mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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Jessica Shklar
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Katharine Lewis
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May 29, 2016

Joined: Apr 27, 2015

Posts: 3

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Self-reported Score:
720 Q49 V39

Amazing Overall Experience with Jessica Shklar of MBAMission!!!

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When I first started the MBA application process, I really had no idea where to begin. I was one of the first of my peers to apply to business school and was coming from a somewhat non-traditional background (family business).

After doing some preliminary research, I decided to reach out to MBAMission and set up an initial consultation with Jessica Shklar. In our first meeting, I was immediately blown away by how much interest Jessica showed in my story and how much it genuinely seemed that she cared about my future (and admission to the business school of my choosing). Even in our first consultation, she was already coming up with the best possible ways to tell my "story" and present my accomplishments.

Throughout the admissions process, Jessica was there every step of the way. From reviewing my resume until it was absolutely perfect to going through iteration after iteration of my essays, Jessica was always willing to help and guide me through the process. Jessica was especially helpful during the "waiting" process, always willing to calm my nerves and answer any calls/emails/questions I had (no matter how often and I'm sure annoying!).

In summary, I really could not be happier with the consulting experience Jessica provided for me. I would not be where I am today without her help and truly believe that she is the reason I was accepted to Columbia Business School.

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May 26, 2016

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The BEST investment in your application

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I was unfamiliar with the MBA application process and decided to choose mbaMission (Jessica) to guide me from start to finish. I evaluated several consultants at the time and, after talking with Jessica, I felt that she was the right person! In the 30-minute free session, Jessica tried to help me as much as she could within the time limit. If you have a chance to evaluate many consultants, you will certainly know that the free session is actually the marketing session. However, this is not the case for Jessica. I bought 5 school start-to-finish package and eventually got interview at HBS (post-interview waitlisted and dinged), Wharton (admitted), and Booth (admitted). So in this review, I would like to tell you 3 key points about Jessica that eventually led to my successful applications.

1. Identification of Meaningful Personal Stories

In my case, I was able to list out personal stories that really shaped my life but, at first, connection among them was relatively weak. Hence, I was so tempted to write about my job, initially. Jessica was an expert in identifying meaningful personal stories and she would keep asking you to explain those stores in details. During the process, you would start to realize by yourself how much impact those events were. In the end, a few personal stories represented the core part of my essays and were used for 4 schools (out of 5) and accounted for at least 70% of word counts. I wrote only 1 paragraph about my job for each essay and its role was to support my personal stories.

2. On-Time Delivery and Perfection

Jessica always commented my drafts, on time, and she would not stop doing it until the essays are perfect. She would ask you to write as much as possible up 50% more than maximum word counts and gave you tons of comments that, sometimes, took me a week or so to address. This is a very efficient process. You overwrite it first and then remove certain parts, one by one, so, in the process, you will see the big picture and force yourself to consider each point in depth. You would likely run out of energy before she does. On each school, I worked with her at least 8-12 drafts. And even my final draft sometimes still had her pending comments that I needed to remove because of limited space.

3) Genuine and Authentic

My essay got me an interview at HBS so it was great, although I couldn't convert the interview to the offer. The essay question was "Introduce yourself to classmates" and was the great opportunity to show your personality so I wrote it in a very personalized and funny way, while mentioning some of my achievements but not too many (imagine you brag for 10 minutes. How could that be interesting to your classmates?). Before I submitted my essay, I sent the essay to my boss (and my recommender) for review. And he said "this essay is so authentic. It feels like you are speaking to me..... It's alive". Jessica helped me set the tone for my essay and, in my opinion, I like HBS essay the most.

So in my opinion, I strongly recommend Jessica. You need experts who can look into your stories and express independent opinions. During MBA application, you will burn out. So better invest now and get the best shot.

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May 26, 2016

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Krista Nannery was essential to my B-school application process

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I was paired with Krista Nannery from MBAmission as my admission consultant. Right off the bat she assisted with my decision of what schools to apply to. We decided that given my academic history, professional career, and GMAT score, I would be best off applying to Harvard, Wharton, Booth, and Kellogg.

Applying to 4 schools is a ton of work but Krista made the process extremely smooth. She set a very organized schedule and always kept me on track with essays, short answers, and the online applications.

The most helpful aspect of Krista's consulting was in the essay brainstorming and drafting. She has a lot of experience quickly and effectively giving comments and helpful guidance and made the process go smoothly. I would have been lost without her help in this area.

Overall, I can't express how essential Krista was to my success. I ended up getting into 3 of the 4 schools I applied to and know for a fact that it was due in large part to Krista's guidance.

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May 26, 2016

Joined: May 26, 2016

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Jessica Shklar - I highly recommend!

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I chose mbaMission and specifically Jessica on the recommendation of a friend who applied to business school the year before me and thought that mbaMission was the reason that he was able to get into a great school and complete his applications on time, and I could not agree more.

