e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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Based on 1206 reviews
October 22, 2017

Joined: Oct 22, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q47 V35



Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I have always had a facility with Maths, so since the beginning I knew I would need to focus on my Verbal studies harder. I tried all the possible books and online sites to enhance my Verbal score, but during months I saw little improvement in the knowledge acquired.

But then I had an a friend telling me to check out the e-gmat, because it was the best online course. Honestly, I made the login not so sure of what I would actually learn, because obviously so many tips had not been so efficient until this point.

Fortunately, the E-gmat Verbal online was definitely the changing point on my Verbal understanding. I felt I really improved and understood the content of the Verbal section only after I went through the e-gmat Verbal online e-gmat course. My grades before were around V29, and now on my mocks they are around V38.

I would say all of the contents are worth. SC, RC and CR. The videos are easy to understand and follow a chronological strategic method to make sure one understands the contents. In fact, I woulds advice to check ouot the 3 contents, ans specially to use the maximum that is offered in the Scholarium feature.

For those who are in doubt, I would definitely suggest the e-gmat as the best online verbal course.

Thank you e-GMAT once again and thanks to all those who read my review till the very end. I hope I was able to help some of you!

All the best to you all !!

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October 22, 2017

Joined: Aug 23, 2016

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
650 Q47 V33

Saviour for GMAT SC


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I gave my GMAT in July and i remember absolutely dreading the Sentence correction section of the test 2 months before the exam.I could see that even after doing well on the initial tests i was not able to cross the 620 mark .This was very surprising for me as i scored 590 without any preparation.

Even after going through Manhattan guides twice,i was not able to score well in verbal as i was not able to apply any of those concepts while i was solving the questions .That is when GMATCLUB came to my rescue,i looked for courses that could specifically help me with my SC situation and i found my answer with e- GMAT SC course.

This particular course not only explains every bit of grammar that is tested in the GMAT in a very simple manner but also keeps you informed about your progress by testing you after every concept with GMAT like questions. I realised that after taking the course my approach towards looking at problems changed,i could now understand why an answer was correct or incorrect.

The best feature of this course is that after every topic OG questions that are related to the topic are explained thoroughly in their videos .This helps you to understand if your approach to the problem is correct,specifically in GMAT questions.This boosts your confidence if you are going in the right direction or helps you by showing you the red flag if your answer is right but the reasoning is incorrect.

For anybody who is looking for a course specifically focused on SC just check out their free trial i am sure they will impress you to take up their course.

I was able to hit the 650 mark with their help,i hope i will cross 700 next month in my next attempt.

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October 21, 2017

Joined: May 30, 2015

Posts: 31

Kudos: 33

Self-reported Score:
640 Q48 V30

GMAT Verbal Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I started using E-gmat as I had heard a lot of positive appreciation about E-gmat.

I first went through the concepts. Please do not forget to go through the application files. A low score on the application file indicates that you need to revise the topics throughly. Make sure to follow the guidelines given to complete the test scores, repeat the test if needed.

Concepts are explained in very clear way.

Another tip to effectively study is to utilize the Scholararium section. Not only can you choose the types of questions but you can also the difficulty level. This tool also has a detailed feedback on your weak areas. This tool also helps to provide actionable feedback area wise.

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October 19, 2017

Joined: Sep 04, 2017

Posts: 91

Kudos: 29

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Practice + Introspection + Persistence = Acing GMAT


