e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
December 18, 2022

Joined: May 04, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42 (Online)

An Honest Product that builds your Skills


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Process Skills for Quant, Pre-Thinking for Critical Reasoning
and clear cut unambiguous guidelines on correct sentence structure for Sentence Correction. Also, the concept of Error Logs and Cementing Quizzes.
However, the biggest strength of this product is the manner in which it endlessly prompts the student to follow a structured approach of solving questions in each of the different sections the GMAT.

Would make the product better:

The product is simply great in its current format. However, since the company itself has pampered its students by creating useful tools such as P.A.C.E. for the Quant section of test prep, the same or similar tool for Verbal would be great as well!

Unlike other exams, the GMAT is not a test of how well you can remember formulas or how quickly you can solve a question. Rather it tests the students presence of mind and their ability to correctly interpret the question itself. And this is one quality consistent across all its sections. To be able to perform well in such an exam, it is imperative to understand its nuances and to internalise certain proven strategies that streamline the way a student approaches each question on the test.

The content offered by eGMAT as part of their GMAT prep courses does just that. It solidifies the basic Math and English fundamentals and then builds upon them to convert them into GMAT level Quant and Verbal. The Process Skills taught in the Quant modules, which are essentially techniques required to break down each Quant question to isolate the relevant data, are reiterated to the point where their application becomes second nature. In such a case, even the trickiest of questions lose their complexity. Next, the Cementing Quizzes at the end of each topic help in carrying out an objective assessment of the student’s assimilation of concepts and the corresponding Error Logs brilliantly highlight areas that need additional consideration.

For the Critical Reasoning subsection of Verbal, an elaborate module on Pre-Thinking ensures ample practice to perfect this acquired skill. And the highly interactive and engaging modules on Sentence Correction successfully cover even the most dry grammar topics in a fun and indelible manner. The vast repository of examples covered in each module brings absolute clarity in the application of concepts and provides enough opportunity to the student to bridge any gaps in understanding.

The quality that sets eGMAT apart is that it does not teach its students any shortcuts or tricks to tackle GMAT questions. Instead, it equips its students with the exact tools required to decode the GMAT exam and makes the overall experience of preparation a joyous one; where the student actively seeks hard questions to both apply his learnings and get them right, and to get an opportunity to uncover another trap in case they get it wrong. For the same reason, I would highly recommend eGMAT to any student in their own GMAT journey.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 22, 2022

Dear GoAkshat, ,

Congratulations on a wonderful 90-point improvement to 740! With this you are now among the top 3% of the GMAT test takers😊

Thank you for your kind words about the course. As you have rightly said, the GMAT is not a test of retention, but that of application and you used this mantra at every step of your preparation. This is what helped you master application and ace the GMAT.

As you have mentioned, this realisation helped you “understand the nuances and internalise certain proven strategies”. You started from scratch – by learning concepts and applications and then mastering them through cementing. See how the time that you spent on internalizing the Pre-thinking approach helped you get to 90%ile ability in CR and reduce the overall time to 1:42sec

Image Link:

It is great that you mention PACE in quants (we are working towards getting this feature in verbal too). I can see that the PACE feature helped you save over 22 hours in quant. See how in Algebra alone you saved close to 8 hours.

Image Link:

Your structured diligent approach to the course and the use of the error logs helped you improve to a Q49 in quant. See how internalizing the process skills through regular review helped you improve to a 70%+ accuracy across all the blocks in Word Problems.

Image Link:

I commend you on leveraging the tools that e-GMAT offers and making the best use of them to ace the GMAT.

I am sure you will approach the next phase of your professional journey with the same zest and zeal to excel and wish you all the best in all the wonderful things to come.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

December 13, 2022

Joined: Oct 04, 2021

Posts: 10

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V40

E-GMAT- a blessing in my journey!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I joined e-gmat after finishing another GMAT in-person course from an organization. After I had finished my first coaching and attempted an official mock, the results were shocking. Not only was the study material far from the required concepts, the methods used to teach were very generic and rudimentary.
GMAT is an adaptive test, and with the algorithm the test is based on, one must be prepared to:
- Handle questions by applying relevant concepts
- Have a pacing-strategy in place
- Nurture the correct mind-set
These 3 points are the most basic requirements, and E-gmat gives just the right appreciation to there importance. After following the steps prescribed by the course and the mentors, I was able to score as high as:
- 780 and 760 in official mocks
- 760 in SIGMA-X mock
- 720 in my official attempt

E-gmat is, hands-down, one of the most targeted courses available anywhere in India and online. The subject matter taught is entirely relevant and not at all redundant. In fact, the course ensures that the needs of people from varied starting points are catered to. I belong to a non-math background and felt extremely lost as I proceeded with my initial coaching classes. But the Quant course of E-gmat walked me through the most basic concepts and made me reach complex concepts so fluently that I managed to score a Q50 in every Official Mock I took. Cementing Quiz feature especially comes in-handy to give you a realistic, non-starry check of your performance, which is an under-rated but super-important requirement for one’s journey.

