e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
January 15, 2015

Joined: Nov 21, 2014

Posts: 9

Kudos: 172

Self-reported Score:
760 Q50 V42

V32 to V42 - egmat was all I needed


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I need to thank egmat again for helping me to raise my V32 to V42. My GMAT Prep exam score prior to taking the course was 690; though I could score Q50 consistently, my poor verbal fundamentals were holding me back. However, after I finished egmat, which built my fundamental skills and taught me to apply them, I reached around V39-V41 on GMAT Prep exams, and my score improved to around 750 on gmat exams as well. On the actual test I scored 760 Q50 V42, I knew that I owe the great verbal score to egmat.
The pricing of the course was substantially cheaper than that of competitors, and for those of you whose verbal is holding you back, I would recommend egmat without hesitation. The SC course was especially comprehensive, and helped bring my correction rate from 50% to 90+%. The CR course gave you essential skills to attack any CR question types, and brought my correction rate to 40% to at least 80%. The reading comprehension strategies were also beneficial. Its complementary IR course was a good introductory course (though I did find many notable errors in the IR quiz section, the video course itself was decent).

- Excellent SC and CR course. Very, very helpful.
- Video course was interactive. Learning SC this way was fun
- Good pricing. for $199 the best verbal prep you can get is egmat.
- Great support. I asked egmat a question on GMAT Club, expert responded promptly. I asked the same question on MGMAT, it took the staff a week to respond and the response was "please search our forum for similar questions before posting", wtf?

- IR course quiz section has room for improvement. But as a complementary video course I can't really complain.

If anyone has additional questions about this course feel free to shoot me an email at

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January 14, 2015

Joined: Jan 28, 2014

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Improved from 25 to 35 in verbal overall from 620 to 710


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am extremely deligheted to share my experience with eGMAT.

I subscribed the course in Aug 2014, after taking GMAT twice with the help of Manhattan and Ivy GMAT courses. Though I scored 50 in quant, my verbal was hovering around 25, which I improved to 35 with the help of eGMAT verbal online and escholar.

On SC: Bang On !! The course significantly improved my accuracy from 60% to 80% with 100% confidence while marking the right answer by eliminating the rest of answers for right reasons. The focus of eGMAT on meaning clarity made a lot of difference on my performance.

On RC: Also Bang On !! The focus of eGMAT on understanding the passage and making one liners for paragraphs really worked for me and improved my accuracy from 50% to 80%. I could figure out the finer meaning diffrences between the choices by this strategy.

On CR: Even though I was happy with the process of pre-thinking exercise, I couldn't master it. For some of the questions, I was stuck without any option to start with pre-thinking. But atleast for the similar questions, which I had solved earlier it worked. I am planning to rework on my strategy to master the same.

Overall I am extremely happy with the content of verbal online and especially on the escholar course. Even though the content of the escholar is little on the harder side, I would request all to attempt such questions to improve your stamina and timing on difficult questions, which is a necessity to come out with flying colors in GMAT.

Being a father of 3 kids and at the age of 34, if I can do it, anyone with a little perseverance can achieve a good score in GMAT. Godspeed to all on GMAT.

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January 12, 2015

Joined: Dec 30, 2010

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Improvement 30 Points

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I started my preparation for GMAT almost 6 months back. As I have a maths background, I rarely faced any difficulty
with Quant part, however I was struggling with the Verbal part. I toiled really hard and found that on mocks I started
getting verbal scores in early 30s. This was no where acceptable for the score I was craving for. I realized that to
improve my overall score I need to improve on sentence correction. I went through different forums and saw awesome reviews on e-gmat verbal course. I am always little skeptical about online reviews, so I started going through the free material available on the web by e-gmat. I would say I was really impressed by the way payal dissects the SC. I quickly enrolled for the course. Before hand I tried different material available by different companies for GMAT, Including Manhattan SC GMAT, which I found is more theoretical. The e-gmat course is quite practical,which is based on building concepts with proper hands on. This way you are not learning the concepts by merely cramming it but these concepts are getting embedded in your mind. I am half way in the course and found a significant 5 points increase in my verbal score. I am quite sure till the time I will complete the course I will be in 40+ score (my desired score) in Verbal. Based on my experience, I highly recommend this course.

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January 10, 2015

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Verbal improvement


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Even though I have not yet taken the GMAT I wanted to put in a review for the remarkable course that I signed up for. e-GMAT has improved my verbal skills to new highs that were not achievable by self study or taking some other courses I had signed up for. My verbal has jumped from v28 to v41 by simply focusing and following through the online e-GMAT verbal course. Best thing is there is no books, but simple and graphical representation of course material which is super engaging. I love the SC and the CR (which complements the Power Score CR Bible really well). I would highly recommend the e-GMAT course work.