Improvement 190 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I started my preparations about 6 weeks before my GMAT exam, beginning with Wiley's Verbal and Quant guides over the first two weeks. I was expecting speedbumps with Quants, but I was stumped when I saw that I wasn't really performing well in the Verbal section either. I scored a 540 on my first mock. For someone coming from a convent school, who hardly ever prepared before his English papers and yet scored really well, this was nothing short of a massive blow to the face.
I really wanted to make my first attempt count and make the most out of it. My first step was a quick Google search for "Best GMAT coaching" and I came across e-GMAT, Mangoosh, Byjus, etc. I read a few articles on GMAT Club on how people have improved their GMAT scores. Most of them mentioned going through Manhattan and Kaplan and various other sources to improve their verbal scores. But most of them also had one common saving grace, e-GMAT. So I had my search results and my reviews to help me zero down to e-GMAT. However, since one man's strategy may not always work for another man, I decided to go through the free course material provided by e-GMAT as well as a couple of others. In the end, I found myself most comfortable with e-GMAT than any other. Ergo, I ended up purchasing their online package. I must say, I crammed through the concept files, verbal as well as quant, for two weeks at a stretch, doing 12 hours a day. While this worked for me, I won't recommend this unless you are comfortable with cramming. I did have my moments of zoning out and getting distracted, especially due to the festive season going on in India at that time. So in order to stay focused, I'd bribe myself with incentives. I'd study for 2 or 3 hours, then I'd listen to some good music for about 15-20 minutes, or watch a part of a movie, or play a mission or two of one of my favorite PC games. Non-stop cramming will only be counter-productive. The brain needs to cool off every now and then.
The overall focus of e-GMAT on pre-thinking, summarizing and simplifying even the most complex of RC passages was a game changer for me. Apart from certain highlighted text based questions, I never had to revisit the passages to answer the pertaining questions. For CR, reading the question (whether it is asking for assumption or strengthener or weakener) before going through the presented argument only made the pre-thinking way quicker. After verbal, I moved on to quant, which was also simplified by e-GMAT in a way that I could never imagine. Then I moved on to Scholaranium practice sessions. The questions here are tougher than official GMAT questions, but they are essential to make sure you are prepared to handle even the worst. So approach your Scholaranium scores with a positive perspective and analyse where you went wrong. Finally, I spent two weeks practicing 40 questions from each section of the 2018 Official Guide, followed by a deep analysis of all the wrong answers, introspecting to find gaps and bridge them. First, my focus was on improving my score, even if I took 90 minutes for each section. Then with constant practice, I came down to 60 minutes per section, improving my scores as well with each attempt. I spent one day practicing IR and probably an hour understanding how to and how not to approach AWA.
My test was scheduled at 1 PM. I had a good 8 hours of sleep the night before, I didn't go through any study material that day, I had a light lunch and I went for my test. It is very important to approach the final test with a cool head. Do not let anxiety or panic cloud your judgement. Understand the logic behind each question, be aware of specific details mentioned in the question, and accordingly select the most accurate option (and eliminate others on solid grounds as well). I made sure I attempted all questions and didn't spend too much time on questions that I couldn't interpret at all. Finally, at the end of 4 long hours, I was delighted to see a score of 730 (V42, Q48) with an IR score of 7. For AWA, I read through the argument presented, wrote down a few points that could weaken the argument, built a short paragraph around each point, threw in a couple of real-life examples, gave it a short and to-the-point summary (the reverse of e-GMAT's RC strategy) and built an essay that earned a perfect 6. So Practice, Introspection and Persistence, with e-GMAT as a catalyst, was my winning formula to ace the GMAT.

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October 18, 2017

Joined: Jul 22, 2014

Posts: 10

Kudos: 19

Self-reported Score:
750 Q50 V44

UMAR - Try, Try and Try


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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GMAT and its preparation may be a piece of cake or a tad tough for some people, but there may be folks around like me. I could have posted the review after official GMAT test , however i wanted to bring into notice a few helpful tips, morale boosting circumstances, head scratching moments, jubilation's & Urgh's and tips to motivate and hence improve your chances to ACE THE GMAT
I have been a hardworking, good and intelligent student (At least i and few around considered that) throughout my formal education. Going through my initial phases of GMAT preparations, i found myself weak and incapable in Verbal. Reason wasn't that i didn't understand the concepts but that I LACKED BASICS TO APPLY THESE CONCEPT AND RULES. Partly, because of education setup in my part of world. I had no idea of Critical Reasoning and Critical Reading to begin with. Though i knew grammar rules, i never studied english/verbal with the intent of Understanding Meaning and never focused on "words" that build the context of a sentence. Therefore, i wasn't able to grasp the GIST of passage while going through CR and RC in particular.
I took annual leaves to finalize my preparations for GMAT 2016 version and went through Manhattan Quantitative Guides and Official GMAT Guide. It felt fine until I attempted Verbal CR , SC and RC questions on Beat The GMAT & GmatClub. I was swept away. I realized before the test that i am gonna fail miserably in Verbal. On top of that, i attempted a Verbal Ability Quiz on e-GMAT while surfing internet for some tweaks and shortcuts for good verbal score. I was dead from inside after i had given the test. The DAY came and rest is history.