I was extremely impressed with Jessica from the start of my consultation and have recommended her to friends already. The consultation is a free 30 min session and I assumed that she would mainly sell me on mbaMission. However, she did so much more than that. I did my consultation 6 months prior to starting the application process and I asked her what I could do to strengthen my application. Because she had spent time looking into my resume and activities, she gave me actionable items which I did over the next 6 months that really strengthened my application with tangible examples – and that was even before I hired her!

I decided to apply to 6 schools and I do not believe that I could have done it without Jessica. The ability to send an essay off to Jessica and have her look at it with fresh eyes and a different and honest perspective was so valuable. Not only did it help me stay on track with timing throughout the process, but she also had a different perspective and would point out when I said something that didn’t make sense due to company/industry terminology, didn’t answer the school’s question or was not my best work.

Her ability to answer quick questions that would have taken me valuable time to research (and who knows if I would’ve gotten the correct answer) and help me with interview prep kept me sane through the process and helped me feel confident and prepared during the interviews.

I think that the brainstorming sessions however, were where Jessica really went above and beyond my expectations. My brainstorming doc was a total of 26 pages full of disjointed random things and stories. I was so impressed how Jessica was able to connect my work, health situation, volunteer, and family experiences all into one strong story full of rich, measurable, tangible examples. She even pulled some great quotes from my doc that I used as my intros to many of my essays! The story she helped me create really painted the best picture of me as a candidate and enabled me to get into one of my top schools which I am so excited to attend!

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May 23, 2016

Joined: May 17, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:

Efficient, impactful... and truly the best!


I had finished my GMAT and was in the essay-writing phase of my application when I first spoke with Jessica. I took the 30 minute trial to see if speaking with a consultant (specifically one who had helped others get into my dream school) would help me structure some of my thoughts. It did so much more.

My call with Jessica was very warm and friendly, but we actually didn't spend time "small-talking." Instead, Jessica asked how she could help and, when I told her that I needed some help organizing my thoughts for my essay, she asked why I wanted to go to school. I spoke for a few minutes (with Jessica listening intently and asking a few questions here and there). As soon as I rambled through my explanation, Jessica matter-of-factly followed with: "Okay, here's what I would do. Make your intro about X. Take this angle or that angle, whichever feels better. Follow with points A, B, and C, and conclude saying Y. That's how I'd structure it. What do you think?"

It was the most productive half hour I'd had in my whole experience applying. I ended the call action items, to-do's, feedback, and more from someone who I had just met but who knew exactly what I needed to make my application better.

I ended up purchasing more hours so that I could get Jessica's help trimming down my very long essays. She did so much more: she called out examples that seemed weak, encouraged me to elaborate on ideas that made my essays unique, and helped me clarify the main points of each of my essays. From that phone call all the way through edits of letters while I was on the waitlist, Jessica guided me in a way that was incredibly constructive and efficient.

I am so grateful that I met Jessica and had her help. She went above and beyond with my timelines and, when I eventually got in, I could practically hear her shouting in excitement with me!

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May 20, 2016

Joined: May 20, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Every Step of the Way


I started working with Melissa on a 4-school package but ended up adding a 5th school based on my positive experience with her. From helping me think through what schools I would apply to and encouraging attendance of various MBA info sessions to interview prep and follow-up, she was there every step of the way. I was able to hone my story and get an objective perspective from someone with experience working in b school admissions. I had 7+ years of work experience when I started working with her, so I often had competing ideas for what direction to take my essay responses. She gave pointed feedback on what worked and what didn't, helping me create better and more focused applications in the process.

A sample of some of the other things Melissa helped me with:
-help in turning my resume into something that highlighted results instead of responsibilities
-mock interview prep, particularly in helping me highlight certain areas that may not have come through in my applications. She wasn't just asking sample interview questions. As someone who had become very familiar with my background, strengths, weaknesses, etc., she was able to give great feedback on how I responded.
-set deadlines for me. I am a procrastinator, so Melissa offered to set deadlines. I managed to turn in my applications early, which still amazes me.
-helped me address some of the deficiencies I had in extracurriculars. It's not as though she could have retroactively made me participate in more organizations outside of work, but she helped me think through how I could present my hobbies/interests in a compelling manner.

Overall, I had a great experience working with Melissa that definitely exceeded my expectations, and I would recommend her to anyone looking for help throughout the application process.

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May 20, 2016

Joined: May 16, 2016

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Highly Recommend

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Helen Summers is fantastic! Helen encouraged me to dig deep and really pushed me to a level of introspection that I did not think I could ever reach. She helped me recall stories from my childhood that I had forgotten about for over 15 years which really helped me better understand my personal journey and how that journey has molded me into the person I am today and shaped my goals for the future. My first draft of my essays were horrible! Through Helen's support and constructive criticism, I got to a very polished finished product of which I was extremely proud and that was genuine, reflective of my personality, and attention grabbing for admissions officers, resulting in admission into the two schools to which I applied (HBS & Wharton). I highly recommend Helen for helping you dig deep in crafting your story and for helping to keep you organized throughout the stressful process.

