Hourly Services Reviews

For those who have identified specific needs and require focused advisory services, we offer "A la Carte" services.
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May 10, 2021

Joined: Oct 03, 2020

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Heidi is awesome

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After struggling with my essays for a whole month, I decided to get a consultant to help me improve them. Choosing Heidi was one of the best decisions that I'd made in my application process.

She first helped me realign my career goal with what I've accomplished and what might be more possible. Then, we started working on my essays and resumes. She was very insightful, always asking the right questions to keep pushing me to reflect on myself, to dig deeper into my stories, and to realize what I want to highlight and what is unnecessary. In addition, she knew very well how to motivate others, and turned the painful writing/revising into a smooth process.

With her help, my essays became a lot more compact and compelling. I got multiple M7 offers, including my dream school Wharton. This won't happen without her help and support! I highly recommend Heidi to anyone who is considering an application consultant.

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May 09, 2021

Joined: Jun 16, 2019

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Harold Simansky - Superb Hourly Service

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I highly recommend Harold Simansky for his hourly services. Through Harold's resume and essay reviews, I was accepted with scholarship to Booth, Kellogg, Tuck, and Columbia.

Harold was extremely timely and communicative. His reviews - even when it was busy season for round 2 - were extremely efficient. When I had an urgent request due to a upcoming deadline, Harold was understanding and was quick to prioritized my work.

In terms of the feedback, it was clear that Harold had extensive experience in reviewing essays and tailoring them to each school. The essay feedback was very helpful and prescriptive, allowing me to quickly edit and turnaround versions. Harold even shared my essays and resume with other reviewers at mbaMission for no charge. I really felt that I received more value than what I was paying for!

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May 04, 2021

Joined: Jun 04, 2020

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
670 Q40 V41 (Online)

A great person to be your co-pilot in a challenging process


I will open this by saying beyond being a great consultant for your application, Gavriella is a wonderful person. I came to meet Gavriella through a free consultation (as I am sure many others do), and I have done this with other consultants, so I had experience in this. What I found was not a pushy salesperson, instead, someone who asked the 'right' questions. She asked me why I wanted to go to the programs I specifically brought up, she asked me what my biggest concerns were and what I thought my unique attributes were (because on paper I was at best an average candidate, if not below average) and at the end of our brief interaction, she candidly told me what she thought of my application and profile, what schools were the best fit, and what I could do if money were no object. I am also a relatively simple person, who loves analogies, and her analogies and explanations were so clear and relatable - my experience with her was one of the best interactions I have had with someone providing a service.

I believe that if you are like me and want this experience to be as enjoyable as it can be - I know it is a nervous time, but at this point you have done all the heavy lifting, now its about articulating it well - then I would recommend Gavriella. Her ability to be candid and honest, while also being a pleasure to work with is unparalleled by anyone I have met in any other sector. Moreover, her generosity, be it in time or reviewing materials, extends far beyond expectations.

I know I did not hit on things you probably were expecting to read in this review, but I feel if you're going to trust a person to help you make this life changing decision, you need to understand their character, and I can tell you Gavriella's character, effort, and devotion to her clients is unmatched.

If I could share my name and information I would, because I believe that strongly in her ability to support you.

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April 28, 2021

Joined: Apr 28, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q41 V45

Can't recommend Gavriella highly enough!


As a somewhat unconventional applicant, I wasn't sure what to expect from an MBA consultant. Any trepidation I might have had vanished after my first call with Gavriella, however. It was clear from the first day that she would be an invaluable asset going forward.

She helped weave my disparate work experience into a compelling narrative, hone in on a more curated target list of schools, and provided excellent interview prep which left me in great shape for all of the interviews that subsequently arose.

Working with Gavriella went a long way in taking the stress out of the application/interview process, and it was clear to me early on that she was operating with my best interest in mind, not her own.

To anyone reading this who is in need of an Admission Consultant - go with Gavriella if she's available. You won't regret it!

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April 27, 2021

Joined: Jan 28, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
650 Q43 V36

Highly recommend Gavriella


Working with Gavriella totally exceeded my expectations. The process was really smooth and although we were short of time she connected with my story immediately and helped me outline it in the best way possible. She was very detailed-oriented, and precise with her contributions… It was the third eye I needed to accomplish a well-rounded application. She was very efficient and we even had the opportunity to check other essays! After submitting everything we kept in touch, fact that made me notice she was very diligent with her work.
I was skeptical of acquiring this kind of services but it was an investment I'll never regret. I totally recommend MBA Mission and Gavriella.

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April 24, 2021

Joined: Oct 06, 2013

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V37

Very Good Experience


I signed up for hourly services with Kate as a reapplicant to three T10 schools. Though I had friends (who went to M7 schools) help me with overall strategy and general guidance, Kate's input was valuable in crafting a unique and coherent story across different aspects of my application. She helped me with re-analyzing my career goals while nudging me into pursuing a PT MBA, given the stage of my career. Kate was always prompt in essay edits and timely in response to my emails. She also helped me greatly with my interview prep.

