mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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February 03, 2017

Joined: Feb 03, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:

An extremely positive experience from start to finish


I went into the b-school process early, but totally blind. I heard about mbaMission through Manhattan GMAT and decided to set up a free 30 min consultation. I could not have been more impressed with Melissa from the start. She provide a valuable framework for how to think through the process early on and help me decide if this was the right time for me to apply. She got me thinking about all the right questions early on and helped me identify potential weaknesses in my application and worked with me on a strategy for overcoming those.

After deciding that I was going to apply to schools R1, I signed up for the hourly package. Melissa would hop on a phone call with me right away and quickly responded to all my emails. She calmed me down when I would get overwhelmed with the process and would talk me through anything that I was stressing about.

I decided to apply to 4 schools all of which I felt could have been a stretch. Melissa gave me great tailored advice for each school and was extremely quick at getting my essays back to me. Her feedback was always clear and concise, and most importantly, very specific to each school. The resume guidance I received was particularly valuable.

When I got into 3 of the 4 schools (dinged at HBS), Melissa was there to talk through my decision with me. She was such a reassuring, calming presence throughout this whole process.

I felt that Melissa always wanted me to succeed and was doing whatever she could to help me achieve my goals. I could not have been more pleased with my consulting process with both Melissa and mbaMission.

I am going to my dream school and am so excited for what is to come!

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February 03, 2017

Joined: Aug 15, 2013

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Best. Decision. Ever,


About three years ago, I was on this exact page reading these reviews. Although it was blatantly obvious that Angela was amazing from all the reviews, I also noticed that many of these reviewers had very strong profiles and ended up at schools that I could only dream of attending. My background was by no means a clear stand out for a top business school: sub 3.0 GPA, average GMAT, non-traditional work experience, etc. I pretty much felt that I had little to no chance with my profile regardless if I used an MBA consultant or not. I always wanted to go to business school but where I was in my career, it only made sense to go if it was top ranked school, which seems to be the case for a number of people nowadays. Nonetheless, I decided the worst that could happen was receiving politely crafted rejection emails on random mornings and the slightly funny thought that a whole bunch of Adcom people would never be able to get back the time that they wasted going through my application. So, I scheduled the free 30-minute consultation with Angela.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Within 5 minutes into the consultation, Angela cut me off and bluntly condemned my negative mindset. In the next 25 minutes, Angela completely reshaped my story, highlighted unique aspects that I completely glossed over, edited my resume, gave me a list of schools that I would be a good fit for, and created a detailed roadmap for me. I remember sitting on the couch thinking “Did this lady just hand me a brand new and somewhat reasonable 5-year plan? Okay then, I guess I’m going to business school!” By the end of the consultation, I also concluded that: 1. People who write reviews on Gmatclub actually tell the truth (I’ve been skeptical). 2 Angela was exactly who I needed to work with.

Fast-forward to present: Now I get to finally write one of these testimonials as a reviewer who be attending one of those dream schools, with a sizable scholarship too! I cannot express my gratitude for everything Angela has done for me and as many others have already said – I definitely could not have achieved this without Angela.

I don’t want to get into too much detail because I really hate and suck at writing, but there are just a couple of things that I wanted to share.

My journey to business school was quite rough. It ranged over two and half years and I would be completely lying if I told you the journey wasn’t the most exhausting, draining, and sometimes discouraging experience that I have ever gone through. I took the GMAT five times, wrote over a hundred essay drafts, enrolled in numerous supplemental classes, and got laid off from a job somewhere in-between.

Angela was literally the only person that gave me the type of confidence that I needed to keep pushing forward. Just knowing that she had my back every step of the way motivated me so much. She made it clear that she wouldn’t let me submit an application that wasn’t my best work and she also made sure that she put in her best work for me as well. I can't even count how many emails, calls, and Skype sessions we’ve had, each of which Angela gave her full attention, humor and all.

Yes, Angela is a master at story crafting. Yes, Angela knows exactly what each school wants. Yes, Angela keeps it real. Yes, Angela connects with people. Yes, Angela… [insert skill]. But as I am writing this, I realized that the two most valuable things that Angela did for me wasn’t what I would have thought in the beginning. The first - Angela asked all the tough questions that nobody asked me, many of which were extremely personal. The second - She truly and genuinely valued my passions and always reminded me to never waver from them. Both of these things not only shaped my application obviously, but it also allowed me to think deeply and meticulously and to be honest with myself. I was able to dial in on what was important, move on from disappointments, and perceive challenges as opportunities. While I embark on my next journey, Angela will be right there with me as I continue to put all of those lessons I learned from her into practice.

Angela is so much more than an MBA consultant. She is a mentor, motivator, life coach, career coach, friend, and just an overall marvelous wonderful person. Never in a million years would I have thought a person who I found on this page years ago would had such a profound impact on me and my career. Thank you Angela!!

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February 02, 2017

Joined: Feb 20, 2015

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:

The Angela Guido Show: 100% Certified Fresh Tomatoes


Angela truly is a ROCKSTAR.

