Manhattan Prep Live Online Reviews

There are higher standards for what defines a competitive GMAT score today. We have no magic formula, no silver bullet, no empty guarantees. Instead, we have three basic principles that separate us from other test prep: the best teachers, the most advanced learning approach, and a focus solely placed on the GMAT.
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Based on 140 reviews
April 04, 2012

Joined: Apr 04, 2012

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Improvement 90 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Gilad Edelman

Location Online

I enrolled in the Live Online course in December with plans of taking the GMAT in March and, if necessary, retaking it in April. My experience with Manhattan GMAT was excellent. My teachers (Gilad Edelman and Marc Fienberg) were great. They had a thorough understanding of the material presented in the course and were great at answering questions asked by students. The course is a lot of work, but it is well worth it if you are shooting for a top score.

What really made Manhattan GMAT great was not only the quality of the instructors, but also the extensive amount of materials provided to help you succeed. The study guides are very thorough and are great at explaining the concepts. Especially with the quant, these books were fantastic. The OG Archer they provide is also extremely helpful. It allows students to time themselves on official guide questions and records answers. Based off this data the system identifies strengths and weaknesses and allows one to study accordingly. It also provides answer explanations for all the math questions. My one issue with the Archer is that the questions in the supplemental verbal and quant guides do not have answer explanations in the Archer. This would have been very helpful as the answer explanations in the official guide are not particularly helpful.

All in all, I had a great experience with the course and would recommend it to anyone. In the end, I improved 90 points above my initial diagnostic test. If you are serious about getting a top score and are willing to put in the necessary effort to master the material, Manhattan GMAT should be at the top of your list for GMAT prep courses.

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February 29, 2012

Joined: Feb 29, 2012

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Kudos: 0

Improvement 180 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Tim Sanders

Location Online

Disclaimer: Before I write my review, I'd like to say that I am in no way affiliated with Manhattan GMAT Prep.

In the fall of 2011, I signed up for the 9-week, live online MGMAT course after several recommendations from friends who had previously taken the course and used the MGMAT materials. Although I had scored pretty well on the SATs back in high school, I knew that the GMATs were a completely different beast. Thus, I knew it was crucial for me to commit to rigorous preparation for the GMAT exam - and Manhattan GMAT prep provided just that.

In my opinion, MGMAT is truly the best GMAT prep source out there. I was incredibly pleased with how comprehensive the course is and how great the test prep materials are. I was particularly impressed by the following:

1) The strategy guides: these are super helpful, especially Sentence Correction (treat this guide as your bible - memorize it from cover to cover), Word Translations and Number Properties. The best thing about these guides is that they really drill GMAT concepts into your head, so that your understanding of such topics as prime numbers and permutations is rock solid. For example, I went into my preparation thinking, "I know my perfect squares!" but MGMAT materials really teach you how to tackle various problems in a very systematic and strategic way (i.e. perfect squares have an odd number of factors, whereas other integers have an even number of factors).

2) Official Guide Tracker - the OG tracker tracks all of the different problems one has completed in the Official Guide and categorizes the problems based on problem type, correct/incorrect and the amount of time one has spent on each respective problem. This is especially useful to gauge one's strengths and weaknesses. Using this application, I was really able to hone in on my problem areas and work at them so that I could succeed on the exam.

3) MGMAT CAT exams - I cannot emphasize how important these CAT exams are. One of the biggest challenges of the GMAT is staying physically and mentally alert throughout the entire ~4 hour marathon (during my first two CAT exams, I started to zone out around 30 minutes into the Quant section). These CAT exams are not only incredibly similar to the actual thing, but are also great for building up one's stamina for dealing with the long battle known as the GMAT. My only issue with these exams is that they tend to focus pretty heavily on combinatorics and probability-type questions; however, on the real thing (I took the GMAT twice) I have -at most- encountered 1 to 2 combinatorics/probability type questions. So don't stress out if you're bad at these aforementioned problem types!

4) General strategies/study methods taught in class - one of the best parts about the MGMAT course is the strategy taught by the (super helpful!) instructors in class. For example, I was advised to go through all of my practice problems -both the ones that I did correctly and the ones I did incorrectly- so that I could really grasp concepts and figure out quicker ways to do the problems I had already done correctly.

After my dismal diagnostic score of 590, I was almost convinced that I was never going to score above a 700. However, after going through tons and tons of timed practice problems, reviewing the MGMAT strategy guides from cover to cover (multiple times!), and stimulating real test-day conditions with the MGMAT CAT exams, I was shocked to find a score that was 180 points above my diagnostic (you do the math). I think that MGMAT was crucial to my GMAT success; however, one must also devote a good amount of time to really study the MGMAT material in order to succeed on the GMAT.

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January 25, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 120 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Avi Gutman

Location Online

I used the MGMAT course to start studying for the GMAT. I found their guides and live classes to be extremely helpful. Their written guides cover each topic individually, while the classes go into OG specific problems related to that weeks topic.

The instructors are charismatic and engaging. I would highly recommend this course. If you don't want to take classes I would then suggest you at least get the guides from MGMAT.

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January 11, 2012

Joined: May 26, 2010

Posts: 13

Kudos: 3

Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Emily Sledge

Location Online

I took the Manhattan GMAT online course (instructors Emily Sledge and Keith Blume) and used the tests/forum here as a supplement. Overall, I studied for about 3 months and I spent about 2-3 hrs (on avg) per day studying, it was a lot of work, but worth the time I think.

I thought that the Manhattan course was excellent and both Keith and Emily were great. I haven't taken any other courses, but I can't imagine an online course being any better than the one that I took. Keith and Emily were engaging and kept it interesting. The Manhattan verbal material was excellent. The quant material was also excellent, but the questions (on their prep tests) were too calculation intensive when comparing it to the real GMAT. That was my only problem with the material. The Manhattan quant section is a GREAT section for fundamentals. As long as you recognize that and practice those fundamentals with the GMAT prep Questions.

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January 10, 2012

Joined: Sep 11, 2011

Posts: 4

Kudos: 2

Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Location Online

By far the best. Even its test series alone can bring about great improvement. I didn't go through the entire material. just did the tests and used parts of the material (a few PDFs). I'll therefore not list the pros and cons but just say that whatever i did from MGMAT was fresh and great. The CAT analyses was absolutely fabulous! very detailed and helped me improve A LOT. It ensured that i never slipped downward. only went upward in my score. I didn't need any support. BTW, they also provide you the option to reset your account to start from scratch if you want to(in case your prep got a break or something). PS: their flashcards were very handy.

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