GMAT Ninja

Learn from the best!

Founder Charles Bibilos has helped students conquer the GRE and GMAT since 2001, and has earned perfect scores on both exams. All of our tutors have scored at least a 770 on the exam, and all of us are dedicated to tutoring as a full-time, long-term career. We’ve also served as GMAT Club’s resident verbal experts since 2017.

If you join us for GMAT tutoring, expect brutal honesty and a commitment to understanding what makes YOU tick as a test-taker. We’ll diagnose your weaknesses, assign a ton of individualized homework, meticulously track your results — and tell you honestly if you’re not on track for your target GRE, GMAT, or EA score.

Making huge score improvements on the GMAT can be incredibly difficult, and if you want gimmicks and shortcuts, we’re not the right GMAT tutors for you. But if you’re ready to work hard, visit us at to learn more.

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July 08, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42

750 score thanks to Mike from GMAT Ninja!!! They are great!


Improvement 60 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

GMAT Ninja was recommended to me by a friend and it was the best decision to prepare for the GMAT with them!! I would never have been able to obtain my 750 score without the very structured and efficient approach of Mike (and this in only 4 weeks of preparation!). Mike really was great at convincing me to trust his experience and his process of preparation, he offered me candid feedback at all times and the online tutoring sessions were very efficient thanks to his preparation work of reviewing my homework mistakes. As a non-native English speaker, sentence correction was a challenge, but through the tips&tricks I quickly improved and achieved the level needed. Lastly, I actually enjoyed the process of preparation thanks to the diverse homework and enjoyable sessions! Thanks to GMAT ninja!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 08, 2021

Joined: Jul 07, 2021

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q44 V40

Totally Worth It


Improvement 100 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

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Definitely worth it! Mike was my tutor for the GMAT. My GMAT score jumped 100 points. I started getting tutored in March, took the test in May.

I took the test once on my own. I went through the Manhattan Strategy Guides. I didn't have a lot of structure. I didn't study consistently. Mike brought structure and confidence to my studying. When I was shopping around for tutors, I met with two tutors via skype. The first tutor was lackluster and didn't seem to care about my background (e.g., education, strengths, weaknesses). Everything was very cookie cutter. When I met with Mike, it was the exact opposite. He was full of excitement and positive energy. I had a good feeling ending that call. Turns out my intuition was right. He had a big smile and great energy every time we chatted! It got me motivated. He believed in me, which made me believe in myself.

For the next two months, Mike gave me weekly hw assignments for ~12-15 hours a week. What I loved was that I didn't have to review or analyze my mistakes. I just did the problems and logged them into a Google Sheet. We met once a week for 2 hours, where we reviewed problems I missed and new topics. It felt well paced, not too fast, not too slow. Homework was personalized to my needs. I struggled with sentence correction -- but on the GMAT I got 40 on my verbal, so quite an improvement.

While I did improve by 100 points (590 to 690), I think I could have done even better. A lot happened from March to May, I quit my job, got a new job, moved across the country, and moved in with my boyfriend. Basically a lot of change that was not conducive to studying.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 08, 2021

Joined: Jul 07, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42 (Online)

Tutoring with Michael Maietta


Improvement N/A

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

I had a great experience working with Mike! He is an insightful, efficient and supportive tutor who has a real gift for identifying weaknesses and providing concrete strategies to overcome them. He is very methodical in helping students tackle the test and his prep work and testing strategies made a big difference for me on test day. I enjoyed our sessions very much and felt our time together was always productive. His friendly nature and clear articulation of challenging concepts made studying GMAT content less overwhelming. Mike genuinely cares about the success of his students and I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of GMAT support!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 08, 2021

Joined: Nov 28, 2020

Posts: 9

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q47 V44

Improvement 70 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

Here are the major milestones from my GMAT prep journey...

1. I took my first diagnostic exam and got a 530. I was pretty disappointed. As the editor of my school journal and an engineering major, I didn't necessarily think I was going to ace the test my first try but I also didn't think I was going to have to fill a gap of 200 points to reach my goal score.

2. I spent 4 fruitless months studying on my own with MPrep books. At this point, I had plateaued to around 660 (Q44/V38). Quant-wise: I was spending all my time trying to understand the NUANCES of the HARDEST quant questions. Afterall, the questions weren't hard, I just needed enough time. I couldn't figure out why I could understand complex engineering calculus but not a simple GMAT trig question. Verbal-wise: I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I spent every night doing bricks of 10 questions and making literally 0 point progress from my initial diagnostic exam. Not going to lie, by this point I thought maybe I wasn't cut out for the GMAT...

3. I finally bite the bullet and signed up with Mike. After 3 months, I jumped 70 points and scored a 730 on my first official GMAT exam! I ACTUALLY cried in the car on my way home that's the amount of relief I felt. Quant-wise: Mike helped me realize how ridiculous it was I was spending insane amounts of time on the hardest questions and then shooting myself in the foot on the easy questions. Verbal-wise: Mike taught me to eliminate answers based on clear grammatical mistakes, which means, sometimes the most incoherent answers may still be grammatically correct!

Honestly, Mike is a life saver! His help allowed me the freedom to apply to virtually any MBA program I want to and the time to finally see my family and friends again. I'm forever grateful - thanks Mike!

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December 10, 2021

I just wanted to update that I got into HBS so doubly thanks to Mike :) (I owe you one!)

July 08, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V44

GMAT Ninja - Tailored Approach to Performance Improvement


Improvement 20 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

The team at GMAT Ninja are real professionals when it comes to GMAT prep, and take a tailored approach to their tutoring strategies and studying recommendations to best suit the individuals they're working with.

