mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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March 08, 2020

Joined: Mar 08, 2020

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Melissa Blakeslee is the reason I got accepted!


I have been out of college for 10 years and trying to get into one of the top business schools in the world seemed like a VERY daunting challenge. I was overwhelmed when I looked through the application process and knew I needed help. I found mba Mission which led me to find Melissa. It is a lot of money and I was not sure what to expect but immediately I could tell Melissa was going to get me there! She did tell me that I would get out of it what I put into it so I spent over a month getting her all the information she needed to get the process going and WOW.. She gave EXCELLENT advice, gave me beyond helpful edits on the first few drafts of my essays, and pushed me to do some online classes and other programs/ projects to make up for some of the weaknesses I had in my application. Everything she edited/ suggested is nothing that I would have done on my own. She was ALWAYS on time with giving back edits or answering emails- most of the time she even got back to me right away! I truly felt like she was in my corner, made sure I felt heard on my point of view regarding the essays, and was really fighting for me in any and every way. It was a team effort and never once did she make me feel like I was demanding too much of her time or that I was another client she had to deal with. She encouraged me when my score for the GRE didn't raise at first and she celebrated all my small wins along the way before getting accepted. I am so happy that I was paired with her as she was my rock the ENTIRE time. I WOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN MY ACCEPTANCE INTO ROSS BUSINESS SCHOOL WITHOUT MELISSA. I think the best decision you will make is signing up for this service and then asking for Melissa. You can tell she cares and genuinely is fighting with you. Melissa, if you read this, THANK YOU<3 You have been an integral part of my success in getting in and anywhere that Ross takes me! <3

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March 06, 2020

Joined: Sep 17, 2013

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Kudos: 8

Can't thank Harold enough!


Quick background: I am a 35 years old candidate with a traditional work experience (finance/investment). I first applied to B-schools about 5 years ago using a “consultant” who only worked with me on the essays. I applied to HBS, Stanford, Wharton and UC Berkeley. Dinged from ALL of them without an interview! I had a low GMAT (620) and my essays (in hindsight) were weak. I attempted the GMAT multiple times without success, so I decided to sleep on it for few years.

This time around, I did an extensive research on consultants, including various interview calls. Some of them are highly ranked with extensive experience. Many of those highly-ranked consultants tried to persuade me to only apply to top 30 schools, international schools (outside of US) or executive MBA. It was obvious they cared about their “success rate”. Harold was completely different! From the first call, he was very honest about my profile, but also very supportive. I still remember his words: “if it is a dream school, then we are applying to it, but we also need to explore other schools”. My initial list was Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT and Yale. We also added Duke, but pushed Yale for later given the timeline. And guess what? I Got interviews from 3 of 4 schools and got accepted to two schools. I slightly improved my GMAT to 650, but decided to try the GRE. I got around 315 in the GRE (with 165 in quant), so Harold recommended I only submit my GRE score, which I did.

During the process, Harold was impressive in his quick responses and great feedback. Thanks to the time difference, we were working 24/7. I would wake up super early morning (which is late evening his time) to work on his comments that he sent few hours ago, and he would work on my changes while I was at work. I never had to worry about weekends with Harold! He was always online. What I realized is that the harder I worked, he would match my efforts! Few times he would prioritize other students for a day or two but that’s just because they have deadlines coming in. At the end of the day, it is YOUR application, so the more effort you put in, the more you will get from Harold, and he delivers!

In addition to his impressive efforts, Harold has a great experience and insight when it comes to schools. He would help you focus on the aspects of your story that would make you stand out.

I am forever grateful to Harold for all his hard work and making a dream come true, especially to someone who is considered “old” and a has a mediocre test score! If I had to do it again, I will go with Harold without hesitation!

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March 04, 2020

Joined: Mar 04, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41

Thank you Nisha!


