Target Test Prep Flexible Prep Reviews

As of February 1, 2024, the GMAT Focus is the only GMAT. But not to worry: Target Test Prep™ (TTP™) will give you only what you need for the GMAT Focus Edition and nothing you don’t need.

Target Test Prep™ is an innovative test prep company that has been helping students break long-standing barriers to success on the GMAT for the past 16 years. TTP™ has created a powerful, online self-study platform that helps students earn impressive Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights scores with the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course.

The Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course is accessible on all devices and includes the following:
  • 52 rigorous chapters broken into 1,500+ lessons
  • 4,000+ realistic GMAT Focus Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights problems
  • 1,300+ instructor-led HD videos
  • 1,200+ digital flashcards for studying on the go
  • 130-point score improvement guarantee
  • A personalized study plan and daily study calendar
  • Customizable practice tests
  • Intelligent analytics and a detailed error tracker
  • Live online support from GMAT Focus experts
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a full-access, risk-free 5-day trial for FREE and get every lesson, every practice question, every tool and feature that the TTP course provides with a paid subscription.
Don’t settle for GMAT Focus prep that gives you only some of what you need. With the Target Test Prep™ GMAT Focus course, you get everything you need to succeed on test day!
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Based on 398 reviews
July 16, 2017

Joined: Dec 21, 2015

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V46

Highly recommend Target Test Prep - from Q40 to Q49


Improvement 30 Points

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I have used Target Test Prep, almost exclusively, for improving my quant. I first sat the GMAT in December 2015, and re-sat it again last week, moving from a Q40 to a Q49.

I can only speak highly of the program - I dabbled slightly in the other options out there, but am extremely impressed at the diligent approach of the course. Taught me many tricks and things that to be frank I simply had to memorize.

What I appreciated the most was:

- Giving a formulaic approach that I can instantly apply to a broad swathe of questions - this is great for someone like me, a History major, who has zero natural talent for quant.
- Excellent practice questions.
- The comprehensiveness of the material covered. There was nothing on the actual day that surprised me or left me nonplussed, a massive contrast to when I first sat the GMAT.

If you JUST want to improve your quant, don't waste your money on these blockbuster companies that demand thousands of dollars worth of your cash.

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July 01, 2017

Joined: Jun 30, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q44 V44

Got a 760 with TTP!!


Improvement 40 Points

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After I didn't do as well as I wanted to on my first test, I signed up for TTP and bought a few hours of tutoring with Jeff. TTP and Jeff are both amazing - my whole score went up 40 points after going through this program. I can't recommend them enough.

The website is SO helpful - the lessons are really easy to follow and efficient. I was able to get through the short study plan and learn so much in 2 months. I had been using Magoosh before but I found myself not retaining a lot from the videos. TTP has questions after each chapter and videos on the most efficient way to solve them, which makes it really easy to practice. If I didn't get something, I never had to wait more than 30 min for Jeff or Scott (the co-owners) to answer a question. They have a chat feature and respond themselves with how best to think about problems.

Tutoring with Jeff was also amazing. Even though TTP only focuses on quant, Jeff's general advice about how to approach the test helped me with my verbal as well. I had a less expensive tutor before, but that wound up being a waste of money. It's really worth it to pay for someone who can help with your GMAT strategy, not just generally how to solve a problem.

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June 21, 2017

Joined: Jun 21, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

TTP is works wonders in reinforcing quant concepts!!!


Improvement 10 Points

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The first time that I took the GMAT, I did not have much structure in my studying. When I decided to take it again, I reached to a few friends to see what service they used for the Quant section. Nearly everyone suggested Target Test Prep! After giving it a try, I agree with them. The program is easy to use, and it is organized in a way to where it can meet anyone's needs. I only used it for two months, but I liked that it offered a short study plan. This abbreviated study plan is ideal for those who already have an idea of which subjects they need to work on. Also, TTP's founder reaches out to offer help after you sign up. I was able to increase my score, but most importantly, I felt like I gained a true understanding of the material.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 13, 2017

Joined: Jan 13, 2016

Posts: 67

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41

580 to 720 in 35 Days


Improvement 140 Points

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After taking the GMAT the first time and receiving a 580 (Q44 V26) I was extremely discouraged. I did not think that my dreams of attending a top business school could be a reality with the timeframe I had. With round 2 deadlines less than 45 days away, I didn't think I stood a chance. I stumbled on target test prep's curriculum on craigslist and it was the best thing to ever happen for my GMAT. I could not have done it without TTP. This curriculum gives you every tool you need to feel confident and ready for the test no matter what level you are at. After all, it's self-paced. Stop wasting your time with the books, Magoosh, or manhattan and get target test prep. You will see improvement immediately and can constantly test your progress. Did I mention its EXTREMELY affordable for what you're getting?!

