e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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Based on 1183 reviews
January 06, 2022

Joined: Aug 27, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Guided approach towards GMAT


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started off with my preparation in April 2021. The biggest challenge for me was to break the inertia of not studying for 6 years during the course of my professional life. I have a 6-day working schedule, so tsking out ample amount of time to study was challening. I started off with Manhattan guide of Quant because I had been from Engineering background and Quant flows easily for me. After some time I realised that it got quiet boring for me to go through the concepts from that book. I consulted one of my friends and he suggested me to take an eGMAT course. I read many reviews of e-GMAT on GMAT Club and found it quiet interesting.
I enrolled in the Q+V course in May-21. I did a mistake of not taking a sigma-X mock at the beginnning, so I am not aware where I stood before I started off with the course. I started off with Sentence correction in Verbal course. The course was very detailed and comprised of everything required for the SC course. The forum of e-GMAT is an excellent feature. All the previous doubts asked are available on the form. So if any doubt arises in the topic, I found them discussed on the forum previously. There is a ready reference of all the doubts other students have regarding the topic/module that is being studied. I made very detailed notes of SC which eventually helped me to revise all the concepts of the module at a go. While going through the course, I realised the English we used in the normal conversation s way too flawed. The main punch line for the SC is the meaning based approach. I firstly learnt to understand the meaning of the sentence by breaking it into small chunks and then check for grammatical errors in the sentence. It took me about a month to complete the course. I practiced SC from scholaranium and used strategic review to analyse the mistakes I was doing. The strategic review is also an amazing process to analyse mistakes. It actually points out where you are faultering. I used it to improve on SC.
I further did CR modules. CR is a logic based analysis in which there are 2-3 elements linked with each other. We need to analyse those linkages and find the must-be-true situations for the conclusion to hold true. Accordingly, for the strengthener and weakener questions we need to hit one of those linkages to make the argument strong and weak respectively. e-GMAT gave a very clear idea of how to attempt a CR question. The main punch line for CR is pre-thinking. Just take around 15-20 seconds after reading the passage to apply negation test. This really helped me to reach the assumption of a given passage. I faced problem when I pre-thinked well and the answer choices didn't have any suitable choice matching my pre-thinked assumption. I used to panic and mark any option randomly in those cases. I used scholaranium a lot to counter this problem in CR. Of course, strategic review is again a saviour. It points out exactly where you falter. So I was good at pre thinking, but bad at analysing and visualising the answer choices. There is much of probability that the answer choice won't match the pre-thinked assumption. So main thing I learnt was to not to panic and try to visualise what answer choice is pointing onto.
I further did RC modules. RC is a very scoring area. e-GMAT mainly outlined how to comprehend the passage at one-go. So, the key to attempt RC is to read the passage with full involvement and again breaking the sentences into smaller chunks to understand the idea presented by each sentence. The key-words play a very important role in deciding such roles. So if you comprehend the passage properly by may be making very short notes, you dont need to come back to the passage while attempting the questions. I faced problem when the passage was out of my interest area like biology or humanities. I found it boring and didn't read the details through it and eventually faultered in the questions.Also, I was taking a lot of time to complete one passage with all the questions. Its just that you need to believe that whatever is aked in the question is right there in the passage. You just need to read and comprehend the passage properly. So once I came out of the comfort zone and read the passage with full compassion and made short notes while reading, I was able to solve the RC questions in minimal time while it took me 5 minutes to read the whole long passage.
Even though I was good at quant from childhood, I decided to revise all the concepts at one go from e-GMAT modules. They were quiet comprehensive and you may personalize the study plan according to your strong and weak areas in Quant. I took quiet a bit of time to complete quant from the e-GMAT modules. I realised few of my weak areas and spent more time on it to improve overall accuracy of quant.
After completing quant and its practice, I gave my first sigma mock ang got a 680 in the mock. There were few areas in both verbal and quant which I neede to fix. I revised all the areas I faultered and again gave a mock and score 650. It was quiet shocking for me. Specially in verbal, I was struggling a lot with the timing. I was able to complete 30 questions and randomly guessed last 6 questions due to time constraints. It was just one week from exam and the results shook me up.
Dhananjay came to my rescue. He told me that I am having process related gaps in SC and CR which need to be fixed. He also advised me to reschedule the GMAT by around 20-30 days. I took a day to think and decided to reschedule the exam. I postponed the exam by a month. DJ
helped me to identify the areas I needed to work on. While solving the SC problem, I wasn't focusing on the sentence structure. I worked on the sentence structure and practiced with OG questions. Initially the timing to complete a SC question increased from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes for me but eventually as I got used to with the process, making the sentence structure and solving the problem became a habit to me. It actually helped me to understand the intended meaning of the sentence and to identify the errors(grammatical and logical) in the sentence very easily.
Accordingly, I made an error log to identify the conceptual and process related gaps and kill the gaps appropriately.
For CR, DJ advised me to follow revision B module. I revised all the application files of the CR course and then solved questions from scholaranium. I further made an error log to identify the gaps. Also, he asked me to make a video of how I solve a CR question. DJ reviewed the same and told me that I am pre-thinking well and visualising the answer choices also. I need to work on negation test. I wasn't negating the statement properly. I worked on negation test of conclusion and answer choices. Eventually, I got better at solving CR.
For RC, I was taking quiet a bit of time to complete the passage. I practiced the comprehending part of the passage for some time and realised that the time to attempt the questions decreased.
I finally gave a mock and scored 720. I was still struggling with time in verbal in the last 2-3 question but I gained confidence that I can improve it further with a strategy. I decided to break the complete set of questions in verbal in equal parts and allocated time to the questions. I practiced it on GMAT club test and found that I improved my time management of verbal section.
For IR section, I just did the OG questions. I found them enough for practicing the real GMAT like IR questions. IR is a mix of verbal and quant.I found spending 1-2 days for IR was enough for me.
For AWA, I read on 7-8 passages on GMAT Club and Manhattan to get an idea of how a passage is written. I practiced 3 passages and found it enough.
Exam day experience: I had exam anxiety and slept barely for 4 hours before my exam. I meditated in the morning. I had headache due to lack of sleep but I was determined that I wont let it interfere during my exam. I just tried to pacify myself of all anxieties by deep breathing.I gave my exam in order - Q-V-IR-AWA. This order worked for me because the exam anxiety in the beginning gets down with my strong area- Quant; mind gets warmed up and I can concentrate better. I admit that if I would have slept for 4 more hours,the score would be at least 20 points more, but I managed to get a 710.(Q49-V38-IR6-AWA5)