I purchased hourly services to help me with my MBA applications. While I knew the general background of the process, I realized a consultant would help me (1) focus and edit my story and (2) keep me on time. In the initial brainstorming session and through countless reviews and edits, Nisha’s breadth of experience helped me to clarify and strengthen my case for why an MBA was compelling for me. Nisha was also extremely efficient at editing and her feedback helped me to focus my story. Having her insight and feedback into what would make my story stand out was invaluable to my application process. Overall, I believe her guidance was an important part of my admission to Booth (with significant scholarship money) and Sloan.

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March 02, 2020

Joined: Jan 21, 2019

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Best MBA related decision


I spoke to several consultants asking whether they believe they could get me to Stanford. Jeremy answered that he did believe but would not bet his house on that. As 32 years old European working in asset management with poor GPA (though three diplomas), 760 GMAT, and no extracurriculars I could not expect any honest answer to be more optimistic. I thought my chances were nonexistent but wanted to try anyway not to regret in the future if the situation in my country further deteriorates.

Reading people’s thoughts about application processes I expected to spend hours writing countless drafts only to discard them and start over. Thanks to structure Jeremy imposed that was not the case. Brainstorming document I wrote at the beginning served as a base for every essay and short answer throughout the whole process. Once I wrote the first version of every essay (composed of stories we picked together from brainstorming document) and sent it to Jeremy a ping-pong began. mbaMission claims 2-day return policy, but with Jeremy, it was a 1-day return policy with rare exceptions (to be honest he could be less obsessed with punctuality). As we worked on several documents at once every day I returned home after work there were emails with his remarks and corrections waiting to be answered. His immediate responses made the whole process quick and seamless.

Jeremy claims that he only holds a mirror and you write what you see. I wish all mirrors worked like his one. He made a misfit I thought I was into an independent thinker who changed the world around him, maybe even a rebel. The interesting and compelling story Jeremy helped me develop differed tremendously from initial ideas I had for my essays and I’m certain it significantly increased my chances. However, essays are not just stories, they have to be written interestingly and correctly. As an international applicant with English as my third language and experience writing only research papers, I am by far a capable writer. Here Jeremy’s help was also invaluable. He not only corrected my English but also changed the wording and structures making the essays just fun to read. The volume of corrections was overwhelming and sometimes even ended in him correcting his changes. The outcome was way better than I had dreamed about not only in terms of stories but also correctness and quality of writing. The only reservation I have was that he was more focused on making me satisfied than making the applications best. Given his experience, he should just know when to stop polishing and wasting time on irrelevant changes. It was my first time doing that, how could I informatively decide whether I was satisfied? But he solved this problem by sending my essays to other consultants at MBA Mission whose remarks were invaluable. We stopped polishing when they had no comments left.

As Jeremy works only in start-to-finish packages, after completing essays time for mock interviews began. I don’t remember how many times we skyped but it significantly boosted my confidence. Moreover, I don’t know whether it was luck or experience, but out of thousands of questions available on the internet, the ones that we practiced and the ones I got during my interviews overlapped almost perfectly. I also participated in one mock Wharton’s TBD organized by mbaMission. It was a great experience as it allowed me to structure my actual TBD in such a way that my team performed great and its members thanked me afterward.

As a result of our cooperation, I was admitted to Stanford GSB and Wharton and dinged without an interview by HBS. Both schools granted me sizeable fellowships.

You probably wonder whether it makes sense to pay 10k for help with three applications. My reasoning was like this: as 32 reapplication was not an option for me so I wanted to be sure I did everything I could. I couldn’t forgive myself if I had applied alone and failed. Failure with the best consultant, on the other hand, would mean that I’m not made for that and need to take another path in my life. The price is steep but the whole MBA costs around 250k so it’s only 4% of the amount you will spend anyway (not taking into account alternative cost). If you don’t get in it’s a loss of 10k and comfort that you did all you could. If you are even considering a top MBA program you can probably afford such a one-off loss. And do not forget about scholarships – better application leads to higher financial aid you receive. The difference a great consultant makes in the application makes me feel sorry for people who can’t afford such help or just think they can do it on their own.

To sum up, if you look for someone who will help you develop your story and write it in a compelling way, supporting you with all aspects of the application process and additionally boosting your self-esteem you can’t go wrong with Jeremy. If you want to make up stories, lie in your application or look for someone who will do the work for you, go somewhere else.

