mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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April 26, 2019

Joined: Jun 25, 2018

Posts: 7

Kudos: 14

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V42

Highly Recommend - Headed to an M7 thanks to John!


John/MbaMission was the first admissions consultant company to take the time to look beyond my stats on paper and hear my story/motivations for applying.

I researched and spoke with several similar companies to gage my chances at different programs and heard I needed to readjust my expectations. My less traditional background (major/undergrad institution), and only 3 years of work experience (4 at program start) would rule out top schools. One company even told me "it doesn't matter if you score an 800 on the GMAT, you're not the type of applicant top programs are looking for." However, mbaMission was different.

John was incredibly encouraging, responsive, and attentive throughout the entire process (even just to check in during the decision waiting period). He restored my confidence and helped me tell my story which clearly articulated my personal and professional reasons for wanting an MBA. The result was a clear illustration of not just why I wanted an MBA but also everything I had done to prepare and how it would be pivotal in my career aspirations.

While I was still slightly jaded by the prior feedback I heard, I chose to only apply small number of schools (a couple M7/T5 and one T10) with the intention of waiting and applying next year if needed to a more "realistic" range. However, this was not needed because not only was I accepted (including a scholarship), but I also had a choice of programs. I am thrilled to say I will be headed to an M7/T5 in the fall! I would highly recommend John and mbaMission to anyone going through this process.

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April 25, 2019

Joined: Apr 25, 2019

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Katy cares. My X-factor to an HBS admission


Trusting Katy to guide my MBA admission process (written application + interviews) was best decision I could have made. Uber efficient with your time and money. Do everything you can to work with her. Would do it again 100 times out of 100.

Do you know why you want to go to business school? No, why you really want to go to business school?
What about [insert city name] ecosystem makes you want to spend 2 year of graduate school studying there?
Which business school is the best cultural fit for you?
What about your first job made you see the world differently in your second job?

There is no formula here. Personal answers to these questions require conversations with many people you respect and trust; I felt this about Katy after just one call. In addition, I found Katy's MBA specific experience to be invaluable - of being an HBS student herself and seeing thousands of previous successful and non-successful people go through and come out the other side of business school. Katy cared about my success, became my go to thought partner by asking questions like these, and helped me self-discover and articulate moments in my past that make me special and well suited for a particular business school.

I have a unique perspective on MBA consultants because I actually started my journey with an MBA consultant from a different firm - The Admission Advisory Group - it was a horrendous experience DONT GO THERE!. That other consultant pushed a "formula" on me for the written application and told me to wait a year before applying and I would not get in because my application did not fit into their "formula". I was extremely demoralized after that first experience with the other consultant and knew the advice didn't sound right. Now on the other side I know there is no magic formula (don't go looking for one) to get into business school, and I am grateful I found Katy to help me help myself shine.

Lastly, When it came down to interviews, Katy knows the ins and outs of the different styles at various MBA programs. Her mock interviews with me (even on weekends) helped me shorten my answers, focus on my unique aspects, and go into the interviews with confidence.

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April 25, 2019

Joined: Apr 25, 2019

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Krista made the difference!


I signed up for hourly consulting services with Krista Nannery less than a week before Christmas last year. I was feeling dejected about my MBA prospects, having been waitlisted/denied at the two schools I had applied to in R1, and desperately needed help with my essays for three R2 applications.

From day one Krista was cheery, positive and professional. Her sunny demeanor re-energized me and her enthusiasm for the programs I was applying to reminded me why I started the application process to begin with. What I liked most about working with Krista was the way she seamlessly transitioned between specific, detail oriented feedback on my writing (like punctuation and syntax errors) to very broad, holistic feedback (really making me think through why I picked certain examples for my essays and whether there were better examples I could be using).

She was also incredibly quick with turnaround times, especially considering we were working around the Christmas and New Year holidays. She often returned materials to me well ahead of the stated deadlines for mbaMission consulting.

She also made the consulting process very personal by sharing her own reactions and similar experiences to what I wrote about in my essays.

After my applications were submitted, Krista checked back in for news on interview invites and also gave me helpful guidance on making my final choice once admission decisions came in.

At the end of the day, I ended up getting interview invites at all three schools that Krista helped me apply to, and was admitted to two M7 schools with scholarship money at both. It definitely would not have been possible without Krista!

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April 24, 2019

Joined: Apr 23, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Jeremy was a huge help with interview prep!


