e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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Based on 1183 reviews
December 08, 2021

Joined: Nov 21, 2020

Posts: 57

Kudos: 16

Self-reported Score:
740 Q50 V41

A 120 score improvement in 3 months


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I am a hard believer of outsourcing things, because if you have experts in the market who can provide products with 10X quality and in 1/10th of your time, it make sense to buy the product (if it's affordable to you), rather than labouring yourself. When I appeared for my first mock test on and scored 620, I very well understood that I need to get some GMAT course, which can help me fairly improve my score. Then came the question of which product to buy, and so, I did an extensive research by attending webinars, taking demo classes, talking to peers and senior and also reading reviews and feedback on online platforms, and through this I came to know that egmat is the answer to my quest

As soon as I got my login credentials to egmat, I was really happy to see that egmat helps you prepare a detailed timeline of how your preparation should go for a particular score improvement that you are looking at. And trust me, planning is important, as 'failing to plan, is planning to fail'. I spend a day at planning my course with the help of egmat, and ensured that I made a holistic and flexible plan, which is executable by humans.

I started my preparation and delved directly into the SC portion of the Verbal module (this was my weakest zone and I wanted to face my fear first). The course of egmat is so well structured and scientifically designed that it will hand-hold you right from understanding the basics of a concept to solving 750 level questions. The whole egmat course is so designed that you first have a pre quiz, then the actual concept and finally the post quiz. The post quiz checks how well you have understood the concept and if there are still any gaps, you are asked to revise the concept. So, egmat does not allow you any escape gates, and you leave one concept, only when you have cemented the fundamentals of it. The step wise step guide which you are taught to solve a verbal question is foolproof and as you practice more and more questions in the Scholaranium, you will start seeing a massive increase in your pace.

I also had certain gaps in my quants section, specially the data insufficiency questions and wanted to fill those gaps surgically. I quickly steered through all the concepts in quants and delved into the Scholaranium for practising questions. And trust me on this, Scholaranium is the Bible for you. You don't need any other material, if you have practised all the questions in Scholaranium. The Scholaranium 2.0 is designed to incorporate all the OG questions as well as gives you the flexibility to chose the type of questions you want to pratice, so that the gaps can be plugged surgically, and you don't waste a lot of time unnecessarily.

Finally, just before the D-Day, I just revised the summary PDFs which I got at the end of every concept and then I was exam ready. So, if your concepts are cemented and you have practised a substantial number of questions, you can ace the GMAT exam without feeling the pressure in the centre. This is how egmat helped me and I wanted you guys to know that it was bang for my buck.

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December 06, 2021

Joined: Oct 25, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V41



Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I enrolled with EGMAT after getting a 720. However, I started from scratch after a gap of 6 months. The course stood out clearly on 3 fronts -
1)It clearly identified where I was going wrong - The platform interface along with the large question bank gave me critical insights over a sustained period of time of problem areas. Not only was I able to identify areas where there was a knowledge gap but was also able to identify question areas where I was taking too long to respond

2)Step by Step Guidance - During the preparation, one is bound to feel lost when the scores stagnate but I constantly kept getting feedback from the Mentors as to what steps could be followed to push up my score and this helped me in keeping my confidence and not feel directionless.

3) Course Structure - The course for both quant and verbal is streamlined to ensure that your time is utilized efficiently. With clear emphasis on steps and processes for both Quant and Verbal - the learning curve for variety of questions is very sharp.

I would recommend EGMAT for anyone who is looking to get a score improvement and mentorship when they get stuck with average scores

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 20, 2021

Hi Archit,

Congratulations on the 740 score!

It was commendable how open you were to learning a structured approach despite having a 720 with other methods. I remember from our discussion how you felt the need to plug all the gaps in your conceptual understanding and learn an approach that you could consistently apply to questions.

Your course stats show the diligence and that is further reflected in Scholaranium scores.

SC Course Stats:
Quant Scholaranium Dashboard:

When you consistently perform on the course and on Scholaranium we know that you will do well on the test too. Add to this the diligence and willingness to succeed that you demonstrated through out. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that you will do well.