1. There is a lot of self control needed while doing such a preparation. I meditated intermittently to keep myself calm. One can follow the same.
2. In SC, look on the meaning first. Don't jump blindly for grammatically correct choices. There may be more that one choice which is grammatically correct but doesn't convey the intended meaning.
3. In SC, try to make sentence structure. It shall make your work easier to understand meaning and identify errors.
4. In CR, try to visualise the linkages between different elements and then prethink to reach on the assumption. Finally dont panic if you dont find the pre thinked assumption in the choices. Just visualise the choices keeping in mind the linkages.
5. In CR, try to check for must be true cases. There may be some cases that are necessary but not sufficient or sufficient but not necessary. Try to rule out such cases.
6. In RC, try to comprehend the passage as much as you can. Make very short notes to keep key words in mind. This will save your time in solving question related to the passage.

Thanks giving: e-GMAT has a big role to play in getting to that score. The forums have been amazing. The SMEs reply promptly to all the queries. For me, DJ made final fixing to push me further towards the score. I am very grateful to the complete team of e-GMAT.

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February 22, 2022

Dear Ridhi,

When I read a review this descriptive and heartfelt, it makes all the work that we put into as a company worth it. Not just LMP, not just Forum support, not just a great course, not just powerful analytics but it becomes a PRODUCT THAT CARES FOR THE STUDENT. For me, it’s rare. Congratulations on the 710, I know how hard you have worked to get to this point 😊

The courage you showed to break those chains of inertia after not studying for almost 6 years is stuff that dreams are made of!
For anyone out there who wants to see her story, please take 15 mins out of your day and watch it here -

Leave a comment and like too!

I honestly think that the most undervalued part of our product is our Forums. I know you made good use of them. A serious problem most students face when they begin studying for the GMAT is the lack of good explanations out there, not everyone is born with a V40 spoon in their mouths! :D

e-GMAT Forums:

I still remember the call we had! I told you that scoring a 700+ wasn’t possible in a week and you’d need 20-30 days. I know it took some time for you to consume that information but thank you for trusting my judgment. You gave me the opportunity to bring out the potential in you. This is when the entire teaching pedagogy from the SC, CR & RC came together.

I am so proud of the work you put into this, and I know you will crack the B-school you want soon!

All the best!

Fond Regards,

January 06, 2022

Joined: Nov 24, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

E-GMAT is an absolute life saver!!!!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I took the GMAT in November of 2021 right before Thanksgiving. I scored a 660. I was super disappointed. I didn't know how to move forward. I saw all the online reviews e-gmat has, and I decided to take a call with on of there strategy experts. I explained to him that I was signing up for a re-take and that I was studying from the OG. He told me not to go down that route. I had very little time before my next exam which was only 2 weeks after my last attempt. I trusted e-gmat with my final preparations. I ended up scoring a 710! I was shocked how quickly things changed.

I wanted to highlight some specifics about the course. I primarily focused on the SC portion of the course because I needed a refresher. I was so impressed with how COMPREHENSIVE the entire course was. After taking 2 other well-known courses on this forum, I can hands down say e-gmat is the best. The meaning base approached really changed how I look at SC. Before I use to think it was all just random explanations and I was frustrated because I wasn't making progress. The meaning based approach made even the most difficult SC problems a breeze.

