e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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4.8 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1183 reviews
June 02, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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For those who are into self prep rather than going for classroom coaching, eGMAT is the right decision...My verbal was not all that bad in general but when I tried taking the GMAT exam for the first time, I was shocked to know that my score was 19... Way below my expectations. Though I was more relaxed as well knowing that my verbal is not weak, I was bashed by the first hand experience in GMAT exam. eGMAT helped me to understand my weak areas which were mainly strategical and greatly helped me to overcome that problem to a large extent..I wish i had bought eGMAT Verbal Live Prep before my first attempt itself. If I had done that I am sure would have got much better score.

Best factors:

*eGMAT interface(the website platform) is quite user friendly and helps for organizing your preparation on a daily basis. Where categorizing the weak areas and focussing on the same makes a solid foundation, the time bound tests on the other hand give confidence as well.

*It has a large question bank which covers the important concepts.

*Each question has an explanatory video( i was quite impressed with that) plus links to videos covering topics related to the question.

* It has a really good faculty who are friendly and always there to clear your doubts..(Which i feel is the most important factor in such courses)

All in all it is completely worth your money spend.

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June 01, 2015

Joined: Aug 15, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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After looking for several options out and even trying out with class room training, My accuracy in sentence correction have hardly showed any improvement. I took the free class and later took up the verbal online. After 2 weeks of preparation I felt, I should go for verbal live prep to check my progress and get an opportunity to discuss with trainers. It was a better improvement from my last trial of OG. But still I am trying to review and I am confident I can reach my target verbal score with additional 1 month more preparation. The support is excellent from Rajat and team. They have a product for every suit. and one can take step by step approach. I am looking forward for my GMAT appointment

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June 01, 2015

Joined: Jul 02, 2013

Posts: 3

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Self-reported Score:
630 Q49 V28
650 Q48 V30

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I had signed up for egmat verbal live prepartion and found the course to be very helpful. Being a non native speaker i did not have much idea regarding the intricacies of sentence construction,grammar and sentence comprehension. However this course is a good point for building strong foundation for the primary concepts of sentence building. The course contents are easy to understand and the live sessions are interactive and stresses to relevant gmat like questions. The assesments at the end of the courses also helps to understand the current level of understanding of the concepts and their explanations are self explanatory.It is one of the best course for non-native speakers. Moreover I further liked their quiz section in which questions are very close to Gmat questions and test the concepts frequently tested on Gmat. I would recommend this course to all serious aspirants. Thanks.

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May 31, 2015

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Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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this is a great quant course for gmat. course is detailed and has a lot of questions with varying levels of difficulty. The advanced tests are of great help.
course has all 5 sections of quant
1. number prop
2. algebra
3. geometry
4. stats
5. adv topics

all sections are hreat but a special mention to the number property section. This is extremely detailed and helps build the right foundation that is required to answer such questions.

algebra section is also great. the graphical approach to solving inequalities is extremely helpful.

geometry section also covers all topics

overall an amazing product to help you with your GMAT quant!

good luck!

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May 30, 2015

Joined: May 15, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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Amidst many prep course out there who boasts a lot about their course material , sound promising initially and fail to deliver results ,Egmat stands out by making realistic promises .I have read the CR bible and Manhattan SC c and always felt something was missing and that was application of what i learnt .Egmat helped me bridge that gap for me . The course and content are highly structured and leave no room for doubts . This is one of the best investment of time and money that i have made over a long time .The classes are highly interactive and do not have the slightest doubt that online classes could be less interactive ,the classes are more interactive and productive than the classes i attended at Princeton for over 4 months . VLP is highly effective and helpful if verbal section happens to be your weakness .I highly encourage and recommend GMAT aspirants to attend their free session to get the Feel of how the classes work . I enrolled myself for VLP after my first class and now i have subscribed to QLP . That should explain .

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May 28, 2015

Posts: 45

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V36

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hello All,

It's been 2 months since I started preparing for my 2nd attempt of GMAT. I scored 650 in my first attempt last october with V34,Q47.

The reason I could not score decent in quant was mainly due to the fear of exams I have somewhere in the back of my head.However, the reason for not scoring well in Verbal was mainly because I didn't know how to handle CR, RC or SC questions at all. In my first attempt I kept practising questions without devising any strategy or actually understanding the patterns in verbal questions. I kept making the same mistakes in the same areas in SC without any hope for improvement. It was not until my verbal score of 34 in actual GMAT when I realised I needed help in Verbal.