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January 08, 2015

Joined: Sep 25, 2014

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Self-reported Score:
640 Q39 V40

The Apple MacBook of GMAT Prep


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I registered for the individual course in Sentence Correction with e-GMAT fifteen days before my actual GMAT was due. I am writing this review for all those GMAT takers who are at the initial stage of evaluating several GMAT courses and have not finalized their test prep provider.

I took the GMAT in Dec, 2014 about twenty five years after my graduation and I obviously, did not have the option to attempt it multiple times or to postpone the exam. My final scores were 640 (V-40, Q-39, AWA-6.0, IR-5). I wish to highlight my experience and some tips that could have helped me score better in a 3-month timeframe.

First, the test prep provider is very important to your preparation and final score. My conclusion about GMAT test prep providers located in various Indian cities is that they range in quality from 2.0/10.0 to 4.0/10.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0. Their training quality is variable and average at best and they spend more time marketing themselves than delivering good training.

I found the online e-GMAT sentence correction course to offer excellent training that is accessible to you whether you are in Tamil Nadu or Timbuctoo. I rate the e-GMAT 9.0/10.0 if you are looking for some sort of objective comparison.

Second, the e-GMAT course is a one-stop shop for GMAT test-takers and the course will enable you to address all the key techniques and concepts you will face on the actual test. This review does not contain the e-GMAT course structure and details as most reviewers have included this formation. Suffice to say, that with e-GMAT on your side all you need is your ability to invest the time and commitment for you to reach your target score.

Unfortunately for me, my training budget was not spent wisely as I enrolled for GMAT prep with another provider and signed on for e-GMAT for sentence correction only and that too at the fag end of the course. I had a dramatic improvement of 6 points (verbal scores of 35, 31, 34, and 36 in test 1, 2, 3, and 4) in GMAC Prep tests compared to V-40 on the actual GMAT on account of 15 days of e-GMAT sentence correction. My only regret is that I did not sign on for comprehensive e-GMAT training at the commencement of my preparation.

I sincerely wish you are able to choose a test provider based on merit and score your personal best.

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December 30, 2014

Joined: Feb 22, 2014

Posts: 27

Kudos: 16

GMAT debrief; e-GMAT verbal online


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Hello Folks,

I appeared for GMAT on 9th Dec '14. I scored 710 (Q51 V34 AWA 6.0 and 5 on that section I can't remember the name). Anyways, this debrief will layout the resources I used, time I spent and my opinion about the whole thing.

MGMAT Math books - Very useful to refresh the basics
GMAT Club - Quizzes - extremely useful - Highly recommended
e-GMAT Verbal Online - Highly recommended for non-native speakers. I will write a separate note about this.
800 Tests: Recommended to get into the groove. Take these tests seriously but not the scores, don't worry about what you score
OG 13 - Cover to cover
Verbal Review 2ed - Cover to cover
Quant Review 2ed - Cover to cover
I started my preparation in Aug '13 and the first thing I did was to purchase the OG'13 book from Amazon, got it shipped and slept over it till Feb '14 (work issues). The next thing I did was to get serious about my goals and buy MGMAT set of 10 books and slept over again till July '14. I should remind that I was preparing on and off in an unstructured way. I signed up for e-GMAT in May'14 and attended a few sessions run by Rajat, Payal and team. I wasn't aware of the details behind verbal. I realized it is not run of the mill test and got serious about verbal prep and went over each and every online lesson till Sept'14. I been working for about 9 years now and my attention span is of a 2-year old (largely due to emails, projects and the life on fast track during my work days). The training that e-GMAT provided was a life changing experience. I left all the grammar, reasoning, RC habits during the course of my work (who cares about grammar anyways while writing emails or preparing a presentation, RC? I don't know of anyone reading more than 2 liner emails, forget about 700 word paragraphs, reasoning? nobody cares - Ok, enough of the rant about work). e-GMAT helped me update my verbal skills and I was back in form (the last time I gave any serious test was in 2003 - GRE, CAT etc). I was consistently scoring around 40 in all my tests.

Needless to say, Math was a cakewalk.

Test Day: 3:30 PM - worst possible slot. AWA was cool. I used the template by chineseburned (take a bow). Next up was that awful topic and my score reflected my liking for it.
Math - was damn hard. The tests and quizzes were no where near the difficulty level I faced. I thought I screwed it up badly. I used the whole 75 mins allotted for Quant. A point to note is that I never used more than 45 mins to complete the 37 questions during my mock tests. So, considering that, I felt humbled and sad after those stressful 75 mins.
Took the 8 min break. My advise - take it. Take a walk, stretch, eat something, smoke etc.
Verbal - I don't know what to say, I never imagined I would score 34. One thing I learned is that the algorithm can't be beaten (sorry beat the gmat), it finds out your skills that you acquired over your lifetime (thanks Liam Neeson) and puts you where you are supposed to be.