We wish you the best for your future!

- Aditee

December 06, 2021

Joined: Jul 26, 2020

Posts: 30

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V34

Breaking the 700 Barrier- Thanks to e-GMAT and DJ


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

My GMAT prep journey has not been a simple journey of progress. It was a lot longer than I had expected it to be. Preparing for verbal was the biggest hurdle for me to achieve a good GMAT score.

In Sep-20, I started preparing for GMAT by solving OG questions (Yes, it was the first big mistake I made). One month after, I took e-GMAT free Sigma-X Mock test to gauge my level and scored 660. I really liked the quality of questions and the free content so decided to subscribe to their course but only purchased their verbal course instead of the entire course (the second big mistake as I didn't get any sigma mock tests with it to gauge my level before attempting GMAT). For the next 2 months, I went through the entire course and attempted most of the Scholoranium questions. Finally, took my GMAT in Jan-21 and scored 680. Disappointed with my performance, I stopped my preparation for a couple of months (the third big mistake).

In May-21, I regained my confidence and started preparing for GMAT again. Now here comes the fourth big mistake which was the biggest among all. I thought that I had already gone through the e-GMAT course so now it’s time for self-study and solving a lot of questions would help me break that 700 barrier. Following this strategy relentlessly for 4 months, I took my GMAT again in Sep-21 only to score a disheartening 660 (V29).

The very next day I emailed the e-GMAT support team and asked for help (the first right thing I did). Now comes the good part of the journey. To my surprise, we exchanged a lot of emails on weekend. DJ asked me for ESR and analyzed it for me. He shared with me a high-level plan.

Since I had already gone through the course, the plan had to be personalized for me. DJ along with verbal experts created one for me. I first went through the new MC course along with the webinars conducted by Payal, which were an eye-opener for me. Following the pausing strategy, my approach to look at complex sentences changed. This helped me in all sections- SC, CR, and RC. We then moved to SC. DJ inculcated in me the meaning-based approach and made sure that I follow it while solving questions. He asked me to look at the incorrect attempted questions, create error logs and solve correct attempted questions by following the meaning-based approach. We followed a similar plan to instill Pre-thinking approach for CR. He also asked me to do Revision-B for all sections to brush up on all concepts. After passing the cementing quizzes, DJ then introduced me to the test readiness stage. I believe this is the most important stage to break that 700 barrier. Scholaranium is a great platform to successfully complete this stage. The different types of quizzes, detailed explanations, xPert suggested strategic review process, and the level of data insights takes the experience to another level. Following the strategic review process, I attempted the Sigma-X mocks one by one. The mocks proved to be quite accurate and similar to the real GMAT exam. After these intense exercises, DJ was convinced that I am ready to take the exam. Finally, he shared with me the tasks for the week before GMAT. I took the exam and finally scored 710.

I believe that it is the real day pressure and anxiety which can affect one’s score by 10-20 points. Nonetheless, I could finally cross that 700 barrier. All thanks to DJ and the entire team for making this possible for me!

I would suggest everyone to follow a methodological approach if you’re not able to improve (instead of solving a lot of questions) and trust the e-GMAT process and diligently follow it. It may not be easy for everyone but eventually, it will lead to success. Also, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team even if the process is not working out for you. The entire team is very supportive. They will help you understand what’s going wrong and will guide you in the right direction. I wish I did not have to learn it the hard way. Do not give up. All the best!

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December 04, 2021

Joined: Mar 04, 2020

Posts: 66

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

A long and not so smooth journey to 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started my rather long journey of GMAT studies in August 2020. At first, I took a course from another test prep company. In December 2020, I took my first attempt and scored 640. After that, I came across E-gmat. My friends had also recommended me this course. I scheduled a consultation call with them and I bought the Verbal and Quant package. Fast forward to November 2021, I took the test again and I scored a 730 (V41,Q49).