The support staff on the forums are there to answer your questions and they do so in a timely manner. The forums are also rich with queries from other students who share the same problems as you, so often you can just get your answer from prior posts. You will always see Payal and Stacey on the forums answering your questions. It feels good to know the same experts in the videos are answering your questions below.

Scholaranium 2.0 is such a game changer. I was so impressed with how gmat-like the questions were. There are so many questions in the bank and the explanations have both video and text explanations. Each answer is thoroughly explained.

Similarly, Sigma-X mocks are just so precise. They identify your true weak points down to subsection levels. This allows you to truly figure out your weaknesses and address them. Before I kind of just thought I knew what my weaknesses were, but this brought in the data to tell me exactly what they were. Without this I would not have been as effective in my studies.

The quant course is also unmatched. My biggest fear on quant was always seeing a new type of question on the test hat I had never seen before. This course really touches all of quant and leaves no stone unturned. The way the diagnostics and learning concept files are setup makes it super easy to approach quant with confidence. The video explanations are so through and the forums have rich answers. I was truly impressed with the level of quality and the breadth of problems on the quant course.

If you're at any stage of your gmat preparation, it's crucial that you check out e-gmat. The level of time, effort, and quality put into this platform is unmatched. I know because I was with 2 other platforms prior to e-gmat. I wish I could have gone back and just started with this platform. I would have saved so much time and headache. All around the best platform for gmat prep!!!!!!!!!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 13, 2022

Dear Apexrex,

Congratulations on making it to the 700+ Club! A 50-point improvement from a 60 to a 710 in 2 weeks is exceptional. I am extremely happy for you.

Improving your score on such short notice was possible because you focussed on your weak areas and areas of improvement. I was going through your account, and I saw that even during that short amount of time, you did the SC course and parts of the RC Course where you had issues. The Screenshot below shows your attempt in the SC and the RC courses.


Good a good attempt in the course, you also did well in your Scholaranium Quizzes: both in Medium and Hard. Your weak areas in Sentence Correction turned strong, and you cleared the cut-offs in the Medium and Hard Questions. Refer to the screenshot below to understand this in more detail.


I also loved the fact that your interactions in Forums were fruitful.

Overall, it was a short journey, but an exceptional one. And your hard work and diligence paid off well.

I wish you all the best for your applications and future endeavors. All the best!



January 05, 2022

Joined: Jun 23, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40 (Online)

Excellent resource to get you ready!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I took up E-Gmat after doing a X-sigma mock test. What intrigued me was detailed the feedback on my verbal and quant ability - very similar to getting an ESR for the actual GMAT. This was unlike the first platform i was using and given the short time i had, I needed something prescriptive in telling me where i was struggling and give me targeted conceptual videos to do that. I love how E-Gmat equips with all the major habits that help you pass 700 - they provide you with error logs for each component, they have a conceptual quiz to test both your conceptual understanding and your GMAT test taking ability for that topic (a distinction that i only realised via e-Gmat), they also test not just your accuracy but your timing on certain questions. It helped me pinpoint my weaknesses so well for verbal especially where I struggled initially with understanding where in my "thinking" i was going wrong. It makes enforcing the discipline of getting concept right, getting test taking ability right and getting both accuracy & speed very straightforward, and makes attaining a good GMAT score more of a methodical process than a monumental task.

Scholaranium is TOUGH and super humbling but is integral to achieving high scores consistently because they have selected the right questions to target even the most nuanced understanding of concepts and test-taking skills. If you use the lectures, scholaranium, keep an error log, hitting 700+ is a straightforward. I find that extremely telling of a superior platform. Even after scoring 710, I am convinced i can do much better so have even extended my access so i can squeeze out the additional 40 points for my GMAT. I am confident e-GMAT will help me get there.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 11, 2022

Dear ravk2709,

Congratulations on making it across the 700-barrier, you join the long list of e-GMAT achievers 😊

I am glad you spoke about Sigma-X Mocks because not only do they give you ESR + analysis, but they are also actually quite accurate! I am sure you would agree.

Sigma-X Mock Score right before GMAT:

I love how you have written about equipping a student with good habits like an error log, revision, and focus on NOT JUST ACCURACY. This is so important to score a 700+ on the GMAT. And based on what I have read, you are a diligent student too.

Thank you so much for leaving such a great review and I wish you success in the LM program!


January 04, 2022

Joined: Jan 04, 2022

Posts: 3

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V41 (Online)

A Planned and Structured Course Empowered by Data!


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I was connected to one of the members of eGMAT prior to my purchase of the course. In the meeting I was shown around their website, the portal, Scholaranium 2.0, and the verbal course material.

Post my enrollment in the course, I was invited to an onboarding session in which I was told about the best practices on using the Scholaranium 2.0 and the course videos. I took a diagnostic test and based on the assessment of that, I was assigned a mentor (DJ!!) who gave me feedback on my ability and created an overall plan for my preparation, which revolved around the target score that I had specified.

