Target Test Prep Flexible Prep Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
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September 05, 2017

Joined: Sep 05, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Amazing, modern Quant Prep


Improvement 30 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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If you're anything like me, the Quant section was by far the most challenging from the outset, and continued to pose as a formidable opponent. After taking the test once, and struggling with the Quant, I knew I needed to find a resource. I had been using books from the "big guys," but it wasn't really helping the Quant material click for me. I figured there must be something else out there. I quickly stumbled on Target Test Prep (TTP) - a relatively new player to the GMAT prep game. So I checked them out thoroughly. I was surprised at first to see they were the only company on the market that focused solely on Quant, but that actually gave me confidence - they aren't trying to be everything to everyone. TTP - least for now - is a focused approach for people serious about improving their Quant score.

As a growing company, TTP without a doubt has nothing but your best interest in mind. I found them very communicative, and responsive - never felt alone in the process even though I chose a "self-study" approach with them. Using a combination of written lessons and tons of videos showing exactly how to approach each type of problem, I found TTP to be a robust training course. Two things stood out for me most of all, though. 1: there's no fluff, or clutter. Everything presented, even the basics, are for a reason to refresh and build upon. And 2: the way to approach the Quant questions is what helped me the most. Every service shares their method for approaching it, but I found TTP to be the best for learning really useful tactics that made sense to me, I could retain, and utilize on test day.

In about 6 weeks, after utilizing TTP's entire Quant course, I retook the GMAT and increased my overall score by 30 points. My Verbal remained the same, meaning that my increase was all in Quant: went from a 43 to a 47, thanks to TTP’s help. With their available free trial, I highly recommend giving it a try, and see if the format and teaching approach work for you!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 01, 2017
September 01, 2017

Joined: Sep 01, 2017

Posts: 28

Kudos: 16

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

Target Test Prep Flexible Plan Review


Improvement 10 Points

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I took my GMAT for the first time in July 2017 and got a 44Q. After months of studying, using all the Kaplan materials (including the Live Online Prep Course), and taking countless practice tests with better results, I was really disappointed with my quant score.

After decompressing for a few weeks, I decided I might as well give the GMAT another go while the math was fresh in my mind. I didn’t want to wait another year to take the test and have to re-learn everything I had spent months trying to remember. So I decided to take the test again at the end of August.

As I geared up to take the test again, I knew that just using the Kaplan materials again wasn’t going to get me the score I wanted. After extensive internet searching I landed on Target Test Prep. Beyond having good reviews, the Flexible Program was reasonably priced at $99 a month. This was a big plus after spending thousands on the Kaplan program.

Like other reviewers have said, the Dashboard is extremely useful. It shows your strongest and weakest chapters, your accuracy percentage, your average time per question (even divided up between problem solving and data sufficiency), among other things. It is a great quick and easy way to keep track of your progress and see what you still need to improve on.

I began with doing the medium-level practice problems in each of the chapters. That gave me a good indication of what me strengths and weaknesses were. After determining the topic areas I needed to review (e.g., combinations and permutations, probability), I reviewed those specific chapters only. The chapters were detailed and contained a lot of useful tricks to work through problems faster. Especially useful were the video AND written explanations for each practice problem within the chapter. I also liked that the practice problems were divided up by difficulty level and practices sets had accuracy goals depending on difficulty level (i.e., you should aim to get 70% of medium questions right vs. 60% of hard questions right).

Target Test Prep really lived up to its reviews. After using it exclusively for a month, I got my quant score up to 49! I can definitely say that I was more confident about the quant section going into my test. More concretely, I know I would have gotten the first question of the quant section wrong on test day if it weren’t for Target Test Prep.

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August 30, 2017

Joined: Mar 03, 2015

Posts: 5

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
680 Q44 V39

TTP helped me overcome my fear of math


Improvement 130 Points

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In my first attempt at the GMAT, I had tried several resources but never found anything that really worked for me. Enter Target Test Prep. I had a great initial conversation with Jeff who encouraged me to switch up materials to help enliven the process. I took his advice and signed up for the $1 weeklong trial (which is great for us commitment-phobes). I really liked the clean and sleek interface, the dashboard that tracks and analyzes your progress, and, most importantly, the way TTP broke down the material into super specific chapters.