When I started preparing from E-GMAT, I had to unlearn some concepts, especially in Verbal, and learn some new tricks in Quants. E-GMAT course is very intensive but at the same time, it helps you have that strong concept base. What made E-GMAT stand out for me was the course structure , the practice questions , and a clear path forward.

Highlights about Verbal course :

The Verbal course is just phenomenal. It covers all the concepts that you need to know in the GMAT exam. It is structured in a very coherent manner and it is very easy to follow from one sub module to another. The course starts with the Master Comprehension course which gives us essential reading strategies which make our life so much easier !

Sentence Correction module was a very helpful module. The concepts taught as a part of this course didn't seem like rocket science, this was because the course is very student friendly and easy to follow through. Especially the Meaning based approach taught in Sentence Correction module is the only way I feel that one should approach this question type. I have honestly tried using other methods like elimination. But, from what I have observed and applied in the actual test , only the Meaning based approach works ! And it works absolutely flawlessly.

The Critical Reasoning course was an eye opener for me personally because having taken the GMAT once before , I never knew the step by step approach that one needs to follow to solve the CR questions. Before the E-GMAT course , I used to jump into the CR section without having any strategy or framework in my mind. The E-GMAT CR course teaches the very Step by Step process which is needed for getting a high accuracy on the CR questions. The Prethinking approach is the most helpful takeaway from the entire section. As it is taught in the course , we must fight the urge to jump straight into option choices before analysing the argument. I cannot emphasize enough on importance of following the step-by-step approach! It is just that great :)

The Reading Comprehension section was especially helpful for me since I was not an avid reader and had never read so many fact-heavy and inference-heavy passages in my life before. The key reading strategies, if followed to the details, will help you to reduce the reading time and at the same time will increase your comprehension ability exponentially.

To conclude, If I had realized it sooner that the methodologies and the step-by-step approach taught be E-GMAT is the only way forward, I would have cut my preparation time in half. But as it is said, better late than never! Honestly, the day I realized that if I apply the process skills taught to me during the course exactly as they have been taught to me , my time management problems disappeared and my accuracy started improving.

Highlights about the Quant 2.0 course:

This course is genuinely the only thing you need for GMAT Quant. There is absolutely no reason to refer to other sources once you have taken this course and have seriously gone through the course. The Quant 2.0 module is a module in which you can adapt the course as per your expertise. The course gives personalized feedbacks along the way, which I think was the most important part of my preparation. The GMATSkills files and Practice Files covered all the tricky ways in which the questions could be phrased.

Mid August 2021 , I was also selected for the Last Mile Program(LMP) . I was assigned a mentor to guide me through till my target score. Mr Atreya Roy was my mentor and he guided me at every step. He also provided me personalized feedback and gave me a list of actionable steps. He also analysed my mocks and provided me a video mentioning the entire analysis and the areas of improvement. He also shared detailed plan of improvement. He was my point of contact for the entire 3 months and he helped me with any queries I had during this time :) I would say LMP is a really nice initiative to help students get where they wish to be!!

Finally , I would like to say that the team of experts at E-GMAT is extremely helpful and they respond to any queries that you may have in the least time possible. Each question in E-GMAT has a separate discussion thread and most of my questions were already answered ! Even If I didn't have any query , just going through the discussions gave me so much more insights into different ways of solving the problems.

The SIGMAX mocks are really close to the actual GMAT. The quality of verbal and quant questions are very similar to the quality of questions in the actual test. The Quant questions specifically are very close in terms of concepts tested and the difficulty level. For me , the test taking experience was rather smooth because I had already taken the SIGMAX mocks and I didn't feel that the actual test was a whole different game. Overall , the feedback provided after every mock was very informative and it guided me towards the next steps.

I would say that had I taken the e-gmat course earlier , my prep time would have been reduced by more than half. This is a one stop solution for the GMAT !!

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December 02, 2021

Joined: Jul 10, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

Hardwork + E_GMAT leading to improvement to 720 from 600


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I had been wanting to give the GMAT since a few years and finally started my preparation post pandemic year of 2020. Like every other aspirant, I took the official guides as my source of truth and started to understand more about the exam, the sections and what are the types of questions there are.

