December 22, 2021

Joined: Jun 22, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

710 on first attempt


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

For me, GMAT preparation started with me dabbling in different available study materials, instead of a systematic approach. Although I did do my research before purchasing e-GMAT's online course, my casual approach in preparations would continue for some more time. During this period, however, my understanding of Sentence Correction improved gradually.
When I started out, Sentence Correction seemed like the only difficult segment for me. But thanks to the detailed study materials and ample test materials available on the e-GMAT platform, I ended up scoring a 99th percentile in my first GMAT attempt. I faltered on things that I always thought I had covered and hence did not put in the requisite effort. The only reason I could score a 99th percentile on the section that should have been my biggest weakness is that I spent almost 70% of my preparation time on this section (both concepts and short tests in Scholaranium). So, if you are willing to put in the necessary effort, e-GMAT will provide you the guidance- things like Meaning-based approach and Strategic pausing proving most helpful for me

The Sigma-X mocks are also a pretty accurate representation of the actual test.

Talking of guidance, Dhananjay (aka DJ) from the e-GMAT team deserves a special mention as well- he helped me streamline my preparation in the week prior to the test and has continued to support with a detailed analysis of my test performance.

January 05, 2022

Dear Aditya,
Thank you for the special mention, it warms my heart that you found my advice helpful. Congratulations on the 710 too! 😊

Scoring the 99th percentile on SC is no easy feat and takes three important components –

1) Understand the meaning and structure of a sentence inside out
2) Being able to translate that information into actionable information to make decisions on which grammatical errors to weed out
3) Visualise each answer choice and not fall in common traps

The secret sauce however was the “Pause Points” approach. Most people skip these files, but only the smarter ones stick with them.

Pause Point Application:

I wish you all the best for your future and applications!

Warm Regards,

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