May 28, 2015

Posts: 45

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V36

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hello All,

It's been 2 months since I started preparing for my 2nd attempt of GMAT. I scored 650 in my first attempt last october with V34,Q47.

The reason I could not score decent in quant was mainly due to the fear of exams I have somewhere in the back of my head.However, the reason for not scoring well in Verbal was mainly because I didn't know how to handle CR, RC or SC questions at all. In my first attempt I kept practising questions without devising any strategy or actually understanding the patterns in verbal questions. I kept making the same mistakes in the same areas in SC without any hope for improvement. It was not until my verbal score of 34 in actual GMAT when I realised I needed help in Verbal.

I read the reviews of all the courses available and the one that stood out was eGMAT's Verbal course. I sent an email to Rajat with the issues I had been facing and my expectations from the course. I got the response in couple of hours with the details of the course that would suit my requirements.

With the hope of doing well, I joined the VLP course. I have completed all the modules with couple of quizzes left in each one and I must say that I could have never solved a verbal question with such methodical approach eGMAT explains.

In SC, the difference in the usage of As and Like, the if..else framework, verb -ing and -ed modifiers were eye openers for me.

I used to be scared of bold face CR questions in my first attempt and after going through the videos in CR module I actually enjoy doing the bold face questions. My accuracy in CR has improved tremendously.

The videos in RC module have helped me understand the approach that should be taken to answer each question correctly within the time.

And above all this, eGMAT's pre-thinking approach has helped me frame an answer in my mind even before I look through the answer choices.

I gave GMAT PREP2 last week and scored 750 with Q50, V41. I hope that with the understanding I have gained from eGMAT VLP course, I will maintain this score in all future tests and of course in my actual GMAT.

I can’t wait to explore eGMAT's newly launched scholaranium 2.0.

Thanks eGMAT :):)

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