May 04, 2021

Joined: Jun 04, 2020

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
670 Q40 V41 (Online)

A great person to be your co-pilot in a challenging process


I will open this by saying beyond being a great consultant for your application, Gavriella is a wonderful person. I came to meet Gavriella through a free consultation (as I am sure many others do), and I have done this with other consultants, so I had experience in this. What I found was not a pushy salesperson, instead, someone who asked the 'right' questions. She asked me why I wanted to go to the programs I specifically brought up, she asked me what my biggest concerns were and what I thought my unique attributes were (because on paper I was at best an average candidate, if not below average) and at the end of our brief interaction, she candidly told me what she thought of my application and profile, what schools were the best fit, and what I could do if money were no object. I am also a relatively simple person, who loves analogies, and her analogies and explanations were so clear and relatable - my experience with her was one of the best interactions I have had with someone providing a service.

I believe that if you are like me and want this experience to be as enjoyable as it can be - I know it is a nervous time, but at this point you have done all the heavy lifting, now its about articulating it well - then I would recommend Gavriella. Her ability to be candid and honest, while also being a pleasure to work with is unparalleled by anyone I have met in any other sector. Moreover, her generosity, be it in time or reviewing materials, extends far beyond expectations.

I know I did not hit on things you probably were expecting to read in this review, but I feel if you're going to trust a person to help you make this life changing decision, you need to understand their character, and I can tell you Gavriella's character, effort, and devotion to her clients is unmatched.

If I could share my name and information I would, because I believe that strongly in her ability to support you.

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