Jeremy Shinewald Reviews

Company: mbaMission

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 8 reviews
May 05, 2020

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Jeremy Makes the MBA Admission Process Fun and Manageable

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Jeremy knows exactly how to transform a candidate’s character traits / experiences / life story and articulate them in a way that is easily (and attractively) digestible for admissions offices.

The MBA application process is a very expensive “black box” between tutors, consultants, applications, school visits, online programs, etc. The scariest part of which is that you never truly know that you are on the best possible path towards admissions at your target program.

Jeremy takes the “black box” and lights it up for you. He is the most experienced person I have come across during my MBA application process by FAR, he knows the ins and outs of every school, is one of the best communicators that I have ever encountered, and is very easy to work with. These skills enabled Jeremy to help me in the most efficient and enjoyable way as I navigated the process, ultimately leading to admission to my top target school.

From the first phone call, I could tell that Jeremy knows this process cold. Furthermore, his ability to dictate prose and work with me to craft my story in an articulate and professional manner for admissions officers gave me comfort that I was putting myself in the best possible position to secure a position in the class of 2022.

Lastly, my final recommendation is to not be intimidated by Jeremy’s cost. What you spend with Jeremy will be returned back to you 10-fold during the process in terms of stress mitigation, time spent going in circles, and more (regardless of your MBA admissions outcome). You should plan to book Jeremy a year in advance and commit to putting in the effort with him throughout that timeframe to ensure a successful process for yourself. Jeremy’s reputation does precede him, deservedly so, and he does book up 6 – 12 months in advance of the first round application deadline. Hire Jeremy before his slate gets filled with other candidates.

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March 02, 2020

Joined: Jan 21, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Best MBA related decision


I spoke to several consultants asking whether they believe they could get me to Stanford. Jeremy answered that he did believe but would not bet his house on that. As 32 years old European working in asset management with poor GPA (though three diplomas), 760 GMAT, and no extracurriculars I could not expect any honest answer to be more optimistic. I thought my chances were nonexistent but wanted to try anyway not to regret in the future if the situation in my country further deteriorates.

Reading people’s thoughts about application processes I expected to spend hours writing countless drafts only to discard them and start over. Thanks to structure Jeremy imposed that was not the case. Brainstorming document I wrote at the beginning served as a base for every essay and short answer throughout the whole process. Once I wrote the first version of every essay (composed of stories we picked together from brainstorming document) and sent it to Jeremy a ping-pong began. mbaMission claims 2-day return policy, but with Jeremy, it was a 1-day return policy with rare exceptions (to be honest he could be less obsessed with punctuality). As we worked on several documents at once every day I returned home after work there were emails with his remarks and corrections waiting to be answered. His immediate responses made the whole process quick and seamless.

Jeremy claims that he only holds a mirror and you write what you see. I wish all mirrors worked like his one. He made a misfit I thought I was into an independent thinker who changed the world around him, maybe even a rebel. The interesting and compelling story Jeremy helped me develop differed tremendously from initial ideas I had for my essays and I’m certain it significantly increased my chances. However, essays are not just stories, they have to be written interestingly and correctly. As an international applicant with English as my third language and experience writing only research papers, I am by far a capable writer. Here Jeremy’s help was also invaluable. He not only corrected my English but also changed the wording and structures making the essays just fun to read. The volume of corrections was overwhelming and sometimes even ended in him correcting his changes. The outcome was way better than I had dreamed about not only in terms of stories but also correctness and quality of writing. The only reservation I have was that he was more focused on making me satisfied than making the applications best. Given his experience, he should just know when to stop polishing and wasting time on irrelevant changes. It was my first time doing that, how could I informatively decide whether I was satisfied? But he solved this problem by sending my essays to other consultants at MBA Mission whose remarks were invaluable. We stopped polishing when they had no comments left.

As Jeremy works only in start-to-finish packages, after completing essays time for mock interviews began. I don’t remember how many times we skyped but it significantly boosted my confidence. Moreover, I don’t know whether it was luck or experience, but out of thousands of questions available on the internet, the ones that we practiced and the ones I got during my interviews overlapped almost perfectly. I also participated in one mock Wharton’s TBD organized by mbaMission. It was a great experience as it allowed me to structure my actual TBD in such a way that my team performed great and its members thanked me afterward.

As a result of our cooperation, I was admitted to Stanford GSB and Wharton and dinged without an interview by HBS. Both schools granted me sizeable fellowships.