The overall course is designed in a 3-stage manner and students have an option to skip to Stage II if they are confident about their skill levels in certain sections. Based on personal taste, I decided to go through the entire course since I felt that skipping a few concept files would mean that I am impatient :P

I was constantly in touch with DJ, on a weekly basis. He would share hyper-specific and personalized plans, particularly designed for my weak areas. They ranged from concept files, how to take revision notes, how to effectively revise etc. What helped in these feedback sessions/plans was that DJ was very calm and confident about the process. "Trust the process" really resonated with me during this journey. Along with that, eGMAT, with Scholaranium 2.0, utilizes quiz data to analyze weak areas within each subsection (SC, CR etc) and based on that the support team guide you on corrective actions.

I essentially followed the plan and took the Sigma X mocks when I was asked to go for it. Towards the end of my preparation, DJ had noticed a weakness in SC and gave me a Sentence Correction booster plan, that I followed throughout the last week before my exam date. I think it helped me refresh my ability and ensure that my ability is fresh for the main day.

Overall, the 6 month long journey was a very planned one, with lots of useful feedback and data. I think the mentorship program was a really huge factor in ensuring that everything is planned and executed well. I am glad I made that choice ^_^

Thanks, eGMAT!

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January 13, 2022

Dear Akshat,

Congratulations on scoring a 98th percentile score, you are the first student from my cohort this year who scored a 750. I hope you are lucky for me! 😊

Your entire journey is centered on trusting the 3-stage teaching pedagogy and I admire your patience and resilience to follow through on this commitment. I wanted to show this commitment in 3 images

Stage 1 Diligence (Foundations):

Stage 2 Diligence (Cementing):

Stage 3 Diligence (Test Readiness):

It was a memorable experience engaging with you in the LM program and I wish you all the best for the bright future you have!

Warm Regards,

December 24, 2021

Joined: Sep 29, 2019

Posts: 94

Kudos: 21

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40

Build your basics with E-GMAT


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Before I started my preparations with E-Gmat in May-21, I had already appeared for GMAT once in Jan-2019. It was my first attempt and I had performed poorly in that exam. That day i got to know that the rules are not enough to clear the GMAT. I took a break from GMAT and then decided to seriously prepare for it in Feb-2021. I thought of doing the OG and questions from GMAT Club. I majorly focused on Sentence Correction ,and the questions from OG and GMAT club did seem to improve my ability on SC. Since my performance in CR and RC was not upto mark, I decided to take some expert help. I got to know about E-GMAT from a friend of mine and decided to contact them. They asked me to write one sample test before suggesting anything. I was shocked to see that even after two years my score had not improved. I decided to go with E-GMAT complete package.
I took my first test(post E-Gmat subscription) on Sep-2 and scored a 680 with V-37 and Q-46. I was quite shocked by the quant score. Though it was an improvement, the score was way below my expectations
. I decided to reappear for the exam in November and started by focusing on Quant more. I finished almost all of the E-Gmat's quant questions. I gave the Online-GMAT but was let down by the glitches in the online software. Thanks to my proctor, GMAC refunded my money and I rescheduled my test for Dec-16. On the day of exam, I was not worried about the exam. I finished my sections well within time and was surprised to see a 730 at the end of the test. E-GMAT's course trained me to an extent that I eventually scored a great score after much hard-work.


SC- The SC section is one of the highlights of E-GMAT. I would definitely recommend E-GMAT specially for this section. The questions test your understanding not just the grammar rules. The Modifier section has been covered in detail.

CR- The CR section, though not as strong as the SC section, trains you on how to logically solve the GMAT questions. By the time I was done with the CR section, I was able to solve most of the questions.

RC- The best thing about RC section is that it trains the mind to identify the trap answers. Once you are trained enough, you"ll be able to achieve 80+% accuracy on RC.

E-GMAT's Quant is good to build on the basics and practice on some tough questions. The questions aren't exactly GMAT style , but the course clears the concepts to a level that it becomes easy to solve the GMAT type questions.

The Scholaranium 2.0 and Sigma Mocks provide a range of questions to practice from and train yourself for the real test.

I would recommend E-GMAT to people who want to have a solid foundation on all the concepts-Verbal and Quant.

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January 03, 2022

Hi Rajat,

Congratulations on the 730 score! We are very happy to have been your partner in this journey.

Two important things that stood out in your review for me are:
1. Rules by themselves are not enough to ace the GMAT
2. In your latest attempt you felt prepared to the extent that a high score was more a certainty than a wish

Your first point is very pertinent. You may know everything there is to about a topic in theory but if you do not know how to apply it to a question or how to approach a GMAT question it will not be enough. This is where the Application files in Verbal course and Practice Skills and GMAT Skills files in Quant course play an important role and I see that you put in the required effort there. This ensured that you had a reliable and repeatable process to answer all the questions on the GMAT.