I read the reviews of all the courses available and the one that stood out was eGMAT's Verbal course. I sent an email to Rajat with the issues I had been facing and my expectations from the course. I got the response in couple of hours with the details of the course that would suit my requirements.

With the hope of doing well, I joined the VLP course. I have completed all the modules with couple of quizzes left in each one and I must say that I could have never solved a verbal question with such methodical approach eGMAT explains.

In SC, the difference in the usage of As and Like, the if..else framework, verb -ing and -ed modifiers were eye openers for me.

I used to be scared of bold face CR questions in my first attempt and after going through the videos in CR module I actually enjoy doing the bold face questions. My accuracy in CR has improved tremendously.

The videos in RC module have helped me understand the approach that should be taken to answer each question correctly within the time.

And above all this, eGMAT's pre-thinking approach has helped me frame an answer in my mind even before I look through the answer choices.

I gave GMAT PREP2 last week and scored 750 with Q50, V41. I hope that with the understanding I have gained from eGMAT VLP course, I will maintain this score in all future tests and of course in my actual GMAT.

I can’t wait to explore eGMAT's newly launched scholaranium 2.0.

Thanks eGMAT :):)

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May 28, 2015

Posts: 14

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I am a non-native English speaker and I used to find it difficult cracking verbal section from the beginning. I tried MGMAT and other sources to improve my Verbal skills but I never felt comfortable cracking the exam. I visited GMAT club one day and started reviewing the courses available online as I needed best course available in the market and it should be available online. E-GMAT came as life savior for the requirement I was looking for. I started falling in love with the SC material, the concept files, practice files & detailed explanations. This course not only helped me to over come my worry about verbal but only improved my analysis skills. I learned focusing on meaning for SC. E-GMAT course provides information on where to focus to solve questions and how to identify the conclusion when it comes to CR. This helped me to quickly analyze CR passages and pre-think the answer before analyzing the answer options.

Overall, it is a great tool and it relieved me from my worry that will I be able to overcome the verbal part in GMAT section

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May 27, 2015

Joined: May 07, 2015

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I recommend e-GMAT course help me a lot with my study. The course is extremely effective and has many materials that can help you improve your knowledge about the test. I started using the e-GMAT in Nov14 and I had many materials to improve my studying. I research many others schools but I find e-GMAT with very good cost and with many materials. Additionally, the course give you access to Gmat Club Test and 800score that have the practice test and shows you where your weakness to you are study where you really need more attention. So I believe is a very good choice for a course.

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May 25, 2015

Joined: Dec 25, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Japinder Kaur

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Quant Live Prep, the much awaited and requested Quant tool for GMAT prep, from the makers of VLP & Verbal Online, has certainly helped me increase my Quant score from 41 (in the mocks) to 47 on the actual GMAT. despite the fact that i couldnt complete the entire module before my scheduled exam date.

Being a biology graduate, my affair with Quant was very limited and mostly scary, what all little Quant i could study was in Hindi medium and that too only till 10th standard, (almost 20 yrs back). Hence, preparing for GMAT Quant proved to be an uphill task for me and my mock scores kept oscillating between Q36 and Q41.

The QLP - Live sessions and concept + application files provided me with deeper insights on solving the GMAT like Quant questions with greater efficiency and ease, especially the number properties I&II and Algebra sessions, and Most of all Ms Japinder has been a fantastic host and a great proctor, who's always made complex stuff simpler to understand and apply.

Gonna re-enroll into the program and looking forward to hit Q50 this time.

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May 22, 2015

Joined: Dec 01, 2013

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Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Japinder Kaur

Location Online

I first took my GMAT in Apr 2014 & scored poor 580. My quant & verbal split were something like Q-47 & V -19. I decided to join a prep course to improve my score. Based on the ratings I decided to join e-GMAT prep course. I joined its Verbal live prep course. No doubt the Verbal live prep course is the best course of the e-GMAT company. I retook my GMAT & scored 660 in my next attempt with split something like Q -48 & V - 33.
I had started feeling confident in Verbal. However even after Q-48 I felt something missing in Quant preparation. It was then I decided to join E-GMAT's Quant live prep. As I prepare for my another attempt, I can definitely say that Quant course from e-GMAT stands at par with Verbal Live prep.
Though I have already got admit from couple of colleges, I am still planning to retake GMAT so that I can put a good score on my resume. I am sure I can do much better both in Quant & Verbal this time with e-GMAT's course material

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