time. On workdays i studied for around 2 hours, usually in the morning, and on weekends i studied for 5+ hours. I think the key is that I studied consistently during the period of 14 months. Along with consistent timetable, i think, studying using organized and proven course/material is important.

thanks. best luck.

October 01, 2022

Joined: Jan 16, 2022

Posts: 12

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

V32 to V40. 640 to 730!!! All thanks to eGmat


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started prepping towards GMAT in end Dec 2021. I had been working for the past 10 years and had lost touch with studies, and highly competitive exams like GMAT were an uphill task.
I did my research and enrolled in the eGMAT course. In my initial mock, I got a 640 with a V36. The score boosted my confidence and made me approach the course with my own strategy as opposed to eGMAT's recommended approach. I covered all the topics esp the quant but skipped the verbal and learnt it on my own. I later realized that this was a big mistake.
I studied in this fashion from Jan 22 to Mar 22 and started taking official mocks from Apr 22. My official mock scores improved from 680 to 740 (verbal score in the range of V40 - V42) in this period close to a month. In between I booked my official GMAT for 17 May. However, torrential rains played spoilsport as I reached the exam center late on test day, drenched from head to toe and very anxious.
I went through the exam wet and cold and ended up scoring a 670 (Q49, V32). I was totally disappointed by the score and straight away cancelled it. I assumed that anxiety was the reason for my poor performance and decided to redo the exam soon enough. The very next day I gave the last remaining mock in the eGMAT and scored a 710 with V40. I felt confident about my verbal level and concentrated on quant. Then again after rigorous preparation, on 22 June, I gave my exam again and got a 690 (Q50, V33). I was shocked by my verbal performance, but decided to keep the score.
I realized that I had a serious problem with verbal and I needed to address it. I sent an email to eGMAT seeking help and that’s when Rashmi, a strategy expert and mentor from eGMAT, reached out to me offering help. She prepared a one-month plan to improve my verbal score and reinforce my quant score. I diligently followed the plan and I was evaluated on every step. She also helped me out with the strategy and pointed out the mistakes I did in my prep.
Verbal is all about having a solid strategy, practicing it and putting it to work for the test. But my verbal strategy was loose and it sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t. That was what was affecting my performance on test day. I improved my verbal strategy through eGMAT’s curated course. I revised the quant topics and finally on test day on Jul 27, I returned with a score of 730 (Q49, V40).
These are certain things that I liked about the course and the eGMAT experience: -
(a) It is well-structured course with quality material
(b) The verbal section was really helpful in improving my verbal score through the application of meaning-based approach in SC and pre-thinking approach in CR.
(c) SC is one of the best courses that is available
(d) Questions on scholaranium are a great help after learning concepts and applications and helps master the section
(e) Timely support by the support and strategy team helped me take the right steps and make informed decisions at the right time
(f) Mentorship support during the preparation helped me with a structured approach to preparation as opposed to the haphazard way in which I was doing it
However, I also felt that for quant, the material and questions in eGMAT may be used for studying and not exactly for exam experience or exam practice. It is almost impossible to finish any of the questions in 2 min. Gmatclub tests were very helpful for my quant prep.
Overall I would suggest that if you are opting for the eGMAT course, take help of the strategy expert sooner rather than later as it would help you achieve your desired score asap.

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October 20, 2022

Dear Amd9dnd,

Congratulations on a wonderful score😊 This is Rashmi, your mentor from e-GMAT here. What a journey it has been!

I am so glad that you are finally done with the GMAT. Your email right after the test showed how happy (and ecstatic, dare I say) you were. Finally, all your hard work paid off.

Image Link -

Why is your story motivating?

To get to a 730 after 10 years of professional commitments and a break from studying and exams is truly commendable. Your GMAT journey is an excellent example of how a ‘never give up’ attitude’ and the willingness to learn from one’s mistakes can help one succeed.

“Your Verbal Improvement”

A V32 to V40 improvement is incredible. We planned for 30 days (Plan below) and you got there in 30 days.

Amd9dnd’s Study Plan:

Image Link -

What I liked about this entire journey is your willingness to learn new methods (Prethinking and Meaning-based approach) and excel on them. The upward trend in your CR accuracy shows just that (Image included)

Amd9dnd’s CR improvement:

Image Link -

“Your Quant Improvement”

You improved your Quant score from Q44 to Q50. I can see how you excelled on Quant modules, especially those in Geometry and Algebra (Your GMAT skill file scores are excellent). I appreciate your feedback on quant questions as we are on the constant journey of improving ourselves. Having said that, I believe that preparing for GMAT is like “preparing for war” and you should be ready to take on the most difficult questions.

Overall, they say it is human to falter but what takes great courage and determination is to learn from it and turn it around to success, and congratulations to you for having achieved that.

I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your MBA journey and all your future endeavours.


