GMAT Ninja

Learn from the best!

Founder Charles Bibilos has helped students conquer the GRE and GMAT since 2001, and has earned perfect scores on both exams. All of our tutors have scored at least a 770 on the exam, and all of us are dedicated to tutoring as a full-time, long-term career. We’ve also served as GMAT Club’s resident verbal experts since 2017.

If you join us for GMAT tutoring, expect brutal honesty and a commitment to understanding what makes YOU tick as a test-taker. We’ll diagnose your weaknesses, assign a ton of individualized homework, meticulously track your results — and tell you honestly if you’re not on track for your target GRE, GMAT, or EA score.

Making huge score improvements on the GMAT can be incredibly difficult, and if you want gimmicks and shortcuts, we’re not the right GMAT tutors for you. But if you’re ready to work hard, visit us at to learn more.

GMAT Ninja

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November 22, 2021

Joined: Apr 02, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V35

Cowabunga! This Ninja doesn't use magic but trains you hard.


Improvement 50 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor Harry Duthie

Location Online

If you are looking for easy, stress-free course and ready to spend 2 years for GMAT, this school is not your choice. If you are determined and need to get the score as soon as possible, it is.

I started my course with Harry after training GMAT with other school for 1 year. I hit 670 in half a year but was struggling to improve further as everyone was.

Harry gave me many homework, fundamental skills, motivation and my target score in 5 months.

GMAT training is never easy. There is no magic and you need to go through hard and time consuming training, doing a lot of problem sets. GMAT Ninja will give you the best and shortest endurance as long as you are ready to overcome.

It's not easy. It's really stressful. However, it's worth.

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November 20, 2021

Joined: Nov 20, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q48 V48

690 to 770.. Mike is a legend


Improvement 80 Points

Course 2-hour GMAT Diagnostic Session

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

My GMAT tutoring experience, like many others, has been a journey. I started with Veritas Prep, attracted by their low-costs - nearly half of the standard rate. Disappointed by the quality (not surprising right), I spent several hours of due diligence to locate the best GMAT tutor on web. I had wasted 2 weeks of my time essentially, and wanted to devote my energy and attention to the test, not on vetting my tutor. For context, I had self studied on and off for about 3 months, and was scoring around a 690 on practice exams. My goal was a 730.

When I stumbled across GMAT Ninja, I was intrigued by their site's content - Charles, the founder, was spewing GMAT wisdom like it he'd written a dissertation on it. While I was attracted by the content, I stayed ultimately for the reviews. Particularly, one reviewer shared her experience about how Mike helped improve her score from a 690 to a 730 in 3 weeks. For me, that was enough to pull the trigger, and specifically request Mike as my tutor.

On our first session, I immediately knew I had made the right decision. Mike was extremely friendly, open, and understanding to the strenuous and often frustrating process of studying for the GMAT. Like Charles, Mike had an incredible amount of wisdom to share regarding study habits, test dos and don'ts, best practices, etc. For one, don't touch fake verbal questions with a 10ft pole. After a few weeks together, it became abundantly clear that Mike wasn't just helping me master the content, he was helping me master the exam.

Without going too in the weeds and boring you with details, I'll say that Mike's approach to teaching made the process feel like less of a choir, and more like a challenge. He was very honest about where he felt my potential lay, and would constantly push me to strive for nothing less than my very best. In the end, I ended up surprising him and myself with a 770, greatly exceeding my goals and what I could even fathom as a possibility. I would 100% recommend Mike as a tutor. The journey won't be easy, but at least it's possible with the proper guide.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 07, 2021

Joined: Sep 25, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

V35 to V40 in Less Than a Month!


Improvement 40 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor Harry Duthie

Location Online

Starting my preparation one month before the test, I was very late to the GMAT prep game. Harry was very critical of my work, making me walk him through my problem-solving process and questioning my rationale when a step that I took was logically flawed. Harry also made me aware of the most efficient way to answer questions, and he was adamant in ensuring that I used the most efficient method. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for achieving such a dramatic improvement in both verbal and overall scores within a period that is less than half of the typical minimum!

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November 04, 2021

Joined: Nov 19, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
550 Q32 V34

Life changing


Improvement 160 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor Harry Duthie

Location Online

I honestly don't know how I can sum up the experience I had with GMAT Ninja into words, but the title probably does that job okay. I owe literally everything to Harry Duthie and the guys at GMAT Ninja. 