MY ADVICE: While the course does an amazing job in laying down all the concepts, it is also imperative that you keep on revising the taught concepts by re-visiting the concept/application files. It is your responsibility to ensure that you make the most out of the course. The course is a powerful weapon if you know how to use it.
Further, the verbal course, especially verbal SC, is very comprehensive. I loved how the course teaches the way to read given sentences with a goal in mind (meaning analysis for SC and logic analysis for CR and RC).

ERROR LOGS: The course also provides ready-to-use error logs, another great feature that keeps you focused and targeted. The logs make you question where you went wrong, for instance- sometimes, I’d know the concept to be used but could not translate what was asked in a timed environment; using the error logs made my job easier as I knew that I did not need to go back to the concepts but only focus on not rushing through reading the question stem. Your only responsibility while filling up these logs is to be honest with yourself, and the more honest you are with yourself, the faster you will sail as you’d know the exact area that requires fixing.

- The forum: Makes the course journey personalized. Queries are answered within 24 hours. The responses are provided by qualified professionals and are extremely reliable. The forum discussion threads make you look a given problem form multiple facets and reach to the root of your concern.

- Strategy Experts: There are so many highlights of the course, but this is perhaps the one that shines the brightest. You can mail and seek guidance from strategy experts of e-gmat. There were multiple mentors that helped me throughout the journey and gave me workable insights and I am thankful to all of them.

Kanupriya Sharma was my main mentor throughout. I just loved how Kanupriya ma’am hand-held and guided me through my journey and always motivated me to only focus how I can improve. It is because of her efforts in providing me with the required plans that I was able to bag such an amazing score. Dhruv Joshi also helped me considerably during the last phase of my journey by providing me with the right content and areas to focus on and by providing a real of view of my progress.

Completing the course is, as the people at e-gmat would say, not sufficient in itself to ace the test. The three main pointers I mentioned above are no cake-walk and need to be nurtured with time. Thus, consistent revisions, cementing quizzes, test-readiness and mocks are all important to score well. If you, for any reason, don’t follow the given path, you run the risk of falling off-track, a result that can cost you time.

I highly recommend this specific course after having experienced other prep company courses. E-GMAT is one of the best course available for GMAT prep today.

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December 22, 2022

Hi Shivangisharmaa,

Congratulations on your score of 720!

I really like the way that you have approached your preparation in a structured and clinical manner, carving out the most precise path to GMAT success.

Your crystal-clear understanding of the structure and bankable skills truly paid off in Verbal. In SC especially, I can see the focus that you placed on understanding the meaning and structure of a sentence to get to the right answer translated to the 95%accuracy in SC hard questions.

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I am glad Quant 2.0 helped build your foundation from basics and master your application to be able to solve most hard-level questions. Despite coming from a non-quant background, with your efforts and structured approach, you were able to achieve exceptional stats on the Quant scholaranium scoring the 80th percentile plus ability across sub-sections:

Image link:

What is commendable is you used all the features of the course available - forums, mentorship, and error log. You not just maintained the Error Log but did a thorough analysis of your entries to identify the lingering weak areas and work on them appropriately.

Your journey is a testament to the fact that when one puts in the right kind of effort in the right spirit, one can achieve whatever one sets their eyes on.

Shivangisharmaa, the entire strategy team is glad to have been a part of your amazing journey. 

We wish you the best in all your future endeavours. 

Kanupriya Sharma

December 08, 2022

Joined: Jun 13, 2020

Posts: 2

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

My Journey to 720 with e-GMAT


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

So I’ve enrolled in the e-GMAT Course after doing a lot of research on which course to opt for my GMAT prep. I’ve written an official mock 3 years ago and I knew my weakest area was verbal. After reading a lot of reviews I’ve decided to give e-GMAT a try. In my first Sigma X mock I scored a 640 with 46 in quant and 31 in verbal. So I’ve enrolled in the course and started focusing on verbal. Ended up scoring a 780 in my last Sigma X mock with 51 in Quant and 45 in Verbal. And scored 780 and 770 in both my official mocks, and 720 in the main GMAT.