You probably wonder whether it makes sense to pay 10k for help with three applications. My reasoning was like this: as 32 reapplication was not an option for me so I wanted to be sure I did everything I could. I couldn’t forgive myself if I had applied alone and failed. Failure with the best consultant, on the other hand, would mean that I’m not made for that and need to take another path in my life. The price is steep but the whole MBA costs around 250k so it’s only 4% of the amount you will spend anyway (not taking into account alternative cost). If you don’t get in it’s a loss of 10k and comfort that you did all you could. If you are even considering a top MBA program you can probably afford such a one-off loss. And do not forget about scholarships – better application leads to higher financial aid you receive. The difference a great consultant makes in the application makes me feel sorry for people who can’t afford such help or just think they can do it on their own.

To sum up, if you look for someone who will help you develop your story and write it in a compelling way, supporting you with all aspects of the application process and additionally boosting your self-esteem you can’t go wrong with Jeremy. If you want to make up stories, lie in your application or look for someone who will do the work for you, go somewhere else.

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April 24, 2019

Joined: Apr 23, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Jeremy was a huge help with interview prep!


Male, Caucasian, 730 GMAT, Top-40 Undergrad College
Accepted: Stanford
I worked with another mbaMission consultant for most of the application process (Liza Weale—she was absolutely amazing!), but in order to get an additional perspective going into my Stanford interview, she connected me with Jeremy. Jeremy went above and beyond the call of duty helping me prep for this interview. Not only did he make time to do a mock with me while he was on a family vacation, but he also offered to talk with me a second time the night before the interview to make sure I felt fully prepped going into it. He was straight up with me, offering both encouragement/praise and opportunities to get better (with suggestions of little tweaks to come off stronger). He gave me the confidence that I belong at the table of somewhere like Stanford (something I had a bit of self-doubt about) and helped me feel ready and excited going into the interview. I came out of the interview feeling as though it went as well as it could have and I can’t thank Jeremy enough for his help making this happen.

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April 12, 2018

Joined: Apr 10, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

Could not have done it without Jeremy!


I decided to apply to business school very "late in the game" mid-last summer, with no GMAT score and little direction on how to to structure myself as an applicant...but I knew I only wanted to go to a top school. Come in Jeremy Shinewald, who I have since dubbed "half friend, half my MBA consultant" after sticking with me over the past 8 months.

Considering I only finished my GMAT in December and applications were due January 3rd; Jeremy was part of the process through the ups and downs of not hitting the GMAT score we needed, to re-editing application essays (50+ times as the application story evolved) to finally being admitted to my top pick, Wharton.

Not only would I not have been able to apply this year as I was so originally "lost" in the process, I most certainly would not have been able to gain admission to a school like Wharton without Jeremy. He was dedicated and committed, talking me through the process always and was on call. He went above and beyond any consultants "job" - he took my application to heart and took my success personally.

Jeremy is the founder of MBAmission and manages a team of 20+ MBA consultants - the value of his access to this team (he brought in others on the team when needed) and his personal depth of knowledge is incalculable. I never felt like I was his second priority to his firm. In fact, I felt like I was his main priority throughout. I truly can't emphasize his responsiveness enough. It was clear that he cares very deeply for every client, as the founder of the firm and gets the micro right, letting the macro take care of itself.

When an MBA cost are high and the opportunity cost sometimes even higher, working with a company such as Jeremy's MBAmission is a no brainer in my book. Presenting yourself as the strongest applicant and bettering your chances to a top school is a long term investment I would make any day. I could not recommend Jeremy more.

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March 06, 2018

Joined: Jan 16, 2018

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Self-reported Score:

Absolute Best-in-Class MBA Consultant

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If you are looking for the absolute best MBA consultant out there, do not look further than Jeremy.
From initial draft, to interview prep, to decision day my experience working with Jeremy was an absolute pleasure and completely seamless. From the “kick-off” call, you can quickly distinguish the knowledge Jeremy has in all things MBA, the ample experience and school insight that he’ll use to help you get wherever it is you want to go and more importantly the willingness to understand what makes you unique as an MBA applicant. You’ll rapidly see that the extra dollars you are spending to work with Jeremy are worth it given his extraordinary attention to detail, his dedication to make you feel like his only client and his proneness to think outside the box and adapt his knowledge to your story rather than force your application into a traditional mold. You truly will get the best MBA advisor out there and you’ll get to closely interact with a great guy who will most likely become a friend.
Even though Jeremy has his own MBA Advisory company, you will not only get the best one-on- one, around-the-clock personalized help out there but also great support on choosing schools that will be the best fit for you, not him. Jeremy was on top of every single aspect of my story and constantly came up with ideas on how to improve my application. Contrary to some other consultants, he encouraged me to apply to any school I wanted to and I didn’t get the sense that he was worried about his overall “batting average”, he just wanted to help me get into top choice. What makes Jeremy the best is his dedication to your story personally and how he will dive deep into your life and your story and help you craft it into the best application possible.
With Jeremy’s help I got into two top-5 schools and will attend my dream school next fall.