I worked with Mike Maietta for about a month prior to taking the GMAT for the first time. Mike started by analyzing the problem sets I had already done independently, and asking me the right questions to hone in on the areas I had been struggling with. Although I was fortunate to be starting off in a good spot (710 and 730 on previous practice tests prior to tutoring), Mike helped identify low hanging fruit in sentence correction and certain categories of quant where I was struggling, so that we could spend our time most efficiently. During tutoring sessions, Mike was able to figure out my thought process on questions I was getting wrong, and helped show me techniques to improve my percentage on these particular problems. I took the exam twice after working with Mike, and was able to get a 750 each time.

Working with Mike and GMAT Ninja gave me a lot of confidence when I first sat for the exam, and I was extremely pleased with the score improvement. I would highly recommend GMAT Ninja to anyone who is looking to improve their score, and willing to put in the time and effort to do so.

If you need another reason to work with GMAT Ninja, they write their own word problems for their worksheets, most of which are hilarious and entertaining. I would've had a hard time imagining I would ever be smiling while studying for the GMAT!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 06, 2021

Joined: Dec 11, 2018

Posts: 32

Kudos: 11

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Highly recommended


Improvement 50 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

I used Michael from GMATNinja and really enjoyed working with him. From being supportive when I needed him to and providing tough love when I needed to hear them, Michael was fantastic. Especially so because I was going through some tough personal challenges and Michael was supportive and understanding.

I was approaching the GMAT with some false preconceived notions as a test of intelligence and going by instinct/brute force. Michael explained the psychology of the test, helped me build a structured plan to study and kept me on track. This structure was especially key as I was very inconsistent in my study habits and because I was racing against time to get a decent score before the R1 application was due.

Highly recommend Michael and GMATNinja for anyone who is starting out their GMAT prep or is frustrated at not being to crack a higher score.

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July 06, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Improvement 40 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

I would highly, highly, highly recommend the GMAT Ninja. It is really a no-brainer, they will help you get the best version of yourself! As mentioned it is thanks to them that I got into HBS. I know for a fact that several friends to whom I recommended Charles and Mike had a similar experience and made it into their dream schools. I primarily worked with Mike in order to get the best GMAT score possible. Mike was very structured, extremely professional, and incredibly patient with me. English is my third language and thanks to him I got a 42 (96%) in the verbal section. He was instrumental in the quantitative part as well. The various techniques he taught me made me very effective at using the limited time available. Overall it was a real pleasure to work with him, we have remained in contact ever since, as on top of being the best coach he is also a phenomenal human being. Working with Charles and Mike will be amongst the very best decision you make in your life! Don't hesitate, just go for it!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 05, 2021

Joined: Aug 05, 2020

Posts: 10

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

680 to consistently 700+ in 2 months


Improvement 30 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

Before meeting Harry Duthie from GMAT Ninja, I had studied independently for over 6 months and was unable to cross my desired 700 barrier on my first exam attempt even though my 4 practice exam attempts were all in the early 700s. I had a real mental block as I felt I had done all I could and couldn’t figure out where I was going wrong. As someone who feels more naturally at ease with words than numbers, I was disheartened that I couldn’t once cross the V40 barrier in any of my practice tests. My confidence in my quantitative abilities was low and I struggled with silly errors.
Harry was instrumental in helping me get past my mental block. In particular, he helped me to reconstruct my thought process and make my exam technique much more efficient. Specifically:

- He advocated a question answering process that helped me to almost entirely eradicate silly mistakes;
- He trained me to be much more intrusive and disciplined when it comes to my time management, providing me with confidence to bail on questions EARLY when I couldn’t figure out a path to answer a particular question;
- His bespoke worksheets on particular topics helped me to attack my weaknesses and learn from my mistakes
- Drilling me to work 15 hours a week+ helped me to internalise my question answering processes and eliminate weaknesses
- In the past, I would not always pick the most efficient path to answering questions. His guidance on certain question types (conversions, geometry and statistics in particular) helped me to save time on easier questions and set me up for success on harder questions
- A focus on methodology and discipline over “trickery”
- Fantastic advice on alleviating exam pressures/stresses and also eradicating any cobwebs/preconceptions about quantitative ability.

- Drilled into me to read for meaning not detail (but without missing important details!);
- Advocated using harder LSAT materials – these were a life saver for critical reasoning and reading comprehension. Going through passages/questions I got wrong/found difficult with Harry and having him continuously challenge my thought process was instrumental in improving my verbal scores
- Previously I was finishing verbal sections with 10/15 mins to go – Harry helped me to read in a more targeted fashion to fully utilise my time. Small tips like deep breaths before critical reasoning questions allowed me to concentrate on passages more
- Instilled critical reasoning question technique discipline – this was crucial. Test prep companies/books seem to advocate 1000s of different techniques for every time of critical reasoning question. Harry’s advice was simple – identify the conclusion precisely! It’s the key to any type of question and completely decluttered my mind!

As a result, I pushed my practice test scores from 700/710 to 740-760. I finally achieved my desired my 700+ score in the actual exam, achieving 710 (Q46, V41) vs 680 (Q43, V40) which massively helped me get into my dream business school, INSEAD.

What can’t be summarised about GMATNinja with just data however is how much they truly care about their students. Whether it was a query about MBA applications, stress, exam technique, interviews (before and after my GMAT sessions with Harry), Harry and Charles would go out of their way to get back to me as quickly as possible. To this day, 7 months on from my GMAT exam, they continue to stay in touch and offer their help which speaks volumes for their character.

I can’t recommend GMATNinja and Harry enough.

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