September 05, 2017

Joined: Sep 05, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Amazing, modern Quant Prep


Improvement 30 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online

If you're anything like me, the Quant section was by far the most challenging from the outset, and continued to pose as a formidable opponent. After taking the test once, and struggling with the Quant, I knew I needed to find a resource. I had been using books from the "big guys," but it wasn't really helping the Quant material click for me. I figured there must be something else out there. I quickly stumbled on Target Test Prep (TTP) - a relatively new player to the GMAT prep game. So I checked them out thoroughly. I was surprised at first to see they were the only company on the market that focused solely on Quant, but that actually gave me confidence - they aren't trying to be everything to everyone. TTP - least for now - is a focused approach for people serious about improving their Quant score.

As a growing company, TTP without a doubt has nothing but your best interest in mind. I found them very communicative, and responsive - never felt alone in the process even though I chose a "self-study" approach with them. Using a combination of written lessons and tons of videos showing exactly how to approach each type of problem, I found TTP to be a robust training course. Two things stood out for me most of all, though. 1: there's no fluff, or clutter. Everything presented, even the basics, are for a reason to refresh and build upon. And 2: the way to approach the Quant questions is what helped me the most. Every service shares their method for approaching it, but I found TTP to be the best for learning really useful tactics that made sense to me, I could retain, and utilize on test day.

In about 6 weeks, after utilizing TTP's entire Quant course, I retook the GMAT and increased my overall score by 30 points. My Verbal remained the same, meaning that my increase was all in Quant: went from a 43 to a 47, thanks to TTP’s help. With their available free trial, I highly recommend giving it a try, and see if the format and teaching approach work for you!

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October 01, 2017
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