Male, Caucasian, 730 GMAT, Top-40 Undergrad College
Accepted: Stanford
I worked with another mbaMission consultant for most of the application process (Liza Weale—she was absolutely amazing!), but in order to get an additional perspective going into my Stanford interview, she connected me with Jeremy. Jeremy went above and beyond the call of duty helping me prep for this interview. Not only did he make time to do a mock with me while he was on a family vacation, but he also offered to talk with me a second time the night before the interview to make sure I felt fully prepped going into it. He was straight up with me, offering both encouragement/praise and opportunities to get better (with suggestions of little tweaks to come off stronger). He gave me the confidence that I belong at the table of somewhere like Stanford (something I had a bit of self-doubt about) and helped me feel ready and excited going into the interview. I came out of the interview feeling as though it went as well as it could have and I can’t thank Jeremy enough for his help making this happen.

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April 24, 2019

Joined: Jul 22, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V39

Couldn't have done this without Kate


Kate is the perfect mix of professionally capable and personable. I have an unconventional background and short WE which made it challenging to apply to top 20 schools. Kate was very patient in the early stages when I was trying to figure out how to tell my story. Here are the things I was impressed by later on as we delved in the application process:

1. Documents: Kate was such a big help in my resume and essay drafting. She really helped me phrase things in a non-technical way without losing their significance. She offered a fresh perspective on the dos and don’ts for business school application for a young applicant who’s only been in the technical field. For my essays (on average 2 essays/school x 5 schools), she made detailed editing and gave valuable input on re-wording, themes and ideas of each essay. I easily went through at least 3-4 drafts with each essay. Kate thoroughly looked through them and responded to my comments on every single draft. The thing with essay writing is, even if you’re extremely savvy in business jargon and good at writing, it’s still nice (& necessary) to have someone else’s perspective on your essays because you should never assume other people (Adcom) would react to what you write the same way you do, and this is where consultants who know how Adcom thinks come in. I got interviews to ALL BUT ONE school I applied to, which I could’ve never done without Kate’s help.

2. Content: Kate is REALLY thoughtful and efficient in her communication. For example, I’d tell her my concerns, and she’d respond with her take on the issue and multiple solutions to resolve the problem. This pattern persisted all the way from September to April, from drafting essays, attending events, to selecting letter writers, communicating with schools, and then to waitlist strategies and negotiating scholarships! Even when I didn’t ask, if she had material that she knew would be of help to me, she’d send them to me. She takes client’s concerns seriously which I appreciated. Kate also doesn’t beat around the bush if something does not look right. She gives honest, direct and constructive feedback every time. Remember you’re paying thousands of dollars for quality, which is content in the most efficient way possible, and Kate lives up to that expectation.

3. Timeliness: Kate never failed to be responsive. This is something I was really touched by. Around the Holiday seasons when according to mbaMission schedule or her vacation, she didn’t need to respond to any emails, she swiftly responded to my inquiries (not document editing) because a lot of R2 deadlines were right around the corner. She had in mind the schools I was applying to and understood my priority. This is not to say that you should submit documents and expect her to edit them for you when she’s on vacation! The fact that she checked her email AND RESPONDED with thoughtful feedback within a day really showed that she cared, and I appreciated that.

I'm very happy with the result and glad Kate was there throughout the whole thing. Highly recommend Kate for those in need of guidance along the way!

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April 24, 2019

Joined: Jul 06, 2018

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Kate knows how to present you!

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I was a little late in the game as I only started the process in August. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to work with Kate throughout the process (brainstorming, essay editing, interview preps and mocks, etc). She was very good at identifying my strength and right stories to tell. She was very responsive and always offered good ideas. As an international student with an OK GMAT (730), differentiating my profile was the key, and she did a great job on that. I was admitted to Booth!

If you are trying to differentiate yourself in application, I highly recommend Kate! She will exceed your expectation!

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April 22, 2019

Joined: Mar 18, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

The perfect coach for the MBA application process!


Right from the moment I started working with Harshad on my MBA application journey, he has always been there by my side and motivated me to bring out the best in myself and this helped me build a strong and authentic application – one which wouldn’t have been possible without his support. Harshad treats your success as his own and this trait of his is evident through all his efforts throughout the application process. Harshad always provides constructive criticism and doesn’t hold back from giving you his honest and straightforward opinion and this quality has helped me correct course numerous times be it while editing an essay or preparing for interviews. What makes him the best is that he is relatable! Whenever I have had my self-doubts about the whole MBA process, he has always highlighted my strengths and reassured me that this is indeed possible, often times quoting from his vast experience. His pep talks and positivity has helped me transform into a confident and self-sufficient MBA candidate. I strongly recommend Harshad for anyone looking for a MBA consultant!

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April 19, 2019

Joined: Apr 19, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q49 V47

Can't recommend him strongly enough!