There are three things that I absolutely loved about the course
Super Interactive
While preparing for GMAT I realized the issue I’m facing is not the understanding of the concepts but it’s the application of the concepts in the given amount of time. And the structure of the course was such that I could learn, apply and cement the process through their modules and quizzes, especially in the verbal section. The application of the concepts was very well covered in the interactive style of their course. In following that process I could increase my accuracy from 60% to a whopping 90% in all the sub sections.
The Dashboard and Error Log
They have an amazing and very EASY to use dashboard. It is so well defined that I could find my weakest areas in terms of accuracy, difficulty level and timing. I could focus on my weak areas and increase my score by more than 80 points without spending a lot of time in the prep.
I can only stress and stress on the importance of the error log. I’ve revised it at least 30 times before the test. And the error log that they’ve provided is very thorough and has helped me fill all the conceptual and application gaps.
My Coach Rashmi Vaidya (LMP - Last Mile Push Program)
She is the BEST. I was struggling to cross the 700 mark. Without her intervention I wouldn’t be able to score above 700. She would analyze my mocks, my tests, and every aspect of my profile and suggest the next steps. She has supported me through my downs and trusted in me more than how much I did. Rashmi has spotted intricate shortcomings in my profile and made me cement them really well. I really really thank her for her support and availability through the course.

All in all e-GMAT has helped me score a 720 in spite of me having a bad test day. I’m considering a retake because I know my ability is higher than 720 and that trust was built through the course and Rashmi.

First Sigma Mock: 640(Q46 and V31)
Last Sigma Mock: 780(Q51 and V45)
Official Mock 1: 770(Q51 and V47)
Official Mock 2: 780(Q50 and V46)
GMAT Attempt 1: 720(Q50 and V38)
Total Preparation Time: 4 months, approx. 3 hours a day
Planning to retake it in the next 15 days.

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November 18, 2022

Dear layakeerthi,

Congratulations on your 80-point improvement to 720! This is your mentor, Rashmi here.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with you. You are the perfect example of how one can ace the GMAT through a consistent, diligent, and process-oriented approach.

It is commendable how you recognized that while you might be conceptually strong, you need to work on your application skills to be able to get to a top score on the GMAT.

You not only built a solid foundation by going through the application files but mastered the application by working on GMAT-level questions during cementing.

See how this process-led approach helped you get to 90%ile ability in verbal. This image shows how the time invested in learning applications in SC helped you improve to 90%ile in SC

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Mastering application is not a one-time linear approach. It is an iterative process of identifying weak areas and strengthening them. You did an exemplary job of this process by constantly reviewing your quizzes to identify areas of weakness. You then set about improving these areas with a single-minded focus. I am glad that the error logs and analytics on the platform helped you in this journey.

See how in RC, through this constant iterative process, you were able to improve not just your accuracy but also bring down the time:

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You followed the same diligent and structured approach in quant where you were able to get to the 83%ile ability level required to get to a Q50. See how the scholaranium data predicted you to get a Q50:

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Once you reached a 700 level, with your persistent and strategic approach, you improved your ability to a 750 level. I know you couldn’t get to this score on the test day, but I am sure that with your grit and determination, you will get there on your reattempt.

I wish you all the best for the reattempt and all your future endeavours.

Rashmi Vaidya

November 23, 2022

Joined: May 24, 2022

Posts: 74

Kudos: 51

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Best resource for Verbal!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I enrolled with e-GMAT the day after I saw 640 (V34 Q44) on my in my first official mock in May 2022 . I hadn't prepared for the mock but I had gone through video lessons from an Indian GMAT prep company called Career Launcher. I was far from target score of 740+ and I didn't think Career Launcher notes would be enough and so I started looking for other GMAT prep companies. I came across e-GMAT through GMAT club and I was impressed by the testimonials. I attend one of their free SC webinars and decided to schedule a free consultation call with them. After talking to the consultant, I signed up with them and gave their Sigma X-mock and scored a 580. I wasn't concerned about the overall score because I had read that the official score is usually 40-50 points higher than Sigma-X mocks. It did give me a very comprehensive snapshot of my weak and strong areas. My verbal was better than my quants. CR was a bigger concern than SC and RC was good. Algebra needed the most work among the quant topics. So I started with quants. Unfortunately, when I came to the cementing stage for the first section, I couldn't pass it no matter how much I tried. Dejected, I decided to study quants from elsewhere as it seemed like I wasn't improving. I think the problem was that their questions were extremely lengthy and I found myself running out of time. Their course is good but I wasn't a fan of their quant questions.