When I embarked on the long and brutal journey that is the GMAT, I am not even slightly exaggerating when I say I couldn't remember that two negative numbers multiplied together made a positive result. I sat my first GMAT practice exam in order to get my baseline score in December 2020 without any prep beforehand, and scored a dismal 390 (Q14, V27). I knew there was a long road ahead of me and a lot of work to be done if I was to hit my target score of 600. 

I started tutoring with Harry on a weekly basis in January 2021, and we went in at the deep end. Quant was my weakest section by far, so we started there. We spent our weekly sessions with roughly 1.5 hours on quant, and then 0.5 hours on Verbal (just to keep that ticking over too). I would then work my way through ~ 20 hours of homework every week, which we would then go through in our next session, and that's really how we worked from January all the way through. At the beginning it was incredibly overwhelming, but I cannot overstate how patient and encouraging Harry was with me. His teaching style is clear and he has this amazing ability to break everything down from scary functions and horrible fractions to some truly evil inequalities and awful data sufficiency problems, all into simple processes that begin to feel (dare I say it?) easy. After about 6 or 7 weeks, it suddenly felt like the lights had been turned on, and everything started making sense to me. I was able to make connections, my mental maths got faster, and he was always encouraging me to keep at it (even through the bleakest moments when I toyed with the idea of giving up entirely). 

I sat my first GMAT at the end of April. It was online, from home, using the old exam format where you got no break at all between the sections. That, combined with a particularly difficult proctor, meant that I didn't hit my target score on that first go. No matter though, we kept the tutoring up and began to focus more on exam technique and speed now that the content had been covered. Again, Harry was such an invaluable resource for all of this - we would go through practice exams and he would take the time to watch how I'd attempted the problem, and then show me faster, more efficient ways of doing them (I had a tendency to read a Quant question and panic and just start randomly doing useless sums, so this was a very helpful lesson!). I continued to sit a practice exam every week, and by mid-June, I hit my all time high score of 680 (Q42, V41). This was genuinely something I never, ever, EVER thought I was capable of even getting close to, and it was 100% down to Harry. To put that into perspective, my quant score went from 14 to 42... a 28 point difference.

In the end, after two more attempts and my nerves getting the better of me in the exam room both times, my final real GMAT score was 550. Despite me not hitting what I *thought* I needed, I still managed to get into the school of my choice with that score, and so all was well in the end. 

Harry is honestly the biggest legend. He was always there for me, he took time out of his own busy schedule to debrief with me after post-exam tear-filled sessions, he deflected my frustrations and turned them into encouragement, but most importantly, he gave me the confidence and the skills I needed to get through the last nine months. If you are reading this and you are even mildly considering getting tutoring, I cannot implore you enough to go with Harry, or anyone from the GMAT Ninja team. There really is no alternative (and trust me when I say I did a LOT of research before choosing them). I can say with absolute certainty that I would not be doing an MBA right now if it wasn't for them. Charles Bibilos, the founder, not only deserves a nobel prize for education for all the work he's put into making the GMAT accessible for people (he is the reason I scored in the 40's for verbal, check out his sentence correction series on YouTube if you haven't already done so), but he deserves a huge shout out for being so supportive along the way. With his ever-open door policy, he was an incredible sounding board for me and was my very own cheerleader from the sidelines. 

No matter your background, no one can deny what a painstakingly tough process this exam can be, nor can you underestimate the pressures it puts on your mental and physical health. Make your life easier and get tutoring with Harry, and if you're anything like me (and I can't believe I'm even writing this) you might even begin to miss GMAT prep once it's all over (!).

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 02, 2021

Joined: Sep 16, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

620 to 750 -- Mike Maietta is the man!!!!


Improvement 130 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

I cannot thank Mike Maietta enough for helping me get above my goal score!

Before tutoring with Mike, I originally started my GMAT studying with MPrep. After a week of studying, I scored 670 (Q45, V36), which I was excited about, as I was aiming for a 730 with two months of studying. After a month of taking the MPrep course, I retook the CAT and scored...630 (Q43, V33). I was shocked, to say the least, thinking that maybe it was an off day. A week later, to prove that theory, I took my third CAT and scored...620 (Q45, V31). At this point, I knew that I couldn't keep studying as I had been to reach my goal score. I don't blame MPrep's course at all, and I think it was more that I needed individualized 1-1 tutoring, which led me to GMAT Ninja.

Here's how Mike helped me out--
I have a pretty strong background in Quant, but my approach was hindering me. I had a tendency of banking/saving time, missing easy questions, while still missing the harder questions. After a couple of sessions of Mike reminding me this, it finally clicked and my scores improved.