Verbal Course Stats -

Feeling of confidence about your preparation comes from seeing the desired results over and over again through your prep. When I saw your account, I noticed that you worked through all 3 stages of learning and scored well on over 900 questions on Scholaranium.

Verbal Scholaranium Stats -

When you put in this kind of effort the probability of getting to your target score increases multifold.


December 23, 2021

Joined: Feb 08, 2018

Posts: 15

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

e-GMAT took me from 650 to 730


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

My journey from 600 to 730 has not been an easy one but I would surely say that it has been a fulfilling one; one filled with stress, pressure and anxiety but more importantly one of hope, hard-work and resilience.

After underperforming in my first two attempts [I scored 600 (Q47, V26) and 650 (Q47, V33)], I realized that my approach in solving the verbal questions (especially SC and RC) was not right. I knew that to reach the elusive 700 mark, I would have to start from scratch and change my approach.

I started researching about various courses and came across e-GMAT on GMAT Club. I signed up for the free trial and to my surprise, I learnt so many new things in those modules itself. I signed up for the full course immediately (the best decision I took during the whole journey). e-GMAT course worked wonders for me. The course structure, scholaranium and the personalized study plan stood out to me.

Highlights of the Verbal Course:

MC- The MC module was the best way to start the verbal course. It provides excellent reading strategies that lay a solid foundation to do well in the verbal section. This course drove my improvement in RC. My accuracy improved from 50% to 80% by the time I finished the RC module.

SC- SC went from being my weakness to my strength in 20 days. The comprehensive meaning-based approach improved my accuracy from 50% to 90%. After I completed the module, I was very confident in selecting the right answer and in rejecting the four incorrect choices.

CR- CR was always my strong point in the section. The module helped me brush up some conceptual gaps and the diversity of questions gave me exposure to attempt any type of question that came on the D-Day.

After going through the verbal course, I was confident in touching the V40 mark. I moved on to the quant modules.

I was confident in my quant skills before starting the modules. The quant 2.0 course is quite comprehensive. It makes complex topics such as absolute values and inequalities easy to understand. Yet, to my dismay, quant became my weaker of the two sections. After finishing the NP and WP modules, I took the first sigma-X mock and scored 750 (Q44, V47). Q44 was a shocker for me. After completing the other modules, I took the second mock and scored 770 (Q48, V46). I was happy with my quant score but I wanted- to reach to Q49-50.

After the second mock, DJ first reached out to me through the Last Mile Program. We had a call to analyse the first two mocks. He made me realize that I was struggling to manage my time well in the quant section. I usually ended up guessing the last 4-5 questions. He gave me the first milestones with a major focus on overcoming the time management issue using the cementing quizzes. I started maintaining a quant error-log and re-did the algebra and geometry modules. I took the third mock four days before my third attempt and scored 750 (Q49, V42). I was quite happy to see the Q49. DJ shared a well-detailed plan for the last three days. I was shocked when I scored 680 (Q46, V37) in the fourth mock two days before the exam and thus, lost all my confidence. DJ tried to calm me down and motivate me but I walked into the test center full of anxiety. I managed a decent 690 (Q45, V39) but I was not happy. I knew I could do so much better. I was mentally tired of the test and decided not to take it again. After leaving the test center, I mailed DJ about the score. He motivated me to appear for a reattempt because he believed that I could cross the 720 barrier. I decided to go for it for one final time. It was a big decision and I am glad that I made it.

I shared my ESR with DJ. I received video feedback from him stating some glaring mistakes in quant. He asked me to redo the NP and WP modules and set targets for me in the cementing quizzes. My scores in the quizzes improved after re-doing the modules. After observing the improvement, he sent me a day wise plan for the final fifteen days. I maintained an error log for every question I got incorrect. I used the same to revisit the learnings from every question one day before the exam. I took the last mock a week before the exam and scored 750 (Q49, V42). In the last week, I used the scholaranium to practice questions. The scholaranium provides amazing in-depth analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. I used to revise the summaries of quant modules that I was weak in daily. This time, I did not take a lot of pressure on the exam day as I had scored a decent 690. I went in with no expectations.

15th December 2021, 3 years, 6 months and three attempts later, was the day I was finally content with my GMAT score as I achieved 730 (Q48, V42) in my exam. I went from Q45 to Q48 in 30 days. It has been a tough journey with many disappointments along the way. There were so many times I thought of giving up but DJ and the people around me did not let me give up. Not once did I feel alone in this journey. DJ, thank you for your amazing and honest mentorship. I know I would not have been able to do this without you. Also, kudos to the e-GMAT team for creating the most structured course out there.

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January 03, 2022

Hi AS1997,

Congratulations on your 730 but my elation at your score is heartfelt because I was there when you scored a 690 and I was there when we mutually decided to give it one last attempt. Your story makes me happy every single time I think of it. Students like you, drive me to do what I do so well. Thank you for working with me and believing in the advice I gave you.

I still remember that email you sent me post your 690 attempt and wanted to share it with everyone.

