Hourly Services Reviews

For those who have identified specific needs and require focused advisory services, we offer "A la Carte" services.
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April 04, 2014

Joined: Apr 02, 2014

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The MBA process is extremely stressful and time consuming, and there is no way I could have survived it without Susan. I had a lot of ideas and thoughts on how I should approach the essays, and she really helped me brainstorm what I want to portray for the AdComm. We prioritized my key attributes and how and where I should discuss each of them in my application process to make sure I told a thorough, interesting, and unique experience. Each and every line was questioned, pushing me to dig deep on who I am and exactly what I am trying to show the AdComm. I remember thinking, "I don't know anymore! AH!" but she kept me on track and made my application reach a level I never thought it could have. I know for a fact I wouldn't have succeeded in getting into my #1 choice without her help. Thank you!

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March 26, 2014

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I was never really good with portraying all my thoughts on paper. So even though I knew exactly why I wanted to go to a top business school, writing it all down in a concise yet clear format was hard for me.

I applied to a couple top b schools for R1 earlier this year but did not even get any interviews. These were my top choices at that time (since these were local to where I live). So for round 2, I knew I had to revise my strategy. I started to look for consultants and reached out to several different organizations and had chats with a few consultants.

My chat with Daniel went really great. He had already read my resume (unlike some other who never did) and could right away point out several things on my resume which needed to change. From the beginning, Dan was very honest and to the point. He pushed me to achieve my potential and think about different approaches for the same essay. To give an example, he would help me clear my thoughts on essays I would send him, but many times also leave open ended questions to push me to think outside the box.

The other thing about Dan which I must point out is that he was always there. I remember sending him essays really close to Christmas break and even though he was on vacation he would return my essays back as soon as he could. I found Dan's working style very friendly in spite of being so professional. Also, Dan always replied back to emails really quickly if I ask him a question or two. He is very considerate of the timelines.

I also did interview prep with Dan and I found it SO useful! Mock interview with Dan really helped me stay calm during the real interviews because I had already discussed the various points which I must talk about. My interviews went really well and I got admitted to all the schools I interviewed for in R2- Kellogg, Tepper and McCombs.

I strongly suggest you to look up Daniel Richards from mbaMission. His writing, work ethic and honestly is exactly what got me into business school when I had almost lost all the hope!

Last piece of advice which I learnt the hard way: initially the consulting services may seem expensive but it is well worth if you get into your dream school! I wish someone had told me about Daniel when I was applying for R1! I would have saved on so much time and anxiety!

Goodluck to you all out there.

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March 26, 2014

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mbaMission was incredible in helping me apply to school. I am a joint-degree candidate, who was interested in only HBS and I was able to work with a joint-degree holder from HBS, Katharine Lewis. That in and of itself is unique. But Katharine was above and beyond fantastic. My application was very last minute and she took on the case because of an obvious interest in my story and love for her job. She was always available, be it weekends, or two days before the deadline.

Katharine worked with me in reviewing my application and in my mock interview. Because I was interested in only one school, Katharine’s “insider baseball” knowledge was really useful and comforting. In addition, her feedback was insightful and helpful in shaping my story and improving my candidacy.

Working with Katharine was great not only because of the work we produced, but also because she is really on the ball. You can tell she is just an incredibly sharp person (in additional to her killer resume at McKinsey, Stanford, etc.) who likes working with applicants. As a result, I felt like my two hours went an incredibly long way—definitely a solid investment.

I should note that I came to Katharine after an incredibly negative experience with someone from MBA Exchange who literally called me by the wrong name in all of our email exchanges, despite the fact that she had read my resume, spoken to me on the phone ,etc. Do NOT just go with any consultant who has worked in admissions at your target school, because they are not all made the same. Katharine is clearly just sharper and doing this consulting because she likes it and finds it interesting as opposed to “hey, I used to interview for a top school so I’m probably qualified.”

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March 24, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
690 Q48 V36

Overall, mbaMission was tremendous in helping me select/apply to business school. I downloaded most of their school guides and their start-to-finish guide and referenced them constantly throughout the process.

I worked with John Sisk and he was instrumental in guiding me through my applications. He listened to my story/goals and helped me construct a clear, focused approach to my essays.

John constantly pushed me to dig deeper on why I wanted to go back to school and why my goals made sense - my essays and applications were much better for it. He helped highlight my strengths but also didn't hesitate to point out when my essays or ideas needed work. Applying to business school can be a humbling process, and John helped me fight through those moments of uncertainty.

I couldn't have done it without John and I would highly recommend him to anybody else applying to business school.

