November 23, 2017

Joined: Jun 13, 2013

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Best platform to prepare for the worst case scenario!!


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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I'm an Indian with engineering background. I've been preparing for GMAT since last couple of months and have created my detailed error log. Being a non-native speaker, Verbal section has not been my cup of tea. Although I've improved my accuracy level to a significant level, my pace in this section was a road-block for a 730+ score. During my preparation I got to know about e-GMAT verbal course. I was looking for material which can help me with my pace. And it turns out I've found a gold mine.

I love the way e-GMAT Scholaranium has been designed. Customized practice tests are excellent both in terms of quality of the material and quantity. Question are optimized to make the candidate be extra-ready for the exam level questions. From the day I started practicing on e-GMAT Scholaranium, I developed a habit of taking a 10 CR, 10 SC, 4 RC test for sure! I witnesses a huge impact both in terms of accuracy and speed. I have been able to improve my overall accuracy from 40% to 87%. Answer explanations are also great which helped me in areas where I was making repeated mistakes.

SC and CR techniques have been explained with extreme clarity, making them super easy to grasp. Special thanks for "pre-thinking" technique in CR.

Again, Verbal Scholaranium is a great package for someone who wants to give finishing touch to his or her preparation. It is a great tool through which you can take 'Verbal Ability' tests to identify you weak areas and then selectively work on them using e-GMAT's 'custom quiz' option. Once you have mastered those areas you can again take an 'ability quiz' to gauge your progress. In total Scholaranium has a total of close to 750 questions from which you can take customized quizzes.

Thank you e-GMAT once again and I highly recommend e-GMAT to everyone who's struggling in verbal section.

All the best to you all!!

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