TTP provided the depth and breadth that I needed but didn’t get from the other materials. There were even times when I encountered problem types that I thought were way too specific and that there was no way this would be tested on the actual GMAT. Definitely not the case. As the Boy Scouts motto goes, “always be prepared.” TTP equips you with ALL the tools and knowledge you need so you’re prepared to tackle every quant problem on the GMAT. Also, TTP is awesome in that you can use the nifty dashboard to focus on very specific problem types. It removes any doubt or confusion on which areas need more focus and attention.

If you struggle with math, use TTP – This is hands down the best resource available if you need to improve your quant skills. The thoroughness of the program is unparalleled. DO ALL THE PROBLEMS. For the first few chapters, I was only doing the easy and medium problems then resorting to OG problems. Don’t do that. By doing all the problems, you’re drilling key concepts into your brain to the point where you’ll be able to easily identify patterns and solve problems without hesitation. Again, do all the TTP problems and then do all the OG problems.

I also signed up for individual tutoring sessions with Jeff, which was a major game changer. Jeff challenges you to really understand the concepts being tested while also showing you ways to outsmart the test makers. I am not a great standardized test and often let my anxiety get the best of me, but Jeff showed me that if you really understand and know the material, then there’s no reason to get anxious. Just trust in yourself and what you’ve learned.

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August 25, 2017

Joined: Mar 09, 2013

Posts: 11

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V35

Best Prep Course out there for GMAT QUANT !!


Improvement 20 Points

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My GMAT journey has been a tumultuous one to say the least. I started my first GMAT way back in 2013 and finally achieved a decent enough score in 2017.

I got a 680 last year, was not happy with it mainly due to the Quant score a 47 (65 percentile). It was soul crushing; not because my verbal was brilliant but coming from a finance back ground who always scored high in math- it was once again I repeat ‘soul crushing’!

After much deliberation and 2/3 rejected applications I decided to give my last and final GMAT in 2017, the whole game plan then was to score a good score- 700 plus with a definite improvement in QUANT. Problem was I had no idea how to go about it and this was back in June-17, my exam was scheduled for 5-Aug-17. I barely had time considering the work pressure and the constant travelling. I stumbled upon Target Test Prep purely by chance, was reading one of the success testimonials of a candidate on BEATTHEGMAT (forgot the user name). He had been in the same predicament and TTP had helped him get to his goal and he had mentioned it was only a $ for a 5 day trial and pointed out that if anyone liked a structured chapter by chapter study course TTP was the one. I read more on TTP and found great reviews on BEATTHEGMAT.

Decided that a dollar was worth a gamble and what a gamble that turned out!
I was hooked right after day 1! They have three options based on the access duration. Per month $ 69, 4 months- $ 199 and 6 months access- $ 279. Being short on time I opted for the monthly access plan.
TTP has a great teaching format. They have a clear study plan outlined for you and with chapters broken up into groups. You do each chapter review with supporting sums and the best part is their explanation! Jeff and Scott shines in this area- they have an audio visual explanation for each practice sum! This is followed by chapter tests that are broken down by levels of difficulty. The number of sums at their disposal is just mind blowing. After each chapter my confidence grew, even if I didn’t score the best. That was mainly cause of the explanation, they clearly highlighted the pit falls and the traps laid out in those sums and I genuinely learnt from my mistakes(a first for me). I reached a point that in the Hard level tests I would wish to get some questions wrong purely to figure out if I missed any traps in the questions answered (delusional of me I know).

The D-day arrived, I wrote the test clicked on result and voila I see a 50 in Quant- 87 percentile. Of course overall wasn’t great as my verbal dipped to a 35 (was sooo hoping for a 720/730).
Came out of the exam center with mixed feelings but as far as TTP was concerned they rocked and I couldn’t thank them enough. The course was instrumental in beating my Quant Dragon! If you like a structured learning plan that helps you track your progress and with the advantage you can open and do it anywhere – TTP is the course for you. I loved it and would highly recommend it.
I don’t know where I land post the admissions cycles but this course was for me a score changer!