Throughout the entirety of the stressful & arduous process that is B-School Applications, Angela was there as my support system with wise words and humor. If you want to work with someone who will actually make the b-school process FUN, look no further than Angela. Granted, she will have you work your tail off to squeeze every morsel of anecdote possible out of you, but it will be more than worth it in the end.

After filling out 20+ pages of her brainstorming document, Angela was immediately able to laser-in on the key storylines & themes that would be the best representation of who I really am and what drives me for my essays. Working with Angela took me on a journey through my past chock-full of self-discovery and self-realization around every turn. Her no BS, no fluff approach will help you find a true representation of who you are and what unique characteristics make you a great candidate. Angela can't change your stats, but she can help you make the rest of your application the best it can possibly be.

The X-Factor that makes Angela so awesome is how much fun she is to work with. Every call involved lots of laughter and each email was littered with lighthearted emojis. Throughout the process, it felt like I was not just working with a consultant but was working with a friend. She has an aura about her that immediately makes you comfortable talking to her and sharing all of your deepest, most meaningful stories with.

To summarize: if you want to put your best foot forward in the b-school application process AND have fun, work with Angela!
(p.s.- if she had edited this review, she would have cut it down >200% and still gotten the same points across, that's how good she is :) )

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January 30, 2017

Joined: May 16, 2016

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Terrific Experience

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I had a terrific experience working with Harold. His advice, guidance, and support throughout the application process was quite helpful. His assistance made my application process much more manageable, and less stressful.

I applied to four schools. He offered valuable insights on how I should approach each program's application and his feedback on my essays always seems to be on-point.

I appreciated how he would push me to drive to greater levels of detail and specificity in my writing to make my essays really come alive.

He was also highly responsive. I could always count on him to get back to me with answers or feedback quickly, or to at least acknowledge that he had received my email and would get back to me as soon as he could.

I was accepted into two of the programs to which I applied, one with a scholarship. I withdrew from one of the other programs, and was rejected by the fourth program.

In short, I really appreciated having Harold on my side and I would definitely recommend him to anyone exploring MBA admissions consulting services.

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January 29, 2017

Joined: Nov 16, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
600 Q44 V30

Harshad Mali - An Extremely Valuable Admissions Consultant


Having never applied to a program outside my country (Pakistan), let alone a top global leadership program, I had little idea about where to begin with when I started thinking about applying to a business school. My initial thoughts were that a good GMAT score was all that was needed. It was not until I took 30-minutes free consultation session with Helen Summers from mbaMission that I realized that GMAT is just part of the whole story. She broke it to me that business school application consists of many parts that tell a coherent story together. She was also very honest in telling me that my age and my experience were not going to be attractive features of my application to a full-time program. However, she didn’t discourage me and recommended that I should either apply to a full-time program that targets mid-careers (there are only three in the world by the way) or an executive program. After contemplating for some time, I decided to apply for MIT Sloan Fellows Program. I knew that a novice to admissions process like me needed guidance to produce a good quality application. So, I contacted Helen again who referred me to Harshad Mali.
Me and Harshad had an introduction over email and he gave me a bunch of documents to go through. This initial phase primarily consisted of me going through a lot of material and thinking about my own personal story. Scant guidance at this stage was by design so that originality is forced out of me. However, after the first brainstorming session, Harshad grabbed the reins of the process and started guiding it in minute details. At one crunch moment when I had lost all hope of submitting a quality application before the deadline, it was Harshad who kept encouraging me and kept giving me the right feedback till I submitted my application right on time.
Harshad is no make-you-feel-good consultant when it comes to essay reviews. He is very direct in his feedback and he makes sure that he informs of this reviewing style in the initial introduction call. And frankly speaking, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. The first review of my essay came back with a scathing critique and red marks all over, making me instantly realize what was wrong with my approach. I promptly corrected myself and from then on, it was smooth sailing.
Another feature that made me feel warm was that Harshad was able to connect to my life story at a personal level. This enabled him to bring the best out of me and help me write essays that truly represented me. I felt like I completely owned everything I wrote as my personal authorship and Harshad was only guiding my efforts while he had a very good idea about what the final product would look like.
Whether requested or not, Harshad was always there whenever needed. It didn't matter whether it was day or night, weekday or weekend. We were working in completely opposite time zones. But Harshad made sure that this wasn't a hindrance in our communication.
The efforts paid off and I got invited for the interview. For a starter like me, this was a huge achievement and this wouldn't have been possible without Harshad's help. But of course, our finish line was the final acceptance. So Harshad prepared me for the interview as well. We had a mock interview one week before the actual one. Again, he was very honest in his feedback. It included coaching on things as important as how to tackle behavioral questions and things as trivial as how to keep a smiling face all the time.
I finally got admitted to MIT Sloan Fellows. This was something that I couldn't think was within my reach when I started thinking about applying to B-Schools. I can safely say that this was only made possible with Harshad's help. I strongly recommend him to any B-School aspirant. And if you are from South Asia, Harshad should be your top choice.

