January 08, 2015

Joined: Sep 25, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
640 Q39 V40

The Apple MacBook of GMAT Prep


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I registered for the individual course in Sentence Correction with e-GMAT fifteen days before my actual GMAT was due. I am writing this review for all those GMAT takers who are at the initial stage of evaluating several GMAT courses and have not finalized their test prep provider.

I took the GMAT in Dec, 2014 about twenty five years after my graduation and I obviously, did not have the option to attempt it multiple times or to postpone the exam. My final scores were 640 (V-40, Q-39, AWA-6.0, IR-5). I wish to highlight my experience and some tips that could have helped me score better in a 3-month timeframe.

First, the test prep provider is very important to your preparation and final score. My conclusion about GMAT test prep providers located in various Indian cities is that they range in quality from 2.0/10.0 to 4.0/10.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0. Their training quality is variable and average at best and they spend more time marketing themselves than delivering good training.

I found the online e-GMAT sentence correction course to offer excellent training that is accessible to you whether you are in Tamil Nadu or Timbuctoo. I rate the e-GMAT 9.0/10.0 if you are looking for some sort of objective comparison.

Second, the e-GMAT course is a one-stop shop for GMAT test-takers and the course will enable you to address all the key techniques and concepts you will face on the actual test. This review does not contain the e-GMAT course structure and details as most reviewers have included this formation. Suffice to say, that with e-GMAT on your side all you need is your ability to invest the time and commitment for you to reach your target score.

Unfortunately for me, my training budget was not spent wisely as I enrolled for GMAT prep with another provider and signed on for e-GMAT for sentence correction only and that too at the fag end of the course. I had a dramatic improvement of 6 points (verbal scores of 35, 31, 34, and 36 in test 1, 2, 3, and 4) in GMAC Prep tests compared to V-40 on the actual GMAT on account of 15 days of e-GMAT sentence correction. My only regret is that I did not sign on for comprehensive e-GMAT training at the commencement of my preparation.

I sincerely wish you are able to choose a test provider based on merit and score your personal best.

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