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March 04, 2018

Joined: Mar 02, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V39

Jeremy Shinewald - Amazing Consultant!


I used Jeremy to apply to 5 programs and was extremely happy with the service i received throughout the entire process. Beyond Jeremy's professionalism, what impressed me most was his responsiveness and his ability to guide me throughout my essay writing and help me best convey my personality despite not having met me in person even once. Jeremy took the time to understand "my story" and by the end of the process, I truly felt like Jeremy had been a friend of mine for years. It felt like Jeremy was just as invested as I was which made the process that much easier.

Jeremy helped me create a timeline in which I could effectively manage my time and submit my applications to each school, which helped alleviate any stress about getting my applications in on time.

Jeremy's intimate knowledge of the school's programs helped me cater my essays to more of what they're looking for and I can say with certainty that I would have gone a completely different direction without his guidance. Finally, I appreciated that Jeremy was blunt and realistic and helped set proper expectations. Moreover, Jeremy is just a genuine and good guy. These factors made him easy to trust and it ultimately helped position my essays to be as good as they possibly could have been.

Jeremy made himself extremely available, from essay writing to interview prep, and undoubtedly added value in every step along the way. I could not have asked for a better consultant.

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February 27, 2018

Joined: Nov 21, 2017

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Jeremy was my secret weapon for getting admitted to Harvard and Stanford

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Jeremy is an outstanding consultant. He's thoughtful, razor-sharp, and most of all, honest.

I'm a re-applicant. I applied for 2017 intake to three top business schools, and got no interviews. One year later, with Jeremy's continued guidance, I applied to four top business schools and was admitted to three, including Harvard and Stanford. If this wasn't enough, I also received significant five-figure fellowship offers from both HBS and the GSB, which greatly exceeded my investment with mbaMission. Now that's ROI.

Jeremy is not cheap; yet he's still under priced.

I wholehearted recommend Jeremy for candidates who want a thought-partner through the application, and need an edge to get into the top schools. He helped at every step: from our 20+ page brainstorming document, through to scholarship applications, and everything in between. Of note, Jeremy is particularly gifted at distilling big ideas into dense, "speedy English". With each draft of my application, I saw significant improvement.

I've referred my closest friends and colleagues to Jeremy, and they too now see why I won't stop singing Jeremy's praises.

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May 01, 2017

Joined: May 03, 2012

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Kudos: 5

Very happy with mbaMission and Jeremy Shinewald


Working with Jeremy Shinewald from mbaMission was a gift and a pleasure. I signed up with him a mere 3 weeks before my Round 2 deadlines. I figured “the leverage” of using a somewhat pricey consultant made sense for a couple reasons – (1) If I get into my dream school, it leads to huge dividends for my future and (2) If I get awarded financial scholarships, on an immediate monetary level, the consulting services pay for themselves…I am fortunate to say that both outcomes happened to me. I got into my dream school and with a $25k+ scholarship.

I chose mbaMission because they were referred to me by ManhattanGMAT which I had an amazing experience with. I chose Jeremy because he is the founder of mbaMission and happened to be the only consultant available for my very short 3-week timeline.

Jeremy in particular, added a phenomenal amount of value to me personally and my applications. On a personal level, he helped me do some soul-searching and gain clarity on what I wanted, my past experiences and my strengths. As a “Type A” type of person, I can often be hard on myself and Jeremy helped me see a bigger and wider picture. On application materials, Jeremy truly went above and beyond, turning around tons of work back to me on tight deadlines (i.e., hours) without charging me an extra penny and despite the “two-business-day response” in our contract. The quality of Jeremy’s writing skills are tremendous and he understood the schools I was applying to on a much better level than I could from my own research.

In short, I highly recommend mbaMission and Jeremy. Whether you choose to go with them, I highly suggest taking advantage of the free 30-minute session as that short call on its own added a lot of value to me plus gave me a feel of their services without having to pay anything.

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