Eventually, I turned to them for verbal and found that that was one of the best decisions for my GMAT prep. This was exactly 2 months before my test date. I am enlisting below the things I liked the most about them (this is only relevant for their verbal content):

1. The course: Brilliant! The video format is crucial for understand nuances of sentence structure, grammar rules, and how to apply the approach they teach in real time. It is simple and very well sorted. It can look daunting but I found that it clarified my concepts so well that I could eliminate incorrect choices in questions with solid reasons easily. I don't think there is anything that their course doesn't teach.

2. Meaning-based approach and pre-thinking: I can safely say that the meaning-based approach is infallible. Not only that, when I could not remember the grammar rule for something, the meaning-based approach always came to my rescue. It worked almost every time. For CR, I had thought I wouldn't use pre-thinking because it seemed like it would take too much of my time and what if I wasn't able to pre-think the CA? I would be further confused when I looked at the options. But boy, was I wrong! Pre-thinking doesn't teach you to think of the CA for the question. Noone could possibly think of the exact CA in all situations. It teaches you to analyse and process the information in the passage such that you can come up with a FRAMEWORK for how the answer should look like or on what logic the answer should be based. That was game-changing! My ESR reveals that I answered correctly 100% of the CR questions I attempted. I had come a long way from CR being my weakest section of verbal.

3. Scholaranium: After my experience with quant questions, I was wary of scholaranium verbal questions. I was wrong. These questions were the key to my consistent success in verbal (V41 is my lowest in all of my official mocks and my real test). They are slightly more nuanced than the official questions but they teach you everything you need to know to answer all kinds of questions on the GMAT. If you have practiced enough of these questions (and analysed them well), rest assured that you will not struggle with verbal! RC questions weren't my favourite but CR and SC questions were everything and more! The explanations given for each option clarified so many of my gaps!

4. Last and most important/helpful: I had very little time left and I was struggling with completing my verbal course with e-GMAT and my quants course with the other prep company (TTP). At this point (about a month before my actual test), I reached out to their support team asking for a mentor. Rashmi, one of the mentors and strategy experts at e-GMAT, responded within 24 hours. In my last one month before the test, Rashmi has been a constant support and a guiding light for me. I reached out to her for all my little and big concerns regarding my prep. She always returned with encouraging words and a very structured plan to make improvements. She respected my decision to not do quants questions on their platform and still gave me guidance on how to go about quants OG practice. I followed her advice and was able to score 760 in the official mocks. Her guidance was instrumental in my success!

One extra thing that I absolutely loved was their application files. I watched Payal solve so many questions in those videos following the step-by-step approach that it was finally ingrained in me. Those were extremely helpful!

It might look like I am simping for about them but this is genuinely how I feel about them, especially their verbal course. If you're studying with them, you're verbal at least is sorted!

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December 01, 2022

Hey ridamagarwal,  

Hearty congratulations on the 740 score!  A 100-point overall improvement is no mean task and I applaud you for achieving this feat! It has been a wonderful experience working with you for the last month.

You are the perfect example of how a structured diligent approach to GMAT preparation can help you get to the top score😊

You completed each step on the way with utmost sincerity and attention to detail to such an extent that you made following the right approach second nature to you. In SC, you internalized the meaning-based approach that helped to improve to a 90th%ile ability. See how this methodical approach helped you improve to a 70%+ accuracy across all the blocks:

Now, coming to CR – it was your weakest sub-section. Despite your initial skepticism, you set about learning CR from scratch – all the concepts, and applications. Then by a focused practice on GMAT-like questions through cementing, you mastered pre-thinking to such an extent that your accuracy for CR questions in the test was 100%.

Here is an image that shows how the time that you spent on internalizing the concepts and applications helped you get to a 90th%ile ability in CR:

Thank you for your feedback on the quant questions. We value each feedback that we receive as this just helps us improve as a company and helps us serve the students better. That said, I believe that when one sets out to conquer an exam like the GMAT, one must be exposed to all kinds of questions to truly ace the GMAT.

It is not easy to get a 740 – only 3 in 100 achieve this feat, fewer on their first attempt. But you have shown that when one sets an eye on the goal, even the impossible becomes possible!

Ridam, continue to scale greater heights and inspire people with your achievements. I, on behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, wish you all the best.

Rashmi Vaidya

November 23, 2022

Joined: May 19, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

620 to 710!!