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May 18, 2016

Joined: May 01, 2016

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Make it happen with Susan

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I worked with Susan on a 3 school package for R2 and was admitted to 2 of 3 schools, with a financial award granted at one of the schools. A total shocker and wonderful surprise to receive after 6 months of hard work and grueling hours. All schools in top 5.

Pros of working with Susan:
She's direct and candid. If it sounds like you don't have well-formulated or reasonable career goals, Susan picks up on this immediately and puts the breaks on all other aspects of application prep until this piece makes sense. Career goals are incredibly important to the admissions team, so spending a good amount of time brainstorming this aspect is well worth the time and effort.
Accountability. Simply having someone waiting to receive a revised essay draft is incredibly motivating, and necessary, when completing a long and arduous process like b school applications. Susan keeps you honest - did you sleep through the last revisions? That's a waste of your time and her time. Knowing that Susan is going to review and critique your work during each draft ensures you're putting in the necessary work along the way and not simply cramming at the final hour.
Interview prep. The mock interview sessions with Susan were surprisingly helpful. I assumed I was a well-spoken candidate with little room for improvement here, and while that was generally true, it was very helpful to work through framing answers to tough questions with Susan ("what is your Plan B if your career goals don't pan out?").

Susan took more time than necessary during our calls to introduce the point of the call, often repeating information I already knew about the overall b school application process. It would be helpful if she discussed with her clients how much prep they had completed on their own so less time was used during the short calls to hear repeated information. I work best when being able to formulate my thoughts out loud, but sometimes felt Susan did more of the talking during the calls. Don't be afraid to push back, and you'll have a more productive relationship with Susan. She's open to it, you just need to be comfortable steering the conversation from the get-to to ensure you get what you want out of each call.
School selection discussion. Susan sent me an excel doc where I had the opportunity to list features of a b school program that mattered to me, and give each feature/attribute a ranking. This would in theory help me sort through which programs are a good fit for me. I appreciated the excel doc and understand the school research should be completed by the applicant, but would have appreciated a bit more of an opportunity (separate call(s)) to discuss my thoughts/opinions of each school with Susan. She has a depth and breadth of knowledge and I had a feeling she could have shared more about each school I was considering. Granted, holding back this information is probably in part to ensure the applicant has ownership in the process, but a little more opportunity for discussion would have been helpful in the beginning of the school exploration process.

In summary, I would definitely use Susan again and recommend her to friends. She's open to feedback while working together, truly invested in seeing her clients succeed, diligent in keeping clients on task, an excellent editor, direct, and encouraging. I enjoyed working with her immensely and attribute my acceptances to our hard work together. Thank you, Susan!

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May 16, 2016

Joined: May 16, 2016

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Kate Richardson - Great consultant to work with

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At the start of the MBA application process I was really worried about my low GPA. I knew I had a story to explain it, but I felt overwhelmed by how I'd present it and how not to have it sound defensive.

I contacted a few admissions consulting services for free consults and found mbamission to be one of the most thorough. For that reason, I decided to work with mbaMission.
I realised that I was not going to apply for MBA schools again, and so went 'all out' and decided to purchase a 4-school package. Retrospectively, it wasnt absolutely necessary, but I wasn't going to leave anything up to chance.

I was paired with Kate, and from the beginning she was detailed in the strategic approach to my story. And that's really the crux of it -- her ability to help you convey your story in the most enthralling, yet accurate way. I do not believe I could have done this without her help! Kate was responsive and provided great commentary to my story and tailored it well for the different essays and schools.

Of the 4-schools, I was admitted into 2 (one with scholarship). These are two top 15 schools for someone with an equivalent US GPA of approx 2.8 -- not bad!

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May 16, 2016

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Katharine Lewis - A Partner on the Path to Admission

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My main concern going into the application process was my weak undergraduate GPA. I was referred to MBAmission (and Katy in particular) by a former student of the program that I wanted to apply to - the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. During my initial 30 minute conversation with Katy, she was receptive to my concerns and I felt that she was taking a genuine interest in my story. Speaking with Katy initially was a breath of fresh air and it renewed my sense of confidence in what I wanted to do. After I hung up the phone, I made the decision to move forward with my application despite my concerns. It was a huge benefit having someone with Katy's knowledge and experience on my side and, at the risk of sounding corny, I truly felt like I had a partner on the path to admission.

Katy made sure that I stated my needs up front so that there was no time (or money) wasted in our work together. I made it clear that I wanted her to help me with my essays and resume only and she was totally fine with that. I never once felt like I was getting a sales pitch on additional services or that Katy was pushing for additional time, etc. I've seen some other reviews asserting that this service is only as beneficial as you make it and I'd like to reiterate that point. DO NOT come into this expecting your consultant to do the work for you. They will make suggestions and guide you a long the way, but the work is yours to do.

Once we got started, Katy dug into my history i.e. work experience, reasons for wanting an MBA, etc. She helped me to identify some general themes that centered around my story and that would allow me to best represent myself through my resume and essays. At the conclusion of our time together, I came away with finished essays and a resume that I was really proud of.

I was ultimately accepted into Emory and I truly don't think it would have been possible without having Katy on my side.

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