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February 29, 2020

Joined: Mar 20, 2017

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The Gold Standard in the Industry

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As someone without a unique background, when I first started planning for my business school applications, I knew that I wanted to use the absolute best admissions consultant in the industry. I conducted extensive research, vetting senior consultants at many of the well-known admissions consulting firms, and then I found Katy. What drew me to Katy was her personal expertise with my top choice schools (Stanford, Harvard), an approach focused on deep personal reflection and thematic synthesis, and her track record of success. After our first phone call, I was sure that I had the very best thought partner available in the industry at my side.

Katy and I began working together by brainstorming a detailed framework that examined a wide range of my life experiences. From there, Katy was instrumental in helping me make connections across disparate parts of my experiences, allowing me to tease out compelling nuances that highlighted my unique decision making processes and internal motivations. As the outline of my essays took shape, Katy worked closely with me to think through trade-offs around what messages to focus on, how to succinctly and powerfully express these messages within constrained word counts, and ensure that every aspect of the application summed to whole that was more than the sum of its parts. And what was especially helpful about Katy is that she applied a rigorous intensity of feedback to not just my essays, but to all parts of my application, including my resume, preparation for my recommenders, and my interview preparation. By the end of all of our iteration and preparation together, I had confidence that I was expressing my best possible self to the admissions committees.

With Katy’s counsel, I applied to both Stanford and Harvard, and was accepted to both schools in round 1.

Looking back on these 12 months, I can say with confidence that working with Katy was one of the best professional decisions that I have ever made. I believe that Katy’s storytelling acumen, tactical experience borne from her decades of advising, and her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients quite simply make Katy the leading admissions consultant in the industry – period.

If you are seeking to be accepted into a top business school, I cannot recommend Katy enough.

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February 25, 2020

Joined: Feb 25, 2020

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Highly Recommend Working with Krista!


I’m not someone who likes to spend money, so choosing to hire an admissions consultant seemed outrageous to me. However, I told myself I would only go through the application cycle once and would give it my very best shot. By hiring Krista, I knew I was giving it my all. In hindsight, it’s hard to tell what actually got me into various schools (Berkeley Haas, Yale SOM, and Michigan Ross), but I knew by using an admissions consultant I was putting my very best foot forward. If I were to do the process all over again, I would not change a thing.

I decided to go with Krista because we shared a common interest of international travel and I felt that she would take the time to get to know me. I realized this after our initial free 30-minute consultation. I wasn’t wrong and am so happy with my decision to work with Krista for my MBA applications. I felt like Krista took the time to get to know me and cares about the people she works with. A great tool mbaMission provides is a brainstorming document to populate prior to beginning any applications. The document takes over 10 hours to complete and seems like a bit of a waste when you’re spending so much time on something that isn’t directly writing essays. However, this document helped Krista get to know me and really understand me from a personal and professional perspective.

I worked with Krista on three schools (two of which I was admitted to). The feedback Krista provided was always extremely helpful. Even when I received conflicting feedback from other reviewers, Krista was able and willing to reason through everything with me. Krista served as my source of truth with a helpful yes or no answer to all my questions. She placed more emphasis and care on me as a person, wanting me to submit applications I felt were my very best. Not once did I feel like her “client”. Krista made time for various discussions about my essays and future applications. One of the things I liked most about using an admissions consultant was the timeline they’re able to keep you on. I was able to start my applications at the beginning of July and take a two week break in September before submitting. This helped to spread out the work and ensure I was not doing everything last minute. Krista always kept to the two-day turn around promise.

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Krista and feel like I’ve gained a fantastic mentor in the process. I can’t recommend working with her enough!

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February 18, 2020

Joined: Feb 18, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Five out of five


I spoke with many admissions consultants prior to meeting Katy from mbaMission. We clicked instantly. Two things about her stood out to me:

First and foremost, her honesty. Right from the start she was crystal clear about everything I needed to do in order to maximize my chances of getting into the top programs. Although some of things she asked me to do required a lot of work (like re-taking the GMAT), I am glad I listened to her. All throughout the application process, Katy was instrumental in helping me highlight the strong aspects of my profile, as well as address any potential weaknesses.

