January 13, 2022

Joined: Jul 27, 2019

Posts: 2

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

5th attempt - 740


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Entering the GMAT world was so overwhelming with a ton of options available everywhere and I initially looked at the prep companies with a lot of scepticism. Once I was done exploring GmatClub and attending various webinars, I could figure out the most prominent players. I came across E-GMAT during that time, attending their free webinars every weekend to gain familiarity with the GMAT but never actually seriously considering it. I only took the plunge once my GMAT score had plateaued at 690 after 4 attempts over 2 years of self-preparation. Looking in hindsight now, how I wish I had gone for it earlier. Attending those free webinars, I always thought that E-GMAT had a methodical and simplified approach to the application of concepts and it became the reason I trusted them over others.

The product that E-GMAT has created is just phenomenal. A simple interface, yet one containing a ton of insights and data that gives you critical feedback points throughout your prep. If utilized in the correct way, following the step-by-step process that E-GMAT advocates, the Scholaranium platform is designed to help you succeed. The concept files, the Scholaranium question bank and the mocks are seamlessly integrated within the product and you don’t need to go outside this ecosystem.

The verbal prep from E-GMAT was an eye-opener for me. The course starts with strengthening the most basic fundamentals of understanding and constructing a sentence through the Master comprehension course. It significantly reduces your mistakes and prep time across all the sections. Mastering the meaning-based approach, deeply embedded throughout the SC course, will alone improves your SC ability on GMAT. The logical intended meaning of the question will always take precedence over the grammar rules.
Similarly, the pre-thinking approach taught in CR section forces you to think of possible answers before attempting a question until it becomes a habit. The attention given to each question type and subtype in CR course provides so many different perspectives of looking at a question stem. The course teaches the concept, and the approach and solidifies both through application files.

Every person has somewhat a unique approach to Reading comprehension; however, RC ability is built over time and the only way to do that is to read a lot. RC ability is tested by the GMAT over a range of topics that you may like or dislike. E-GMAT RC course focuses a lot on reading strategies that encourage you to read more actively and understand the intent of the author.

Quant course is even better. The course advocates a series of steps that help you solve a question under 2 minutes effectively. Its flexible enough to let you skip the stronger areas and extensive enough to work on your weak areas. Needless to say, all concepts tested on GMAT are present in Quant course and solving difficult level questions methodically gives a real boost to your quant ability whether you have a quant background or you don’t.

The scholaranium has one of the best question banks I have come across my prep and it’s aided by a lot of data points that help you identify your weak areas and fine tune your prep. You can see the performance statistics for the individual sections such as assumption, strengthen, etc. and further drill down to your performance over a number of attempted questions as well as the difficulty level. The takt time can also be seen to identify any timing issues over a particular set of questions. All these stats are based on the questions attempted via customizable quizzes that highlight non-ideal issues such as luck factor, rush factor, etc. The answers explanations are superb and in case of any query, every question has a discussion thread where answers are provided by E-GMAT experts.

E-GMAT mocks are also really good and closely resemble your ability as per GMAT. I can vouch for it because I had tried both official and Manhattan mocks, which are also awesome. The insights provided with the mocks are mind-boggling. They give you the sense of your block-wise timing, accuracy, etc. Its ESR + additional cool info. There are 6 Sigma-X mocks available in E-GMAT with each having its own question bank, so no repetitions. Leveraging my analysis of the mock, I transcended from a score of 660 on my sigma-X mock to 740 on my actual GMAT just 3 days later.

Lastly, the support provided by E-GMAT mentors complements everything mentioned above and really is the difference between getting a good (sub-700) vs an awesome (720+) score. I was lucky enough to be engaged in the Last mile push program by Dhananjay (DJ) who gave me a structured and personalized plan right from the beginning. I was already saturated with 4 attempts on GMAT and yet I learned so many things in my 5th attempt that I didn’t before. DJ pushed me a lot to do that introspection and get over my weak areas. He helped me analyse my performances through the error logs and came up with key inputs or training videos from time to time whenever I got stuck in a particular section. He kept me accountable by setting up the weekly milestones. There was I time when I got frustrated and wanted to move to another section but DJ quickly identified that word problems was my weak area and helped me improve my ability to 80% from 30% in the section. Despite helping so many students, his replies were always prompt and always carried I tinge of motivation that is so much needed when you are trying to ace the GMAT.

To sum up, if you want all-in-one package for GMAT prep, you don’t need to look elsewhere.

January 19, 2022

Dear Ankur,

Congratulations on scoring a 740, you are the first student from my cohort this year to score a 740. Always makes it extra awesome 😊 Your journey is special in SO MANY WAYS! I am reading this line a little more frequently now – “I wish I had known about this(e-GMAT) earlier”

But the tenacity you have shown to get to this point is phenomenal. 5 GMAT Attempts can really take a lot out of you, and you have shown that improving from 690 to 740 is more about strategy and perseverance.

I am glad you found Mocks you can trust and with the wealth of ESR+ data you and I were able to create hyper-specific plans.

ESR + Data:

A lot of people look at the “easy way-out approach” in RC or just I am going to read a 1000 RC’s and will improve, you now know it does not work.

RC Reading Strategies e-GMAT:

Finally, very few people talk about support, but I am sure you know how critical it can be. I am glad I could help you break this plateau and hit a 740! You truly understand what LAST MILE embodies. I love it 😊

Thank you for taking this time to review us. I appreciate it.

Warm Regards,
Dhananjay (DJ)

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