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January 25, 2017

Joined: Dec 29, 2015

Posts: 1

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Stratus Prep and Harold were a huge help!

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I initially started trying to tackle MBA applications on my own. Right before Round 1 deadlines I realized my applications were not nearly the caliber they should be to get into one of my ambitious schools. I was initially very shocked at how expensive an admissions consultant could be but settled on Stratus Prep quickly after talking with some of their staff and appreciating how easy they were to talk to.

I worked with Harold Simansky and immediately we began crafting my story. His push to make me dig deeper was a tough experience, but ultimately so rewarding as we were able to create a solid framework for my strengths, story, and where I'm looking to go. The experience itself really helped me understand why I wanted an MBA and what some realistic goals were.

Harold was able to help me write and shape essays that were lightyears ahead of the essays I wrote by myself. He helped me shape each essay for what the school and prompt were looking for, and cut out any material that really didn't provide a purpose or differentiating factor. I was nervous about how quickly I would receive feedback, but always impressed by the speed and quality I received, even as I was finishing applications around Christmas time.

In the end, I got into a great program I really didn't think I had much of a chance with. I'm so grateful for the help that Harold and all the Stratus Prep team was able to provide.

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January 25, 2017

Joined: Apr 08, 2013

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A Champion for Future Leaders


I initially met Angela as a Junior in college through a free profile evaluation. I had recently taken the GMAT and was starting to think about how I would craft my story for my MBA applications. Angela provided candid advice based on her extensive coaching experience and also gave me a strong shot of encouragement to aim high in terms of the schools that I was targeting. I’m very glad that Angela was one of the first people I spoke to.

Over a year later, Angela and I crossed paths again when I joined Forte Foundation’s MBA Launch program. She facilitated a fantastic Webinar regarding approaches to essay writing that helped us to better structure and edit our stories in order to build competitive and authentic applications.

It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know Angela better over the years and I’m excited for the value she will continue to create for many ambitious future leaders. I highly recommend working with her.

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January 23, 2017

Joined: Sep 01, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38

Remarkable Assistance with Applications


At the time of writing this review, I have not yet heard back from all of my schools. I am awaiting four and have an interview for one upcoming.

What I can confidently say is that my experience with Harold has been nothing short of extraordinary. I believe that he and I connected well right off the bat and he quickly grasped unique details about my background that could help me stand out in the selection process.

I knew Harold and I would mesh well when right away he was willing to forego initial formalities and take a unique "brainstorming" approach to my introspection - and what we established was truly remarkable and customized to my background.

Along the way, with numerous edits and iterations of essays, Harold was very direct with keeping me focused on clear answers to the essays and ensured that every inch of my essays was adding value in one form or fashion. For each school, multiple Stratus Prep counselors reviewed my essays and offered feedback - also extraordinarily insightful.

Harold is very accessible, despite having a number of other clients, and was able to keep tabs on my working on multiple schools at once. For my last application, I decided to pursue it within a week of its due date, and without hesitation, Harold helped me make it happen with ease.

Harold was extremely genuine and honest when it came to school selection - encouraging me to apply to a couple "stretch" schools but then directing me towards schools more in a "target" range that he felt were a good fit for me. After conducting my own research of the schools he recommended, I was impressed with how right he was.

I am confident in what I submitted and in my upcoming interview(s) because of my work with Harold. I can also say that, based on feedback I received from both of Stratus' other senior consultants, that working with any of them would be incredibly helpful.

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January 23, 2017

Joined: Jan 23, 2017

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Could Not Have Done It Without MBAMission!


Working with Jen at MBAMission saved my business school application process. I had taken my tests, chosen my schools, and prepared my essay topics, but when I sat down to start writing, it became clear I needed help. I was brutally honest in my 30-minute interview, which led to an exceptional match with Jen. I started working with Jen in August (later than they would prefer) and was still able to meet the Round 1 deadlines at my chosen schools.

Jen is amazing. She worked around the clock with me and was always patient when I struggled with essay topics or vague MBA program language. She is incredibly prompt and professional and, always, made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to. I was so excited to email her after an interview to tell her that I finally understood what they meant by "fit" and that I had nailed the interview at my first-choice school - this feeling turned out to be mutual when I ended up getting in.

Jen helped me both be myself and take chances, like choosing to make a video over writing an essay, by asking the right questions and getting to know me.

I would recommend MBAMission to anyone applying to school.

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January 23, 2017

Joined: Sep 06, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

2/2 with MbaMission & Nisha


I worked with Nisha at mbamission and, with her help, went 2/2 with my target schools (one international and one domestic) in the early action round. Nisha was very responsive and always hit the review and essay turnaround timeline.

I had also worked with Stacy Blackman and found that the two services were quite different. Nisha was very focused on grammar and writing style – she spent a lot of time editing my essays – whereas my consultant at SB didn’t critique my writing so much as the content and stories within the essay.

Overall, I was happy with Nisha’s help, but she didn’t challenge me as much as I would have liked and her consultation didn’t feel as genuine nor personalized as my experience with SB.

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