Second, her genuine care. Katy's unconditional support helped me get through the mentally and emotionally demanding MBA application process. In every step of the process - from GMAT preparation to final school selection - Katy was there to make sure I was OK and giving my very best. As a non-native English speaker, I found her essay reviews very helpful. She helped me articulate everything I wanted to tell admissions officers into concise messages. Interview preparation was also outstanding - many of the things she asked me during our prep sessions came up in the actual interviews!

The results speak for themselves: I applied to 5 different schools (Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, and Kellogg) and received acceptances from all 5. I also received substantial fellowships from several schools. Katy was instrumental in helping me achieve this, I'm incredibly grateful for her support. If you are looking for an admissions consultant that will have your back through the ups and downs of the application process, Katy is your person.

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February 17, 2020

Joined: Aug 14, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V42

Thank you, Helen!


Helen was essential in my business school application process. When I started working with Helen, I was already significantly behind the recommended Round 1 timeline, but Helen helped at every step along the way and pushed me develop two strong applications in only a couple of months to get my application in by the R1 deadline! Helen was particularly helpful in brainstorming essay topics, thinking strategically about recommenders, generally making sure that all of my ducks were in a row come application submission time, and interview preparation / mock interviews. Helen helped me achieve my goal of getting into all of my schools of interest, and I could not recommend her highly enough!

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February 15, 2020

Joined: Feb 15, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Kate Richardson


I graduated from a top 10 UK university with okay grades (graduated with a 2.1). Following university I worked within financial advisory at one of the Big Four. Having grown up in the UK, I wanted to use a consultant as I was not familiar with the US system and had no real idea how competitive I would be at some of the leading schools.
Overview of experience
Kate was absolutely AMAZING, I definitely could not have gone through my process without her!! I began chatting with Kate in 2018 after signing up for the pre-application strategy service; I wanted to learn more about the US process and bounce ideas as I researched more about US MBA programs. She was readily available when I had questions and would also occasionally check in if she hadn’t heard from me in a while (she continued to check in until I finally decided in apply 1year+ later).
I choose to work with Kate as she showed a genuine interest in wanting to help me and looked beyond my statistics; I decided that I only wanted to apply to M7 schools and when undertaking free consultant consultations, a number of them focused on GMAT and employer when advising on schools.
Kate and I began officially working together in 2019. I applied to 5 schools in round 1 which was both a lot of pressure and work, however, Kate’s flexible approach allowed me to work on multiple applications seamlessly. If you are looking for someone that is really invested in you achieving your milestones, Kate is your consultant. She was very dedicated to ensuring I completed key work streams at the agreed date and times; and was always prompt in providing feedback (due to careful planning, I was able to get instant feedback at times on my essays!).
Kate was instrumental in helping me portray my story in a compelling way and showed patience (I was clear on how I wanted certain aspects of my essay to come across, which at times created extra work when it came to streamlining and trimming my essays).
Kate was supportive during the process, particularly when I got my first two dings and her encouragement kept me going. Ultimately, I ended up getting into my dream school and will be attending HBS in the fall!
I would highly recommend Kate to anyone looking for a consultant to help them on their MBA journey!!

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February 13, 2020

Joined: Jan 08, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q49 V47

Great Service


Background: econ undergrad to investment banking to private equity. Applied to HBS and GSB. Received interviews at both schools (GSB R1, HBS deferred R1, interview R2), and was admitted to GSB (did not take HBS interview).

I was looking for a consultant who would a) walk me through the process of the application to limit effort on my end, b) provide constructive criticism on the essays, and c) keep me on track to submit so I don't pull an all-nighter the night before. Julie-Anne certainly filled all of those roles for me. I would say that she stood out the most in regards to the essay writing, where she was extremely helpful with brainstorming constructs, as well as giving me the hard feedback of when I totally needed to scrap an essay (which with hindsight, was the right call!).

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