In the end, working with Kate turned out to be a great decision, as I was accepted into multiple FT and PT programs and I'm Kellogg bound this Fall!

Throughout my application process, Kate was a constant source of support and guidance. She is personable, humble, and very easy to work with. I strongly recommend her to anyone who is applying to a top MBA program.

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April 15, 2021

Joined: Apr 15, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q47 V35 (Online)

Highly recommend Helen Summers! Admitted into HBS!


I worked with Helen Summers on my application for HBS and GSB. I was accepted into HBS and interviewed for GSB.

For me it was important to have someone who resonated with me, had experience with the schools I was applying for and could be candid in their feedback...Helen for me ticked all of these boxes!! She was very energetic, super easy to work with and gave very direct and candid feedback when I was going off on a tangent in my essays/short-answers. I also recommended Helen to my partner who has been admitted into both HBS and GSB!

Although the financial commitment to hire a consultant can be very daunting (I personally thought about it A LOT before committing), Helen helped me to ensure every part of my application was at its best, which gave me a huge peace of mind knowing that I was putting forward my best application.

Good luck!

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April 13, 2021

Joined: Apr 13, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V44

A truly personal service!!


My overall experience with mbaMission and especially my consultant, Gavriella, was excellent!

I elected for the hourly service, for the flexibility and because I knew which schools I wanted to apply to, but in no way did this detract from the highly personalised guidance I received.

My busy work schedule and different time zone were also no impediment; Gavriella was able to work around me and help with essay editing, deciding on which stories to discuss and eventually on interview preparation as well. I received first-class coaching for every step of the application, tailored specifically to me.

Gavriella was very knowledgeable about the idiosyncrasies of each school's application process and took time to understand my background, my goals and exactly how I should present my narrative.

I found most useful the open and honest feedback. I felt Gavriella really wanted my application to be the best that it could be. I am very excited to start business school later this year and am sure I could not have been successful without the help of mbaMission.

Gavriella is a fantastic advisor and a lovely person - I could not recommend her services high enough!

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April 11, 2021

Joined: Nov 11, 2019

Posts: 9

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V41 (Online)

Devi helped me prepare an application that stood out


I had started working with a different consultant when I had started my application process for the 2021 intake. However, a few weeks before the deadline, I was not very convinced with my application and decided to reach out to MBAMission based on a trusted friend's recommendation. I had the opportunity to work with Devi over R1 and R2, and I must admit that I was super-impressed with what she did to my application. Apart from highlighting my key work achievements, she was able to identify aspects of me that added uniqueness to the overall application. She was always quick to respond to my emails, and our interactions were crisp and effective. Devi had great clarity on my strengths and weaknesses, and she used to keep responding with suggestions till she was convinced with the final output. I am extremely thankful to Devi for helping me make it to my dream school - Kellogg.

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April 10, 2021

Joined: Aug 26, 2020

Posts: 7

Kudos: 6

Devi for HBS applications - Highly Recommend


I worked with Devi from MBAMisson for the R2 2021 app cycle. I was applying to the top 7, schools. I ended up getting interviews for Harvard, INSEAD, and Chicago. I received an offer from INSEAD.

I delayed getting a consultant until the very last minute, thinking that I was able to go through this process on my own. The truth is, there is a lot of general information out there, but without a consultant, it is hard to narrow down the specific advice relevant to your application. Thankfully, the team at MBAMission was able to match me with Devi pretty close to the deadline (12/24). Although it was the holiday season, Devi put in work every day to make sure that my application was as strong as possible. She didn't have to do that, and I really appreciate it.

What I liked most with Devi, is that she will push you to the very end. Her feedback was candid and straight to the point. Admissions consultants are expensive. I appreciated her sensitivity to time and straightforwardness. In the two weeks that I worked with her, I managed to squeeze in over 5 revisions for my essays, and I applied to 6 schools. It really was a lot of work. In all honestly, I was sleep-deprived and exhausted by the end of the process. Without Devi telling me that there was still room for improvement, I wouldn't have been able to push myself that hard. Revision #5 on my Harvard essay was done 4 hours before the deadline. It was Devi that pushed me to rewrite that thing one more time.

Harvard is my dream school. But in truth, my credentials are a bit weak. I did manage to get an interview but was not able to get the offer. Despite this, I don't regret any second spent working with Devi. I am 100% confident, that without her help, I would not have gotten that interview in the first place. Devi knows her stuff very well. I look at the essays I wrote before and after her help, it really is a world of difference. If anyone reading this is interested, PM me, and I will show you the before and after.

Overall, despite my disappointing outcome, I still highly recommend working with Devi. The interview experience alone has given me the self-confidence that I am so-called 'Harvard calibre'. And I'm sure, this sort of self-confidence will continue to pay dividends for the rest of my career. Thank you, Devi.

Best of luck with your applications.

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