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started preparing for GMAT in May of this year. I gave a free GMAT mock before starting just to know what my weak points were and what needed my attention the most. I scored 580 in that mock and started preparing. I started by watching various YouTube videos , solving questions and after 2 months gave another mock, this time an e-GMAT free Sigma-X mock test, and even after studying for 3hrs (avg.) daily I could only score a 620(Q47 V27).
Coming from an engineering background, I was always confident of my quant abilities. But even after reading several different books/watching several videos to prepare for the verbal section, I was not confident of my verbal abilities, especially my CR and RC abilities(RC being the weakest). I attended free webinars on SC, CR and RC sections organized by e-GMAT and was impressed by its approach to the verbal section. Finally, I decided to sign up for the course as I prepared.
Best part about e-GMAT in my opinion was the Personalized Study Plan (PSP) which helped me create and follow a very fruitful study plan. I straight away started with the verbal section and e-GMAT helped a lot in building my foundation for the Verbal section.
When I started preparing for RC with the e-GMAT modules, I was not very optimistic about the outcome because I have not read much books (and believe me if you are an avid reader you would do great in RC section), but based on the way I was taught to approach RC passages, types of questions , I started enjoying solving RC questions, which I used to avoid all the time, and reached at an 80% accuracy level from 55%.
After completing a particular section, it helped me solidify my concepts by giving tests known as cementing quizzes. Which really helped me know where I was lacking even after finishing a part, if I was stuck in any question I used to ask an expert and within 1-2 hours I used to get a reply.
Unfortunately due to some personal reasons, I was not able to give my GMAT within the duration of my subscription, but none the less, even after my subscription ended I got a reach-out mail from e-GMAT and they helped me by clearing my concerns, giving me tips on where I should focus more, and gave me a study plan for the remaining days till my exam.
All in all, thanks to e-GMAT, Payal Tandon Ma'am and Abha Mohan Ma'am I was able to score a 710(Q49 V37) on my first attempt.
First Sigma Mock: 620
Last Sigma Mock: 680
Official Mock 1: 580
Official Mock 2: 660
Official Mock 3: 720
GMAT Attempt 1: 710(Q49 and V37)
Total Preparation Time: 6 months, approx. 3 hours a day

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December 01, 2022

Hi yatharthdubey31, 

This is Abha from e-GMAT. Congratulations on your 710 and thanks for sharing such lovely words. I am very happy to see you be a part of the 700 Club.    

A 10-point improvement in Verbal from a V27 (44th percentile) to a V37(81st percentile) is no mean feat and I commend you on your diligence and dedication. 

You started off the right way by attempting the first Sigma X Mock and creating your Personalised Study Plan and following the suggested pathway.  

Image link:

For a student looking to improve their verbal score, understanding all the concepts well and internalizing the process such that it becomes second nature to you is an imperative part of the learning.   

I am glad that the RC strategies gave you confidence and helped you understand the passages which in turn helped improve your accuracy. Here is an image below where you have diligently completed the RC Course and attained 95% plus accuracy in practice quizzes and concept quizzes.

Image link:

Your diligence and resilience helped you build your ability and made your success inevitable. It was just a matter of time, and I am sure these qualities will take you a long way in life.  

All the best for all your next steps!  

Abha Mohan  

November 18, 2022

Joined: Dec 07, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V35

E-GMAT review


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

The E-gmat focused online course was quite heplful in understanding the kind of skills GMAT tests. Their SC course is designed right from basics i.e. - building blocks of sentence. This definitely helps especially for non native speakers. Although there is a notion that E-gmat is known for verbal, I found their quant course quite detailed. I think their quant course is quite underrated. The Scholaranium platform that they have tests you right from basic to advanced levels. The support mail is quite prompt and you can expect reply at the earliest. I was assigned a mentor Rashmi Vaidya. She helped me in identifying my weak areas and guided me throughout the course. I must say she was quite patient and diligent. I am overall satisfied with the course.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 25, 2022

Dear kunalmahajan, 

Congratulations on your 710! It has been a pleasure working with you as your mentor in your GMAT journey.

Being a non-native speaker, the verbal preparation was not easy. But you went about it in a structured way by investing in building your basics and then refining it further by practicing on Scholaranium questions.

See how this methodical approach helped you improve your SC ability to a 75% accuracy:

The results of the determination and diligence that you showed during your preparation can be seen in the great accuracy that you have for hard questions in quant.

Kunal, I am sure that these qualities with help you excel in your MBA journey and help you grow your social enterprise by leaps and bounds.

