January 28, 2023

Joined: Jan 22, 2022

Posts: 2

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q51 V37

730 After 3 Weeks of Intense Practice


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Quality of Questions
Cementing Quizzes
Structured Content

I gave my first GMAT attempt back in August'22, but due to a network issue in the test centre (Ansal University) my test got ruined and I couldn't reschedule it as I had to leave for college the next day. Although I was pretty devastated about it, the moment I reached home I made up my mind to give another attempt in my winter vacations. During my self-preparation I had seen the content of most of the test-prep companies and due to the short time available to me, I felt that e-gmat would be the perfect fit for me as they were known for their personalised study plan.

During the three weeks of my GMAT preparation, I was enrolled in the LMP Program by Abha Ma'am. She gave me a detailed study plan and I was in constant contact with her throughout. I followed the plan diligently and kept on getting regular feedback about my performance.

Quant: I would like to give a special mention to the cementing quizzes on the e-gmat platform. These quizzes have a selected set of questions, which are made to exploit the holes in your learning. I found these especially helpful for quant because even though I had a strong foundation in all the topics, these quizzes pointed out exactly where I need to pay attention.

RC: The effective reading strategies are really a blessing and improved my RC ability significantly. I could notice the difference in the results after I followed each step systematically.

SC and CR: The famous meaning based approach works wonderfully and should be carefully followed for it to work its magic.

Overall, e-gmat offers great structured, quality content that is more than enough for your GMAT preparation. Greatly thankful to Abha Ma'am for her insights throughout my preparation and would recommend anyone who is willing to put in serious efforts to choose e-gmat.

February 02, 2023

Hi Anirudh18,

Congratulations on the 730!!

This is Abha from e-GMAT. It was a pleasure working with you in the Last Mile Push program.

Achieving a 50-point improvement in just 3 weeks is a Herculean task, but it was only possible because of your determination and diligence.

I am glad to know that the cementing stage helped you identify the weak areas so that you could work on them which in turn translated into exceptional stats across Quant sub-sections. Here is an image where you can be seen excelling at hard questions in across Quants sub-sections.

Image Link:

In Verbal, you created a strong foundation by completing the concept and application files and built your skills by solving GMAT-like questions on Scholaranium. You truly immersed yourself in the reading strategies and this helped improve your accuracy to 76% and reduced your time to 1 min 24 sec per question in RC.

Image Link:

I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours. I am sure any program would be enriched to have a diligent student like you as part of its cohort.  

Abha Mohan  

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