I was considerably weaker on the Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction portions of Verbal. Mike helped me drill down strategy for CR, helping me understand how to break down arguments to get to the right answer. He also helped me build my SC pretty much from the ground up.

When I scored only a 710 (Q50, V36) on my first official GMAT attempt, Mike helped me come up with strategies to deal with my stress and make sure I stick with the test-taking strategies I had learned. I came in with the mindset knowing that I would struggle a bit with the tough questions, but that I could still get a good score by being consistent. On my second attempt, I improved my V score by 6 points with one additional month of tutoring, scoring an overall 750 (Q50, V42).

I could not have done this without Mike's help. If you're in need of 1-1 tutoring, ask for Mike!!!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 02, 2021

Joined: Sep 06, 2021

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q47 V44

Harry and GMAT Ninja are the best!!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor Harry Duthie

Location Online

Harry and Charles are truly the best, they have cracked the GMAT code! With enough hard work, discipline and direction, absolutely anyone can get a good score on the GMAT and I truly believe that. Just give them a chance to help you!

My journey started 5 years ago. I tried self-study, and studied hard. After months, I was able to get a 680 which was below my target schools so I was not too happy. As a non-native English speaker, verbal was always my weak area. I personally did not think I could improve my verbal from 36 to 44, but Harry proved me wrong! Please note, a tutor by himself will not be able to do magic - there needs to be hard work behind but the beauty is that GMAT Ninja will give you the road map and will tell you exactly how to get there. In addition, Harry and Charles are very personable and keep the studying fun by throwing in a couple jokes in the study materials.

In conclusion, it will not be easy but 100% you should give them a try if you are below your target score, the money is well worth it. They will give you plenty of homework to keep you working and point you in the right areas to improve every week. I have nothing but gratitude towards Harry and Charles!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 01, 2021

Joined: Dec 04, 2020

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q44 V42

650 to 710!


Improvement 60 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

I reached out to Charles and the team in May 2021 after a disappointing GMAT score of 650 after 4 months of preparation. Charles assessed my ESR and then set me up for 1 on 1 tutoring sessions with Bransen Vilardo, one of Charles' tutors.

Working with Bransen was a pleasure: the way he broke down the verbal section and altered my approach really allowed me to reach my potential. The assigned homework structure and live result tracking allowed me to see first hand the areas I was lacking and improving in.

Bransen's approach is truly a "no-gimmick" method, where focusing on the fundamentals of each section and question type ultimately lead to my 60 point score improvement.

I really didn't think I could get to where I did, especially after attaining a 650, which I assumed was my score ceiling. After 8 weeks with Bransen I was able to attain a score of 710 and move forward with applying to schools at the top of my list.

Thank you Bransen and Charles!

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September 20, 2021

Joined: Sep 18, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

Can't thank Harry & GMATNinja enough!


Improvement 50 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

If you are in need of a light at the end of the tunnel but can't seem to find it, I'd say work with GMATNinja. They'll surely help you navigate better.
I started my exam prep a few years ago and I think I poured over every single GMAT question multiple times incessantly for over 14 months or so. My approach to GMAT was, study every day for 4 hours non-stop and the improvement will come. To my surprise, my mock scores were all over the place, (740, 750, 700). While I tried some online prep courses in these months I saw inconsistent improvements. While I improved one section of my exam, I noticed a drop in some other area.
When I finally booked my Online GMAT exam and got a score of 670 (Q50/V30). I was mentally, physically, emotionally wrecked. I kept thinking who else can help me? Is a good score even possible? Has the exam got the best of me?
After much thought I decided to give it one last try. I'm sure anyone who has seen Charles's videos will agree that there are no better videos out there to understand verbal concepts. The GMATNinja platform has everything you ever need to help you with your prep even if you decide not to actually sign up for tutoring. I decided to reach out to Charles and that’s when I was fortunate enough to meet Harry.