Seriously.. give this a try, you will not regret it.

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June 13, 2017

Joined: Mar 24, 2016

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Self-reported Score:
700 Q47 V39

TTP to the rescue!! 640 to 700 in 3 weeks after 4 months of studying

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Improvement 60 Points

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After studying for 10-15 hours a week for close to 4 months, I walked out of the test center with a disappointing 640 (Q42 V38). It was the lowest score I had gotten since I had taken my first diagnostic test 5 months before (550), but I can’t say I was too surprised. It was Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend and instead of feeling relieved and excited to be done with this test as I had hoped, I was panicked, dejected, and close to losing all hope that I would get the 700+ I needed to apply to my target schools for R1 this year. Sound familiar?….there’s hope!!

I began my GMAT journey at the beginning of 2016 and while I was prepared to put in significant time to get my desired score, I was optimistic I would be fine given my history with standardized tests and complex material. I work in financial services so have taken 4 licensing exams in stressful situations and also sat for both level 1 and level 2 of the CFA. My first mistake was not giving this test the respect it deserved…

I signed up for Manhattan Prep’s GMAT On Demand course and prep books. I found the interface easy to use and the videos helpful in reviewing the material I was completing in the books diligently according to the weekly schedule Manhattan Prep had provided. This was a familiar system for me as I had used it for all of my other tests—read/review material in books, watch videos online to reinforce concepts, and follow up with practice questions. I was acing all of the verbal questions in the books and videos and found the refreshers on some basic math concepts helpful. I took a couple of diagnostics along the way and went from a 550 to a 660. I plateau’d a bit on the 2nd and went to 670, but I didn’t let my nerves get the best of me. I wanted to trust the process. Fast forward to about 2 weeks before my scheduled exam and I scored a 650. I was devastated and terrified. I found the CATs frustrating and just could not crack the test questions despite doing well in my review books and the OG problems. I worked with a tutor for 1 session from Manhattan Prep out of panic. She tried to calm my nerves, but didn’t really help me connect where I was having trouble with Quant. She went through some last minute test taking and timing strategies. For $450 and 2 hours of precious study time, I wasn’t sold…but again, I was too far along to turn back and wanted to trust the process. I took one last diagnostic the weekend before the test and got a 680—ok, improvement! I was hoping I would peak on test day and all would be ok…

WRONG. I’m not a nervous test taker by any means and have always believed if I put in the work (at this point hundreds of hours and $1,000+…) I would prevail. I could not shake the nerves and doubted myself the entire time. The GMAT loves to prey on these types of test takers. I got through my essay and IR feeling pretty good. Quant started and immediately the first 5 questions just didn’t “feel right.” They didn’t look very familiar and it was clear I just was not understanding what concept the test was testing me on within my 2 min. time limit. It pretty much set me on a course for failure…when the screen flashed with the 640 I was shocked. I was torn up, frustrated, and inconsolable when I got home. I couldn’t believe after all of that hard work, the test felt almost foreign to me. I immediately went online to figure out how to fix this mess. I needed to retake the test in 3 weeks as I would be traveling for the summer and wanted to immediately start applications after.

ENTER TARGET TEST PREP. I started seeing reviews about TTP and wandered around the site. Despite sitting for the 3.5 hrs earlier, I took the diagnostic test on TTP and quickly realized these questions were far more similar to the real test I just took than the prep materials I had been using. Not surprisingly, I didn’t do very well on the diagnostic, but I finally felt a glimmer of hope after looking through the site. I wrote to TTP and asked about private lessons. Almost immediately, Scott (the founder!) IM’d me (Saturdaynight of MDW, btw…) and asked to set up a phone call, reassured me we would get my score, and gave me the piece of mind to actually get some sleep that night so I could wake up and get back to work.

