January 13, 2022

Joined: Aug 27, 2021

Posts: 16

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V41

50-Point Improvement


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I've had the e-GMAT course for a few months now and must say that it's a great investment made along my GMAT journey, especially after I enrolled in eGMAT's LMP program. Below I'll summarize a few points about the e-GMAT platform and the LMP program that I found particularly valuable, as well as a few tips on how best to use eGMAT's course. Hopefully this can help you on your preparation journey!

The Platform

1. The Verbal Course. The bulk of my focus on eGMAT's platform was in its SC and CR courses, and I must say that the SC course in particular was a complete game-changer. The combination of 1) long and comprehensive list of grammar topics on the platform and 2) eGMAT's unique meaning-based approach helped me tremendously in my SC preparation, helping me push from SC ~70% to 90%+. The "Mastering Comprehension" modules in the Verbal course was also very useful, since it teaches not factual knowledge but a way of thinking that helps you focus on the core task of identifying meaning and errors in SC questions.

2. The Quant Course. Compared to my usage of the Verbal course, I spent relatively less time on the Quant course. However, I was still able to see that the course covered an extensive list of all the topics that you need to know for the exam. Not only that, but there were also tips and tricks for individual topics that can help you minimize the time you spend on each question, and the explanations for all the topics were very clear and easy to understand.

3. Scholaranium. I have to say that Scholaranium is by far the best Q-bank platform that I have seen in my journey - it allows you to customize your practice according to your individual progress. The Sigma-X mocks were also fantastic and mimic the algorithm used in the real exam. I really liked how each question's topic is indicted in the review screen for the mocks, so you can go back to each specific module if you find that you are still lacking in that particular topic.

The LMP Program

I reached out to the eGMAT team a few weeks before my 4th GMAT attempt in a panic attack at not seeing my score improve after months of preparation. For people who don't know, the LMP program is a mentorship program offered by eGMAT to selected students (so it's not a public purchase option on their website), and the plan is to have a mentor help you during the last few days/weeks of your preparation journey to pinpoint and get rid of your last weaknesses before the real exam. DJ quickly replied to my email, and we met together to go over the ESR for my previous 2 GMAT attempts. In our meeting, DJ analyzed my ESR extensively, and I was really surprised at how quickly he could see where exactly I was going wrong. Based on these weak spots, DJ made a customized 10-day plan for me that included 3 components: Verbal, Quant, and Test-Readiness. Each section was extremely detailed as to what I needed to do EXACTLY for those last few days of my attempt: for example, during our meeting DJ quickly pinpointed that one major weakness/mistake that I was making in Verbal was that I took too much time to solve some of the questions that I still ended up getting wrong, so he told me what exact steps I needed to take to reduce the time I spend on Verbal questions. With his customized plan and the eGMAT platform, I improved from 660 (my first Sigma-X mock score) to 710 (Official GMAT score). After my GMAT, I also discussed my exam and preparation experience with DJ, and I've decided to try the GMAT one more time to aim for a higher score. I have no doubt that, with the help from DJ and the eGMAT platform, I can push my score even higher.

How to Use the Platform

The course at eGMAT teaches you a 3-step approach that helps you first cement your foundational knowledge and then practice and perfect your skills at answering specific question types, and I have to say that these 3 steps held a lot of importance in the final stages of my journey. It is truly not the case in which you can just do all the questions in Scholaranium and hope that magically lifts up your score - it is extremely important to follow the 3-step approach and keep an error log with eGMAT's error log templates to make sure that you know where you are faltering in your question-solving process. The best series of steps that helped me to solidify my knowledge and skills were as follows:

Learn basic knowledge in courses --> Do preliminary practice questions within individual modules --> Review concepts if necessary --> Begin taking small quizzes on different sections in Scholaranium --> Keep updating the error logs --> Find out which areas I was weakest in and go back to those specific modules --> Practice specifically with those question types

January 19, 2022

Dear jlo1234,

I love the username by the way! Jennifer Lopez is one of my favorite singers, haha! Congratulations on scoring 710 and I am glad the LM program brought you quick success! 10 days, was it? I thoroughly enjoyed this engagement. I like your mini-guide around our course and the LM program – so innovative 😊

50 points 10 days  Here is how:

I want to applaud you for 2 things –

1) Your faith & trust in me and the advice I gave  Right off the bat when we did the call, I felt that you were bound for success because you understood the value in what I was saying and followed through with the plan.
2) Diligence  Creating a hyper-specific plan: I created this, but you followed it. From my experience anyone that follows even 90% of this plan – they improve their chances of success by 2X or 3X.

Hyper specific Plan Teaser (I know so many people want this):

I don’t think there is a review that gives someone a roadmap on how to use our course till now which makes this review ultra-special.

I look forward to helping you increase this score too! Above and beyond always.

Warmest Regards,
Dhananjay(aka DJ)

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