From my first mail to Harry, I saw a complete shift in philosophy. Rather than start focusing on my past scores or effort, he was more concerned with understanding what my current ability was. A mountain of homework came my way even before a single session. Harry's methodology was to break my approach down on every single question and find common problem areas. He's the perfect coach. He expects a lot of effort but rewards you with brutal honesty. When you get a question wrong, he'll be the mirror you need to help reflect on your mistakes. I was shocked to see my accuracy improve in CR and RC in just the third session. He drove me to do fewer problems and spend maximum time reflecting on my approach. Outside of my actual problems with GMAT concepts, I realized that my issue was a lot with test anxiety. He shared insightful materials to help with my personal habits and focus on mindfulness. I saw my score jump on my actual GMAT exam to a 720. I am taking the exam again soon to improve it further as the score doesn’t do justice to the work both of us put in. I finally know what my true capability is when it comes to standardized tests and he's given me the confidence to keep pushing. I can't thank Harry enough for promptly responding to every single one of my email and providing accountability. Rest assured, he will work with you diligently to understand what's going on and make a customized plan no matter what stage of prep you are in. If I had to start my GMAT journey all over again, I would rather start with GMAT Ninja tutoring with no concern for cost than go through an endless path of experimenting.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 09, 2021

Joined: Aug 05, 2014

Posts: 12

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V40

Four Years: 450 to 700 & 140 PT Increase with Harry Duthie


Improvement 140 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

Four years, from 2018 to 2021, I have literally dreamt about seeing that “7” at the beginning of my GMAT score.

In 2018 I went into the GMAT naïve about the process as well as sacrifice ahead of me needed to hit this score. After 6 months of studying and utilizing various materials I saw my first official GMAT practice score: 450.

I have a long journey ahead of me.

After a few years of studying on and off, utilizing various popular study materials, and even meeting with a couple of known tutors (more on this in a moment), in August 2020, I hit a 560 (Q39/V27), solid improvement but still nowhere near my target goal.

By May 2021, I knew I had to commit, I am over 30 as it is and life’s plans at some point soon is likely going to make pursuing a full-time MBA program incredibly difficult. Being a first-generation college student from a low-income background I am incredibly cost adverse, but as I said, I need to make a change as everything prior just was not going anywhere.

Now, I said I was going to bring up those “known tutors” again. I had reached out to GMAT Ninja as well as a few others back in 2019. GMAT Ninja, admittedly, cost more than the others so I passed. The second was a well-known and regarded GMAT figure and tutor (whom I will keep anonymous) that simply said what I was hoping to achieve would not be possible. This individual was crass and condescending – obviously this was not going to work. The last tutor, who is also a well known GMAT figure and all-around nice guy, is who I went with at a lower cost. I had a couple of tutoring sessions with him but the whole process simply lacked structure and I did not feel like I was gaining traction.

Now let’s return to May 2021. Four years into this process and ready to commit, I reached back out to GMAT Ninja and was subsequently introduced to Harry Duthie for our first session on May 10th. Immediately you became aware that you were working with a professional that respected not only your time, but your investment. It was apparent, there was a reason why they cost more.

For example, many tutors will have no issue with entertaining your tirades or just having a long – and expensive! – chat with you. Harry Duthie, on the other hand, makes you work. Harry will drive any ounce of value that he can out of the two-hour session, which at times, can be one of the most exhausting but valuable components of studying throughout the week. Then guess what? After that session, you have a lot of homework to complete.

Do you need structure? GMAT Ninja and Harry function on providing a structure that evolves and builds on your needs. What did I need exactly? Quant, of course, but specifically an absolute ton of verbal work. Going from V27 to V40 is no joke and I commend Harry and his ability to push my thought process and logical abilities to the point in which I was getting nearly 90%+ correct on both CR and RC. I will say though, there are no tricks here, and trust me – in four years I have tried to learn them all via. Powerscore, Manhattan, etc and they just didn’t work. Harry will push your ability to think critically, and this is a much more powerful and adaptable skillset, and this is what allowed me to improve from a V27 to V40.

Finally, on August 30, 2021, after working with Harry from early May to mid-August, I saw for the first time that “7” I was looking to achieve all these years – 700 (Q47/V40/IR7/AWA6). After a significant amount of personal sacrifice to get to this point, I can attribute making it my goal to Harry Duthie over at GMAT Ninja.

Thank you, Harry.

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September 05, 2021

Joined: Jun 07, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V39

A Responsible Tutor Can Improve GMAT Score Significantly


Improvement 80 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

Harry was recommended by the founder of GMAT Ninja -- Charles Bibilos. Harry was responsible and responsive, thoroughly covering areas in which I needed more help and quick to answer any questions I had after sessions via email. He was also quick to identify my weaknesses, which were more related to test anxiety and time management than knowledge. His tips on how to work more efficiently and the test-taking strategies he provided helped boost my overall score by 80 points (verbal from 34 to 39, quantitative from 44 to 49) in under 2 months. Harry is a tutor who I would strongly recommend to anyone looking to improve their GMAT performance.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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