Rashmi Vaidya

October 01, 2022

Joined: Sep 16, 2018

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38 (Online)

EA score improvement from 156 to 160 in less than a week


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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While I had heard about e-GMAT from various internet channels, I didn’t believe in its value until recently. My friend told me that she has done full prep course with e-GMAT over couple of months and she scored 760 at her first attempt. By that time, I had already passed GMAT exam after 4 month’s self-study (700 – V38, Q48, IR7, AWA6) and I was planning to prepare application for Columbia Business School Early Decision. The deadline was just 3 weeks away. I checked out e-GMAT’s free trial upon my friend’s advice and felt so much regret that I didn’t study for GMAT with this platform. I immediately understood that e-GMAT offers structured approach for verbal SC and CR, which were my weakest sides as it’s usual for nonnative speakers. While I had just 3 weeks and had to do the application as well, I reached out to Payal, she took my story very personally and immediately returned to me with thoughtful plan and wise advice. Since CBS is accepting EA as well, it was more rational for me to do EA in parallel with application submission process. Needless to mention how much support I received from the whole e-GMAT team on this journey. I registered for e-GMAT’s GMAT Online Focused course on 5th September and received detailed study plan from Rida how to use the course for EA prep. I first tried EA on 11th of September in 6 days after registration to check my starting level EA score without doing the suggested course from Rida, as was mostly focused on essay writing. I scored 156 (V10, IR11, Q15), which is equivalent of approximately 700 in GMAT. Since I already had 700 score in GMAT and I did not want to send application with this score to CBS, I started to study with e-GMAT for EA and in 11 days after the first try, I scored 160 on EA (V13, IR13, Q14). During the one-week study period, I concentrated on verbal and IR. I found IR section especially helpful, as well as cementing quizzes in SC were exactly what I needed. I want to highlight once again, how much motivation and emotional support I have received from Rida and Payal during this journey. That’s another major thing that makes e-GMAT platform incomparable along with its structured approach for studying. I strongly and enthusiastically recommend e-GMAT to anyone who is preparing for GMAT. It’s the best value for money in the least possible time (price is very affordable). I just applied to CBS and waiting for the Early Decision results. In case I’ll need to study for GMAT again, I’m sure e-GMAT will help me in GMAT score improvement- similarly like it helped for EA.

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September 30, 2022

Joined: May 29, 2022

Posts: 8

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40 (Online)

egmat online focused course review


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I signed up for the e-gmat course after hearing good reviews from one of my friend, who had taken the course. After attempting one free official test (in which I scored 570), I realized that I needed to really improve my verbal score. The verbal course material was really comprehensive and made me develop a very logical approach to solving verbal questions. I believe, that one of the most important element that e-gmat taught me in verbal was the section. which helps you to understand, how to read strategically in the verbal section of GMAT. This really helped me to improve my score from 550 to 710 in my first attempt.
From my sigma mock-X scores, Payal reached out to me to tell me that she saw good potential in me and told me that if I needed, she could help me with a personal tutor without any additional cost – Rida, who would help me plan my study in the limited time I had. This really helped me to push the boundaries further and I was scoring in the 750's in official mocks. With the e-gmat team's help, i was further able to push my GMAT score to 730.

I am really great-full to e-gmat team for helping me with my gmat journey. I recommend e-gmat to all the fellow aspirants. e-gmat helps build a logical and structured approach, which really makes the difference and helps you tackle the GMAT with great confidence

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October 21, 2022

Hey Parth,

Congratulations on your wonderful score improvement! A massive 160-point from the 40th percentile (570) to the 96th percentile (730) is a dream come true!

I am glad to see that you had a “never give up” attitude throughout your prep and even when you reached the 90th percentile with a 710, you decided to push through and aim even higher.

Your Verbal skills improved as you took the right steps to build your ability by learning to read strategically and mastering processes across SC, CR and RC to get you to 90th percentile ability. I can see that in RC hard questions you were able to maintain an accuracy of 90+%ile ability (have a look at the image below!)-


Image Link -

It was a real pleasure working with you Parth! I wish you all the best for your B-School applications- I'll keep an eye on my inbox for when you reach out with good news!


September 29, 2022

Joined: Jun 09, 2022

Posts: 10

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40 (Online)

Believe the process!


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

GMAT is altogether a different beast. Hard work is not the only ingredient which is important here. I had scored a 710 in my first go, but the golden threshold of 720 was what I had my eyes on. But going beyond 700/710 is altogether a different ball game. That is when I realized what eGMAT can do for me. Looking for a course after that 710, I didn't take me much time to decide upon eGMAT. The sheer number of 700+ scores they have achieved over other courses should give you a hint.

Starting from RC, Harsha (at eGMAT) is the guy here! Everyone has a tendency to be uncomfortable in the essays which are from fields/subjects unrelated to your profession. But Harsha got you covered here. From learning the importance of pause points to pre-thinking, I was able to get rid of my fear of those healthcare and historical essays.