We spoke on the phone and I immediately felt like he understood what I was struggling with and my frustrations with the test. I told him I had 3 weeks to bring my score up to a 700+, and he did not dissuade me whatsoever. He built back up my confidence again—reassured me that I actually knew this material and could take the test, I just needed help understanding what the test was asking and how it wanted me to get to the answer. I started going through the online modules. I loved the UI and how easy it was to identify where my weak spots were. I dedicated a lot of time to get through as many of the modules as possible in such a short time, and augmented that with 3 private tutoring sessions with Scott. These sessions were incredibly helpful. Scott was able to walk through some very high quality problems and importantly, understand how I thought about problems and where I was going wrong. The most valuable part of these sessions was that he helped me prepare to solve questions that way the test wants you to solve them. This was something I felt was lacking with Manhattan Prep. I was able to refresh on basics and was solid, but MGMAT didn’t really connect the concepts with how they are hidden in the questions you get asked. TTP taught me how to identify concepts in questions and get to an answer, using solid fundamentals (not neccesairly tricks), often times in 30 seconds or less.

6/17/16 and I walked into the same test center and felt more relaxed, though not completely at ease. I was prepared for that feeling, though. Scott really helped me understand that this test is so different than any one I have ever taken. Nobody really feels totally comfortable with it—it’s the reality of an adaptive test. I got to the Quant section and started recognizing concepts and question types immediately. The “language” felt far more familiar but, again, I wasn’t totally at ease. With that said, I still felt a significant improvement in my performance on Quant and that confidence carried over to Verbal. The test ended, I clicked through the screens and then it flashed up… a 700 (Q47, V39)!! I was so excited I practically jumped out of my seat.

I can’t recommend TTP enough. I believe MGAMT was useful in helping me review basics and fundamentals as well as Verbal. I would not spend the $1,000 on the courses, though. TTP was far more affordable ($99/ mth) and the personal attention and dedication I got from Scott was amazing. It really made all of the difference for my score. While my friends and family were supportive of me and tried their best to understand my frustrations, it was so great to speak to Scott and have him in my corner. He got to know me, my test taking mentality, and where my weak spots were in such a short period of time. I credit his program almost exclusively (except for my additional 60+ hours over those 3 weeks:) ) for the jump in my Quant score

So, if you are sitting at your computer dejected and stressed out over a disappointing diagnostic score, tough GMAT sit…whatever it is…try out TTP and talk to Scott. All is not lost, you can get to your score! If I could do it all over again, I would probably just get the MGMAT books to refresh concepts and trust the TTP process exclusively after that.

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June 10, 2017

Joined: May 19, 2016

Posts: 17

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

Fantastic Learning Experience!


Improvement N/A

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I tried using some other online learning materials (I learn better on my own), but the video format did not work for me. I looked around for other tools out there, then I found Target Test Prep on of the GMAT websites. At first, I was skeptical, because I hadn't heard of it, and I assumed if it was good, I should've heard of it. I wasn't quite ready to commit despite the great reviews. I gave it a risk-free try (5 or 7 day trial for $1, I'm not sure which it is now). I was immensely impressed especially with the deep analytics they provide on their dashboard. This feature makes it easy to study the whole course or target weak areas. I studied the whole course but got a 46 on my first test. This was because I barely did any practice. They have tons of questions which feed into the data on the dashboard as you attempt questions. I just got a 49Q today after I took all 19 tests on the number properties chapter, whcih I consider the most critical for the test. I couldn't have done it without TTP, as most users call it. If you prefer to self-study, I cannot recommend this enough!!

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May 03, 2017

Joined: May 02, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
550 Q40 V27

Highly Recommend Target Test Prep!


