e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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Based on 1183 reviews
April 28, 2014

Joined: Sep 28, 2013

Posts: 60

Kudos: 45

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

After getting a 570 in my first attempt, I started looking for a comprehensive course which would help me crack the GMAT verbal, which was my weakest part. I was recommended to join eGMAT's VLP course by my friend who was also struggling with Verbal. I went through all the free links provided by eGMAT and decided to go with it.

eGMAT's verbal live prep is the best course for non-natives. I am glad I took this course. While answering sentence-correction questions I never used to be confident . After applying the 'Meaning' based approach, I got the right answers very quickly. More importantly I need not think about the previous answers while answering the new questions. Such
is the confidence given by this approach.

In CR questions I never heard of a concept called 'Pre-Thinking'. eGMAT is the first company to introduce this. Using this concept one can pre-think the correct answer choice without even looking at answer choices. After arriving at an answer choice one needs to only look for that choice in the given 5 choices. This reduces the time consumed by CR questions.

The RC course helped me to master the most challenging passages. It helped me to keep focus and discussed all types of question types involved. Once the process is followed, everything seems easy.

Initially it takes some time to develop an expertise in these approaches. But once these approaches are mastered, answering the questions will be a cake-walk. I found tremendous improvements in both my accuracy and time-management using this.

It also has Live sessions, which helped me to solidify the concepts and clarify any doubts. Sessions are conducted every week and the instructors make the concepts crystal clear. I liked Rajat, Payal, Shraddha, Chiranjeev and Krishna.
These sessions are also recorded, one can view them any time.

I forgot to mention that VLP has workshops too. These workshops ared designed to take the preparation to upper levels. They help to maximize the score. It also gives access to EDVENTO and's mocks. IR is also taken care by this course.

As I said earlier, VLP is the most comprehensive course available. I have scheduled my exam in July and I am confident I'll get to a great score this time.

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April 21, 2014

Joined: Apr 09, 2013

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Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have been associated with e-GMAT from last november wherein I got to attend one of their free webinars. I had taken my GMAT back in 2008 without much or research or coaching and had ended up with a mere 650. As my work ex grew , I landed up in a job where it was imperative to go to a B-school to grow careerwise. I understood the importance of an MBA degreee. So my quest began and I wanted to retake my GMAT by July 2014. As such I got enrolled with their free webinar and was quite surprised to grasp what they taught at the very first session. This lead me to make a quick decision to invest in this course, which gave me freedom to study and prepare for the GMAT alongside my work with no hassles of leaves, moving to classrooms etc. On top of that, e-GMAT had structured the course in such a manner that you have workshops every week, where you can discuss your doubts with an informed group and brilliant instructors. This helped me to really grasp the basic concepts and generated confidince in acing the GMAT exam. Now as I have been working my way with e-GMAT verbal live prep, have host of materials and questions to refer to anytime anywhere basis. I can view recordings for the sessions I have missed. I am sure I am on a journney of making my GMAT story a success. I am looking forward to July 2014 to make it to the B schools list. Kudos to Rajat and his team for providng us this platform and specially a boon to non natives


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April 17, 2014

Joined: Apr 17, 2014

Posts: 26

Kudos: 9

Self-reported Score:
720 Q49 V40

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

A quick background about me - B.Tech from India with 4.5 years of work-ex. I am scheduled to take the GMAT at the end of May.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the e-GMAT team for their support during my preparation. Earlier I believed I had good Verbal skills and should be able to score well. However my mocks did not reflect this. I got books from other well known publications but with no impact on the result.

Finally on the suggestion of a friend, I enrolled for the e-GMAT verbal live course and I am very happy I did. I have significantly improved on my Sentence Correction and Critical reasoning pieces.

Following are the key things that I have been able to do on e-GMAT which I couldn't otherwise :
1. Plan my study
2. The level 1-3 structure helped me start with the easy and go to advanced topics
3. The continuous evaluation helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses
4. Constant support from the support team to ensure my doubts are clarified

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is a non-native English speaker.

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April 08, 2014

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Kudos: 1

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Background : B.Tech with 10 years of experience in IT Industry.

First Attempt : I took my first attempt at GMAT in the month of October 2013 and I was primarily preparing off Official guide and GMAT Club daily questions. My preparation took 6 months and my mocks were not improving. But I crossed my fingers and took the exam hoping for a miracle and guess what I got a score of 590 (Q50 & V29). I was shocked, as my lowest score in the mocks was 670. So I knew something is terribly wrong with my preparation.

Second Attempt : I went back to the drawing board to select the best material that can help improve my current score level which was not improving beyond a point. After quite a few reviews I decided to go with e-gmat and am satisfied that my preparation is going on the right track. The material is top notch and you can can get a free demo to get a feel of it. Tutors are very patient and clarify all the doubts of the class even though the class stretches beyond the scheduled hours. Thumbs up to Payal & Rajat for their teaching style.
I will be taking the GMAT shortly and hopefully post a successful score and update this review with more details that can help the candidates in making up their mind on the right material to choose.

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April 05, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Being a non native, scoring well on Verbal has been a problem area but e-GMAT's Verbal Live Prep has been the best resource in helping get past it. I like the way the instructors break down a Verbal question, be it SC. CR or RC, the same way as logically as a Quant question. The sessions are very interactive and the tests are built in a way that helps one to take a second and third chance to realize the mistake rather than get to the answer right away. Payal's sessions are the most interesting because she really makes students think hard to get to the right choice and teaches an elimination method that can very well be applied to any context of the question. I would highly recommend it to any non native having trouble scoring well in the Verbal section of the GMAT.