With the initial learnings and basic ideas into the paper, I took the leap of faith to give a diagnostic test and scored a 600. This made me sure that I had to dig deeper into the concepts of both the Verbal and Quant sections if I need to have a serious chance of cracking the GMAT. That is when I started to research about various GMAT online programs that I can avail to re-run all the concepts and build expertise around the sections. With detailed research and a free counselling session by E-GMAT folks, I enrolled into E-gmat during April 2021 to now dedicatedly focus on my preparation.

What makes E-GMAT stand out?
The entire syllabus of the GMAT exam is intricately broken down in the E-GMAT platform, with each section having sequential learnings transpiring from initial concept to application and then trickling down to increased ability and expertise. Both sections for Verbal and Quant have detailed video learnings for each topic and sub-topic, along with pre and post assessment quizzes to re-impose the concept.

Enhancing these video learnings into actual problems from each difficulty was imposed perfectly by the Scholaranium 2.0 platform, which gave detailed insights into your quiz attempts as well as provides data points to identify areas of strengths and weakness. Rigorous effort put into SC, CR and Quant section from my end helped me understand my concepts better and build a solid base for my GMAT exam.

Another factor that gave me good exam practice and confidence were the Sigma X mocks, in which I transitioned from the diagnostic score of 600 to a 720 with the improved learnings and concepts learnt over a span of 2 months. The mocks are very close to the actual GMAT exam and provide you the right opportunities to apply your skills and manage time in a simulated exam-type experience. The 5 mocks given in my course helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses and revise and redo concepts accordingly for my main exam.

The Last Mile Program (LMP)
With the score improvement to 720 in my mocks, I got an opportunity to work with E-GMAT Mentor team (Aditee), who looked at all the data that is present in my E-GMAT portal and guided me to have a dedicated approach to reach my target score and help ace the GMAT in the official attempt as well. Aditee introduced me to the concepts of strategically logging my errors in error-logs which massively helped me to revisit my errors and ensure that I try not repeating the same in any of my future questions!
The team also guided me improve my score from a 680 (first attempt with a CR dip) and help bring my verbal score from a V32 to V40 with guided improvements in CR to finally help me get my target score of 720.

I would strongly recommend the E-GMAT course to all students who want to focus on the detailed concepts provided by the amazing online platform and wants to practice GMAT questions across with Scholaranium and Sigma X Mocks for a complete GMAT experience. All the best!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 17, 2021

Hi Ankit,

Thank you for being a part of the eGMAT family. Congratulations on your 720.

On reflecting back this is not just a 40-point improvement but a 120-point improvement from 600 to 720! Your journey was a roller-coaster ride. There were several highs and lows and there were 2 things that ensured this success:

Diligence – You took feedback from the system every time your score was not where we wanted it to be and improved. If the system showed that you were weak in a particular concept, you did not shy away from revising it multiple times till you understood it well. Not just that you never got complacent with good scores.

Course Diligence :

Belief in yourself and the course – Even when your mock score took a hit you continued to believe that you can make it to the 700 club and that e-GMAT is going to be the partner for that journey. Your course and Scholaranium data were there to reinforce that you had the potential to do well.

Scholaranium Stats :

We wish you the best for your applications and MBA journey.


November 23, 2021

Joined: Jul 20, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40 (Online)

Stick to the process


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

The e-GMAT approach is truly a game changer. As a non-native speaker, the e-GMAT interactive and self-pacing approach really helps me be more efficient in my preparation. I personally used Manhattan prep 7 years ago. While it was good and it helped me to score a 700, I was not able to take the next leap to 700+. This time around, I figured I needed to use a different approach to break the 700 barrier and I am proud to say that the e-GMAT approach really works.