Student Email post 690 score:

A lot of times in life as is in GMAT, things don’t go according to plan even when you are completely prepared for it. But potential and perseverance are the 2 qualities that are hallmarks of success too. You displayed both.

What does a sure-shot V39+ on the GMAT look like? Your dashboard is an ideal vision of how I predicted your potential and subsequent success.

Scholaranium Dashboard Stats V39+:

I am glad you chose our course two times around and I am glad I could help you improve your score to a 730. We finally broke the VICIOUS GMAT cycle that lasted more than 3 years 😊

I wish you all the best and do stay in touch.

Warm Regards,

January 10, 2022

It's really good to see amazing feedback for e-gmat. Just wanted to understand that the mentorship provided by egmat is with online service of 299 $ or some other service ? Also wanted to understand that how many months of Subscription would be enough for me? I am working professional with 3.5 + years of work experience. I have given CAT this year but unfortunately didn't perform well and able to score 96.83 percentile only (Quant-98 + percentile). My concern area is verbal. I can devote atleast 2 hours in weekdays and 8-10 Hours on Weekend (6 Days Working).

January 19, 2022

Hey Anket,

Mentorship is not a part of the product right now but is an R&D Program we run here at e-GMAT.

The best way to understand where you want to go and the time it will take is to take a Mock. (44% of students do just this before deciding on their study partner/material) Once you do that, the improvement index will help you understand the quantum of work and time you will need to improve. Given your CAT scores, I am hopeful that you will certainly do well on the Mock too.

Reach out to us if you need ANY HELP at all at (You can just drop a line mentioning you got here based on this current conversation) I do look forward to hearing from you.


December 22, 2021

Joined: Aug 10, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V39

The Ravi Shastri (e-gmat & team) to the Virat Kohli in me :p


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started my GMAT prep in August of 2021. I stumbled across an advertisement of e-gmat for a 1-1 consulting with a mentor (Anshul Biserya). I had no idea about e-gmat then. Anshul told me to take an e-gmat mock and then re-connect again with him. I score a 640 (Q48,V29) in that mock. Anshul pointed out that I was lacking conceptual knowledge in CR and SC since inspite of spending more than optimal time. He suggested that I start with concepts of CR and SC. He explained me how to structure my prep for each of the 2 sub section.
So here is how the e-gmat Modules are structured -
It starts with a master comprehension course. This module is like salt. Doing it won't really boost your score a lot, but not doing it can expose serious flaws across all three subsections in Verbal. It essentially teaches how to break sentences in to meaningful parts, aiding in extracting meaning of the sentence. This is forms base to solving SC and RC questions and helps to systematically deconstruct CR questions as well.
I then started with CR module.(for readers - I suggest start with SC) The CR module is quite detailed and teaches right from identifying premise, anti premise, conclusion etc to explaining how gmat introduces incorrect ans choice. So here's an important bit - All subtopics (assumptions, strengthen etc.) start with concept, then have a post assessment quiz and then an entire chapter of 5-6 questions (known as application module) to explain step by step how to approach each question.
Another very important trick that it teaches is the art of pre-thinking. The idea is very simple - Ask urself what are you looking for in the answer choice. IMHO it doesn't let the answer choice divert your thoughts from the argument and more importantly the authors conclusion and line of thinking.
Think of it this way - You want to bake a cake - Wouldn't it be easier to know the recipe, identify the ingredients and then go to the store to buy them rather than just directly going the store!!
It took sometime for me to grasp the art of pre-thinking, but it happens. And it's still improving!!!
The SC module is quite detailed as well. Pretty much covers all the bases. It introduces the meaning based approach. Meaning base approach simply asks us to first understand what the author is trying to communicate via the sentence and then go ahead with the error analysis and answer choice analysis.
What really stands out is that if you write to e-gmat with ur concerns about gmat prep, they most certainly will respond with a good solution.
So what happened is after every course i.e. SC, CR etc. I took multiple small quizzes of hard and medium level (e-gmat calls this cementing quizzes). I was scoring well within 70-80% weighted scores. So I was like yesss!!! finally I know what to do and how to answer correctly with some confidence. So i decided to give a mock (this was in end of September), the same mock I had initially given (I wanted to boost my confidence so decided to re-take the same mock) and guess what! I scored a 630 (Q47 V30)! I was shocked. How did that happen. So shell shocked i wrote to e-gmat team. Archit from e-gmat replied to me with a detailed video about my mock analysis. He mentioned that though i might have understanding of the concepts, i SEVERELY lack application in CR. So he gave me a plan for both CR and SC. I followed this plan properly. I went through the application files of all CR concepts again over the next few weeks, polished understanding of some of the tricky SC rules for modifiers etc. More importantly i made sure i go through the error log at-least once every 4 days.
Now come start of November, I gave another 15 question quiz for CR and SC (Hard + Medium). E-gmat calls these quizzes as Ability quiz. It gives a percentile score for the test. I scored an 88th percentile in SC and 92nd percentile in CR. I was happy. I now felt much more confident with SC and CR. For CR i was very sure that i can pre-think in 7/10 cases. So i went ahead and booked my GMAT test for Mid of December.
After scoring decent in the ability tests, I took 2 Sigma-X mock over a period of week (It was end of November by then). I scored a 650 (Q42, V37) and 700 (Q49,V36). My 700 score was exactly 9 days before my exam date. I was gaining some confidence now. I kept doing my routine - give quizzes, create error log, revise error log and repeat.
Then out of now where Dhananjay (DJ) from e-gmat reached out to me 5 days before my gmat date. I was surprised that e-gmat keeps a granular check on who is scoring what! He told me that I could most certainly achieve a high score and that he is willing to help me with my prep over the next few weeks. He told me that e-gmat has a Last Mile Program (LMP)
I will tell you what this is -
Think of a T20 match. For the first 16 overs the team has played well and set up a good base for a strong finish. And then in the last 4 overs go boom bang boom and score a 200+ score.
The last 4 overs is where the LMP comes into play in our GMAT match. The aim is to get those 20-30 points in the finishing lap of the journey.
However, this plan actually requires 3-4 weeks, but Dhananjay tailored it to my timeline and gave me a 3-4 day plan. We had a session for analysing my my mock. He showed me where my next improvements could come from. He sent me a customised plan too later in the day. I followed the plan to the best possible manner. It did help me boost my SC score. DJ had pointed out in our discussion that i'm taking too long to solve medium level SC questions. So the plan he gave me for SC was helpful.
I scored a 710 in my actual GMAT (Q47,V39).
The Q47 was slightly disappointing.
Dhananjay is still working with me for the next jump and hopefully that will come soon.
Till then in E-GMAT style - HAPPY LEARNING!!