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April 02, 2014

Joined: Jun 04, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

e-GMAT courses provide a structured approach for gmat preparation. The study plan provides a great outline on how to split time between grasping concepts vs practicing concepts on problems. For those trying to prepare without a live classroom program from any other test prep company, the study plan will prove to be an invaluable guide. The plan also specifies which questions from the OG should one practice after completion of concept lessons.

I had used the MGMAT and Princeton study guides previously for my previous take but I have now come to feel that the Official Guide, GMAT Prep tests and any one of the courses from eGMAT should be sufficient for the test.

Even though the techniques (reading for the meaning on SC questions or process of pre-thinking for CR) for approaching various sections of the Verbal portion seem rather simplistic, they are instrumental in correctly answering the moderate to higher difficulty level questions. These two approaches take some time to inculcate esp. if one has not done before but eventually help hit the bullseye.

Attending any of the free sessions that eGMAT hosts is a great way to witness (or even gauge) the commitment, effort and passion that the faculty has with the students in the course.

No matter how I do on the re-take in the next few months, I would say that the e-GMAT’s course pedagogy and the faculty commitment are exceptional for a course that is delivered completely online.

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March 30, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

In my preparation for GMAT, I was struggling on Verbal. I had even taken classroom courses from leading India coaching institute, even though I did not seem to get the verbal fear out of my mind. My score tends to be around 25.
This is when I came across e-GMAT. I did take a few free tutorials from them and found this to be interesting.
I first purchased the verbal online from them and instantly hit off of with SC session. Now the concepts which I have been trying to understand for last 3 months started to make sense.
The first strategy session from Rajat was very good and helped build up a study plan. The emphasis on focusing on your strength was a very good reminder of the common mistakes most engineers do. Thinking that Qunat is easy for them, they ignore it and I was doing the same.
Soon I upgraded to Verbal Live prep. The live sessions are very helpful. They further help in cementing the concepts and few tricks which are covered there help build the necessary skills to effectively tackle the GMAT like questions.
Intially, I had difficulty following the process and used to think of the e-GMAT process as lengthy and time consuming. But as I started to do more and more practice, the process started to help solving even tricky questions and that too within stipulated time.

Practicing e-GMAT’s process more helped me in improving my hit rate. The number of correct answers increased as I started using their concepts and methods. Their stress on giving importance to meaning of the sentence in SC questions, breaking the argument in CR questions, pre-thinking, forming a logical structure etc really helped in the process of elimination.

The way e-GMAT has divided the whole SC and CR into small concepts is very good for structured learning. It helps you to find out your weak areas and improve on it before moving to the next concept. The video / audio is very good. Audio worked wonders for me. I used to re-listen to all the concepts which helped in strengthening the concept more.

The IR Section is very comprehensive too.

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March 14, 2014

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hi friends,

Just wanted to share my views on e-gmat's Verbal Live program. I had been doing verbal prep from the most known resources in the GMAT prep. market when a friend introduced me to the Verbal Live prep. It was only when I subscribed to the course I realized how deep GMAT Verbal preparation is supposed to be, i.e. the program not only covers the basics but also teaches in a structured manner the application bit, especially from the non-natives' point of view.

Most of us who are going to take the GMAT have been out of touch of English grammar since our school days, E-GMAT takes that in consideration before deep diving into the application of the concepts and hence the learning is even more effective.

Wish you good luck!

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March 09, 2014

Joined: Apr 21, 2013

Posts: 16

Kudos: 9

Self-reported Score:
640 Q45 V34
730 Q49 V40

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am a Non native speaker and verbal has been my weak area ever since I started with my preparations. I read all excellent reviews about E-Gmat and started with the free trail. After going through the course material and attending free sessions by Rajat and Payal I had no doubts about joining the course.

After completing the lessons and the online sessions I have noticed a great improvement in my approach towards the Verbal questions (SC, CR and RC). My accuracy has improved a great deal because I am confident about the answers I mark as I know the right reason for choosing the correct option and able to discard the incorrect choices.

The workshops are a real plus as they help you evaluate your relative performance under strict time conditions and show how you performed as compared with rest of the people from your batch. They also hep you formulate you strategy going forward and expose the weak areas you need to work on.

In a nutshell it is a perfect course for non natives who are looking to improve their verbal score.

Wish me luck as I am taking my GMAT in April and will post my experiences in an another detailed review.

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March 05, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I wanted to write a quick review of the e-GMAT VL course.

I am taking the GMAT on 22-March and will see how it goes. I stumbled upon e-GMAT while browsing on the GMAT Club forum. Being a non-native speaker I knew verbal was my weak area. After reading reviews I decided to go with e-GMAT since its course is marketed for the non-natives.

I did find the SC course extremely useful it made me look at SC from a completely different perspective than what I used earlier. I do not totally follow the methodology preached by e-GMAT on CR but I do find the strategy quite helpful if you can make it a habit to follow the process.

The workshops that e-GMAT conducts are also pretty helpful in simulating the test conditions and seeing how one respond to the pressure of answering the questions when the clock is ticking. It also helps you evaluate where you stand in your preparation for the actual GMAT.

Overall I would recommend the course especially the SC and CR. Not commenting on the RC course because I have not used it much and I think you have to come up with your own strategy that works best for you. There is not one strategy that fits all options in this section.

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