Pamela Jaffe Reviews

Company: mbaMission

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 4 reviews
March 09, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

According to my experience, applying an MBA program is a tough job that requires not only hard work but also a strategic and focused approach. Before deciding which consulting service to use, I talked to a few consulting companies and tried their free sessions. I do suggest to “shop around” and you will find the right one. In my case, I found mbaMission was very impressive. After I provided my profile and answered a couple of questions, the consultant outlined an overview of my strength, weakness, and which schools I should target. It was simply, professional, and focused! After signing up the product, I chose to work with Pamela, a very experienced consultant. Now I have got the offer from the school of my dream. I must say I did the right choice and found the right person!

I was very happy working with Pamela. She was methodical. Everything was so well organized that I knew exactly what I would expect down the road, and I could plan my tasks down to every single day! Although the service was delivered online, the communication and collaboration was thorough and effective. During the whole process, I didn’t panic at all! What a surprise! I suggest to carefully read the documents they send over after you sign up the service. They are very useful!

Essay editing is important part of the whole service. I felt I was fully supported. For each essay, she walked it through with me from analyzing the topic to editing revisions to completing the essay. In addition, when I was stuck somewhere, she always provided a high level guidance that forced me to think in a “macro” perspective. I see this is a great approach to allow me to reshape my thoughts and restructure the content. This approach worked for me very well. I suggest writing essays on your own – you will be the person who takes the interview and you have to think a lot in the whole process!

At the post offer stage, when I was deciding which school to choose, she made sure I had full information to make the decision and provided valuable and unbiased advice. This is also an important stage, especially when you have multiple choices. For me, Pamela is an expert in this area – she knows the top B-schools well and has great knowledge in the post-MBA fields. So her advice helped me a lot!

In summary, I am very impressed and do appreciate her help and work during the whole process. I definitely recommend mbaMission, especially Pamela, to anyone who wants to apply to top B-schools. Finally, I want to say when applying an MBA program, you are not doing something for fun. You need to be serious! It is your opportunity to change your entire life! So make your choice wisely!

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January 12, 2014

Posts: 5

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
540 Q25 V40
730 Q48 V41

I decided to use MBA Mission consulting services fairly late in the game. I had been to many info sessions and had achieved the GMAT score I needed. Given the amount of research I did I decided to go with MBA Mission's hourly services.

I had a mediocre GPA from a top liberal arts college, a great GMAT Score, and was looking to make a transition from financial services and running my own small business part-time to full-time entrepreneurship. While my story had many elements of making a compelling story, I really needed guidance on how to tell it in the limited framework of an MBA application and interview.

I wanted someone who would be able to give me honest feedback on my application and to be very thorough with my application. Pamela Jaffe delivered on this and was key in getting me multiple interview invites as well as an acceptance at a top business school.

Many times she went out of her way in order to ensure that I met the respective deadlines of my target schools. She provides great high level strategic feedback and great line edits. She will push you to use your own voice and be efficient with your purchased time. I really felt well supported and I cannot recommend her more highly. She was a pleasure to work with and really helped me put my best foot forward from application to interview and finally acceptance at a great MBA program.

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January 01, 2014

Posts: 24

Kudos: 26

Self-reported Score:
760 Q50 V41

I worked with Pamela Jaffe from mbaMission for London Business School MBA application. Looking back, I am extremely happy that I decided to work with her. I have an admit letter from LBS to show for it!

Initially, I was a bit skeptical whether I really needed a consultant. But looking back, I can say with confidence that it was a great value-add. Here is what I found:

- Pamela was very professional, never pushed me into purchasing services and always gave me as much time as I needed.

- Her feedback after brainstorming sessions and essay reviews included several actionable items to point me in the right direction.

- She focused on making my career goals water-tight on an overall level and once we had nailed that down, she was equally good at the detailed review.

- She was great at bringing out my real motives behind an MBA and motivated me to pursue them. This was most impressive to me.

- Coming from an engineering background and not having sold myself much, I tended to be too modest at times in my application while overcompensating at other times. She made sure that I struck the right balance.

I think Pamela really has great insights into the admission process. Her comments are very honest but at the same time she makes sure to keep you encouraged.

Finally, I would say that experience with a consultant depends a lot on the applicant as well. I made sure I was proactive in asking for suggestions, writing essays etc. Don’t sit back and leave everything on the consultant. The more you ask the more you will get.

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December 26, 2013

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

I worked with Pamela Jaffe at MBA Mission for my applications to business school. I used the hourly service that is offered by MBA mission. I had very little time (about 2 weeks) between me signing up for the service to the actual application deadlines.

Pamela was extremely helpful right from the start, from our initial phone conversation (which she accommodated over a weekend) to submitting the application she was always available. She even worked over the Thanksgiving Holidays in order to ensure that I would be able to meet the deadlines.

I remember sending my first set of essay points to Pamela before our initial phone conversation and how after talking to her, she was quickly able to show me how the essay points that I had sent her did not highlight the many of my unique experiences. With her help, I was able to highlight these achievements and improve the quality of my essays. It was night and day between my first essay drafts to my final essays.

I was also impressed with how Pamela effectively managed time such that I was able to get all the help that I wanted within my budget.

I was admitted to both schools that I applied to and have decided to attend Duke, my top choice. I highly recommend her services.

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