For CR, this is the toughest part in GMAT. So you want the best here (Harsha is your guy again). eGMAT gave me an all together different weapon in my arsenal for tackling CR: Pre thinking. Trust me this works wonders. From starting with zero bold face questions right to getting all of them right has been an incredible experience.

For SC, practice plays a big role. But 700 level questions are still tough, until you discover the meaning analysis, Payal is going to teach you. For all those 700+ SC questions, meaning analysis is the key.

Lastly, a shoutout to my LMP mentor Rashmi, she was there for me always. Giving me prompt replies to all my queries, making schedules for me, letting me know my weak points, pushing me till the end. She made it happen!

Thanks eGMAT.
I would recommend you to anyone who is looking at that golden threshold of 720+ in GMAT.

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October 11, 2022

Dear Ajitesh12345678,

Congratulations on your 730! I am super happy that we could help you cross that ‘golden threshold’ of 720😊.

To do this in a matter of less than a month is the icing on the cake.

It is easy to give up after getting a 710 but it takes a person with determination and resilience to persevere and put in the efforts to get to their target score.

The efforts that you have put in is clearly visible in CR – where you have almost perfect first-time scores in practice quizzes for Boldface and a 70% accuracy for last 20 hard questions.

Refer to this image to see how almost perfect scores in practice quizzes helped Ajitesh get to around 90th%ile ability for Boldface questions here:

Image Link-

Despite being at a higher ability in SC, you set your eyes on the stars and did the entire course and internalised the meaning-based approach that helped you clear hard cementing quizzes in SC with great accuracy putting you at a 90%ile ability in SC.

The diligence that you showed in the preparation resulted in amazing scholaranium scores that predicted a 90th %ile score in verbal.

Refer to this snippet of Ajitesh’s account to see how the verbal scholaranium predicted 90%ile score in verbal:

Image link-

Finally, as a part of the Last Mile Push program you completed all the improvement plans with single-minded focus all the while trusting the process. The proof is in the pudding and in the GMAT field, it is in the final score – which you were able to improve to a 730!

Ajitesh, it has been a pleasure working with you and helping you get to your target score. I wish you all the success in your applications and management journey and hope you make it to the cobbled streets of Oxford😊.


Rashmi Vaidya

September 23, 2022

Joined: May 18, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V37

Important for Structured Prep


Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Hi folks,

I signed up for the e-gmat course after hearing good reviews from co-workers. After attempting one of the free official practice papers and the sigma X mock, I realized that I needed to seek help with the Verbal section. The personalized study program at e-gmat validated the same. The verbal course material was really comprehensive and made me confident that I had exhaustively covered all topics.
Soon, I was reached out by Payal suggesting me to work with an e-gmat mentor – Rashmi, who would help me plan my study in the limited time I had. The analytics provided by the Scholarium platform coupled with Rashmi’s feedback facilitated me to cement my weak areas.

I was struggling with SC questions, where my approach was primarily rule based. E-gmat’s meaning based approach allowed me to not only reduce my attempt time but also improve accuracy. Finally, strategically planned mocks helped me become more confident about my skills, something really important for the final exam.
I am thankful to e-gmat, especially Rashmi, for helping me prepare better for GMAT.

Following is a brief timeline for your reference:
1st Free Sigma X Mock – 29th May 2022 – Score 710 (Q48, V38)
Plan Purchased – 5th June 2022
Mock 2 – 30th June 2022 – Score 700 (Q49, V36)
Mock 3 (After LMP – Last Mile Push program) – 11th Sep 2022 – Score 750 (Q50,V41)
Mock 4 – 14th Sep 2022 – Score 710 (Q50, V36)
GMAT – 16th Sep 2022 – Score 720 (Q50, V37)

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September 03, 2022

Joined: Jan 23, 2019

Posts: 68

Kudos: 16

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q51 V40

Amazing for Verbal Improvement - Amazing boost for SC


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started my Gmat journey in August 2021 with a score of 720 (Q50 V38) . Quant was decently strong for me to begin with. However, SC and RC were a real struggle.

Fast forward to June 2022 I enrolled in eGmat course mainly for Verbal. The meaning based approach for SC and the overall modular structure of Verbal was really impressive. Also, the Scholarium dashboard provides deep insights into the areas that can be improved, the "low hanging fruits". Scholarium helped me gauge my weighted accuracy (Easy,Medium,Hard) at 70%. The PreThinking approach in CR was essential to identify patterns and to improve accuracy and ability to solve Hard 700+ level questions.

The SigmaX mocks are very close to official mocks and give a detailed review of sub-sectional performances, including optimal timing indicator. I scored a v39 in first mock and a v43 in the second mock. On my actual test day I scored a v40 , in the range indicated by sigma x mocks.

egmat Verbal is very well balanced for anyone aspiring to crack the Gmat.

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