Improvement 80 Points

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By the time I decided to go back to grad school, I only had 1 month before the application was due for the coming Fall term. Before this, I never took the GMAT exam nor had I studied for it. I quickly ran to the closest book store and grabbed the self-teaching GMAT guides to start my journey. After one week of looking through material I have not seen for the last 10 years, I knew I was going to need some help studying for this exam in only one month. After visiting a few local tutoring businesses and searching online, I finally came across Target Test Prep. At first I was questioning the online format instead of a live tutor, however I could not have asked for anything better! After learning more about the services I quickly contacted Target Test Prep and was set up with a tutor. My tutor presented the information in a manner that was clear, concise, and completely tailored to what I needed in that 4 week time frame. He provided me with the exact structure and expertise I was looking for in a GMAT tutor. I also used the Target Test Prep self-study course and I can honestly say it was better than any of the other competitors. The clarity and detail in the writing as well as the user friendly interface allowed me to efficiently study in between tutoring sessions. After only 4 weeks of work with Target Test Prep, I was able to not only blow past my goal score but to also exceed the admissions average set by my University. I could not have asked for anything more from Target Test Prep. For anyone who is taking the GMAT, I would highly recommend using this service!

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May 02, 2017

Joined: May 02, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q44 V40

Tried several review courses before I found the BEST


Improvement 100 Points

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I was determined to study for the GMAT on my own time rather then pay for an in person course (which can get extremely expensive). I tried Kaplan and Magoosh first before finding Target Test Prep. Target Test Prep was the easiest to navigate by far, it really let me customize my study plan to my needs. With some of the other courses I had to sit and listen to 15 min. of video of topics I already knew; but with Target you can choose whether to read text or listen to audio/video, which I would then take advantage of if I needed further explanation. I used Target Test Prep for 2 months of Quant studying under their flexible plan, it really helped motivate me to actually sit down and study after work (since I was paying month by month). I ended up with a 690 on the GMAT.

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April 17, 2017

Joined: Feb 07, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q45 V41

Putting a swift end to the GMAT


Improvement 100 Points

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I am in the military, I work full time, and I travel a ton. I started using Target Test Prep after I had already gone through a popular in person 6-week course with another company and could not get above a 610 on the GMAT. A friend urged me to try Target Test Prep. Initially I was reluctant because I am not a big fan of computer based learning. Target Test Prep quickly changed my perspective on what can be gained through a computer based medium, and especially what can be accomplished online with the incredible tutor Target Test Prep has. I started Target Test Prep (TTP) on September 30th 2016 and started working with Jeff (the Tutor from TTP) a few weeks after that. By November 12th 2016 I scored a 650. This is when I started to get serious with TTP. Based on that improvement, Jeff encouraged me to have faith in the platform, follow the curriculum, and work with him. I took his advice and alongside the curriculum, I met with Jeff (on average) once a week until the end of December and scored a 710 on December 29th 2016. I know that if I continued to work with Jeff and use TTP, my score would likely go even higher, but a 710 was good enough for me and met the balance I needed between a good score and time invested. I am very grateful to Jeff and Scott for their excellent curriculum, and I am especially thankful to Jeff for the advising, encouragement, and incredible insight he provided me, and for the excellent instruction on how to solve GMAT problems efficiently and consistently. I would recommend TTP to friends, as I have already. A good friend of mine just bought TTP based on my recommendation and has started working with Jeff. A couple of our mutual friends are considering doing the same after seeing the success I had, as well as the momentum my friend is gaining already. If you are stuck on the GMAT or don't know where to start, this is the program for you! Thank you TTP for helping me put a swift end to this painful GMAT process!

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April 13, 2017

Joined: Apr 13, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q47 V51

Highly recommend in a time crunch


Improvement 150 Points

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My quant increased from 34 (practice test) to 47 after one month of TTP. Highly recommended if you have only a month to study like I did. It's self-directed, which I prefer, and customizable with very clear explanations and tutorials. I didn't pay for mentoring, but Jeff still gave me a call after I signed up for the one-day trial. That was really helpful in answering my ignorant GMAT questions at the outset.

The chapters are long, so I was sometimes overwhelmed given my time crunch, but they're very thorough. I'd recommend taking every chapter practice test and afterward studying only the chapters that you need to study. Plenty of questions to work through.

5 stars because Jeff was so helpful and the software allowed me to take targeted test after targeted test, which is how I best prepare. And it didn't cost $1,000 like some of the study classes. That's a plus.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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