Final Words:
Anyways, it has been a great learning experience and I was able to get over something that I have been procrastinating for over 6 months. Now that GMAT is out of the way, I am off to the next step - lengthy essays and application forms. I hate this aspect of the application process. I wish there was one form that I could fill for all colleges and get over it. Okay, I think I rambled enough.

Thanks GMATCLUB and e-GMAT. I wish all the future applicants great success.

To the GMATClub team: I am hiding my name and personal details on my score card. Hope that is okay.

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December 17, 2014

Posts: 5

Kudos: 1



Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Being a non native native speaker of English posed me lot of problems in Verbal. I took eGMAT's help in Sentence Correction and my score increased by 60 points. I wold definitely recommend it for the non natives. The advantage in E-GMAT is that the course starts with basic level and moves to advanced level once you gain proficiency in the basic level. IThese are the few things that I really liked about eGMAt like it Covers key areas in sentence correction for the GMAT, Re-enforced the lesson with quizzes, you can use at your own pace, different levels to complete before moving to next one. I'm already seeing an improvement in my verbal accuracy. Thanks a Ton !!!!!!!!!!

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December 15, 2014

Joined: Mar 10, 2014

Posts: 36

Kudos: 17

Self-reported Score:
650 Q47 V32

A good course for Non-native English speakers


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I was using MGMAT SC and CR guide but unable to see improvement in my verbal score beyond 28.
I've gone through the material again and again but I couldn't improve.

I realized that there is some serious gap between my understanding and the course material I am using.
Then I found e-GMAT through GMAT Club.I attended some free session by Rajat and decided to subscribe for e-GMAT verbal Online course.

Course is nicely designed and very helpful for non-native English speakers like me.
e-GMAT helped me to clear my concepts and to build solid foundation.It also helped me to build
process to solve any question, which was missing from my preparation.

e-GMAT's step by step process helps to solve questions quickly with accuracy.
Breaking argument and prethinking helped a lot to solve CR questions.

Guessing what should come next and keep oneself engaged while reading RC passage helps a lot in understanding and solving RC passages.
e-GMAT's process to solve questions looks cumbersome and time consuming at the beginning but after some practice (i.e. following it properly for 30-40 questions) it becomes inherent and one can see improvement in understanding the question and solving it within 2 min.

Overall I would recommend this course for non native English speakers.

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December 09, 2014

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Kudos: 0

Great Boost for Verbal


Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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e-GMAT is an excellent source for Verbal. All the concepts tested on the GMAT exam are covered. The SC and CR are the best with explanations to simple as well as complex concept. This couse if done throughly will ensure that you atelast get 38 on Verbal. I really hope that the e-GMAT team also start with the QUANT section so that the students or the candidates do score well and the overall score shoots up to atleast 700. I will rcommend this course to everyone not just Non Native speakers since we cannot go wrong in the final exam. So All the Best everyone.

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November 28, 2014

Joined: Sep 25, 2012

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GMAT Verbal Must to score well in gmat


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Well I started my GMAT preparation journey by going through the Manhattan GMAT guides and the 3 OG's , though they definitely helped me improve my baseline and work on my weaknesses, I felt that to build up on my vocab score I needed something better. Even though I am a native English Speaker, attempting to conquer the GMAT Verbal section without having a clear, well-defined approach can often become disastrous.
Considering that one of the most important criteria for any B School Application is the GMAT score, I believed it's of paramount importance to score a very high score.

I came across E-GMAT which had some very good reviews applauding it, so I thought about giving its SC course a try. Earlier I was quite apprehensive of the whole online tutoring format but surprisingly I found e-gmat to be very user friendly and structured. It was neatly sub-divided into groups topic wise ranging in difficulty and had very good quizzes to test your concepts. I found the support team to be very enthusiastic in giving quick replies and clearing all doubts in depth. Needless to say I was very happy with the investment I made to join this course and built my whole SC base on the tips and tricks provided by this SC course.
This course is absolutely worth more than the investment . GMAT Test takers who are very serious about getting a high score should definitely subscribe to this course . Payal , Rajat and the entire EGMAT Team have done a wonderful job in designing the layout and platform thereby ensuring effective course delivery in a structured layout
I am sure that I can secure a high score and I shall post a revised debrief once I take up the exam in the next couple of months

My Sincere recommendation to everyone who is on the lookout for a good product , Please venture into one which has a good presentation , a superb explanation for every concept and also one which solidifies your understanding.
I am planning to add on by purchasing even the new quant section . This is a must have for every student at an unbelievable price

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