Wishing you all the best,

Rashmi Vaidya

November 17, 2022

Joined: May 26, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 15

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Believe in and stick to the process


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Coming from an engineering background, I was always confident of my quant abilities. But even after reading several different books to prepare for the verbal section, I was not confident of my verbal abilities, especially my CR and RC abilities. I attended free webinars on SC, CR and RC sections organised by e-GMAT and was impressed by its approach to the verbal section. Finally, I decided to sign up for the course as I prepared to give one last shot at the test.

e-GMAT assigns you a dedicated mentor from day one who helps you throughout your GMAT journey, providing weekly study schedule as well as motivating you from time to time. The verbal section begins with Master Comprehension section which lays foundation of your verbal ability. The SC section is based upon ‘meaning based approach’ which tremendously helps you in solving 700 level questions when grammar rules fail in helping you distinguish between answer choices. The CR section emphasises the ‘pre-thinking’ approach. The RC section teaches you ways to effectively read a GMAT passage, focussing on the bigger picture without getting bogged down into the details. Since, in verbal section, it is more about eliminating four wrong answer choices than selecting the correct answer choice, ways to identify wrong answer choices are taught. Trust me, it is very crucial to learn to eliminate wrong answer choices when it comes to verbal section. As is the case with verbal section, the quant section also contains a foundational module and is divided into different modules. Each module contains lectures on different topics, covering different quant abilities tested on GMAT.

Apart from the Sigma-X Mocks, the course content that helped me the most was cementing quizzes. These quizzes help you apply the skills that you learn by watching videos on the platform and ‘cement’ the concepts in your brain, making the complete solution process a natural reflex, a kind of muscle memory. This reflex boosts your confidence and saves time while solving a question. The platform also provides analytics of your accuracy and time for different question types in the sub-sections of both verbal and quant. These pictorials help you pin-point your strengths and weaknesses. You can either analyse these analytics yourself or simply drop an email to your mentor who provides his insight into your statistics. e -GMAT also provides one-on-one sessions with SMEs to help you with your preparation. These sessions are generally meant to pin-point your faltering points and to help you bridge any conceptual gap or make behavioural changes to your approach. One such session helped me identify my weakness and improve my CR ability, increasing my mock score by 30 points and eventually boosting my verbal score on the test. In addition to one-on-one session, the e-GMAT forum can be used for any queries pertaining to the concept or the process used to arrive at the answer. My only pain point was the Word Problems module of Quant section. I believe that word problem questions were way too lengthy and complicated to be solved within 2 min and not up to GMAT standards. These questions do teach you a systematic approach to solving different questions, but the module can, at times, become a bit overwhelming.

In the end, I would like to highlight the importance of sticking to the process. Believe in the process taught in the modules and no matter what do not change your process while under pressure during the test. I would like to thank my mentor Dhruv Sir and the complete e-GMAT team members for their support throughout my prep journey, and congratulate them on a job well done in developing the platform.

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November 25, 2022

Hi Navi2310,   

Heartfelt congratulations to you on your 760 score! 

You certainly deserve to be amongst the top 1 percentile of all GMAT test-takers.

Diligence and making the right decisions during prep played a key role in helping you improve from V29 (54th percentile) to V42 (96th percentile). Your decision to start your journey with the fundamentals was one of those many right decisions you took. Establishing these fundamentals helped you master processes that got you to the 90th percentile , as we can see with SC in the image below-

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When I look back at your journey, I can surely say that it had its own set of hurdles and blips. However, the way you rose above every challenge makes your achievement even more special. For instance, CR was one section that challenged you the most. But the trust you placed in the structured approach guided you. And now, your improvement is here for everyone to see. Here is an image that shows your CR Improvement, where you were able to rise to a 90th percentile ability, thanks to your structured efforts: 

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Despite being at a higher ability in Quants, you worked on the same consistently and your Quant Scholaranium scores are a rare sight, displaying accuracies that easily predict your Q50 score on the test day. Have a glance at these amazing accuracies in the image below-

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As your mentor, one quality has consistently stood out to me and has been a hallmark of your success, and that is your openness to feedback and new learnings. Even after your last mock score of 740, you took away some lessons and improvements from that attempt too. It is an attribute that will serve you well in B-School. 

Navi2310, the entire strategy team is glad to have been a part of your amazing journey. 

We wish you the best for all your future endeavours. 



November 17, 2022

Joined: Dec 25, 2021

Posts: 10

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

Clinical Approach to Acing GMAT


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I gave a test on 30th August and got a 640 with a Q49 V27. With R2 deadlines looming, I had one final attempt at GMAT. Having used GMAT Club for the bulk of my preparation, I came across eGMAT in the club and read great reviews. Hesitant at first, I attended a free webinar on one of the verbal sections and I was convinced that eGMAT could be the solution just 10 minutes into the webinar.