After reading reviews on GMAT club, I decided to use e-GMAT back in late June. In my first SIGMA-X mock, I only scored a 630. The meaning based approach for sentence correction and the pre-thinking methodology for critical reasoning is a game changer BUT you really, really need to master it and do not short circuit. I personally had a time when I knew the concept, but was not able to apply it efficiently while solving questions. It was VERY frustrating and I thought about giving up the meaning based approach many times. BUT do not give up. I went back to study the materials again to master the methodology and was slowly able to use the right approach to solve questions effectively and accurately.

In addition, having an error log and analyzing every single question and every single option is super important. As mentioned by many before me, quality trumps quantity. Make sure you learn from every single question and find your weaknesses.

In my second and third SIGMA-X mock tests, I received a 760 and 750 respectively. It was really eye opening on the power of the e-GMAT material. However, because of some major technical issues in my online GMAT exam, I was only able to score 700.

After this, DJ from e-GMAT reached out to me to join the Last Mile Program (LMP) and I can tell you this was next level. The first thing we did was figure out what’s wrong and why did you score just a 700 and not more than that. The process of diagnosis was done by DJ and we figured out that I take longer on SC, CR questions – and get tired. Therefore, we started a 3 step process to solidify my ability and increase my stamina.

In the first phase 3R plan (Revise, Review and Reboot), DJ asked me to go back to review all of my previous notes. This was meant to get me back in GMAT studying mode. This phase was completed by taking a few tests on SC, CR and RC and achieving >70% accuracy.

In the next phase, I went through all of the mistakes I've made in the past through my error log. The analysis template provided by e-GMAT is super helpful and also really insightful in finding my weaknesses. In this phase, I noticed that I was getting lazy in pre-thinking so I went back to the CR material again to practice pre-thinking.

In the final phase, it was an intense 4-day cycle last mile. SIGMA-X mock -> Stress Test -> Pace Test -> Weakness Review. And I can tell you this was really important in building up stamina. One of the hiccups I had was getting a 640 on my last SIGMA-X mock test. Here I would like to especially thank DJ for continue to encourage me and keep me calm during this set back. He noticed that I had ability gaps in my SC and CR and was able to help me continue to focus and keep pace in my preparation. Some other useful test taking tips that helped me included warm-up exercises and testing at the end of the day. Every little tip helped.

Lastly, I would just like to thank DJ and the e-GMAT team for helping me achieve my target score I set back in June. Also, for everyone still hesitating, I would encourage you to fully commit to the program and stick to the process. It my take longer than you expect, but you will get there! All the best!

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November 12, 2021

Joined: Aug 04, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

e-GMAT : The X-factor


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started my preparation for GMAT rather late. As per my schedule I had only 45 days to prepare. My friend who successfully got into a top business school suggested me to take e-GMAT. I followed his advice blindly and don't regret it even a slight bit, though I regret many other advices he has given me over the years!!

After diligently doing 2 hours of e-GMAT's course each day, I gave my GMAT after 45 days and got a 710 score. I can say it without any hesitation that without e-GMAT it wouldn't have been possible to get a 700 plus score. In the official mock just before I started my preparation I got 620 with a poor Verbal score of 27.

e-GMAT equips you with the right set of tools and techniques to systematically understand the concepts and confidently apply them in actual test scenario. Through Custom Quizzes on Scholaranium I was able to test my concepts and through Sigma-X mocks I was able to test my time management. The quality of questions is very much in line with the official GMAT, particularly in case of Verbal section.

e-GMAT has clearly been the X-factor in my preparation!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 10, 2021

Joined: Apr 30, 2021

Posts: 11

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

V26 to V40 - All credit to e-gmat's 3 stages of learning


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

You may get courses or study material from anywhere on the internet these days, but what leads to a good score is a structured approach and a definite plan of success which I believe is e-GMAT's forte.