E-GMAT & upcoming GMAT 2017:

I was jolted at such a magnitude by the OFFICIAL TEST that i kept quiet for few days. Not because my first attempt was very bad but because i failed to understand and answer most of CR and RC questions with conviction. I made a promise to myself that i wont stop trying till i master GMAT. Identifying the reasons behind low score was not that difficult. It was lack of Verbal proficiency.
e-GMAT ability test was in the back of my mind since my first ability quiz. The explanations provided for the questions presented such a fine and refined method to unfold the puzzles in a typical CR, RC passage that i didn't give a second thought and bought the Verbal Online Package. I will list a few upsides of Verbal Preparation by e-GMAT.

SC :
1. Coupled with Manhattan SC book, lessons on SC are enough to hit with < 90 % accuracy.
2. It presents the reader with a framework to view a sentence beyond the rules of grammar. Yes, The Meaning. Ace it and see the magic.
CR :
1. Initially i laughed at the concept of pre-thinking ( how could you pre think an answer) , but it is the best method to ace the CR. No other way around. Simplest Mantra : why has author said/written that conclusion.
2. The process of identifying reason behind a conclusion and drawing scenarios in mind while making assumptions help you to master any CR passage.
3. Level of Questions are by far the best and very Official GMAT like.
RC :
A lot has been said about the quality of RC content. I was praying for easy RC passages in my 1st GMAT Test and i got 3 ( 2 passages comprised first 8 questions). Since RC passages consume a lot more time, students normally falters and score poorly. The 7 tips available in Basics of RC will ease your mind in deconstructing any passage easily. There are enough details about each type of question. I hardly answered any question correctly on RC and now i rarely mark a wrong answer choice. Having said that, there will be some genre of passages that you may not feel confident about.

As i am going through my preparations, i have noticed a remarkable change in my understanding of SC , CR and RC. Though it took me some time, i can now apply given methods and techniques to answer any question. A giant leap forward is that i can easily figure out the wrong answer choices.


This process worked for me and i will recommend it to candidates who are weak in Verbal.
1. Go through SC first.
Takeaway: you will be able to understand the meaning and context of a sentence --> will help you in CR passages.
2. Go through CR then
Take away : Being able to understand a sentence, it will be easy to figure out Conclusion, premises, additional information, reasoning and missing links. Always think about " What reasons has led author/xyz to reach this conclusion". Start questioning the reasoning and you will understand the myth of Assumption, Evaluate, Strengthen and Weaken Family : Four major types of Questions.
3. Go through RC
Take away : i got a lot of help through BF questions to be able to understand the role a passage may play in RC. I recommend that give proper time to understand and summarize RC passage. if you follow the e-gmat method, you will be able to answer most of the questions in less than 40 seconds.

4. Be consistent in your preparations. Study daily.
5. Dont jump from SC to CR to RC until you have mastered one concept.
6. Attempt Scholaranium questions atleast 2 times. Point is that you will be able to understand the process even though you may know the answer.

My personal advice: if you are weak in verbal, e-gmat got your back. Its not only interactive but also objective.
P.S : if you think you are good at Quant, give a quant ability test in e-GMAT. :)

Thanks for a patient read.

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October 18, 2017

Joined: Apr 26, 2013

Posts: 4

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Self-reported Score:
660 Q48 V33

Master difficult quant question


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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I had opted for e-mat online course both for quant and verbal. I always thought that quant is my strong area and referred to only the verbal section before I appeared for gmat test. I scored 48 in the real test. While preparing the test again, I referred to the quant section as well and realized there were many week areas I had in my knowledge for Quant. Though I find that many question of e-gmat are too lengthy for real test but they are a very helpful in building the advanced concepts. I recommemnt e-gmat quant if you target 50-51 in the real test.

