December 18, 2022

Joined: May 04, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42 (Online)

An Honest Product that builds your Skills


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Process Skills for Quant, Pre-Thinking for Critical Reasoning
and clear cut unambiguous guidelines on correct sentence structure for Sentence Correction. Also, the concept of Error Logs and Cementing Quizzes.
However, the biggest strength of this product is the manner in which it endlessly prompts the student to follow a structured approach of solving questions in each of the different sections the GMAT.

Would make the product better:

The product is simply great in its current format. However, since the company itself has pampered its students by creating useful tools such as P.A.C.E. for the Quant section of test prep, the same or similar tool for Verbal would be great as well!

Unlike other exams, the GMAT is not a test of how well you can remember formulas or how quickly you can solve a question. Rather it tests the students presence of mind and their ability to correctly interpret the question itself. And this is one quality consistent across all its sections. To be able to perform well in such an exam, it is imperative to understand its nuances and to internalise certain proven strategies that streamline the way a student approaches each question on the test.

The content offered by eGMAT as part of their GMAT prep courses does just that. It solidifies the basic Math and English fundamentals and then builds upon them to convert them into GMAT level Quant and Verbal. The Process Skills taught in the Quant modules, which are essentially techniques required to break down each Quant question to isolate the relevant data, are reiterated to the point where their application becomes second nature. In such a case, even the trickiest of questions lose their complexity. Next, the Cementing Quizzes at the end of each topic help in carrying out an objective assessment of the student’s assimilation of concepts and the corresponding Error Logs brilliantly highlight areas that need additional consideration.

For the Critical Reasoning subsection of Verbal, an elaborate module on Pre-Thinking ensures ample practice to perfect this acquired skill. And the highly interactive and engaging modules on Sentence Correction successfully cover even the most dry grammar topics in a fun and indelible manner. The vast repository of examples covered in each module brings absolute clarity in the application of concepts and provides enough opportunity to the student to bridge any gaps in understanding.

The quality that sets eGMAT apart is that it does not teach its students any shortcuts or tricks to tackle GMAT questions. Instead, it equips its students with the exact tools required to decode the GMAT exam and makes the overall experience of preparation a joyous one; where the student actively seeks hard questions to both apply his learnings and get them right, and to get an opportunity to uncover another trap in case they get it wrong. For the same reason, I would highly recommend eGMAT to any student in their own GMAT journey.

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 22, 2022

Dear GoAkshat, ,

Congratulations on a wonderful 90-point improvement to 740! With this you are now among the top 3% of the GMAT test takers😊

Thank you for your kind words about the course. As you have rightly said, the GMAT is not a test of retention, but that of application and you used this mantra at every step of your preparation. This is what helped you master application and ace the GMAT.

As you have mentioned, this realisation helped you “understand the nuances and internalise certain proven strategies”. You started from scratch – by learning concepts and applications and then mastering them through cementing. See how the time that you spent on internalizing the Pre-thinking approach helped you get to 90%ile ability in CR and reduce the overall time to 1:42sec

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It is great that you mention PACE in quants (we are working towards getting this feature in verbal too). I can see that the PACE feature helped you save over 22 hours in quant. See how in Algebra alone you saved close to 8 hours.

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Your structured diligent approach to the course and the use of the error logs helped you improve to a Q49 in quant. See how internalizing the process skills through regular review helped you improve to a 70%+ accuracy across all the blocks in Word Problems.

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I commend you on leveraging the tools that e-GMAT offers and making the best use of them to ace the GMAT.

I am sure you will approach the next phase of your professional journey with the same zest and zeal to excel and wish you all the best in all the wonderful things to come.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

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