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January 03, 2022

Hi T96,

Congratulations on your 710 and I hope you knock it out of the park with your next attempt! (No pun intended)

I enjoyed reading about how you looked at the course. It’s quite a unique viewpoint and deserves an equally unique response.

Imagine you are in an INDIA vs PAK match, with 20 runs to score in the last over. Now you can do it (because you are Virat Kohli) but you have never done it before and don’t know what it feels like. Enter MS Dhoni :D (A man who is as cool as cucumber under these pressure conditions, and has done it before quite a few times)

The LM Program is LIKE having Dhoni by your side in that last over 😊

Ultimately it comes down to predicting ability and I think showcasing the SC, CR quizzes you took will give others a great visual of what to look for –

CR Ability Stats:

I wish you all the luck for your next attempt!

Warm Regards,

December 22, 2021

Joined: Feb 03, 2020

Posts: 7

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

First attempt - 730


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

When I first decided to prepare for GMAT exam, I wanted to do it strategically from the basics considering that being from a medical background, I've left behind my quant in 10th class only and also I've been from a hindi medium background till my 12th standard.
To start from the basics, I've researched about so many online course providers of GMAT and the reason why I chose EGMAT was that I liked how they always focus on you mastering the concepts and going deep into the topics not just superficially getting it right anyway.

I would say when I started verbal course, I found master comprehension course to be a blessing for me because that course gave me confidence that I can do well in verbal because I could think or apply strategies in the problems after understanding them.
SC course was specifically good because of its meaning based approach and mainly elimination approach that was really a time saving strategy for me.
CR questions made all the sense to me with prethinking because I was able to connect the dots in the author's reasoning which without prethinking seemed tricky.
RC was a strong point for me after I started comprehending passages well, I not only focused on the meaning but also focused on how author is making transitions through keywords and paragraph by paragraph and this was possible because of the reading strategies I learned through the course.

For Quant course, I would only want to say that the process skills and understanding what process skills are, what process skills you're generally weak at and improving them with the right strategy was everything that worked magically for me.

The support I've received from egmat was not only limited to the concept courses but I would like to mention the most underrated feature of EGMAT that I feel is its forum. in the forum you can actually find all the answers to your queries about the questions already asked and replied by EGMAT team and whenever you post a new question, you get a reply promptly. I got a chance to interact with nava, anshul, archit, aditee and also Dhananjay and I'm grateful for the whole team for the immense support throughout the journey.

I would like to end my review with a thing I broadly loved about the EGMAT approach is that you don't need any short tips and tricks to ace any exam, you just need to have a right mindset and prepare yourself strategically, identifying and working on every single problem you face and your GMAT success story is not very far away with the right approach.

Again, A big thanks to whole EGMAT Team, cheers!

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December 27, 2021

Dear Nikhil,

Congratulations on scoring a 730 on your first attempt. Your journey is a very good example of students who have enrolled for the course. I was going through your eGMAT account and 1 saw that your success was inevitable and predictable. Why do I say so? Let’s see:

1. Course Completion and Cementing: You followed the eGMAT learning architecture and completed both Verbal and Quant courses well. The icing on top of the cake was doing Cementing well. Your accuracies in the Medium and Hard questions were great.