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October 17, 2017

Joined: May 01, 2017

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Self-reported Score:
650 Q50 V29

E-GMAT ( Excellent verbal courses for Non- Natives)

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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In my preparation for GMAT, I really appreciate the e-GMAT material. The learning methodology is really good as it takes care of the learning curve of a non-native English speaker. After each concept you will get some practice questions which strengthens your concept in a really strong way. Verbal Online material is really, really awesome!!
I have gone through number of study materials but I found e-GMAT the best.
All the questions are thoughtfully made and structured. I think e-GMAT team would have spent lot of hours to define such high quality questions. I have studied lot of material and I found almost all fresh questions in e-GMAT. Hats off to the team….
The scholaranium, set of practice questions, is really helpful as it also helps to analyses your performance on timing and accuracy in different areas of verbal and quant. The detailed analysis can then be used to focus on weak areas. Complete material of e-GMAT has been thoughtfully strategized, defined and then laid out.
As I am preparing for GMAT and appearing on Nov 4th, I hope to get a good score!!

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October 13, 2017

Joined: Sep 21, 2015

Posts: 4

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q49 V39

Q42 to Q50


Improvement 160 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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When I gave my first mock I was shattered with Q42 score. Not very strong at verbal, I was expecting a low score in verbal but the score I got in quant just shattered my hopes. I was not very strong in quant but still the score was dreadful. Then, a friend of mine introduced me to e-GMAT and I thought of giving it a shot. Trust me, I still can’t thank him enough for having done that.

I researched more on this and through the reviews and feedback, I found it is worth to try and so i opted for the quant online series for my gmat preparation. Their detailed conceptual explanations are very easy to understand and apply while solving the questions.

e-GMAT provides you a number of key strategies that you must keep in mind while solving the Quant questions. The Quant videos were really helpful as well. Also, their practice questions are so rich and vary in complexity checking your preparation levels really well. The solutions are also explained in detail where you can easily spot your mistake and find the easiest ways through.

Now I am easily scoring 49-50 in each of my practice tests. I would give the credits to e-GMAT for such a well-thought of content build to help students achieve a good score.

I have my exam end of this month and I am confident of getting the desired score in Quant. I will post an updated review after my exam so others can benefit from the same.

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October 11, 2017

Joined: Aug 11, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V39

e-gmat : sure shot for success in verbal


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I highly recommend the full set of e-GMAT verbal course.In particular, e-GMAT helped me raise my verbal score significantly thanks to its difficult Verbal sections on its online CAT exams.

After several months of intense self-study using prep materials from other providers, I first took the GMAT in March 2017 and scored a 610. I debated sticking with the score, my quant/verbal split was very skewed (93rd percentile quant/40th percentile verbal), and I felt that with more effort/dedication through a structured prep program I could bring up my verbal score.

I enrolled in a e-GMAT Verbal online course, however when I took a diagnostic test and discussed the results with my friends, they recommended I consider tutoring instead and focus on verbal alone (since my quant score was already high). e-GMAT allowed me to transfer my course credit with relatively little hassle, and I met for ~5 hours of preparation spread over 2 months.

e-GMAT did a great job working through difficult problems with me, helping me develop strategic approaches to test-taking, and analyzing the results of my practice tests to give me personalized feedback and problem sets based on my weaknesses. In particular, e-GMAT helped me understand the importance of time management on the Verbal section, and gave me several useful strategies to improve in this respect.

I retook the GMAT in Aug. 2017 and scored a 710, with an 91st percentile quant/96th percentile verbal split. I think my improvement from a good to great score is a result that speaks for itself in terms of the quality of e-GMAT materials and instruction. Thanks e-GMAT!

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October 11, 2017

Joined: Jan 23, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
570 Q46 V23

e-gmat value for money


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I purchased e-gmat after scoring 570 in GMAT test. I saw a improvement of 30-40 points after studying through e-gmat in the mocks. Recommended both for verbal and quant sections.

Verbal is explained in a very simple and effective manner.
Quant covers basics and advanced level topics.
Scholarium has good set of problems with solutions.

Verbal - Sentence correction and power of how to break up a sentence into parts has been explained nicely. Also how to go about the sentence with its intended meaning and general principles of how to go about SC has been formulated.

Quant - Good question bank and very methodical explanation of concepts has been provided.

Overall a good package for GMAT preparation.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.

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