(I understand my credentials are open to question specifically since I haven’t got a lot of posts but I was a genuine student of TTP [an ACA/CPA by profession], if you feel like pinging me for further queries pls feel free to PM).

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August 22, 2017

Joined: Jul 23, 2017

Posts: 1

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q46 V47

Chose Target Test Prep and Never Looked Back


Improvement 50 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Target Test Prep’s course structure was exactly what I needed. The dashboard gives you real analytics on your progress, which makes it so much easier to track your strengths and weaknesses. It’s also easy to navigate and simple. As soon as I paid the $1 trial sign up fee, I felt like I was able to get to work immediately. With this plan, I did not take any shortcuts. I did the work. I built myself a calendar around Target Test Prep’s recommended study plan and stuck to it. I tracked my progress on their dashboard, flagging questions I did not understand, and then went back to them to redo later. No other resource I had tried (and I tried many of them) made it so easy to identify and tackle my weaknesses.

I also opted to do individual tutoring sessions with Jeff, Target Test Prep’s head tutor. These sessions were grueling because Jeff purposely showed me the trickiest problems to help me learn how the test is designed to stump you. Through these sessions, I started to learn how to think about problems and how to approach them more strategically.

For me, Target Test Prep was crucial for building the confidence I needed in my quant base, and I truly believe it taught me to think more strategically about the exam overall. My verbal and IR both improved without much additional time spent studying these sections. But I also have to thank Jeff, who gave me the confidence to go back to the exam and give it one more shot. If it weren't for his motivation, I would not have seen a 50 point increase in my score!

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August 14, 2017

Joined: Jul 28, 2017

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Self-reported Score:
750 Q47 V46


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Improvement 70 Points

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Target Test Prep gives you practice problems with every possible quant question type you would see on the GMAT. I would review Kaplan's question banks but I never really learned the material because, it was all new problems without clear direction as to how to solve the problem. The Target Test Prep videos show you how to solve every single question that would be in the question bank. It is the best Quant review.

I took the Kaplan course(waste) in May, and my score only improved from 680 on my diagnostic to a 710 on my last practice test. So I signed up for Target Test prep four weeks before I took the exam, and did a chapter and 2 quizzes for that chapter per day. I ended up with a 750 4 weeks after signing up for Target test prep. It is the BEST quant review. Highly recommend.

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August 12, 2017

Joined: May 08, 2015

Posts: 2

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

Q42 to Q46 with Target Test Prep


Improvement 30 Points

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I identified very early on in my GMAT prep that I needed to focus almost exclusively on prepping for the quant section of the test. I understand that everyone has their own unique path to success on the GMAT, however, if you are like me and mainly struggle with quant as a non-STEM undergrad (or simply lack quant confidence), you will not regret learning concepts, tightening up knowledge gaps, and drilling with Target Test Prep. Their web interface is sleek, easily accessible from your PC or mobile device, and allows you to quickly target and strengthen weak areas.

I have utilized a variety of GMAT prep materials (actually pretty much all of them) but none of them will get you the same bang for your buck as Target Test Prep if you put in the requisite effort. I needed a product that would provide me a structured quant overview, but would also allow me the flexibility to hone in on problem areas and target them with a sufficient breadth of problems. Target Test Prep has every quant concept covered backwards, forwards, and sideways with several 10-18 question “chapter tests” (sometimes even up to 8 or 9 chapter tests) and a robust , proprietary question bank.

The questions are broken down into easy, medium, and hard- I’ve noticed that many of the easy questions target concepts in ways that you won’t find anywhere else. While many test prep companies pay lip service to mastering quant fundamentals, the TTP “easy” problems are designed in such a way as to ensure that you have truly mastered the basics before moving on to more difficult problems. The medium and hard problems tend to be slightly more difficult than official GMAT medium and hard problems which is EXACTLY what you want in a GMAT quant prep platform.