Please refer to the screenshot here:

2. Post doing Stages 1 and 2 of learning, you made sure to do Test Readiness and also closed out on mocks.

Please refer to the screenshot here:

Honestly, if a student does these steps diligently, he will succeed and your efforts and score are a testament to that.

A great job done, and I am very happy for you!

All the best for y our next steps and career goals. Take care.



December 22, 2021

Joined: Jun 22, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

710 on first attempt


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

For me, GMAT preparation started with me dabbling in different available study materials, instead of a systematic approach. Although I did do my research before purchasing e-GMAT's online course, my casual approach in preparations would continue for some more time. During this period, however, my understanding of Sentence Correction improved gradually.
When I started out, Sentence Correction seemed like the only difficult segment for me. But thanks to the detailed study materials and ample test materials available on the e-GMAT platform, I ended up scoring a 99th percentile in my first GMAT attempt. I faltered on things that I always thought I had covered and hence did not put in the requisite effort. The only reason I could score a 99th percentile on the section that should have been my biggest weakness is that I spent almost 70% of my preparation time on this section (both concepts and short tests in Scholaranium). So, if you are willing to put in the necessary effort, e-GMAT will provide you the guidance- things like Meaning-based approach and Strategic pausing proving most helpful for me

The Sigma-X mocks are also a pretty accurate representation of the actual test.

Talking of guidance, Dhananjay (aka DJ) from the e-GMAT team deserves a special mention as well- he helped me streamline my preparation in the week prior to the test and has continued to support with a detailed analysis of my test performance.

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January 05, 2022

Dear Aditya,
Thank you for the special mention, it warms my heart that you found my advice helpful. Congratulations on the 710 too! 😊

Scoring the 99th percentile on SC is no easy feat and takes three important components –

1) Understand the meaning and structure of a sentence inside out
2) Being able to translate that information into actionable information to make decisions on which grammatical errors to weed out
3) Visualise each answer choice and not fall in common traps

The secret sauce however was the “Pause Points” approach. Most people skip these files, but only the smarter ones stick with them.

Pause Point Application:

I wish you all the best for your future and applications!

Warm Regards,

December 15, 2021

Joined: Dec 26, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

40 points improvement journey to 710


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I scheduled my first GMAT test in mid October 2021. Just 3 weeks before the test, I was in panic. I realized that I have a concept gaps particularly on SC. I looked through multiple reviews in GMATClub and decided to take e-GMAT course.

The e-GMAT course is phenomenal. The structured and comprehensive curriculum, the question banks and analytics platform are really exceptional. My favorite is scholaranium, which has amazing analysis on your strengths and weaknesses.

I took all the verbal courses in a very short period and I wish that I could take it much earlier in my prep journey. I realized that my prep was not optimal yet at that time, but I decided to go ahead for my first GMAT attempt. As a result, I got below expectation score of 670 (Q49 V31).

1 week post the exam, the e-GMAT team reached out and offered me a seat in the 'Last Mile Program' - a mentor-guided program to prepare your next GMAT exam within 15-60 days.

DJ is the mentor assigned to me and he is very great and super helpful. He analyzed my ESR and came up with targeted plan for the next few weeks, focusing on SC and CR. He shared weekly milestones on SC and CR, pointing out targeted courses that I need to retake - the most important ones are the master comprehension and meaning based approach for SC. He also highlighted to me the importance of error log (using e-GMAT structured error log template) - I was skeptical earlier, but after few tries, I realized that it was very helpful in really going deep to understand areas, skill-sets or processes that I faltered.

During my last 2-3 weeks prior to the test, DJ guided me to do Quant Test Readiness and the last mile plan. It was very targeted to refresh and further sharpen my quant skills. The last mile plan was helpful in building my test readiness skills as well as my confidence.

I took my next GMAT attempt on early December and scored 710 (Q50 V35). Thanks to DJ and the e-GMAT team in helping me throughout my GMAT journey.

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December 20, 2021

Hey adrian123,

Congratulations on finally breaking the 700 barrier - it hasn’t come easy. I know it because you have seen both a V31 & a V33, you were always within striking distance of this score. It was a unique challenge because you had already used the course and, in your mind, you had done everything to score well in Verbal, in fact in the call I had with you – you believed so with uncanny resilience (A quality only prevalent in the best test-takers)

Your SC ability plagued you at this point and it was the one thing standing in your way of scoring better on Verbal.

SC Issues from ESR:

The diligence with which you went through the Master Comprehension course that contain hour-long sessions with Payal showed me that you wanted to change this. The deal clincher here was your error log that takes hours and hours of work to create – but you did it. Your hard work finally paid off when you took cementing quizzes and comfortably crossed the benchmark.

SC Cementing Stats:

Little by little I could see you gain confidence and that translated to an improved Verbal score. My engagement with you in the Last Mile Program came to fruition and we finally conquered the challenge, TOGETHER.

Congratulations again!


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