I had appeared for my first attempt in 2020 where I had scored a 620; I took my second attempt this year and got a 90-point improvement to 710 in my score with e-GMAT’s Online course. (Great improvement in verbal, from V26 to V40)

The major difference between my first and second attempt was the approach that I took while preparing for the test. During my first attempt, I did not follow any plan and was aimlessly studying the courses, not understanding the correct way to improve my GMAT score. While in my second attempt, I diligently followed the personalized study plan suggested by the e-GMAT support team. When you follow the plan, you will see how your ability increases step-by-step which in turn, increases your confidence and belief in getting a good score in your final GMAT test.

The Verbal and Quant courses at e-GMAT are systematic and well thought out, emphasizing on the process/strategy required to apply while answering any question type. Few highlights of the course which helped me improve my score were the meaning-based approach for SC, pre-thinking and pro-active approach for CR and RC and importance of clear visualization for Quant.

On the other hand, Scholaranium played a very important role in understanding my areas of improvement. Skill-based data given by the AI helps you work on very specific topics that you can build on to boost your GMAT score.

Special Kudos to the e-GMAT support team, their promptness and patience in dealing with any questions or concerns was amazing. They always got back to me within one business day. I would like to thank Aditee(my e-GMAT mentor) for always taking out time to help me understand my weak areas and explaining how target practice would help me more than a blanket practice. It was a great relief to always have an expert support to rely on during stressful times.

All in all, I would highly recommend e-GMAT to anyone who is looking to start their GMAT prep and achieve their target score. 😊

All the best! Cheers!

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November 08, 2021

Joined: May 17, 2021

Posts: 28

Kudos: 11

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41 (Online)

690 to 740 in 30 days!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

For someone who was coming from a 690 (Q46 V39 IR 5) and had been constantly stuck in the 670 - 710 range in all his mocks, eGMAT was a blessing!

It is easier to train someone who is completely fresh and new to GMAT vs someone who has certain fixed ways of approaching problems. The latter involves an additional step of unlearning a few things and then learning using new techniques. I believe this is where eGMAT aced it for me!

I got a personal strategy trainer as I was looking for a targeted 40 point improvement. I wanted a 730 and didn't have much time.

We started with a detailed analysis of the ESR from my 690 attempt. While my verbal scores were okay-ish, needed to work a bit on CR to improve it to an 80th percentile, it was ALG-GEO in Quant that needed a lot of attention.

Quant 2.0 really helped in this. I went through the concepts files and sectional diagnostic quizzes to understand my weak areas. There were some refreshingly new ways to solve problems quickly, like the Wavy Line method which drastically cut down the time taken per question.

The role of my strategy coach, DJ, was immense. He closely monitored my performance and kept pushing me to finish the modules in time. He then suggested Cementing quizzes. This, for me, is that did the trick. The targeted approach of 2 Medium + 2 Hard + 1 Mixed Bag quiz after each Quant section really hammered in the concepts. The fact that all the quizzes were timed really helped me since my biggest battle was to finish the Quant section within time limits and with the desired accuracy levels.

In CR, the pre-thinking approach I learned really helped me up my game.

The culmination of the preparation was doing Test Readiness Quizzes within Scholarinium. The flexibility of the tool helps you attack exactly what your weak areas are and helps you improve drastically.

A huge shout out to eGMAT's mentorship program and specially my mentor, Dhananjay. He is prompt with his replies, detailed in his analysis, relentless in his motivation and targeted in his strategic approach. He would give me day by day plan with detailed threshold limits and anaylsed my performance to pin point my exact weak areas.

The result?

690 (Q46 V39 IR5) -> 740 (Q49 V41 IR8)

I improved in all the sections! If I can do it, anyone can.

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January 25, 2022

Dear Student,

Firstly, congratulations on your score improvement in just 30 days. I am very happy to see your improvement. Improving from a 690 to a 740, as you mentioned, requires a lot of effort, unlearning, and relearning, but the most important thing is to understand where do you need to improve.

I have recorded a video to explain your journey. Watch it here:

For you, your steps were clear. You had to pull up your quant score and maintain or slightly improve your verbal score. This precision targeting needs an individual to follow processes and be diligent in the journey. You did it very well.