Since I had many other commitments in my life, I needed a way to prepare for the GMAT that was already structured and did not require my effort to organize what to study and when to study. eGMAT provided exactly that with a comprehensive study planner.

Though my study efforts were a it overestimated, I was nevertheless able to approach my preparation methodically. I had exactly 40-45 days for my preparation and eGMAT platform was able to help me make the best out of that time.

I was already comfortable with quant, so having finished the Arithmetic module (rather quickly, thanks to the PACE engine), I did not delve much deeper into Algebra or Geometry.

Verbal was my weakness and I needed solid improvement in the same. Knowing that the density of SC questions was the highest of the three question types, I started with the SC course (after the master comprehension course). The meaning based approach was extremely useful as it helped me develop a framework with which, by the time I reached the cementing stage, I was able to already pre-guess the right answers (and wrong answers!) without even looking at the options.

The fact that a certain order is emphasized (SC --> CR --> RC) is not for nothing. There is learning in SC that can be taken to CR and there is learning in SC & CR that can be taken over to RC. In essence, given my time constraints, I could not focus much on RC; however, the way eGMAT inculcates reading (and interpreting) techniques in SC and CR was helpful enough in RC.

After getting decent scores in my Sigma-X mocks, I was ore dependent on my own skills rather than on luck by the time the D-Day arrived and I was happy to end up with a 710 (Q50 V35).

I would wholeheartedly recommend the platform to new GMAT takers and repeat GMAT takers alike.

My last piece of advice to people deliberating on the which test-prep company to use - GMAT is a game (the adaptive test engine is literally one). There are rules in the game that may or may not hold good in real life. The key is to understand these rules and take them for granted while you play the game. With my little experience, I can say that the eGMAT team is one of the pro players and learning from eGMAT's platform can surely help you achieve your high score.

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November 25, 2022

Dear omsgapsa,

Congratulations on the 710!!

I really like the way that you have approached your preparation in a structured and clinical manner, carving out the most precise path to GMAT success. A 70 point improvement in 45 days is no small feat!

Indeed, this precision is extremely evident in your Quant course attempts, where you made full use of the algorithm to cut out a clear learning path for yourself and only target areas of clear weakness. I can see that in Word Problems, you were able to save over 12 hours of study time –

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Your crystal clear understanding of structure and buildable skills truly paid off in Verbal. You understood that time was of the essence and worked out how to build your skills in the right sequence so that they could coalesce into something extraordinary.

I also really admire how, for the parts of the course you were able to attempt, you gave it your all. In SC especially, I can see the focus that you placed on understanding and utilising the meaning and structure of a sentence to get to the right answer. In the image below, its clear that you have adopted a method that allowed you to reach the 90th percentile.

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I am also really glad that the mocks allowed you to carve out such a predictable pathway to success and give you the most realistic practice possible before the exam. As we can see below, your score in the test was foreshadowed by excellent mock performance.

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I am really glad that we could be a part of this journey omsgapsa, and I am sure that you will succeed at your future endeavours with the same precision and clarity of thought that you have shown during prep.



November 09, 2022

Joined: Jun 20, 2022

Posts: 12

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V34

e-GMAT- Verbal Section is very Excellent


Improvement 190 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I gave my first GMAT test in July and i got 490, the score disappointed me a lot. It made me doubt my preparation. To be honest I was overconfident and did not prepare well initially. I had bought egmat 5 months online course in April 2022 but i did not use it in correct way at all. I just used the course to practice questions more and more without actually understanding the process behind each type of questions which impacted me a lot during my GMAT.

After my first GMAT, I took time to clear my head regarding the doubts I had on myself. Once I cleared everything I extended my egmat course for one month and started preparing for min 2 hours everyday. Egmat verbal course was really helpful, it trained me in how to read a RC, how to think in CR and what all i look for in SC. I felt the verbal section of course has covered every inch of the topic and with lot of dedication and preparation this course really helped me to get a good score in verbal.

I havent used e-gmat quant course at all because I have always been very strong in quant. So i cannot comment on the quality of the quant section of the course. But what i can say is that the range of questions they have in Quant is very
extensive in terms of quality and quantity.