When I first started the MBA application process, I was very confused and had no idea what admissions committees were “looking for.” During my initial calls with Harshad, it became abundantly clear that he was the person I needed to guide me through the process. He was extremely attentive to my concerns about weak points in my profile, and he could provide direct answers to all my questions about various schools, essays, etc.

I could go on and on about my time working with him, but I think it’s best to highlight what I feel are a few of his greatest strengths.

1) He was a friend, not just a consultant. Harshad truly wanted to get to know me as a person. During our initial brainstorming call, he continued to ask follow up questions as we dove deeper into my stories; it was clear he wanted to understand the underlying meaning each one had to me. And this is one of the many ways he was able to push me to write essays that truly reflect who I am as a person. It never felt like he was “working” or “doing his job,” just a friend who genuinely wanted to help me achieve my goals.

2) He didn’t let me settle for “good enough.” There were a number of times throughout the process where I would send Harshad a draft I thought was solid. On paper, the essay was logical and “made sense.” However, Harshad recognized there was significant room for improvement; he knew these essays didn’t cut deep enough. So he pushed me to continue to dive deeper into my stories until I found something that truly reflected who I was and who I am today. On my own, I would never have pushed myself through this process of deep self-reflection. Looking back, my final essays were night and day compared to my earliest drafts.

3) He was a rockstar consultant all around. Harshad went above and beyond his duties as a consultant: as others have mentioned, he consistently provided feedback on my drafts far in advance of his firm’s required timeframes. Furthermore, he is extremely knowledgeable about the application process as well as the similarities and differences between various top MBA programs. He was also instrumental in helping me drastically cut down the word count on my preliminary drafts without losing the true meaning/message behind my stories.

Since I’m sure some people reading this will be interested to hear how things worked out… I am super excited to say that I’ll be attending an M7 school later this year with a 50% scholarship! I absolutely would not have accomplished this without Harshad. I can’t recommend him strongly enough.

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April 19, 2019

Joined: Jun 23, 2018

Posts: 8

Kudos: 6

Harshad is Amazing

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Working with Harshad throughout the application process was extremely rewarding. I had a very unique and difficult timeline/situation, but Harshad worked with me through it all and supported me during each phase of the process. Harshad is an amazing storyteller; he was able to bring out my best qualities and help me put them into words to show the AdCom what I could bring to a program. He is able to do this because he takes the necessary time to get to know his clients and he is a diligent listener. Harshad was not just interested in my professional background; he cared about what motivated me, he asked questions about my family, my childhood, everything. Personally, my favorite aspect of Harshad was his honesty. As someone who did not have much time to waste, I really appreciated his direct approach--it showed me how much he cared about the quality of my applications and that he knew the quality of work I was capable of.

With the help of Harshad, I was able to land 4 admits to top 10 schools and I know for a fact that I would not be where I am today without him. I signed up with Harshad thinking of him as a consultant, and I am leaving the process thinking of him as a friend. Thank you, Harshad!

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April 18, 2019

Joined: Apr 18, 2019

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Jessica - Counselor. Confidante. Friend.


I’m 30+ years old. I went to a small state school. I was out of a job for 15+ months. Before my current career, I worked blue-collar jobs. My GRE quant was <65%. I had a family tragedy in the middle of the application cycle.

Despite ALL that, with Jessica’s extraordinary guidance, these are my results:

Applied: Stanford, Harvard (MBA & MPP), Wharton, MIT, Berkeley, Yale, Virginia, UCLA, UNC, Georgetown
Interview invites: EVERY. SINGLE. SCHOOL!
Outcomes: 9 admits!!! 1 waitlist & 1 ding. Candidly, both non-admits were cuz I screwed up the interviews. C’est la vie :)
Funding offered: $257K (from various schools)
Attending: Joint Stanford MBA and Harvard MPP (with amazing named fellowship)

The results speak for themselves, but I'd like to share more about Jessica.

At heart, Jessica is a storyteller. She took a block of stone (over 30 pages of my stories/vignettes and hours of phone calls), and helped me sculpt a masterpiece.

One story highlights many of her strengths: for the GSB essay, I was struggling for an opener. Jessica mentioned a short phrase I’d written in my 30+ brainstorming pages. And voila, I had an intro which tied the whole essay together.

This small story shows her eye for detail, her work ethic, and most importantly, her tradecraft of shaping narratives that both tug at the heartstrings and engage the intellect.

To me, the goal of an application -- something more subtle than the explicit goal of getting accepted -- is getting the Adcom members to be YOUR advocate. Jessica understands that. And that is exactly what we did. The amazing and humbling outcomes I’ve had were only possible with Jessica on my team.

I enjoyed working with Jessica so much that, crazy as it sounds, I actually miss the hellish application process! That speaks volumes in itself.

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