You followed the 3-step process:

Look at data to understand key areas to Focus on -> Revise -> Test yourself to check progress.

The screenshot below depicts all this hard work into results. You were scoring great in Medium and Hard questions: an indicator of success. It was just a matter of time for you to post this.

Scholaranium Stats:

I am elated to see your success. I hope this motivates a lot of other test takers into understanding the process of HOW can they improve to a higher score in less time.

All the best for your career ahead! Do well.



November 08, 2021

Joined: Jun 02, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40

Building a Strong Foundation - 590 to 730


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Before signing up for the e-gmat course, I did extensive research on all available sources for core concepts and even attended trial sessions and webinars offered by different companies. However, I realized I needed something which would help me understand concepts from scratch and make my base strong. Since e-gmat's methods aligned with this need (as I learned in the free trial and during the webinars), I quickly clarified all my doubts with the team over a video call and jumped right in.

Fortunately, the course was way more detailed and concept-oriented than I had imagined and this became the core of my entire prep.

QUANT - An area I always thought I was weak in, was instinctively where I started from. Before jumping into key topics, I extracted everything I could from the Quant basics course which is great for anyone who wants to brush up their skills and gain more confidence in their quant foundation. The entire course is structured beautifully to take you through a detailed yet very simply explained journey via every single concept. The query section was almost always helpful in clarifying any confusion regarding the concept or a particular question. It was only once or twice that I had to reach out to the team to ask a doubt - which was also answered well within a day or so. Hence, I left the quant course with a huge shift in my confidence, as compared to where I had started from.

Payal does a wonderful job at patiently explaining each concept and helping one build a strong foundation. Not just the methodology but the core process skills of e-gmat are reiterated multiple times throughout the course, so they become muscle memory by the end of it. My improvement from a Q38 to Q50 can be majorly credited to mastering core concepts, making process skills second nature, and deeply understanding each question (rather than just focusing on the sheer volume of questions) - and the detailed solution videos provided after every question really helped with that.

VERBAL - Starting at a V33, I just thought I needed more practice with verbal until I actually went through concept files and adopted a different strategy.

Particularly for RC and CR, the approach taught in the files is a complete game-changer. For CR, the pre-thinking approach made a huge difference not just in the takt time but also in eliminating that confusion between 2 similar-looking answer choices. In RC, reading and making the passage summaries and overall summary, again was never the approach I followed, as I assumed it would waste time. Instead, it saved me a lot of time in the quizzes and in the actual exam and improved my efficiency significantly.

Further, one KEY FEATURE which the e-gmat platform provides is clear, drilled down, micro-level data - for timing-based, difficulty-based, subsectional, and topic-wise weaknesses. Scholaranium 2.0 is a brilliant tool to evaluate your performance. The dashboards will show you clearly where you are lacking and what topics/ types of questions need more work. As guided in the videos, it is crucial to do the quizzes as per the instructions provided to extract the maximum benefit out of them. Doing detailed reviews of a quiz and then analyzing the metrics from the dashboards before moving on to the next quiz was key to my learning process and gave me a visible 10-20% improvement in my accuracy level with each quiz.

Last but not the least, it is worth mentioning that the e-gmat has been truly commendable - with the prompt responses and constant support throughout the journey. It did not feel like this was just an online platform as I always could sense the team behind the screen not just providing video lessons but constantly accessing my performance, making me feel accountable, and providing appropriate feedback when needed.

Towards the end of the course, I wanted to revise a few things and reluctantly asked the team if a one-week extension was possible. I was grateful to receive a free extension without having to worry about payments or formalities, especially in the last few days before the exam. That's what makes e-gmat so unique. It provides a supportive environment and top-quality experts and materials and yet is affordable, relatable, and super easy to use!

I would like to thank Aftab, Juhi, Atreya, DJ, Archit, and Manas for helping me throughout the journey. And of course kudos to Payal and Rajat for building this and bringing so many people one step closer to their dreams.

Would 10/10 recommend E-GMAT to anyone starting their GMAT journey! :)

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270 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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