1 week before the exam I took 2 mocks from sigma-X mock tests. My mocks score were less. I got around 580-590 I panicked but I remember that during a egmat free SC seminar Mr. Rajat and Ms Payal has told that error analysis is very important. So I took my mocks and analysed every question that is when I realised that in all the verbal questions my thinking process was correct but either I was overthinking or I was misreading the option and choosing the wrong option. This error analysis made my realise that my basics are strong I just have to concentrate more on rejecting the wrong options. So, for the last week I concentrated on my option analysis and basics only and looked at my previous mocks and questions I answered.

On Oct 24,2022 i retook GMAT exam and I got 680. I am very grateful to each and everyoneof e-GMAT team who designed the verbal course.

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November 08, 2022

Dear chandrakanthg,

Congratulations on your score of 680 with a Q49 and a V34! A 190-point improvement overall is a phenomenal achievement and everyone here at e-GMAT is so happy to have been a part of your journey.

It was because of your resilience and determination that you didn’t get disheartened after your first GMAT attempt in July. You recuperated from that, refocused and faced the journey with “let’s ace it attitude”.

What is even more commendable is that you used the error analysis to your advantage after your first GMAT attempt in July. You understood that you were not letting the process become a second nature to you which was impacting your preparation. You critically analysed the situation and with a proper casual analysis, you did not just identify your weaker areas, but also work upon them. The below image shows your dedication towards even a specific module which resulted in your success.

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Not only did you give each lesson ample time, but you also allocated enough time for you to review your mistakes on any quiz. The image below shows how committed you were to review your errors carefully. You diligently examined your mistakes and made sure you didn't make the same ones in the real exam.

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You maintained your diligence till the last step because of which aced your exam. You have greater heights to mount, and I am sure that you can overcome from any situation ahead after this journey.

All the very best for your next steps!


October 30, 2022

Joined: Aug 20, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

A very well structured course


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I narrowed down on e-GMAT for my GMAT prep based on their fantastic reviews on GMAT club and having spoken to a few friends of mine who recommended it. I found the course very well structured. There is a well laid out path to get to a very good ability level in each section. I would say the course material (such as concept videos and quizzes) overall is very good, although it does take quite a bit of time to get through the whole course (that being said, there are ways to actually personalise the course material at various points based on your current abilities, which I thought was quite helpful).

The course feature that I was most impressed with is the Scholaranium. This is an extremely well designed platform which provides numerous questions within each section, along with amazing data analytics which, when used in the right way, can really help you improve your performance. The quality of the questions is really good. In my personal opinion, I felt that the difficulty level of many questions in the scholaranium is at par or sometimes even above the difficulty level on the actual exam. So I would suggest do not get disheartened if you don’t see yourself scoring very well on each test/quiz. Just trust the process and put in the effort consistently. The data analytics provided within the scholaranium platform is top notch! It goes into a great level of detail, so you can actually identify which specific area you are really faltering in and then work on that area. For me personally, these features really helped improve my abilities.

Overall, I am happy that I gave e-GMAT a shot and would happily suggest it to anyone who is starting their GMAT prep journey. The Verbal modules in particular are very good. Quant is also very good, although I used both e-GMAT and Target Test Prep (which has flexible one month plans) for my quant prep, so thanks to both of them! In the end, all I would say is that don’t just assume this course is a magic wand that will given you your target score (i.e. don’t assume just by completing the course material you can attain your target). A lot of it has to do with how diligent you are in tracking your progress, doing detailed (strategic) reviews of your errors and finding out where you went wrong, maintaining a detailed error log (I cannot stress the importance of this point just enough!), mastering time management and so on. The course will help you with almost all these aspects in one way or the other, but it is up to you how you make the best use of it.

Finally, thanks to the entire team behind e-GMAT (especially all the subject experts) for helping me get to my target score.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 04, 2022

Dear nikhiljayaram,

Congratulations on your score of 720 with a Q49 and a V40! Not only you improved your Verbal score from 69th percentile to 90th percentile (V34 to V40), but also you improved your Quant score from 44th percentile to 73rd percentile (Q44 to Q49). These are commendable feats to achieve!

I have to compliment you on how well you stuck to your study schedule. You had the strategy in front of you, and you adhered to it exactly. By carrying out the necessary tasks in the right order, you effortlessly reached to your target score –

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Getting a 90th percentile in Verbal requires diligence and dedication to you study plan. You did not just limit yourself to give quizzes on Scholaranium, but you also used the data analytics to identify your areas of weakness and then worked upon them. The results of which can be seen below in the image reflecting your Scholaranium statistics in Verbal hard questions –

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It was just a matter of time that you saw the fruits of your diligence and good study habits in the actual exam, and I have all the faith in you that whatever you will approach every goal in your life with the same determination.

All the very best for the next steps!


258 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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