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August 07, 2017

Joined: Aug 07, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q45 V40

Accessible and comprehensive program


Improvement N/A

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Target Test Prep was instrumental to my GMAT success. I only had three weeks to prepare for the exam, and TTP allowed me to tailor a study plan to my exact needs. The course content was clear, easy to access and designed significantly better than what I found in test prep books. The program helped me determine what areas I needed to focus on, and then provided curriculum and practice exams to review. The content was divided into sections, each covering specific skills. Each section included a PowerPoint curriculum, and a handful of practice exams (easy, medium and hard) that were easy to manage and easy to track progress on. Without TTP I would not have been able to score as well as I did.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 04, 2017

Joined: Nov 12, 2015

Posts: 2

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Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V34

50Q with Target Test Prep

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Improvement 30 Points

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I am a male, thirty-five years of age, and a native English speaker in the USA. I am single, no children, and therefore have more free time than many people my age. I graduated cum laude from a large state university in 2004 where I studied finance and economics. Immediately after undergrad I went to law school, practiced law for two years, and then worked in healthcare for eight years.

I took the GMAT in December 2016 and scored a 670 (48Q/34V) after several months of self-study with commonly used print materials. I found out in March 2017 that I was not accepted to the three top 25 programs to which I had applied. I thought my GMAT score was the biggest reason for lack of admission and the most important admission criteria that I could improve for the next application cycle. I was also told by several MBA admission consultants that the top finance programs want 49 or higher on quant. My quant had to improve to meet that threshold. My GMAC CAT verbal scores were at 40/41 (in April 2017) and combined with a 49 in Quant would enable a 720+ score. I spent a couple weeks evaluating the various online test prep services.

I chose Target Test Prep for Quant Prep because I had participated in some of the free Tuesday sessions with Jeff and watched some of the other free content TTP has on YouTube. I signed up for the TTP one month renewable plan and followed the short study plan so that I could sit for the test again and finally break 700. The first month I strictly followed the short study plan and found that the TTP program was easy to follow, had user friendly explanations in text and many also in video, and that these studies guided me to a deeper understanding of why every choice was correct or not. I also found that the answer explanations on TTP were far superior to the print materials I previously used to earn a 48Q. I had hoped that one month would be enough for me, but my GMAC CATs were not meeting my goal and I renewed TTP for a second month. During the second month I took practice quant exams nearly every night, including TTP tests that were composed entirely of previous wrong answers. The self-testing options were incredible and allowed me to focus on whatever section needed attention.
In addition to the amazing structured program, the people behind the program, Scott and Jeff, are TTP’s greatest assets. They were always available and responded to emails within a few hours. Scott even texted me while he was traveling internationally.

I took the official GMAT again in July 2017 and scored 700 with a 50Q and 34V. I am thrilled with my quant score and do not believe that I could have scored 50 without TTP. I highly recommend TTP and that you email TTP so that Scott or Jeff can recommend the right study plan for you.

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July 23, 2017

Joined: Oct 04, 2016

Posts: 28

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
700 Q45 V41

Q37 to Q45

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Improvement 80 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Target Test Prep's product is all you need for GMAT Quant prep. I had used a test prep course from one of the "big" guys. After finishing the course, I scored a 550 on the real thing. I felt extremely disheartened, so I started doing research on the GMAT forums for better products/platforms and came across TTP. After reading a lot of great reviews of TTP, I ended up signing up for TTP's $1 introductory price to see what the hype was all about. I was immediately blown away by the platform. Once you sign up, you can take a diagnostic test, which is based on the score range you are targeting. After the diagnostic has been completed, you can chat with Jeff about which study plan would be best for you. Most of the questions have video explanations and the analytics help you track which question types you continually get wrong and/or why you continue to get them wrong. If you can master the hard questions on the TTP platform, you shouldn't have trouble with the GMAT Quant section. I did as many TTP questions as I could and ended up improving my quant score from 37 to 45. I know that a 45 isn't in the 90th percentile but given my starting point, I am happy with how much I improved and I know that it wouldn't have been possible without TTP.
The guys at TTP are extremely responsive and Scott deserves a special shout out for all the help. Scott asked me to push harder when I didn't think I could. Throughout the process he was available for any queries that ranged from questions about the TTP platform to test day anxiety.
If you dedicate the time and energy to go through the study plan that TTP has laid out, you WILL see an improvement. If you are reading this review as you are doing research on which platform to sign up for, look no further and sign up for TTP today. There isn't a better product out there for GMAT Quant. Good luck!

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