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March 21, 2014

Posts: 22

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:
720 Q49 V40

After an unsuccessful attempt at getting into bschool last year, I decide this year to enlist the help of a consultant. My initial consultation was with Rachel Beck. She could tell that I was beat down by the process of a year ago and really needed a good pep talk. She was also 100% not pushing mbaMission's services and really left the decisions up to me. I was very impressed with the sales approach and eventually signed up to work with John Sisk. John was extremely helpful in getting me to get all of my ideas and experience on paper and into a few essays. Most of all, John let me tell the story I wanted to tell. A lot of other consultants had advised that if I wanted to go to bschool, I needed to tell a different story than what I actually wanted to do because I had some lofty goals that adcoms would frown upon. John let me tell that story and surprise surprise it worked. I was accepted in R2. My advice to other mba prospects is if a consultant wants to change your story for the sole purposes of the adcoms, get a new consultant - call John at mbaMission and get into bschool with the story you want to tell.

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February 20, 2014

Joined: Mar 12, 2013

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I'm an over-thinker, so I had a ton of questions all the time. When I wanted to speak on the phone, we would schedule a call. More often though, to make the best use of the expensive time, I would organize multiple questions in a big email. Dan was always helpful and got back to me within a day or so. I also asked him to review several essay drafts for me. I didn't use any of his exact words because it wasn't really my voice, but his advice on structure and general direction helped me improve my writing. If I could go back, I might've tried harder to find answers to some of my questions elsewhere to save a little money, but would've still used him and benefited from his wisdom to an extent.

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February 19, 2014

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I recently used John Sisk at MBA mission on an hourly basis for assistance with the business school application process. John is a responsive, professional, and very well informed consultant and was enormously helpful throughout the process. I chose John based on his straight forward and honest style - he tells you want you need to hear about your background and the schools you are applying to - not what you want to hear. John's insights and suggestions for my resume and essays where quite helpful, but where I found him most valuable was his knowledge of the application process and admissions committees. Applying to business school is a unique experience and one that most people don't have much background knowledge about, and John is a wonderful guide and mentor throughout the process. John was instrumental in helping me to craft a stronger application and to effectively illustrate my personal strengths on paper, and I highly recommend him.

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February 19, 2014

Posts: 9

Kudos: 7

I did not have the best GMAT score, and I had hoped to overcome that obstacle with a strong resume and strong essays. Debbie from mbaMission helped me to write stellar essays. We worked for a couple months back and forth via emails and a couple phone calls. She helped me to get specific and concise with my experiences highlighting the stories that made a real impact. Debbie emphasized a "show don't tell" attitude in my essays. It took some time and effort, but it paid off. I ended up with multiple offers from the top schools I had applied to, each one with a scholarship or a Graduate Assistantship offer. I attribute much of my offers to the work of mbaMission and Debbie.

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February 12, 2014

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I retained consultant Adam Grossman for hourly services through mbaMission. I initially went with the hourly service option because the full service option at over $3,000 was above my budget, but thanks to Adam's great help, I am very confident that I made a good decision. When I reached out to Adam for assistance, I had already reached out to my recommenders and received my letters of recommendation, I had already taken the GMAT, and I had already selected the school I was going to apply to (I only applied to and got into Chicago Booth's Evening MBA program), so I primarily needed help on my essays, my resume, and the application itself. Adam did a fantastic job in each one of these areas. I had a 690 GMAT score when I reached out to Adam, which is above the mean for the Chicago Booth Evening MBA program, but my GPA was below the mean for the school, due to a bad semester. For my application, it was critical for me to be able to be direct and yet try to spin this in a positive way, and Adam did a tremendous job on both counts. He also helped me really maximize the story behind my work history in my application, as my work history is where I have really excelled, and I was able to communicate experiences at work that showed that I didn't allow myself to be defined by a bad semester in college. Not only that, but Adam was extremely efficient with regard to the hourly services, and he always kept me up to date on the amount of time we had used. I ended up using a significant number of hours, but still ended up spending less than I would have for the full service option, in large part because Adam did such a great job of efficiently using our time. I would definitely recommend Adam from mbaMission, as I couldn't have gotten into my school of choice without him. Highly recommended.

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February 11, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V35

Hi all,

I was very hesitant about using consultancy services when I first started investigating them. However, after completing a bunch of free consultations, it wasn't really a tough choice to choose mbaMission after talking to John Sisk.

I applied to Booth School of Business for the Chicago Business Fellow program and chose to use the hourly services of mbaMission. John was nothing less than amazing in editing my essays! I was very eager every time I sent an essay to John for review. Not a single time was a disappointment and never did I have to send it for another review! He is the best in clearly highlighting the purpose and then using our stories to build the best essay around it. He is very honest in giving feedback and encourages you to think relevant stories along with all necessary guidance.

All in all, I can say, he is the one whom you can rely upon!

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